Tonight is the world's most unhealthy Alfredo pasta.
I hate that realisation.
I came up with this awesome gnocchi recipe. You mix about 3 tbsp cornflour with 1 tsp paprika and a little salt and pepper, use it to coat a couple of chopped chicken fillets, and fry the chicken and put it aside. Then fry some leeks or spring onions in the same pan, a minced clove of garlic if you want, and a couple of diced rashers of bacon. Add like a cup of cream to make it a sauce, and a little paprika, salt, and pepper. Return the chicken to warm it through, then stir through the gnocchi you just cooked, and a little of the water you cooked the gnocchi in to thin out the sauce. It is ridiculously tasty, but not remotely healthy.
It's not what I expected. You can't taste the vinegar as much because the habaneros are butt-fucking your tastebuds. If you like hot, try this. Or try Dave's Gourmet stuff, another sauce that had me crying tears of joy and shitting pure fire.
Looking at what that site has available, for pure flavor wise this is one of my numerous go-to's. When I make ribs, this is what I use to pep up my homemade barbecue sauce.
Looking at what that site has available, for pure flavor wise this is one of my numerous go-to's. When I make ribs, this is what I use to pep up my homemade barbecue sauce.
Thanks for bringing back some memories best left forgotten, @Trey.
That said, my go-to really hot but really tasty salsa lately has been this.
pan fried tilapia. Super easy, absolutely delicious in my opinion (my daughter doesn't seem to like it, she only seems to like chicken) and totally what I've been craving.
So, a small tip I learned from a friend, and it's been treating me very well.
Flavor cubes!
Chop up some onions, preferrably red, white, green.
Chop up some garlic
add some salt!
add a bit of melted butter
add a bit of oil. Olive or canola.
make a nice big batch of this flavorful saute' mix and then put it all into ice cube trays. Should be cold enough to turn solid even though it's full of oils and fats. Now when you're cooking or gonna fry something up, just drop one of these guys in your dish. Saves time! and it keeps my damn onions from going bad.
Basic, easy spaghetti and chicken recipe, I make it at least twice a week (because honestly my list of easy recipes is really, really small). One of my faves. Most of these are estimates, because I've altered the original recipe so much, and I hardly pay attention to the actual amounts I use now. White onion tastes better, but if you don't like onions a lot, green onion works too.
1 chicken breast, cubed
3-4 T butter
1/4 - 1/2 cup chopped white onion OR 2-3 stalks chopped green onion
1/2 - 2/3 cup halved grape tomatoes
1-2 cloves of garlic, crushed
1 serving Spaghetti
Salt, pepper, basil, garlic powder, olive oil
Parmesan optional
Set up a pot of salted water to boil for pasta. Add spaghetti when boiling, cook al dente. Drain, keep in pot.
Put butter in a small pan on medium-low to melt, add crushed garlic. Salt if butter is unsalted. Cook until the garlic starts to turn translucent (careful not to burn it). Add onions, tomatoes, and basil, keep on low heat, stir occasionally. Tomatoes should break down a little, onions soften and turn translucent (if white). Liquid will turn a golden orange.
Season chicken with salt, pepper, basil, and garlic powder. Heat a second pan to medium when you've added the onions and tomatoes to the sauce, and coat the bottom of the pan with a little olive oil. Cook chicken over medium. When finished, add to sauce.
When all parts are finished, mix in the sauce and chicken with the pasta. Add cheese now, or when serving.
Lots of dishes used, but worth it IMO. I'd post pics, but I kinda just finished it off. >.>
TohranEverywhere you don't want to be. I'm the anti-Visa!
edited June 2014
Normally, I shun anything to do with an oven. "That's baking" *blankstare*
Last night though, I opted to try something new. It came out WONDERFUL! I forgot to put the herbal rub on it (minced garlic, salt, pepper, thyme, olive oil and rosemary). I used the canned mandarin oranges, when I saw I had less than a cup of juice, I decided to do to the oranges in the can, what we do to olives in game to make oil. Grab em, mash em, rub hands together! Brined it overnight, so here's the brine.
1/2 cup salt
1/2 cup lightly packed brown sugar
1 Tablespoon black peppercorns
1 Tablespoon coriander (I used Caraway, and it worked beautifully)
2 cups warm water
6 cups cold water
Mix everything except the cold water and whisk until it's all dissolved. Then add the cold water, put the pork loin in and let it chill in the fridge overnight.
I proudly present Roast pork loin with a mandarin orange glaze on a bed of baby carrots and onion!
