If they just have an arm and a leg prepped, there's not a whole lot a Paladin can do that you need to be worried about - unless you're really relying on active healing to stay ahead of damage and being prone with an arm break is going to cause you to fall over to damage. You need at least a level one break (that's a single restoration application) on both legs to extend impale writhe time, so depending on doubleslash speed you may also need to break an arm (to push them off salve balance) prior to that.
Hellsight is pretty much dead on two seconds equilibrium with an aldar diadem/talisman, so about 2.3-2.4 without.
In terms of working around parrying, it really depends on how your opponent fights. The absolute easiest method is to break the unparried leg with double delphinium, then doubleslash the parried leg with combinations of epseth and epteth to keep them prone and unable to parry for as long as possible. Depending on your opponent's latency, your own doubleslash speed, and whether or not they choose to smoke skullcap, you can in theory prep their parried limb from a single leg break. That's pretty trivially countered by switching your parry if/when you do stand up, though. There are other things you can do with arm breaks, venoms, etc; pretty much all of them have counters, though Piety helps with things like your opponent just trying to fly out.
Like most things, Damnation gets a lot easier the faster your doubleslash is. I've done it with Soulpiercers (so a 2.2 second doubleslash), but not on anybody who is exactly great defensively. One of the things Paladin is particularly strong at is draining mana, at which point securing a lock becomes a lot easier because your opponent can no longer focus. From some stuff I was looking at a few months ago, I'd say that with a sufficiently fast doubleslash (1.6-1.8 seconds), there's no reason you couldn't get a damnation kill with zero prior momentum (after prep) on the majority of people right now.
You'll probably never see an unruned 250+ rapier. You might see some with runes (which are now runewarden-only), which add 10 to each stat, but 240+ is still rare.
You can also get DSL that fast (temporarily) as an infernal with frenzy, though.
If they just have an arm and a leg prepped, there's not a whole lot a Paladin can do that you need to be worried about - unless you're really relying on active healing to stay ahead of damage and being prone with an arm break is going to cause you to fall over to damage. You need at least a level one break (that's a single restoration application) on both legs to extend impale writhe time, so depending on doubleslash speed you may also need to break an arm (to push them off salve balance) prior to that.
Hellsight is pretty much dead on two seconds equilibrium with an aldar diadem/talisman, so about 2.3-2.4 without.
In terms of working around parrying, it really depends on how your opponent fights. The absolute easiest method is to break the unparried leg with double delphinium, then doubleslash the parried leg with combinations of epseth and epteth to keep them prone and unable to parry for as long as possible. Depending on your opponent's latency, your own doubleslash speed, and whether or not they choose to smoke skullcap, you can in theory prep their parried limb from a single leg break. That's pretty trivially countered by switching your parry if/when you do stand up, though. There are other things you can do with arm breaks, venoms, etc; pretty much all of them have counters, though Piety helps with things like your opponent just trying to fly out.
Like most things, Damnation gets a lot easier the faster your doubleslash is. I've done it with Soulpiercers (so a 2.2 second doubleslash), but not on anybody who is exactly great defensively. One of the things Paladin is particularly strong at is draining mana, at which point securing a lock becomes a lot easier because your opponent can no longer focus. From some stuff I was looking at a few months ago, I'd say that with a sufficiently fast doubleslash (1.6-1.8 seconds), there's no reason you couldn't get a damnation kill with zero prior momentum (after prep) on the majority of people right now.
Passive healing, Fitness, Rebounding, Tree , Static parry head.
I'm running a 243/239 and im dsling right above 1.8 I don't think 1.6 is possible for Paladin anymore.
Damnations still a major pain in the ass to pull off from my perspective, Since it basically requires a herb stack then hellsight if they smoke at all your boned, and they can honestly just parry head on hellsight to stop it, According to everything i've came up at least.
Add in the fact they can fitness out or tree tattoo/passive curing abilities and it becomes a nightmare. Also I haven't ever been able to find a way to keep them prone and still keep up your herb stack.
Honestly most of my damnations were people freaking out that I broke head and them touching shield since hellsight and Damnation both bypass shield.
Also if they do that then they can't fitness out until it's to late.
Not counting the damnations I was getting off after the change to pipe balance before svo was updated, Since Svo at the time would smoke slickness then kinda bug out on smoking hellsight.
