For most of the adventurers of Sapience, our City, House and Order are a major part of defining who we are, and the core of what we do from day to day. As a magi, my ties to my House are particularly strong, not least of all because I'm reliant on it as the core of my crystalism and enchantment abilities. I can't imagine what it would be like to have all that suddenly taken away. There are some from Shallam who have endured a triple whammy, losing City, House and Order all more or less at once.
We've seen an upbeat and optimistic public post from Silas. How are others coping with the loss?
There must also be sentimental aspects of Shallam and it's Houses that are missed as well, whether architecture or denizens or other quirks. Or are there things about old Shallam that are generally reviled by it's own citizenry? If you had the choice would you want the old Shallam back, or some different new Shallam, or a mixture of both?
Macro stuff like what the new Houses will be, since why should they be carbon copies of the previous ones? The physical layout of your new city, what symbolism will be involved, the visual aesthetic you'll use (omg imagine a Machu Picchu-style city in the New Hope mountains). How your new ideology and goals will reflect your two new hardcore kick-punching Michelle n' Barack patrons. Activities you might promote to reflect your new ideology, and how you can encourage participation. Whether you might take the opportunity to update your House's advancement paths to reflect a changed identity.
Micro stuff like a new NPC. A memorial room somewhere. A cape or talisman or headdress worn by one of your (new/carryover) guard types that symbolises something. A new phrase you try to inject into the local culture (one thing I liked about Lusternia was the way Hallifax said things like "fair winds" and "clear skies" instead of just hello/goodbye, to reflect their culture - other cities had similar). A new falcon or snake description. Little details.
Coming up with a solid foundation is nothing simple, and every hour you put into it will be worthwhile down the line.
Second, there has been a lot of obstructionism from a lot of people to the idea of building a new cultural/societal foundation. Without going into too much detail, there are two broad schools of thought. One is going back to a more democratic organizational structure, which has failed us miserably in the past, and the other is a top-down theocratic approach that I like to nickname the 'Good Mhaldor' plan, attempts at which have also failed us miserably in the past. Both sides are well-intentioned, and there are a lot of people in the middle (including me) who want to see a blend of these methods. But the absolutists in any argument are always the loudest, and the most successful at obstructing constructive debate.
I do like the Machu Picchu idea, though!
Edit: To actually answer the original question, I just came back from dormancy (my occasional lurking of the homepage news told me the Bal'met event was a good time to come back,) so I actually had a quadruple whammy. I lost Church (was CHR 10,) Order (263 IC years,) House (was HR 10 at one point before I left and rejoined, worked my way back to HR 7,) and city (CR 6) all more or less at the same time (from my perspective.) I've been playing Shallamese for nine and a half RLyears. There's a huge sense of loss. The streets of Shallam are as familiar as a lot of my RL hangouts, and I'm not going to see them again. It's kind of like a friend's house burned down.
That said, I have a 'challenge accepted' personality. I'm galvanized by the possibilities of rebuilding, despite the negativity. It's an exciting and pivotal moment.
This one time on Shala-Khulia...
OOCly I'm frustrated that it always ends up us getting beat on, beat up, by Ashtan. Some restraint would be nice at times along with whoever runs those little events for Ashtan to lay off. What part of we have nothing do you not get? You kidnap a child and have it sacrificed, Those that tried to rescue it died of course. Worldburn + Tanris doesn't end with us winning. Of course..when's the last time we won anything.
Sure it's natural it would take time, but meanwhile any newcomers are going elsewhere while just us remain then you'll all whine and bitch some more that the same old people are doing the same old things when you're not letting us get anyone new.
Right now it doesn't feel like Good vs Evil/Darkness/Chaos, it feels like the power house of Ashtan is running the show same as always. When's that going to change?
(Leaders): Lathis says, "Just make sure Sabiru doesn't get charged with anything
(Leaders): Sabiru says, "<3."
I don't mind. Just give me totems back. At least the Ministry of Security has a good excuse for being a joke, seeing that it doesn't really exist anymore.
To be fair (as I said in ranting), you didn't have to do something so blatently stupid as rushing into me on a totem plus a shrine plus the most secure area Babel's order has available. As I also said there, admittedly you had no way of knowing there would be more doable avenues to hit us later, as we do tend to do most of our order stuff there. Unfortunate, but it happens. Use it to galvanise the apathetic people.
It does happen that you lose events, and it sometimes is disheartening. It also helps a lot if you make the most of it and try to get something out of the loss. Also, I'd honestly not be surprised if New Hope was chosen because of everyone (generalisation) complaining they had nothing to do.
Ashtan won't be on top when it gets a concrete ideology people will need to commit to. Until that happens its going to have an advantage shared somewhat by Cyrene, but have the benefit its also home to a concrete faction. Its kind of like if you had Cyrene, then through in Shallam's ideology there so it had all of the people wanting to pk for good plus the zerg.
Events 355, btw. Yes, we do lose (we got told to try to destroy an outdoors room vs about a 7 man cata plus huge melee group, in guard range. It was possible for us to win theoretically, just not in practice. We lost far more than a bit of morale from it too from an IC standpoint, although we did get Babel which was awesome).
Sorry if you guys didn't get anything out of it, guess that's just how it happens sometimes.