3.75 lbs pork loin
1 bag baby carrots
1/2 large onion
1 can mandarin oranges (mash up the oranges and add the juice to they syrup/juice you get in the can)
1 Tablespoon olive oil
Get a big skillet, pour in the oil, and brown that pork loin after pulling it from the brine. (ditch the brine, you don't need it.) While it's browning, chop the onion and put the pieces, and the carrots down in the baking pan. Once the loin is seared to your liking, put it in the pan. Add the water to the pork drippings, and scrape up all the stuff in the pan, mixing it well together, once it's boiled down some, pour in the oranges and juice, remove from heat, mix it together. Pour over the pork, being sure to get the entire roast wet, toss in the oven at 400 degrees for one hour. Bast every 20 minutes or it'll dry out and be icky.
Hope it's not too big for the forums... That's what mine looked like!
Currently working on how to make those great Arcane Holoburgers in Cyrene! Will post when I have results!
Put this together for another forum I frequent -- figured someone here might appreciate it:
Local butcher had some nice super saddles, so I decided to make pic thread for *forum name*/EDU.
2 cups heavy whipping cream 4 egg yolks ~8-10 yukon gold potatoes ~4 large carrots ~2 vidalia onions ~12 basic white cap cooking mushrooms olive oil seasonings 1-2 rabbit saddles (or super saddle -- more on that below) 1 stick butter
(vegetable mix is totally up to you/your taste. Be warned that the color will drastically change with your veg choices so if you're a visual person then stay away from lots of carrots/mushrooms and go more towards leeks/potato/onion)
oven roasting pan sautee pan large soup pot blender
First step is obviously cleaning the rabbit and removing the offal and guts. I got my hands on a super saddle which is where the kidneys are still inside. A normal saddle from a store might not have them anymore, so if you want the kidneys make sure to ask.
Didn't include pics of breaking down the meat, but here's a video on breaking down rabbit:
Minus Whale prepare to hydrate before we start cooking :
First, set up rabbit with basic veg for roasting. 1 HR low heat roast, just enough to brown the meat and get a nice cook on the veg:
Save the kidneys for later!
Prep potatoes/veg (I used Yukon Gold/vidalia onions/carrots/mushrooms):
Once rabbit is browned move everything from the roasting pan to stovetop so our stock can be formed (cover in water):
Water previously covering the veg/rabbit should be cooking into a nice stock for later use:
Sautee your mixed veg, and make sure you're just sweating down the onions/carrots/mushrooms and softening the potatoes using olive oil/salt and pepper only. You are not browning anything here. (small kitchen so had to do one pan-ful at a time):
After all the veg is all sauteed, blend to a puree:
(smoothness level is totally up to your texture. Sometimes I'll leave half the potatoes outside the blender and throw them in for a more chunky feel, but I wanted puree smoothness for this batch):
Now we need to remove our rabbit from the simmer it was doing and separate the meat from bone, and preserve the stock:
I saved all the extra crap (veg from roast/simmer, bones, trimmings) for dat garden compost:
Time to put it all together!
Butter in large soup pot:
Stir in flour or some other thickening agent (corn starch, whatever):
Add a little bit of the stock we made to start slowly whisking it together:
Little more:
Add half of our puree'd veg:
Prepare egg yolks/heavy whipping cream mixture:
Make sure you use a tiny bit of stock into the whipping cream/egg yolk mixture BEFORE adding it into the big soup pot so that it can temper.
Then add half the cream mixture:
Juices from the roasting pan:
Then add the rest of the veg mixture and the rest of the cream mixture.
Seasoning. Remember thus far it's just cream, eggs, veg, and stock. Make sure you season to taste here:
Add the Rabbit meat you pulled off the bones earlier:
Simmer (at this point you can throw in chopped up previously cooked bacon, peas, etc. totally up to your taste):
While that's simmering let's handle the kidneys. Rabbit kidneys are really not the most fun-tasting things in the world without a little preparation.
First, make sure you remove all the fat on them and the membrane (little clumps of scrap above them is what I removed):
Kidneys should be glossy and solid color like these shiny bitches.
At this point you have several options:
1.) You can sautee them with brown butter and spices and serve them on some kind of toast/crostini whole (sourdough is good)
2.) You can make a mush out of them by super slow cooking in liquid for a long time and breaking them up to form a sort of gravy if you make it fine enough.
3.) You can make them into pseudo-bacon bits like as a topping for the soup or just to eat with bread or whatever you please.
