What Happened To You Today?



  • Caelan said:

    edit: For the record, not complaining.  I find it hilarious that Hashan has to resort to cheesedick tactics to beat a a 'city' (village) with next to no defense.  Eleusis is thriving for the most part with it.

    Firstly, cheesedick is hilarious to see.

    secondly, the bolded seem to contradict...just saying.
  • ArchaeonArchaeon Ur mums house lol
    I care
  • ArchaeonArchaeon Ur mums house lol
    We just need to bring back landmarking mechanics but for war. Faction that gets the most x after x period wins. 
  • SophiSophi Rally Point
    Pretty sure griefing until all the soldiers quit counts
  • Sophi said:
    Pretty sure griefing until all the soldiers quit counts

    But it feels so bad D:
  • Sophi said:
    Pretty sure griefing until all the soldiers quit counts
    Eleusis doesn't believe attrition is a valid war tactic. Zenii said so when Dunn caused 95% of Eleusis soldiers to quit during their 'war' with Babel, then still declared victory.
  • edited June 2019
    Archaeon said:
    We just need to bring back landmarking mechanics but for war. Faction that gets the most x after x period wins. 
    Kind of like the CTF we (I showed at the very last 30m) decimated Hashan at? Lol.

    We have next to no guards to defend and regularly have few soldiers online. I remember Miriew and Myna sitting in Hashan killing 3 or 4 soldiers.  I can't help that Asmodron thinks that tanks have to be linked to our thriving or not.  Or the weird assumption that our soldiers never leave but Hashans do.  I find it funny how much he tries to propogandize the forums.  Especially when he is rarely involved in fights that aren't woefully skewed in his favor. Also it isn't cheesedick to brazier attempt people as they log in, etc? Okaaay.

    @Krizal is right in that our timezones don't usually match up. Which is why I like the fights in EI where it is a bit more evenly matched. 

  • You're a soldier in a war, expect some random PK and cheesy deaths.

    Heck, the first time I got killed, an Eleusian sent me a tell like "welcome to the army."

    Welcome to the army.
  • Synthus said:
    Tasus said:
    Itkovian said:
    Jiraishin said:

    You just used 'aye' in an ooc setting.
    Your character is leaking.
    I totally use that OOC, to be fair. :)
    Can confirm. He does. 
    Does he also use "verily" and "forsooth" in regular conversation? If so, I have the feeling he and I would regularly devolve into joyful bouts of pseudo-middle english (eg ren faire talk) in everyday conversations.
    I'm also a SCAdian, and do Heavy Combat, so... still recovering from an injury, sadly, but it counts! :)
  • edited June 2019
    Lenn said:
    You're a soldier in a war, expect some random PK and cheesy deaths.

    Heck, the first time I got killed, an Eleusian sent me a tell like "welcome to the army."

    Welcome to the army.
    Ive been playing for 20 years and got blown up in real life. I literally did one of the :-\ faces as I flew through the air.  You think Im worried or don't expect cheesy shit, especially from Hashan?  It doesn't make it not cheesy. But I never want to hear Hashan complain about tactics ever again.

  • edited June 2019
    Caelan said:

    We have next to no guards to defend and regularly have few soldiers online. I remember Miriew and Myna sitting in Hashan killing 3 or 4 soldiers.  I can't help that Asmodron thinks that tanks have to be linked to our thriving or not.  Or the weird assumption that our soldiers never leave but Hashans do.  I find it funny how much he tries to propogandize the forums.  Especially when he is rarely involved in fights that aren't woefully skewed in his favor. Also it isn't cheesedick to brazier attempt people as they log in, etc? Okaaay.


    Caelan said:
    Archaeon said:
    We just need to bring back landmarking mechanics but for war. Faction that gets the most x after x period wins. 
    Kind of like the CTF we (I showed at the very last 30m) decimated Hashan at? Lol.

    Caelan said:
    Lenn said:
    You're a soldier in a war, expect some random PK and cheesy deaths.

    Heck, the first time I got killed, an Eleusian sent me a tell like "welcome to the army."

    Welcome to the army.
    Ive been playing for 20 years and got blown up in real life. I literally did one of the :-\ faces as I flew through the air.  You think Im worried or don't expect cheesy shit, especially from Hashan?  It doesn't make it not cheesy. But I never want to hear Hashan complain about tactics ever again.

    No offense but you're coming off as super salty. The war may be getting to you...might be time for a break.

  • Skye said:
    Asmodron said:
    I was gonna go into some technicalities schpiel but I realise that you don't really read most shit that people say properly.

    I'm just gonna say this: I realise I'm a mean bitch (I actually really am sorry, @Cecelia even if I really am as bad at apologising IG as I am OOC) who is literally the last person in the world who has any right to say this right now but I've been looking at this amazing relic over the past few days but I feel like I should pass it on to someone who really needs it:

    Because holy shit, do you even look at the shit that you post sometimes? I spent most of the event ragging on Targossas for the event and even sometimes after that, but I will give credit where it's due in that even when they're curbstomping people, they still reach out to give a handshake over forums and sometimes even IG. 

    I think the core of my address to you (apparently too nuanced for you to catch) was that that was the ugliest 'lol we're winning' post i've ever seen anyone have the guts to throw out publicly. Especially realising that this sort of power balance shifts around all the time and in another couple of years (or even months) it could be you on the other end of the stick. Show some bloody decorum for once in your life.

    Holy crap woman...where is that even coming from...take some deep breaths. You're losing your sht for nothing right now...

