Hashan Thread



  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    Incidentally, I think one of the things about Hashan that makes it stand out from the other cities is how many religious overhauls it's had. Choice of a patron and the general feel in the city is more than just an administrative choice.

    Other cities have generally been pretty consistent with their patronage. Eleusis has forestal gods, Ashtan was very much an Aegean / Chaos family city for a long time, their having Babel for patron is also 'the natural choice'. Mhaldor will always be Mhaldor and *shallam of course had their churchie gods.

    Ourania's been a constant in Hashan, which is great, but I've been playing for... how many years now? 9? 10? and I've seen Hashan changeover from a Darkie city to a Nereian influenced one (in the face of a high Darkie population no less!) and then at one point you guys even had Thoth for a patron I think... And now back to Ourania with no small touch of Darkie.

    Without any stable belief system, Hashan gives the impression of a still wavering, still free for the taking ground. Sometimes it feels like Hashan is too busy changing their identity to really get involved out there. And that's a pity. You've had some great players over the years but they just couldn't seem to get it off the ground.

  • I always thought Hashan was like a baseball or hockey farming team.

    Once you're ready to play with the big boys, you move somewhere else.
    Replies the scorpion: "It's my nature..."
  • @Vayne You should write "Hashan 101." Essential read for all newbies.

  • Skye said:
    Ourania's been a constant in Hashan, which is great, but I've been playing for... how many years now? 9? 10? and I've seen Hashan changeover from a Darkie city to a Nereian influenced one (in the face of a high Darkie population no less!) and then at one point you guys even had Thoth for a patron I think... And now back to Ourania with no small touch of Darkie.

    If you talk about the period when Neraeos was Patron, the Dark membership was at an all time low actually, it have been growing since, both in members and sentiment, also Darkness have done a lot more over the years both in Hashan and outside, than it have actually been credited for, would be surprised about a few of them, albeit is only natural as a lot of the ideology favours a more subtle approach to things.
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    Memory's a bit shady in that respect. I seem to recall enough of you buggers around at the time to be a nuisance :P

  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    Asmodron said:
    A problem with Darkness is the general paranoia it sows. People will start to distrust one another as they attempt their little behind-the-scenes schemes, each one believing they have the best interests of Hashan at heart. Take the example of Aurora's statue for example, from what I understand there was the discussions of removing it (?) however then @Vayne informed Refugees about Mhaldor seeking to destroy it? The problem with Darkness is unless everyone is on board with it and knows the plan, the most I see it doing in a city-state is causing mistrust and breed more tensions.

    Actually now that I think about it..that is probably why Hashan has been in the divided state it is for so long.
    Uh, what are you even talking about? There was no intention of removing the statue, so I am not sure where you go that. It has been there since Hashan expanded over a decade ago. They statue was destroyed and then I found the message and delivered it. You information seems to be sketchy at best.
    Furthermore, Darkness works best when not everyone knows what is going on, it works off that paranoia and misdirection. Again, your ideas of distrust within followers of Darkness shows a general misunderstanding of the teaching of Twilight, assuming that they are something the lines of "use everyone for your own personal gain whenever you can, even each other" which is not true. Darkness's goal is the Great Work which they believe will better the world for all. Twilight was the one who got Hashan back on track, he would not do anything that was not in its best interest. It is his city after all.

    But then again, Twilight is not around, his order is essentially defunct now anyway, so...
  • I don't know that much about Hashan, having had little interaction with it, but I think @Vayne has somewhat unrealistic expectations regarding Shallam. When Shallam already has such strong reasons to oppose Ashtan and Mhaldor, why would they seek a war with Hashan - especially when it sounded like they've had their hands full with Ashtan for a while now? You might get more meaningful conflict with someone else, particularly someone who has more time to deal with you properly. (maybe Eleusis or Cyrene? I won't pretend to know what the latter would end up being like, though, but I'd personally find it cool!)

    I wish I knew more about the whole statue business to comment on that in particular, because I want to give advice like "being manipulative is more than just lying to someone's face," or maybe give advice on how to get respect in situations where you'd otherwise be treated as a joke, but I don't know enough about what went wrong. 