I chose Option #3:
Blend is molasses, sugar, tiny bit of fresh wild garlic, butter, and a tiny bit of salt:
At this point you should be ready to serve. You can add whatever garnish you like (or none at all) -- I went with some sour cream/chives because I was trying for kind of a baked potato feel with the kidney bits.
Om nom nom.
TohranEverywhere you don't want to be. I'm the anti-Visa!
edited June 2014
Ladies and gentlemen, also maybe even @Bonko, I present for your approval
EDIT: WARNING! I used half the called for chili powder and it's almost too hot for the friends I cook for weekly. If you don't do a lot of heat, be careful with that stuff!
This was the result of my last attempt at cooking. I put a pan of water on to boil. The pan of water caught fire. I tried smothering the fire with the skillet you see in the picture. Unfortunately it had a thin film of grease in it. Low flames went WHOOSH! Long story short, I got a quick lessons in how to use a fire extinguisher (for the very first time). Now I just get hot water from the Keurig.
Does anyone have a recipe for kale chips that they particularly enjoy?
I don't have a recipe for them but I do buy them with pineapple and coconut. They're really tasty.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
Does anyone have a recipe for kale chips that they particularly enjoy?
I don't have a recipe for them but I do buy them with pineapple and coconut. They're really tasty.
I am similarly lazy and spoiled by a delicious mango habanero-flavored variety. Still, hope springs eternal and if I work up the gumption to throw something together, I'll post the results.
Does anyone have a recipe for kale chips that they particularly enjoy?
Cut the kale into bite sized pieces.
Place in a bowl and lightly toss with olive oil. I actually like to use the olive oil cooking spray for this since it is a fine mist. Also sprinkle in salt if desired.
Place on a cookie sheet in an even layer and bake at 425 for 10-15 minutes, or until desired crispiness is acheived.
Place final flavorings, my favorite combo is parmesean cheese and rosemary.
Meanwhile, I followed the instructions exactly but apparently the stove top had a little chat with the oven. This is what happens when I'm left home, alone, and in charge of finding my own dinner. It's supposed to be one of those "just warm it up in the oven" turkey potpies. (@Gnaash and his turkey potpies!)
1 can (8 oz) juice-packed pineapple chunks (Not crushed!) 1 c fat-free frozen vanilla yogurt (I used tillamook vanilla) 1 lg ripe mango, peeled and chopped or guestimate this amount with frozen mango chunks 1 ripe banana, sliced Ice
Throw all this is the blender, and drop in a couple ice cubes as you go. I blended the shit out of it, and it came out perfect. Enjoy, This did not disappoint me.
I came up with this awesome gnocchi recipe. You mix about 3 tbsp cornflour with 1 tsp paprika and a little salt and pepper, use it to coat a couple of chopped chicken fillets, and fry the chicken and put it aside. Then fry some leeks or spring onions in the same pan, a minced clove of garlic if you want, and a couple of diced rashers of bacon. Add like a cup of cream to make it a sauce, and a little paprika, salt, and pepper. Return the chicken to warm it through, then stir through the gnocchi you just cooked, and a little of the water you cooked the gnocchi in to thin out the sauce. It is ridiculously tasty, but not remotely healthy.
I'm still not a much of a baker, but I was asked to make something for breakfast to go. So, I present 'blue sky bran muffins.'
Forgot that I was going to post pictures of the tilapia.
This is the stuff I use for seasonings (just this and flour on the tilapia before frying)
So, a small tip I learned from a friend, and it's been treating me very well.
Flavor cubes!
Chop up some onions, preferrably red, white, green.
Chop up some garlic
add some salt!
add a bit of melted butter
add a bit of oil. Olive or canola.
make a nice big batch of this flavorful saute' mix and then put it all into ice cube trays. Should be cold enough to turn solid even though it's full of oils and fats. Now when you're cooking or gonna fry something up, just drop one of these guys in your dish. Saves time! and it keeps my damn onions from going bad.
So I've been playing around with cooking lately, and here are a few of my favourite things so far
Ramen with pork belly
Basic, easy spaghetti and chicken recipe, I make it at least twice a week (because honestly my list of easy recipes is really, really small). One of my faves. Most of these are estimates, because I've altered the original recipe so much, and I hardly pay attention to the actual amounts I use now. White onion tastes better, but if you don't like onions a lot, green onion works too.
