Roleplay Logs!



  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    @Illyose is a boon to Hashan, truth.
  • HhaosHhaos Cortland, Ohio
    edited February 2013
    Vayne said:
    @Illyose is a boon to Hashan, truth.
    I love the kid so much, he's forcing awesome rp on me, I just wish a lot of the things we've done so far have been logged, much love @Illyose, making me a better roleplayer every day.
  • How much for an RP bat? I'd definitely shell out for one of those.
  • HhaosHhaos Cortland, Ohio
    Tanaar said:
    How much for an RP bat? I'd definitely shell out for one of those.
  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    Is that why everyone raids from rivers and streams these days?
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • Kyrra said:
    Is that why everyone raids from rivers and streams these days?
    Because someone forgot that I can't prop totems in water, also we half drown ourselves to avoid getting beckoned.
  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    Valden said:

    Kyrra said:

    Is that why everyone raids from rivers and streams these days?

    Because someone forgot that I can't prop totems in water, also we half drown ourselves to avoid getting beckoned.

    Oh.. So it's not a communal bath to avoid hygiene issues :(
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    Kyrra said:
    Kyrra said:
    Is that why everyone raids from rivers and streams these days?
    Because someone forgot that I can't prop totems in water, also we half drown ourselves to avoid getting beckoned.
    Oh.. So it's not a communal bath to avoid hygiene issues :(
    Baptismal pool, obviously.
  • Tanaar said:


    True fact! Working on my rebuttals for why you are so misguided. And my fur is always well groomed! You all can thank @Tesha for driving me towards finding a way to say you're wrong other than "Rawr don't bad mouth the Senescal!" <3 that Convo Tesha

  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    Illyose said:
    True fact! Working on my rebuttals for why you are so misguided. And my fur is always well groomed! You all can thank @Tesha for driving me towards finding a way to say you're wrong other than "Rawr don't bad mouth the Senescal!" <3 that Convo Tesha
    Gotcha covered Bro:
    Tell Tesha The Seneschal is handsome and debonaire, and anything bad you say about him is stupid and wrong, and you should feel bad about yourself for even thinking it.

    But seriously, the conflicted Illyose that came to Vayne was probably one of the most realistic(and unexpected) situations Vayne has been put in, and it really had an impact on him!
  • *This one joined just as shallam fell and has been waiting almost 2 rl months just for a novice graduation. We finally got enough together to do something about it. (This is post test) It's not much but it is a ceremony that is quite close to the original and at least makes a novice feel special when they are having to wait such long times.

    Kakotas carefully sizes up Lukaus from head to toe inspecting his fitness for duty within the legion.

    Kakotas looks Lukaus in the eyes with a soul piercing gaze.

    You say with a southern dwarven accent, "It is fitting that such a ceremony would take place here. In the Halls of Valour those who stand against darkness, chaos, and evil would be welcomed. And as
    you have acquited yourself well at this I judge you worthy to take the oath and join the Legion more formally."

    Elysian chapel.
     Squire Jinna, Protege of Lady Ferrous is here. She wields a shining steel longsword in each hand.
    Page Lukaus Percussor, Protege of Sir Synbios is here. His face is partially concealed beneath a
    raised hood. He wields a shining steel longsword in each hand. Sir Synbios Hagane, Blade Singularity
    is here. The Green Dragon Ferrous' imposing form looms.
    You see a single exit leading south.

    Lukaus bows his head reverently.

    Synbios raises his head, as though from a trance.

    Kakotas nods his head at Sir Synbios.

    Sir Synbios Hagane, Blade Singularity says, "Page, hear my words and repeat this oath after me. Are
    you ready?"

    Lukaus nods his head emphatically.

    Sir Synbios Hagane, Blade Singularity says, "I do swear to wholly believe and support the teachings
    of the Templar Legion. If any concern arises as to the validity of the teachings, I shall work to
    address the problem in a respectful and productive manner with what is in the best interests of Good,
     Light and Order as my primary concern."

    Lukaus says with a faint accent, "I do swear to wholly believe and support the teachings
    of the Templar Legion. If any concern arises as to the validity of the teachings, I shall work to
    address the problem in a respectful and productive manner with what is in the best interests of Good,
     Light, and Order as my primary concern."

    Sir Synbios Hagane, Blade Singularity says, "I shall uphold the teachings of the Edica in my every
    word, thought and deed. If I falter, I shall willingly submit to whatever punishment is warranted
    for the action and I understand this may include expulsion from the Legion even enemying or

    Lukaus says with a faint accent, "I shall uphold the teachings of the Edica in my every
    word, thought, and deed. If I falter, I shall willingly submit to whatever punishment is warrented
    for the action and I understand this may include expulsion from the Legion even enemying or

    Sir Synbios Hagane, Blade Singularity says, "I swear to dedicate myself fully to the Light and shall
    willingly take on whatever task is necessary to further the goals of the Legion for Good and for

    Lukaus says with a faint accent, "I swear to dedicate myself fully to the Light and shall
    willingly take on whatever task is necessary to further the goals of the Legion, for Good, and for

    Sir Synbios Hagane, Blade Singularity says, "I shall defend the Templar Legion from those who would
    malign its name, or seek to harm it in any way.""