Also for the record with out having a talisman hellsight's equib cost is to high to even make it possible with out lag on there part.
and honestly as far as just curing out of it correctly I think with out fitness/pasive curing/tree Damnation is a 60% chance to work with the setup I was using before
if they have fitness it was.. 13%
Also for the record your better off breaking head with weariness/anorexia so if they DO focus stupidity there dead. assuming no passive healing.
What stops Minuet? Other then being deaf, or off eq/balance for abilities you try to force that use such? Cause despite the fact I had Minuet played for someone, they were ignoring my command left and right while undeaf. Also my harmonics WERE in the room.
Better question cause I can't idiot edit, does shadowcloak mask actions? IE: Putting vial in pack? Also can't you see that a person is shrouded with Thirdeye (As in, doesn't it say they're shrouded if you look.)
Okay I figured out both the issues! I never regained trust DESPITE MINUET being in the room! Weird!..I didn't even think to look for that...
To answer the shroud question anyways, being cloaked/shrouded hides certain actions, but putting things in packs isn't one of them. If you have thirdeye up, you'll see something like "Person is here, shrouded" unless something else (like being hidden) is still preventing you from seeing them.
For serpent, is the difference between CON apec and DEX spec large? I am unsure if I need to switch for learning & starting combat.
Pretty large from everything i've seen/heard as speed is everything in combat.
When comparing speeds .2 or .3 seconds might not seem like it's worth it but the reality is if a herb balance is 1.5 seconds that .2 or .3 can add in an extra affliction before they eat another herb, allowing you to pull off things you never could with out it.
Also most if not all attacks are % base with a large majority of them having base damage and % damage. So while having high life will reduce the amount of damage you take there seems to be a point where the % part of the damage over shadows the base damage of abilitys. On the other hand having higher life will increase the amount of hits your limbs can take with what seems like Deminishing returns on higher health as well.
Also for the record with weaving + Mounted + high dex you'll be almost impossible to hit reducing damage by alot.
So uh... I don't know how to hinder any harder than that. Is ROF necessary to surviving Occie?
Running like a bitch when they start getting high amounts of afflictions is a good idea.
If you get camdus run. run run. Tentacles make running a pain and ring of flying let's you bypass them to cure easier (plus there spamming tentacle tattoo or the ent)
There's an option in svo that you can enable that adds a window that shows you what afflictions svo thinks you have (I say think because if Svo doesn't catch it it won't show up)
Prep + Running is one of the strongest strats you can use on a class with no prep ability at least imo. Although with the tentacles it can be a serious pain.
Also not sure if it's true but i've been told spamming to leave while off balance on tentacles,piety, gravehands makes it harder to leave on the next balance.
So uh... I don't know how to hinder any harder than that. Is ROF necessary to surviving Occie?
Running like a bitch when they start getting high amounts of afflictions is a good idea.
If you get camdus run. run run. Tentacles make running a pain and ring of flying let's you bypass them to cure easier (plus there spamming tentacle tattoo or the ent)
There's an option in svo that you can enable that adds a window that shows you what afflictions svo thinks you have (I say think because if Svo doesn't catch it it won't show up)
Prep + Running is one of the strongest strats you can use on a class with no prep ability at least imo. Although with the tentacles it can be a serious pain.
Also not sure if it's true but i've been told spamming to leave while off balance on tentacles,piety, gravehands makes it harder to leave on the next balance.
Occie affliction rate is 100% guaranteed death, without active hindrance. This is why so many people die to it (because people have become over-reliant on SVO solving all of their problems.)
By active hindrance, I mean actively slowing their affliction rate, typically through class skills/arties. Monks can Kai cripple, magi can reflect, tarot users can whore hangedman, etc.) Alternatively various methods of "running away" (raido, earring, RoF, mind throw, wall/tumble, and so on) are excellent option against tentacles, but only if you're willing to listen to your opponent bitch about whatever you use to escape lulRNG tentacles long enough to catch up on curing. Occies (particularly with Thoth's/torc) all know that if you sit in the room with them for more than 15 seconds, they're guaranteed a win, which is why they'll generally call you coward (etc) if you won't oblige.
Re: piety/tentacles/gravehands
Spamming movement doesn't affect future proc chance of escape, but it does reset the balance loss. For best results, don't bother trying (because they're stupidly low odds), or tumble. If no other choice is available, only try moving on balance (don't spam it). In general though, if my survival hinges on being able to walk out of tentacles/gravehands, I usually just take my hands off of my keyboard and walk away. It might take you 15+ seconds to leave, but it is instant for them to follow you and repeat the scenario.