1 chicken breast, cubed
3-4 T butter
1/4 - 1/2 cup chopped white onion OR 2-3 stalks chopped green onion
1/2 - 2/3 cup halved grape tomatoes
1-2 cloves of garlic, crushed
1 serving Spaghetti
Salt, pepper, basil, garlic powder, olive oil
Parmesan optional
Set up a pot of salted water to boil for pasta. Add spaghetti when boiling, cook al dente. Drain, keep in pot.
Put butter in a small pan on medium-low to melt, add crushed garlic. Salt if butter is unsalted. Cook until the garlic starts to turn translucent (careful not to burn it). Add onions, tomatoes, and basil, keep on low heat, stir occasionally. Tomatoes should break down a little, onions soften and turn translucent (if white). Liquid will turn a golden orange.
Season chicken with salt, pepper, basil, and garlic powder. Heat a second pan to medium when you've added the onions and tomatoes to the sauce, and coat the bottom of the pan with a little olive oil. Cook chicken over medium. When finished, add to sauce.
When all parts are finished, mix in the sauce and chicken with the pasta. Add cheese now, or when serving.
Lots of dishes used, but worth it IMO. I'd post pics, but I kinda just finished it off. >.>
Normally, I shun anything to do with an oven. "That's baking" *blankstare*
Last night though, I opted to try something new. It came out WONDERFUL! I forgot to put the herbal rub on it (minced garlic, salt, pepper, thyme, olive oil and rosemary). I used the canned mandarin oranges, when I saw I had less than a cup of juice, I decided to do to the oranges in the can, what we do to olives in game to make oil. Grab em, mash em, rub hands together! Brined it overnight, so here's the brine.
1/2 cup salt
1/2 cup lightly packed brown sugar
1 Tablespoon black peppercorns
1 Tablespoon coriander (I used Caraway, and it worked beautifully)
2 cups warm water
6 cups cold water
Mix everything except the cold water and whisk until it's all dissolved. Then add the cold water, put the pork loin in and let it chill in the fridge overnight.
I proudly present Roast pork loin with a mandarin orange glaze on a bed of baby carrots and onion!
3.75 lbs pork loin
1 bag baby carrots
1/2 large onion
1 can mandarin oranges (mash up the oranges and add the juice to they syrup/juice you get in the can)
1 Tablespoon olive oil
Get a big skillet, pour in the oil, and brown that pork loin after pulling it from the brine. (ditch the brine, you don't need it.) While it's browning, chop the onion and put the pieces, and the carrots down in the baking pan. Once the loin is seared to your liking, put it in the pan. Add the water to the pork drippings, and scrape up all the stuff in the pan, mixing it well together, once it's boiled down some, pour in the oranges and juice, remove from heat, mix it together. Pour over the pork, being sure to get the entire roast wet, toss in the oven at 400 degrees for one hour. Bast every 20 minutes or it'll dry out and be icky.
Hope it's not too big for the forums... That's what mine looked like!
Currently working on how to make those great Arcane Holoburgers in Cyrene! Will post when I have results!
Put this together for another forum I frequent -- figured someone here might appreciate it:
Local butcher had some nice super saddles, so I decided to make pic thread for *forum name*/EDU.SHIT YOU NEED
2 cups heavy whipping cream
4 egg yolks
~8-10 yukon gold potatoes
~4 large carrots
~2 vidalia onions
~12 basic white cap cooking mushrooms
olive oil
1-2 rabbit saddles (or super saddle -- more on that below)
1 stick butter
(vegetable mix is totally up to you/your taste. Be warned that the color will drastically change with your veg choices so if you're a visual person then stay away from lots of carrots/mushrooms and go more towards leeks/potato/onion)
oven roasting pan
sautee pan
large soup pot
First step is obviously cleaning the rabbit and removing the offal and guts. I got my hands on a super saddle which is where the kidneys are still inside. A normal saddle from a store might not have them anymore, so if you want the kidneys make sure to ask.
Didn't include pics of breaking down the meat, but here's a video on breaking down rabbit:
Minus Whale prepare to hydrate before we start cooking
First, set up rabbit with basic veg for roasting. 1 HR low heat roast, just enough to brown the meat and get a nice cook on the veg:
Save the kidneys for later!