    Lukaus says with a faint accent, "I shall defend the Templar Legion from those who would
    malign its name, or seek to harm it in any way."

    Sir Synbios Hagane, Blade Singularity says, "I shall not misrepresent the position of the Legion
    either in my personal dealings or in any public forum."

    Lukaus says with a faint accent, "I shall not misrepresent the potition of the Legion
    either in my personal dealings or in any public forum."

    Sir Synbios Hagane, Blade Singularity says, "I understand and agree that Chaos, Evil, and Darkness
    are forces that are dangerous and as a Knight in training I must work against these forces and never
    grow lax in my vigilance against their machinations."

    Lukaus says with a faint accent, "I understand that Chaos, Evil, and Darkness are forces
    that are dangerous and as a Knight in training I must work against these three forces and never grow
    lax in my vigilance against their machinations."

    Sir Synbios Hagane, Blade Singularity says, "I swear this with a clear mind and full understanding
    that I will be held to these words.""

    Lukaus says with a faint accent, "I swear this with a clear mind and full understanding
    that I will be held to these words."

    Lukaus says with a faint accent, "I swear to dedicate myself fully to the Light and shall
    willingly take on whatever task is necessary to further the goals of the Legion, for Good, and for

    Sir Synbios Hagane, Blade Singularity says, "I shall defend the Templar Legion from those who would
    malign its name, or seek to harm it in any way.""

    Lukaus says with a faint accent, "I shall defend the Templar Legion from those who would
    malign its name, or seek to harm it in any way."

    Sir Synbios Hagane, Blade Singularity says, "I shall not misrepresent the position of the Legion
    either in my personal dealings or in any public forum."

    Lukaus says with a faint accent, "I shall not misrepresent the potition of the Legion
    either in my personal dealings or in any public forum."

    Sir Synbios Hagane, Blade Singularity says, "I understand and agree that Chaos, Evil, and Darkness
    are forces that are dangerous and as a Knight in training I must work against these forces and never
    grow lax in my vigilance against their machinations."

    Lukaus says with a faint accent, "I understand that Chaos, Evil, and Darkness are forces
    that are dangerous and as a Knight in training I must work against these three forces and never grow
    lax in my vigilance against their machinations."

    Sir Synbios Hagane, Blade Singularity says, "I swear this with a clear mind and full understanding
    that I will be held to these words.""

    Lukaus says with a faint accent, "I swear this with a clear mind and full understanding
    that I will be held to these words."

    Synbios nods at Lukaus.

    Sir Synbios Hagane, Blade Singularity says grimly, "Lukaus, you have presented yourself here today,
    passionate, idealistic, hopeful, and determined. You have impressed me with your thoughtfulness and
    your willingness to serve and I have faith that you will do your best to live up to all that is
    right, good, and true. Therefore by the power vested in me as a Knight of the Templars, I find you

    Ferrous swings her arm up and high fives Lukaus enthusiastically.

    Lukaus's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.

    Synbios shakes Lukaus's hand firmly.

    Jinna beams broadly at Lukaus.

    You say with a southern dwarven accent, "As a symbol of this your mentor has a new glove for you."

    Lukaus gives Synbios a respectful salute.

    Synbios gives a leather falconry glove to Lukaus.

    You say with a southern dwarven accent, "We shall deal with your rank as soon as we are able to."

    Lukaus nods his head emphatically.

    It is now the 4th of Aeguary, 619 years after the fall of the Seleucarian Empire.

    Lukaus says with a faint accent, "Thank you."

    Sir Synbios Hagane, Blade Singularity says, "As a Chevalier, you now have earned the right to summon your ally in combat, the falcon."

    Sir Synbios Hagane, Blade Singularity says, "Come."

    You nod your head emphatically.

    (Templar Legion): Kakotas says, "Everyone please congratulate Lukaus on his field promotion to Chevalier."

    (Blades of Valour): He just has that Synbios Swagger enough said.
    (Blades of Valour): Draekar says: "Synbios if sunbeams sparkle off that I'll kill you where you stand."

    (Party) Halos says, "Disbar?"
    (Party) Draekar says, "You know here we have disbar."
    (Party) Draekar says, "And over there we have datbar."
  • I'll cry if you waste that rapier >.<

  • HhaosHhaos Cortland, Ohio
    Garao said:
    I'll cry if you waste that rapier >.<
    >.< it wasn't my OMFG fast one, it was my "no that's a scimitar there's no way in - WTF HOW IS THIS A RAPIER?" rapier :p
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    I don't even.

