Achaean Raves



  • Rave for Lord @Deucalion and taking the time to see me personally and calm my fears. You didnt make me feel stupid for them. You didnt get mad at me. Thank You. That seriously meant so much. I cant even explain how much it meant.

  • @Bluef for running an order event, excellently, allowing my poor brain to zone out. Sick kid for 3 days meant I was barely able to remember my own name. And gods, so many typos on my end during things. Nice work and thanks!
  • Shameful how even the admins take things from the forums and use them in-game.

  • AodfionnAodfionn Seattle, WA
    @Jeslyn‌ . Because duh. 
    Aurora says, "Are you drunk, Aodfionn?"
  • edited November 2014
    Nemutaur draws back his bow and lets fly an arrow.
    Ernam falls to the arrows of Nemutaur Rousseau.
    Ernam has been slain by Nemutaur.
    Steam hisses from a glowing metal tank radiating waves of heat in thick streams.
    A glowing metal tank radiating waves of heat begins to omit a high pitched whine 
    as the metal strains to contain the heat within.

    Our first level 2 tank. Seriously feels bugged when all of your opponents are only ~AR1 or not army at all.

  • HalosHalos The Reaches
    Is that the first level two tank ever?

    A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
  • No, Mhaldor has apparently gotten two, and even gotten 9 rooms in Cyrene with one of them? I dunno
  • It's our first level 2 tank though. Took us a while to get it.
  • Lots of real nice rushes in that raid. Think we had to fend of 4 or 5? Halfway through we ran out of enemy slots so they had the numbers.  Real close fights. Targossas had the room for a bit after two of the rushes but weren't able to defuse before Ashtan took it back.
  • I died so many times, including one to a friendly holocaust and I think twice to chaosrays.

    But really though, fuck chaosrays.
    ~Kresslack's obsession~
  • Addama said:
    I died so many times, including one to a friendly holocaust and I think twice to chaosrays.

    But really though, fuck chaosrays.
    I died trying to mitigate between being able to transmute and tank 90% of the incoming damage, and opportunistic priests absolving me at 600 mana :(
  • AodfionnAodfionn Seattle, WA
    Sometime around the holo-bombing, I started d/c'ing every time we went in for melee. My lone contribution was missing Jhui with an impale. :'(
    Aurora says, "Are you drunk, Aodfionn?"
  • We were lagging hard the first 15-20s of 2 or 3 of the rush attempts. The one with retardation for sure and then the one before. It was pretty nuts.
  • Ruth said:
    At first, it was the Legates, then more Mhaldorians came in to listen on an idle curiosity. While I had to leave after a few hours, I'm impressed that we had a good turnout in the Crystal Leaf Amphitheater (thanks to @Herenicus and @Taraus for organizing it) with a handful of Hashani, Eleusian, Targossian and a couple of novices showing up to listen or debate against Evil while wielding their faiths.

    A lot of people had the opportunity to test their verbal swords and sharp minds against each other, in a gathering that didn't quite devolve into in-room fighting (save for when @Aodfionn up there backhanded @Xinna). I came away with the interest in going back to interact with a few of those who showed up.

    I remember Vesios asking over CT what so many Mhaldorians and Targossians were doing in the same room together without deathsight going crazy, or something like that. Wandered on down after a while to listen and came in on the very tail end of Herenicus speaking to... Cadarus? There was some good stuff there, I was kind of disappointed that I didn't have the time to stay any longer than I did.
    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Ruth said:
    At first, it was the Legates, then more Mhaldorians came in to listen on an idle curiosity. While I had to leave after a few hours, I'm impressed that we had a good turnout in the Crystal Leaf Amphitheater (thanks to @Herenicus and @Taraus for organizing it) with a handful of Hashani, Eleusian, Targossian and a couple of novices showing up to listen or debate against Evil while wielding their faiths.

    A lot of people had the opportunity to test their verbal swords and sharp minds against each other, in a gathering that didn't quite devolve into in-room fighting (save for when @Aodfionn up there backhanded @Xinna). I came away with the interest in going back to interact with a few of those who showed up.

    I miss all the good stuff. :(

    My rave would have to be the transformation Mhaldor has made over the last few RL years. To be honest, it used to be pretty crappy with so much petty backstabbing, but that has changed drastically these days and while there's still plenty of backstabbing, at least the knives are ending up in our enemies' backs and not our own. It's just really great to see the city and everyone in it working together and serving as a community where people inspire, motivate, and help their fellow citizens, compared to the demoralizing, buzzkill, depressing place it used to be.

  • "owner's" :(
  • KayeilKayeil Washington State
    Rave to those behind the event today. Insanely long event, but well thought out and definitely required a group effort. Rave to all the people who participated and came together despite usual IC disagreements. It was fun, and very educational for someone like me who has never been a Spirit Walker or in the Curia Spiritus.
    What doesn't kill you gives you exp.

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