Prep potatoes/veg (I used Yukon Gold/vidalia onions/carrots/mushrooms):
Once rabbit is browned move everything from the roasting pan to stovetop so our stock can be formed (cover in water):
Water previously covering the veg/rabbit should be cooking into a nice stock for later use:
Sautee your mixed veg, and make sure you're just sweating down the onions/carrots/mushrooms and softening the potatoes using olive oil/salt and pepper only. You are not browning anything here. (small kitchen so had to do one pan-ful at a time):
After all the veg is all sauteed, blend to a puree:
(smoothness level is totally up to your texture. Sometimes I'll leave half the potatoes outside the blender and throw them in for a more chunky feel, but I wanted puree smoothness for this batch):
Now we need to remove our rabbit from the simmer it was doing and separate the meat from bone, and preserve the stock:
I saved all the extra crap (veg from roast/simmer, bones, trimmings) for dat garden compost:
Time to put it all together!
Butter in large soup pot:
Stir in flour or some other thickening agent (corn starch, whatever):
Add a little bit of the stock we made to start slowly whisking it together:
Little more:
Add half of our puree'd veg:
Prepare egg yolks/heavy whipping cream mixture:
Make sure you use a tiny bit of stock into the whipping cream/egg yolk mixture BEFORE adding it into the big soup pot so that it can temper.
Then add half the cream mixture:
Juices from the roasting pan:
Then add the rest of the veg mixture and the rest of the cream mixture.
Seasoning. Remember thus far it's just cream, eggs, veg, and stock. Make sure you season to taste here:
Add the Rabbit meat you pulled off the bones earlier:
Simmer (at this point you can throw in chopped up previously cooked bacon, peas, etc. totally up to your taste):
While that's simmering let's handle the kidneys. Rabbit kidneys are really not the most fun-tasting things in the world without a little preparation.
First, make sure you remove all the fat on them and the membrane (little clumps of scrap above them is what I removed):
Kidneys should be glossy and solid color like these shiny bitches.
At this point you have several options:
1.) You can sautee them with brown butter and spices and serve them on some kind of toast/crostini whole (sourdough is good)
2.) You can make a mush out of them by super slow cooking in liquid for a long time and breaking them up to form a sort of gravy if you make it fine enough.
3.) You can make them into pseudo-bacon bits like as a topping for the soup or just to eat with bread or whatever you please.
I chose Option #3:
Blend is molasses, sugar, tiny bit of fresh wild garlic, butter, and a tiny bit of salt:
At this point you should be ready to serve. You can add whatever garnish you like (or none at all) -- I went with some sour cream/chives because I was trying for kind of a baked potato feel with the kidney bits.
Om nom nom.
Ladies and gentlemen, also maybe even @Bonko, I present for your approval
Dak Bokkeum Tang (Korean spicy chicken stew!)
EDIT: WARNING! I used half the called for chili powder and it's almost too hot for the friends I cook for weekly. If you don't do a lot of heat, be careful with that stuff!
Khao Soi (northern Thai dish)
Paleo (coconut milk-based and honey instead of sugar) blueberry-rosemary ice cream
Hotwings. Because sometimes you just have to get messy.
Does anyone have a recipe for kale chips that they particularly enjoy?
I don't have a recipe for them but I do buy them with pineapple and coconut. They're really tasty.
I am similarly lazy and spoiled by a delicious mango habanero-flavored variety. Still, hope springs eternal and if I work up the gumption to throw something together, I'll post the results.
Cut the kale into bite sized pieces.
Place in a bowl and lightly toss with olive oil. I actually like to use the olive oil cooking spray for this since it is a fine mist. Also sprinkle in salt if desired.
Place on a cookie sheet in an even layer and bake at 425 for 10-15 minutes, or until desired crispiness is acheived.
Place final flavorings, my favorite combo is parmesean cheese and rosemary.
You have rescued my waistline from certain bloom.
1 can (8 oz) juice-packed pineapple chunks (Not crushed!)
1 c fat-free frozen vanilla yogurt (I used tillamook vanilla)
1 lg ripe mango, peeled and chopped or guestimate this amount with frozen mango chunks
1 ripe banana, sliced
Throw all this is the blender, and drop in a couple ice cubes as you go. I blended the shit out of it, and it came out perfect.
Enjoy, This did not disappoint me.
Personally I'm a big fan of my go-to protein shake in the morning when I actually eat breakfast.
2 scoops of vanilla whey protein
2 cups of skim milk
1 cup of fruit of your choice (I usually go with frozen triple-berry mix)
1/2 a banana (sometimes I eschew the cup of fruit and just do a whole banana)
Blend well, drink immediately.
2 scoops vanilla whey (ON gold standard ftw)
2 cups milk (I vary what I drink)
1 cup frozen blueberries
2 tablespoons natural peanut butter (Teddy's ftw)
1 cup apple juice
All you people with blenders...