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  • edited May 2013
    Massive RP counter-gank
    Replies the scorpion: "It's my nature..."
  • -- out on one of my mid day strolls around town...-

    (clan): You say, "Shopping in targossas anyone want something?"
    | 3975hp | 3630mp(100%) | 18775e| 13566wex-  8%,ex- look
    Yen's Enchantments (indoors).
    --- Area 463: Targossas -----
      |     /       \ | /
     [ ]-[ ]     [S]-[ ]
        \             | 
          \      [S]  | 
            \       \ | 
             [ ]- - -[ ]
              |     /
              |  [+]
             [ ]
    - - - - -[ ]
    ---------- 21:-1:0 ----------
    Plain shelves and a smooth counter are the only distinguishing features of this small, newly 
    constructed shop. Beige walls and a simple stone floor lend the room an air of austerity, while 
    stray beams of light filter in through the entrance from the marketplace. A runic totem is planted 
    solidly in the ground. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. An 
    obsidian eye sigil is here.   You see a sign indicating there are WARES for sale here.
    You see exits leading northeast (open door) and down (closed door).
    | 3975hp | 3630mp(100%) | 18775e| 13572wex-  8%,ex- wares
    Proprietor: Yen Jaydde-Stormcrow, Grace Serene.
    The shop attendant glares at you angrily and refuses to assist you.
    | 3975hp | 3604mp(99%) | 18775e| 11880wex-  8%,ex|b- 'how rude
    You say in Mhaldorian, "How rude."


  • TuroiTuroi Missouri :(
    edited June 2013

    "Slowly disappear. Never really here."

  • TuroiTuroi Missouri :(

    [can't delete my previous post for some reason]

    "Slowly disappear. Never really here."

  • ... I would have killed her and I'd been Head of newcomers too.

    .. the moment you realize that you're probably Mhaldorian IRL >.>

  • TuroiTuroi Missouri :(
    edited June 2013
    all humans are Mhaldorian IRL. It's just buried deeper in some.

    EDIT: And I had already killed Alcaro shortly before that >.>

    "Slowly disappear. Never really here."

  • RuthRuth Singapore
    Would've killed for the insolence of talking to a knight of the Maldaathi like that!
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • Mind the language, folk.
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    Upon reflection, I choose different words.
    Injure the person until which time they stop living?

    Sorry, @Scarlatti
  • Ruth said:
    Would've killed for the insolence of talking to a knight of the Maldaathi like that!
    I certainly would have too.
  • JurixeJurixe Where you least expect it
    Why are our knights so nice? >(
    If you like my stories, you can find them here:
    Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2 

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  • TuroiTuroi Missouri :(

    Jurixe said:
    Why are our knights so nice? >(
    I tried to get him to kill her :|

    "Slowly disappear. Never really here."

  • "Zii climbs over the top of the dead daemon, scalpel in hand as he literally dives into the beast's jowels, grabbing its massive tongue and slicing it away from the meat."

    How big are Baalzedeens supposed to be, anyway?

  • No idea, but imagine a small grook with his legs kicking around.
    *Animated Signature*

  • Looks like the Baalzadeen's description needs rewriting with today's standards in mind...
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    Context: Had a conversation with Sybilla and Verily in Thera some time ago not long after she assumed Regent, with Arditi present. Not long after, Verily receives a letter from Ashtan made from clippings of an old Bastion Bugle. The letter contained accusations of nepotism, conspiracy concerning Ourania, Occultists, and nepotism, of course. Essentially claiming she had not earned the position. Oddly enough the letter contained some very specific details from the conversation had previously.

    Arditi tells you, "Now what, may I ask, was that all about?"

    Arditi tells you, "Hm. My Hashani is better than I thought, that was almost coherent."

    You tell Dreadborn Arditi, Silvereye, "Slandering myself, my family, and my city behind a poorly veiled guise."

    Arditi tells you, "Prove it."

    You tell Dreadborn Arditi, Silvereye, "You sent the letter to my grand daughter not me, snake."

    Arditi tells you, "I have never seen this letter, nor the contents."

    You tell Dreadborn Arditi, Silvereye, "I am not intending to argue with you about it, snake. Lie as you see fit, I may just choose to spill more of your blood."

    Arditi tells you, "As amusing as it is that a completely fictitious letter that nobody has seen fit to verify to the accused has finally stirred Hashan into some sort of action, I care not for your threats."

    You tell Dreadborn Arditi, Silvereye, "You are trying my patience, snake."

