What Happened To You Today?



  • You can bookmark them as well so if you stop reading, the next time you 'read book' or whatever, it will start from that page.
  • JiraishinJiraishin skulking
    Kresslack said:
    Jiraishin said:
    Durvan said:
    Something Odd happened to me today. Not sure how to classify it, but a couple of my books lacked everything after page 1.
    You tried turning the pages, right? If so, I guess bug it. 
    Wait...you can turn pages? I've always just been doing read book# page #.
    I know at least one of the books he's talking about was a Targossian breviary, and those you actually have to turn the pages. Normal journal-type syntax doesn't work.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Jiraishin said:
    Kresslack said:
    Jiraishin said:
    Durvan said:
    Something Odd happened to me today. Not sure how to classify it, but a couple of my books lacked everything after page 1.
    You tried turning the pages, right? If so, I guess bug it. 
    Wait...you can turn pages? I've always just been doing read book# page #.
    I know at least one of the books he's talking about was a Targossian breviary, and those you actually have to turn the pages. Normal journal-type syntax doesn't work.
    Ooh, whoops, I gave him bad advice.  
  • Two things happened to me today. Number one is I was diving then there was someone standing in my diving bell. We were both equally confused to how this happened.

    The second is that I realised that about 2 months ago I may have inadvertantly fucked up someone's event they were setting up in the Mhojave desert. Sorry.
  • I hate that breviary for that reason. Took months for me months to figure it out. Easier to copy paste from says anyways. At least until  you show up to a dawnblade ceremony and nobody has one out. 
  • Mroxyl said:
    With a lot of help and advice, a Dreadpilar was slain, and I made it to Water Lord. Definitely an interesting path to take, with plenty of frustrations and non intuitive steps along the way to keep it from getting boring  =)
    Good job! I remember helping Veldrin take down one with some dragon buddies, and we died a lot. 

  • Most of us can read, as far as I can tell. At least on good days. Gotta shake the dust out of all 8 books in the library somehow. I actually like reading, but I make up for that trait by being terrible at counting, being fairly unobservant, and generally getting myself into some oddball situations. It probably evens out.  :p
  • JiraishinJiraishin skulking
    Numira said:
    Most of us can read, as far as I can tell. At least on good days. Gotta shake the dust out of all 8 books in the library somehow. I actually like reading, but I make up for that trait by being terrible at counting, being fairly unobservant, and generally getting myself into some oddball situations. It probably evens out.  :p
    Your House... has a -library-? Holy hell, some of you -are- literate.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • It's adorable that you guys are trying to copy the Legates
  • JiraishinJiraishin skulking
    Archaeon said:
    it's coloring books that show pictures of people smashing each other with clubs.
    See heathen.
    See heathen run.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • Aegoth said:
    It's adorable that you guys are trying to copy the Legates
    I feel personally attacked.
  • Farrah said:
    Aegoth said:
    It's adorable that you guys are trying to copy the Legates
    Legates have coloring books? This does not sound very Evil.
    They've been hiding those from me this whole time??

    Time to quit. Who wants me in their city? I promise to be extremely useful with knowledge and helping guide decisions, but also promise to take 0 initiative in paperwork leadership.

  • You sound tailor made for Hashan with that attitude. 

    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
  • Cooper is extremely patient and helpful. He's not allowed to leave Mhaldor.
  • Cooper said:
    Farrah said:
    Aegoth said:
    It's adorable that you guys are trying to copy the Legates
    Legates have coloring books? This does not sound very Evil.
    They've been hiding those from me this whole time??

    Time to quit. Who wants me in their city? I promise to be extremely useful with knowledge and helping guide decisions, but also promise to take 0 initiative in paperwork leadership.

    Who does paperwork? Psh.
  • The Staff IS the butter knife, duh.
  • @Cooper have you ever been Eleusian? I seem to remember you were Ashtani and iirc Shallamese at one point.. I don't recall you being Eleusian.  

  • Nope! Never been Eleusian.

    Hashan Cyrene Ashtan Shallam Mhaldor though? Yup. (Hashan & Cyrene were for like a day each just to say I had been a citizen)

  • First, Farrah is totally right about it being unused. I wasn’t really exaggerating when I said there was about 8 books. Second, I would totally bribe someone with art to make coloring books an actual thing in game. Just because. And finally, did I actually know something Jiraishin didn’t already know? Holy Macaroni. I feel like I have accomplished something. 
  • Farrah said:

    Aegoth said:
    It's adorable that you guys are trying to copy the Legates
    Legates have coloring books? This does not sound very Evil.
    @Aegoth has on at least two occasions told Evil children's tales. By the crackling fire of a hearth, even. I think @Cooper would be good at that sort of thing too, if he dared try...
  • Ysela said:
    Farrah said:

    Aegoth said:
    It's adorable that you guys are trying to copy the Legates
    Legates have coloring books? This does not sound very Evil.
    @Aegoth has on at least two occasions told Evil children's tales. By the crackling fire of a hearth, even. I think @Cooper would be good at that sort of thing too, if he dared try...
    WHEN?! I've only ever seen him slaughter goats.
  • That's the children's tale. Duh...

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