    What. :(

    I am sorry, despite quality of roleplay, I simply cannot like it on principle.
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • That suggests a really, deeply screwed up personality from Tahquil.

    Love it.

    (This approval in no way condones or promotes the murder of actual kittens. Unless they're my girlfriend's cat, who scratched me almost four weeks ago, and the three inch laceration hasn't faded yet. Oh, fine. Not even then.)
  • Flashback to all those kittens being fed to piranhas. Oh god.
  • edited March 2013
    Just got to participate in a little event in Tomacula! Lisbethae, Melodie and I (and some others!) got to have a little bit of fun running around the village and Savannah helping out the villagers. Enjoy!

    p.s. thanks to whoever had Shote approach me! I haven't had fun like that in a while. :)
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    That was utterly random and very fun. It's nice to enjoy some of the more lighthearted side of roleplay, after so much of the serious bits lately. :)
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • All my RP is underhanded and dirty. People don't like being seen with a mhaldorian, or discussing Mhaldorian culture or beliefs. They assume I am just converting everything, or they are being subject to conversion. It's not always true.. but for those that read this, thanks for all the RP! you know who you lot are.
    Replies the scorpion: "It's my nature..."
  • HalosHalos The Reaches
    edited March 2013

    The Vizierial Chamber.

    A comforting feeling of privacy pervades the area. Broad desks of clear glass are positioned to form a circle in this chamber, serving as a workspace for the viziers of the Citadel. Piles of paper are amassed on some surfaces with weapons and strategy maps on others. Parchment lines the walls of this crystal office, set out in neat rows for inspection and use of its inhabitants. Several lanterns are suspended by silver chains from the roof, casting a constantly moving light around the room. A small, polished gold plaque is mounted upon the wall here. A bronze floor brazier stands here, with a rich golden haze pouring forth from within. A young acolyte stands here in a white cloak, the cowl draped to cover most of his face. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. Three narrow pegs keep five colourful wooden rings in neat stacks upon a polished oak base. A miniature mouse statuette stands poised as if to flee. A wicker basket is here. A bronze-plated cabinet is here. There are 5 tables here.  You may ENTER SUBDIVISION from here.

    You see exits leading southeast and south.

    The air resounds with the sinister crackle of long, low thunder, its bass notes resounding from the slopes of the Pillars of Heaven.

    An acolyte of the Te'Serra sighs deeply.

    You nod your head at an acolyte of the Te'Serra.

    An acolyte of the Te'Serra says, "I'm sorry Father, I didn't mean to disrupt your meditations."

    You shake your head.

    You ask with an eastern accent, "How are you holding up?"

    An acolyte of the Te'Serra says, "I wonder what will become of me? Of us?"

    An acolyte of the Te'Serra says, "I am afraid."

    You say chidingly with an eastern accent, "Fear is a necessary precursor to valour, acolyte."

    You say with an eastern accent, "When the time comes we will fight, and defend what is holy … until the last.

    You say with an eastern accent, "I do not know if you will fight with us."

    You have emoted: Halos tilts his head to one side expectantly.

    An acolyte of the Te'Serra says, "I'm not much good with a weapon, but I will do what I can."

    You have emoted: Halos smiles gently.

    You say with an eastern accent, "You have served Them for a long time."

    An acolyte of the Te'Serra says, "And now They are all gone. I never thought I'd outlive the Gods, Father."

    An acolyte of the Te'Serra exclaims, "It's not the sort of thing they teach us about!"

    You pause a moment to gather your thoughts.

    You say with an eastern accent, "Nor I."

    An acolyte of the Te'Serra says, "I know all of these blessings and prayers... but I guess they are not worth reciting when there is no one to listen for them."

    Dark, oppressive clouds swirl in the skies above, occluding the lights of the firmament and casting gloom across the earth.

    Xorot arrives from the south.

    Xorot taps the border of his hood with the tip of his bow, making a short nod as sign of greeting.

    An acolyte of the Te'Serra bows respectfully to Xorot.

    You nod your head at Xorot.

    An acolyte of the Te'Serra says, "And months of these terrible storms."

    Xorot leaves to the south.

    An acolyte of the Te'Serra says, "Could this be the end, Father? If it is I will accept it..."

    You ask with an eastern accent, "If it is the end, then we have nothing to lose, do we?"

    A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    All of the roleplay from Shallam right about then just breaks my heart. :( Hope he got out okay.
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • In a world where everyone's default roleplay in reaction to adversity is bravado, it is very refreshing to see that kind of uncertainty and fear playing out and influencing these characters. Many of the logs I've seen from around the fall of Shallam are excellent because they begin to chart this rarely-explored territory. 
  • edited March 2013
    Actually they are just suffering. Hail Apollyon.

    But really, I think it is a great change of pace and props to everyone that sticks through it.
    Replies the scorpion: "It's my nature..."
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