@Jacen: Blindness and deafness will kill you. Blindness isn't needed at all, you're just wasting herb balance that you'll need to not get totally overwhelmed by afflictions. Deafness should be put up after actually curing afflictions (or use kaido deafness since you're a monk?). Half of the instill/bloodleech afflictions are prioritised lower than blindness and deafness with the Svo defaults, so you'll want to rearrange your herb priorities for Occultists at least (switching out entire lists of priorities is covered in great detail in the Svo documentation, if you're not familiar with how it works).
Make a trigger for attend to disable keeping up blindness and deafness if you're going to use herbs for them - then to re-enable putting up deafness after two or three seconds. Attend/bloodleech is a pretty standard opener for Occultists, because they know most people are going to waste herb balance on putting those back up. If you don't do that they've gained nothing from it.
That aside, seems there were some issues with Svo tracking which afflictions you had. Forced tree cured lethargy, and then instill immediately after gave clumsiness, neither of which were reflected in Svo's tracking. Svo thought you had two Cadmus afflictions when it was given (and it requires three).
Occultist is rough though, yes. Batter is good hindering, cripple should be good as well. Cadmus is your get the fuck out warning sign, don't stay past that point. Ideally abuse the fact you're a prep class, and hinder or leave often enough that they can't stick any afflictions. If they get Hecate, you -really- need to get out of the room pretty much immediately.
And of course, tree early and often. Have afflictions and tree balance? Probably a good idea to use it. It looks like Svo was using tree for you in that log, so not sure if you already have something like it, but I posted a script to automate tree usage in Svo ages ago specifically for Occultists, though I've made some changes and improvements to it since. It now looks like this:
@Caladbolg: Not sure about piety/gravehands (I've never tested), but with tentacles it used to be (and I believe still is) if you spammed the direction you'd never regain balance.
Yeah. It doesn't lower the chance of escape if you spam, it means you'll never get out until tentacles/piety/gravehands/pinshot/wildgrowth goes down because the one second balance loss is reset every time you hit them, and it's impossible to not hit them if you're already off balance. I honestly don't know if that's the case for peels because it functions slightly differently.
Good advice above, few things I would add is if you have a mount/leap is a better way to spam a direction when trying to get out of tentacles, it will take balance but they are likely off eq/balance themselves from their offense. Having an icewall up might be good in that case while prepping limbs before you go for your break setup.
Kai cripple seemed like ineffective hindering on an occie with a torc, he was able to spam it even while proned. Batter definitely seemed to at least buy some time though, especially a 2nd one since he used up tree.
But yea, I'd say with a int spec, quick witted spec occie that is artied enough to survive burst damage a RoF and being outdoors is a must for most classes
If you have regeneration and boost regeneration in Kaido. Would it stack with the level 2 regen artefact to be level 3 or will it exceed the level 3? So therefore as a monk you want to buy a level 1?
The only things that are counted as levels of regen are berkana, regen rings, the discontinued trollskin armour, and the regen transmogrifications (for occultists). Everything else is entirely separate. So most people don't have to worry about the cap at all because they can't get more than level 3 anyways.
So is slipperiness working as intended or what? Doesn't quite seem right bring abl to writhe off a full second with double legs, a full second before recovering re-balance. Kinda makes them un-disembowel-able no?
Hellsight is pretty much dead on two seconds equilibrium with an aldar diadem/talisman, so about 2.3-2.4 without.
In terms of working around parrying, it really depends on how your opponent fights. The absolute easiest method is to break the unparried leg with double delphinium, then doubleslash the parried leg with combinations of epseth and epteth to keep them prone and unable to parry for as long as possible. Depending on your opponent's latency, your own doubleslash speed, and whether or not they choose to smoke skullcap, you can in theory prep their parried limb from a single leg break. That's pretty trivially countered by switching your parry if/when you do stand up, though. There are other things you can do with arm breaks, venoms, etc; pretty much all of them have counters, though Piety helps with things like your opponent just trying to fly out.