    What post? That I feel bad about raiding Eleusis? That...was pretty genuine. You can ask others in Hashan, i've literally said the same both IC and on OOC clans, simply because it just doesnt feel fun anymore.

    You once said "Stop thinking everyone is out to get you" or "stop thinking everything is an insult". I'd suggest taking that own advice....

    Also not sure what caused you to supposedly lose your temper at others as well lately but a break may do good...
  • edited June 2019
    Asani said:
    At this point I just want to go back to fighting without crappy internet and mudlet freezing every other fight. Too many trees, not enough internet, Eleusis winning irl  :/

    I scanned this too quickly and read it as crappy mudsex freezing every night. :scream::warning:

    Late night crusade obviously has me tired today. :p  It was fun, even if we didn't get much resistance.
  • Keorin said:
    There's a rather large number of people in Cyrene who are of the belief that Cyrene not engaging in PvP is part of the city's fundamental identity, or believe that any increase in raids against the city is something that should be avoided however possible, and that everyone should be held to that.

    Personally, I think that it really should be possible to find a balance here that leaves room for everyone to pursue their own vision of what they think it means to be Cyrenian, and to engage in the gameplay styles that they personally enjoy. I don't think that PvP tends to meaningfully detract from the experience of those who seek to play completely without it, after all, and I don't really see this as a situation where only one perspective wins.

    Cyrene's a big place, and so there -should- be plenty of room for people with diverse interests to support each other and pursue their own goals without having the existence of other styles get in the way. I think that in any situation like this, trying to force a perspective on others is almost always the wrong way to go about things; allowing for plurality in gameplay and roleplay makes the city a much more interesting place for everyone.
    Couldn't have said it any better. Cyrene's a big city, and there's plenty of room for everyone's playstyle within its confines.

    So long as it is made clear that we are not demanding mandatory raiding/army members/city defense, it should be wholly acceptable. In particular, we should make it clear that defense is purely voluntary, and there is no shame in not joining the defense group. I imagine that some players feel obligated to defend, and don't like the imposition this puts on their time, but in reality they don't have to. They're welcome to defend is they enjoy it, of course, but that really should be the main criteria: do you have fun defending? If not, don't, because otherwise it will just get on your nerves.

    If anything, having less defenders can be good at times, as it will teach the army to not always rely on overwhelming numbers.

    The challenge, of course, is framing that in an appropriate IC manner. But I think there's a few IC avenues of approach that should work well enough. :)
  • Caelan said:
    Lenn said:
    You're a soldier in a war, expect some random PK and cheesy deaths.

    Heck, the first time I got killed, an Eleusian sent me a tell like "welcome to the army."

    Welcome to the army.
    Ive been playing for 20 years and got blown up in real life. I literally did one of the :-\ faces as I flew through the air.  You think Im worried or don't expect cheesy shit, especially from Hashan?  It doesn't make it not cheesy. But I never want to hear Hashan complain about tactics ever again.
    Just so that you are aware, Hashan is a player org, meaning comprising many different and diverse players.

    We also don't have a meld (yet).

    So you can say "I never want to hear a large group of various people complain about tactics ever again, because one of them did something cheesy," but your expectation and reality do not quite match.
  • Krizal said:
    It's funny to see @Caelan complain about us bringing huge numbers vs few defenders, while people in Hashan complain about having to raid with 4-5 people vs a 20-person cwho. The thing I take from this is that Hashan's and Eleusis' timezones don't match (something I've seen myself... we go from outnumbering the online Eleusian soldiers, to ~8 Eleusian soldiers and like 1 Hashani around in the space of about 30 mins sometimes).
    Yah. All the arguments and thoughts asmodron are having, i also have at a slightly different timezone. 😛( When i am able to play)

    I still have fun with the skirmishes and fighting, so i don't mind it 
  • Truax said:
    That said, I have a nice horn. It's Aegean. Toot toot.


  • Rangor said:
    Krizal said:
    It's funny to see @Caelan complain about us bringing huge numbers vs few defenders, while people in Hashan complain about having to raid with 4-5 people vs a 20-person cwho. The thing I take from this is that Hashan's and Eleusis' timezones don't match (something I've seen myself... we go from outnumbering the online Eleusian soldiers, to ~8 Eleusian soldiers and like 1 Hashani around in the space of about 30 mins sometimes).
    Yah. All the arguments and thoughts asmodron are having, i also have at a slightly different timezone. 😛( When i am able to play)

    I still have fun with the skirmishes and fighting, so i don't mind it 

    Careful...may be construed as a 'lol we're winning' post....

    Sympathy is not an emotion we feel.
  • Aw, dang it.

    I'll have to come back again tomorrow. :disappointed:
  • @Minifie wins. LOL. 

  • Itkovian said:
    Synthus said:
    Tasus said:
    Itkovian said:
    Jiraishin said:

    You just used 'aye' in an ooc setting.
    Your character is leaking.
    I totally use that OOC, to be fair. :)
    Can confirm. He does. 
    Does he also use "verily" and "forsooth" in regular conversation? If so, I have the feeling he and I would regularly devolve into joyful bouts of pseudo-middle english (eg ren faire talk) in everyday conversations.
    I'm also a SCAdian, and do Heavy Combat, so... still recovering from an injury, sadly, but it counts! :)
    Niiiice. Next you're gonna tell me that you're a warrior of The Shire of Glynn Rhe, and then I'm gonna have to get actual combat instruction from you as well as Shield combat instuction.
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