    Arditi tells you, "My sincerest apologies, Seneschal, I am certain that I am undoubtedly keeping you from your duties."

    You tell Dreadborn Arditi, Silvereye, "Hardly, I always have time to eliminate a Naga, a service for all of Sapience."

    Arditi tells you, "Now now, I'm sure Hashan's busy schedule of...well...maybe there's a court hearing or something that you could be attending. I'm not entirely sure what passes for business within it, to be quite honest."

    You tell Dreadborn Arditi, Silvereye, "What I do not have time for is skipping along to the Bastion and doing arts and crafts with an old edition of the Bugle then quite obviously reiterating a conversation had right in front of me in attempts of using it as a poor attempt at proselytisation."

    Arditi tells you, "Well then, I believe we can narrow the number of suspects then, if you're too busy of a man to do so."

    You tell Dreadborn Arditi, Silvereye, "However clever you think you are being right now is just an attempt to cover for your unfortunate but not unexpected lack of subtlety. It is really quite embarrassing for you and your house, especially compounded with other recent events."

    You tell Dreadborn Arditi, Silvereye, "Do quit while you have some self respect left, but it seems Tvistor's supreme ego still lingers despite his migration east."

    Arditi tells you, "I would think a Darkwalker such as yourself would be attempting to recruit me at this point."

    You tell Dreadborn Arditi, Silvereye, "Oh my...that is so very rich."

    Arditi tells you, "And why not? If the charges against me are true, with an old copy of the Bugle and some paste, I have singlehandedly motivated the Seneschal of Hashan to take action, perhaps even starting a war. I challenge you to tell me that more was done with less."

    You tell Dreadborn Arditi, Silvereye, "Started a war? Hardly. I am want to tell you anything, nor am I a Darkwalker. It really seems the Naga have taught you nothing."

    Arditi tells you, "And one would think that someone who rose through the political ladder would be immune to slander, yet here you are."

    You tell Dreadborn Arditi, Silvereye, "Does that mean I should tolerate it?"

    Arditi tells you, "Apparently it hit a sore spot if the insinuation of 'nepotism' drives you into a rage."

    You tell Dreadborn Arditi, Silvereye, "I have little concern for myself, snake. No leader is universally loved, you made the mistake of involving my family. As for rage, that is an unfounded claim as well."

    Arditi tells you, "Of course an insinuation of nepotism would involve your family, that's the whole point."

    You tell Dreadborn Arditi, Silvereye, "Yes, it was ill advised and cost you your life."

    Arditi tells you, "Besides, a claim of nepotism in your granddaughter's promotion implies that -you- are the problem because your bias influenced her position. So, explain how I would have involved your family if I claimed that her position was out of your machinations?"

    You tell Dreadborn Arditi, Silvereye, "Well, I am glad you matured enough to admit your failure, you however were the one to make the contradiction in the first place. If you knew anything you would know my vote counts for one among many, no more, no less."

    Arditi tells you, "I am certain you remained completely neutral and did not endorse your granddaughter's candidacy in any way, thus completely nullifying any suggestion of impropriety. After all, you're most certainly an honorable man and not a serpent."

    You tell Dreadborn Arditi, Silvereye, "Child, you act as if you know me. What little you know, you gleaned from the conversation had in front of you. You insinuations are baseless and empty."

    You tell Dreadborn Arditi, Silvereye, "Let me teach you a final lesson the Naga seem to have glossed over."

    Arditi tells you, "I'm listening, Seneschal."

    You tell Dreadborn Arditi, Silvereye, "The soul of wit is brevity. You run your mouth far too much and expend what meager wit you have far too quickly. Banish that ego to the east with the rest of the dross."

    Message #1056       Sent by Arditi
    3/25/16:54 Your advice is noted. Allow me to close by saying this: You are a man who is undoubtedly close to his family, and such devotion is unusual in these times. Good day to you, Seneschal.

  • RuthRuth Singapore
    I remember this conversation. It made me laugh because it served the purpose.
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    edited July 2013
    What purpose? To get Vayne to kill him? He hardly needed to go to such lengths for that! :P
  • CaoimhaenCaoimhaen Targossas
    @vayne I have decided. You are awesome at insulting people. That made me laugh.heh

  • You are far more patient than me.

    And I missed that one... Damn.
  • TuroiTuroi Missouri :(
    patience is a virtue, my dear @Orzaansyn

    "Slowly disappear. Never really here."

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