Like most things, Damnation gets a lot easier the faster your doubleslash is. I've done it with Soulpiercers (so a 2.2 second doubleslash), but not on anybody who is exactly great defensively. One of the things Paladin is particularly strong at is draining mana, at which point securing a lock becomes a lot easier because your opponent can no longer focus. From some stuff I was looking at a few months ago, I'd say that with a sufficiently fast doubleslash (1.6-1.8 seconds), there's no reason you couldn't get a damnation kill with zero prior momentum (after prep) on the majority of people right now.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
I wish broken head would stop focus, hello BM truelocks
and magi
I wish focus would break heads.
→My Mudlet Scripts
Thanks everyone. I think I'll always die to knight damage the moment they break my limbs.
But you guys gave me an idea of what to look for, and some side notes on how Damnation works. (Never seen one)
Edit: What speed stat do rapiers need to be for a 1.6~1.8 DSL?
A speed of 250 with nimble will get you ~1.8.
Whut.. ._.
I only see 227~231's I'm lucky if I see anything higher for sale.
You'll probably never see an unruned 250+ rapier. You might see some with runes (which are now runewarden-only), which add 10 to each stat, but 240+ is still rare.
You can also get DSL that fast (temporarily) as an infernal with frenzy, though.
On that topic, does anyone have a limb counter for knights? I only know of Vadi's but wonder if there are any others.
Tynil gave his out but I don't have it.
Rakon put his on forums somewhere
Passive healing, Fitness, Rebounding, Tree , Static parry head.
I'm running a 243/239 and im dsling right above 1.8 I don't think 1.6 is possible for Paladin anymore.
Damnations still a major pain in the ass to pull off from my perspective, Since it basically requires a herb stack then hellsight if they smoke at all your boned, and they can honestly just parry head on hellsight to stop it, According to everything i've came up at least.
Add in the fact they can fitness out or tree tattoo/passive curing abilities and it becomes a nightmare. Also I haven't ever been able to find a way to keep them prone and still keep up your herb stack.
Honestly most of my damnations were people freaking out that I broke head and them touching shield since hellsight and Damnation both bypass shield.
Also if they do that then they can't fitness out until it's to late.
Not counting the damnations I was getting off after the change to pipe balance before svo was updated, Since Svo at the time would smoke slickness then kinda bug out on smoking hellsight.
Also for the record with out having a talisman hellsight's equib cost is to high to even make it possible with out lag on there part.
and honestly as far as just curing out of it correctly I think with out fitness/pasive curing/tree Damnation is a 60% chance to work with the setup I was using before
if they have fitness it was.. 13%
Also for the record your better off breaking head with weariness/anorexia so if they DO focus stupidity there dead. assuming no passive healing.
What stops Minuet? Other then being deaf, or off eq/balance for abilities you try to force that use such? Cause despite the fact I had Minuet played for someone, they were ignoring my command left and right while undeaf. Also my harmonics WERE in the room.
Better question cause I can't idiot edit, does shadowcloak mask actions? IE: Putting vial in pack? Also can't you see that a person is shrouded with Thirdeye (As in, doesn't it say they're shrouded if you look.)
Okay I figured out both the issues! I never regained trust DESPITE MINUET being in the room! Weird!..I didn't even think to look for that...
To answer the shroud question anyways, being cloaked/shrouded hides certain actions, but putting things in packs isn't one of them. If you have thirdeye up, you'll see something like "Person is here, shrouded" unless something else (like being hidden) is still preventing you from seeing them.
For serpent, is the difference between CON apec and DEX spec large? I am unsure if I need to switch for learning & starting combat.
Pretty large from everything i've seen/heard as speed is everything in combat.
When comparing speeds .2 or .3 seconds might not seem like it's worth it but the reality is if a herb balance is 1.5 seconds that .2 or .3 can add in an extra affliction before they eat another herb, allowing you to pull off things you never could with out it.
Also most if not all attacks are % base with a large majority of them having base damage and % damage. So while having high life will reduce the amount of damage you take there seems to be a point where the % part of the damage over shadows the base damage of abilitys. On the other hand having higher life will increase the amount of hits your limbs can take with what seems like Deminishing returns on higher health as well.
Also for the record with weaving + Mounted + high dex you'll be almost impossible to hit reducing damage by alot.
So uh... I don't know how to hinder any harder than that. Is ROF necessary to surviving Occie?
Running like a bitch when they start getting high amounts of afflictions is a good idea.