  • As a citizen of Hashan, I think this thread boils down to the following:

    Firecracker, firecracker, sis boom ba. Hashan, Hashan, rah rah rah!

    Let's leave it to in-game, this whole thing seems pointless to discuss here.
  • ^Agreed. You might have more success interacting with Cyrene Also, @Vayne, you keep bitching about how your Order is defunct without an active Twilight. Lots of Orders function just fine, albeit at a less intense level, without active patrons. Player motivation goes a long way
  • Um. @Vayne hasn't said anything about his Order being defunct.
  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    @Nim, it probably stems from Ourania's allying with Babel. Shallam started dropping shrines and Ourania is Hashan's Matron.
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • But then again, Twilight is not around, his order is essentially defunct now anyway, so...
  • SherazadSherazad Planef Urth
    I thought Vayne is Ouranian, not Darkie.
    Bleh, work ate my gaming life.
    내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1

  • The way he talks, it's hard not to think differently
  • Yes, I should have been more clear. The only mention that he's made of an Order not being active was talking about Twilight's, of which he is not a member, as far as I know. Regardless, he's not "bitching" about the Order being defunct. The primary points I've seen from any of @Vayne's comments regarding Twilight are that his style is more conducive to direct antagonism than Ourania's, and that his absence as a galvanising force in the city has made for somewhat slower progress than we might otherwise have seen. If you've read his posts in this thread as a Darkwalker bitching about his Patron being inactive, it would seem that you've rather missed the point.
  • edited January 2013
    Well things tends to be easier with an active Divine around, albeit then again most things are, always amused me on some level, that a City leader cannot even move a single brick without a Divine hand being involved.

    Also as a sidenote, a lot of figthers of some fame did start out as Hashani or were Hashani at some point, they just seem to city jump.
  • edited January 2013

    Aliath said:

    Also as a sidenote, a lot of figthers of some fame did start out as Hashani or were Hashani at some point, they just seem to city jump.
    I think it's like @Aepas said. Being a big fish in a small pond is fun until you get bored of eating small fish.
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    It is commonplace unfortunately to see many with combat skill in Hashan eventually defect to another city that sees more action. Most go to the powerhouse of Ashtan which I suppose most cities have to deal with but Hashan is more noticeably impacted by it.
  • I thought you guys have Jacen/Dorn/Eld/Dodder.
  • XerXer Langley
    edited January 2013
    Dorn is Ashtani. But I think Mhaldor is probably the most impacted by the loss of good combatants, should it happen : / Don't know anything about the other cities though, so that's just a biased opinion haha.
    e^(iπ) + 1 = 0
  • KatzchenKatzchen Mhaldor
    edited January 2013

    Jacen and Eld, yes. Dorn went to Ashtan. Dodder was Hashani? I don't recall Jacen or Eld being particularly great at combat though, (read mid tier, not bad, just not really good) maybe they've improved a lot lately. Hhaos is the only one I recall who could kick my ass seemingly effortlessly.

                   Honourable, knight eternal,

                                            Darkly evil, cruel infernal.

                                                                     Necromanctic to the core,

                                                                                             Dance with death forever more.

  • <3@Tvistor. Thank you for vastly overrating my combat skill by listing me as someone with combat skill!
  • edited January 2013
    I have never seen Hhaos* spar, but heard he has rapiers at Salik level.

    Also, Jacen, you are compared to the average Hashani and are pretty solidly mid-tier from what I hear.
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    edited January 2013
    You mean Hhaos? I would say he is hands down our most accomplished combatant. Most of the older Lotus members can hold their own, Hawek is showing some excellent potential too.
  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Did @Tvistor just call @Halos Hashani?

    ... the plot thickens.
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • I'm hoping if I imply Hashan is Shallam strongly enough on the forums, admin will blow it up too.
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    Alcreadia always said it would blow up eventually.
  • SherazadSherazad Planef Urth
    Does Dodder fight these days? I mostly remember him for killing denizens when there aren't much people.
    Bleh, work ate my gaming life.
    내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1

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