If you get camdus run. run run. Tentacles make running a pain and ring of flying let's you bypass them to cure easier (plus there spamming tentacle tattoo or the ent)
There's an option in svo that you can enable that adds a window that shows you what afflictions svo thinks you have (I say think because if Svo doesn't catch it it won't show up)
Prep + Running is one of the strongest strats you can use on a class with no prep ability at least imo. Although with the tentacles it can be a serious pain.
Also not sure if it's true but i've been told spamming to leave while off balance on tentacles,piety, gravehands makes it harder to leave on the next balance.
Occie affliction rate is 100% guaranteed death, without active hindrance. This is why so many people die to it (because people have become over-reliant on SVO solving all of their problems.)
By active hindrance, I mean actively slowing their affliction rate, typically through class skills/arties. Monks can Kai cripple, magi can reflect, tarot users can whore hangedman, etc.) Alternatively various methods of "running away" (raido, earring, RoF, mind throw, wall/tumble, and so on) are excellent option against tentacles, but only if you're willing to listen to your opponent bitch about whatever you use to escape lulRNG tentacles long enough to catch up on curing. Occies (particularly with Thoth's/torc) all know that if you sit in the room with them for more than 15 seconds, they're guaranteed a win, which is why they'll generally call you coward (etc) if you won't oblige.
Re: piety/tentacles/gravehands
Spamming movement doesn't affect future proc chance of escape, but it does reset the balance loss. For best results, don't bother trying (because they're stupidly low odds), or tumble. If no other choice is available, only try moving on balance (don't spam it). In general though, if my survival hinges on being able to walk out of tentacles/gravehands, I usually just take my hands off of my keyboard and walk away. It might take you 15+ seconds to leave, but it is instant for them to follow you and repeat the scenario.
@Jacen: Blindness and deafness will kill you. Blindness isn't needed at all, you're just wasting herb balance that you'll need to not get totally overwhelmed by afflictions. Deafness should be put up after actually curing afflictions (or use kaido deafness since you're a monk?). Half of the instill/bloodleech afflictions are prioritised lower than blindness and deafness with the Svo defaults, so you'll want to rearrange your herb priorities for Occultists at least (switching out entire lists of priorities is covered in great detail in the Svo documentation, if you're not familiar with how it works).
Make a trigger for attend to disable keeping up blindness and deafness if you're going to use herbs for them - then to re-enable putting up deafness after two or three seconds. Attend/bloodleech is a pretty standard opener for Occultists, because they know most people are going to waste herb balance on putting those back up. If you don't do that they've gained nothing from it.
That aside, seems there were some issues with Svo tracking which afflictions you had. Forced tree cured lethargy, and then instill immediately after gave clumsiness, neither of which were reflected in Svo's tracking. Svo thought you had two Cadmus afflictions when it was given (and it requires three).
Occultist is rough though, yes. Batter is good hindering, cripple should be good as well. Cadmus is your get the fuck out warning sign, don't stay past that point. Ideally abuse the fact you're a prep class, and hinder or leave often enough that they can't stick any afflictions. If they get Hecate, you -really- need to get out of the room pretty much immediately.
And of course, tree early and often. Have afflictions and tree balance? Probably a good idea to use it. It looks like Svo was using tree for you in that log, so not sure if you already have something like it, but I posted a script to automate tree usage in Svo ages ago specifically for Occultists, though I've made some changes and improvements to it since. It now looks like this:
http://pastebin.com/DMcDpawz@Caladbolg: Not sure about piety/gravehands (I've never tested), but with tentacles it used to be (and I believe still is) if you spammed the direction you'd never regain balance.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
If you have regeneration and boost regeneration in Kaido. Would it stack with the level 2 regen artefact to be level 3 or will it exceed the level 3? So therefore as a monk you want to buy a level 1?
The only things that are counted as levels of regen are berkana, regen rings, the discontinued trollskin armour, and the regen transmogrifications (for occultists). Everything else is entirely separate. So most people don't have to worry about the cap at all because they can't get more than level 3 anyways.
thanks a lot, so buy a regen level 2 ring. got it.
Last active person i recall using it was Daloc. May he rest in peace (undoubtably doing something better with his time).
Re: @Leviticus HELP REGENERATION. tl;dr - yes, get level 2 regen, it's one of the best pvp artefacts in the game. (see: what @Sena said)
Edit : JFC, auto-correct is killing me.