Quick Combat Questions



  • KenwayKenway San Francisco
    Kalithea said:
    Aerek said:
    That's my judgement, too. Bastard sword is worth upgrading all the way to L3 for the extra speed and damage, but the hammer's main advantage is the fast breaks. Forged ones already break most of the world at 3 hits, the rest at 4 hits, so you're basically paying 350-1600cr just to move a small number of people from 4 hits to 3. Obviously that would help, but if we're talking cost efficiency, I'd say an L3 sword and a forged hammer would do you fine.
    Where you getting 3 from? Will it hurt more once runebladed?

    I'm seeing 4 on most, 5 on 6k+
    Lagul(z?) Increases limb damage

    - Limb Counter - Fracture Relapsing -
    "Honestly, I just love that it counts limbs." - Mizik Corten
  • Farrah said:

    Miniskills aren't necessities.

    Nothing is really 100% a necessity but to me the big ones are artie weapons, possibly gauntlets, wings (if you do out of arena raid/skirmish stuff), trans riding + collared mount, and health bracelet/con belt.

    The extra health from con/bracelet makes a huge difference when it comes to some very annoying perma mangle setups, and also just letting you have a chance to build enough momentum to kill before you get broken and prone. Artie weapons allow new kill options. Gauntlets can make the difference between your dsb killing or not. Mount = leap/fly and fk not having those.

    Wings keep you from being radiance and let you actually participate in skirmishes that go to clouds.

    wings are indeed nice to get away from radiance, but aside from hopping a ride back with someone I guess raido or earrings are my options for getting back in? Or wand of portals I suppose.

    And yay rune increasing limb damage

  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Kenway said:
    Kalithea said:
    Aerek said:
    That's my judgement, too. Bastard sword is worth upgrading all the way to L3 for the extra speed and damage, but the hammer's main advantage is the fast breaks. Forged ones already break most of the world at 3 hits, the rest at 4 hits, so you're basically paying 350-1600cr just to move a small number of people from 4 hits to 3. Obviously that would help, but if we're talking cost efficiency, I'd say an L3 sword and a forged hammer would do you fine.
    Where you getting 3 from? Will it hurt more once runebladed?

    I'm seeing 4 on most, 5 on 6k+
    Lagul(z?) Increases limb damage
    Laguz. Lagul is bleed.
    Huh. Neat.
  • I wouldn't get a hammer tbh! A level 3 bastard sword is much hurtier and is as fast as a level 1 hammer, anyways. Hew isn't particularly slow, you shouldn't be having tons of trouble. A hammer ostensibly opens up a couple avenues (mostly quick leg breaks so you can get skull fractures since you can't parry prone), but it seems like a big cost for not-as-much-hurt as a level 3 sword'd give you.
  • I don't think the benefit of even a single point of strength can be overstated for DSB. 

  • edited July 2016
    Anedhel said:
    I wouldn't get a hammer tbh! A level 3 bastard sword is much hurtier and is as fast as a level 1 hammer, anyways. Hew isn't particularly slow, you shouldn't be having tons of trouble. A hammer ostensibly opens up a couple avenues (mostly quick leg breaks so you can get skull fractures since you can't parry prone), but it seems like a big cost for not-as-much-hurt as a level 3 sword'd give you.

    Dunn said:
    I don't think the benefit of even a single point of strength can be overstated for DSB. 
    True, but as it stands I have 19 Strength in fury, that should be somewhere in the 90% range with that one DSB rune?

    I've been looking into either one big purchase for damage or multiple level 1 defensives.

    the choices, as it were:

    1: level 2 gloves

    2: level 1 gloves and sword upgrade

    3: level 1 gloves and sip ring / regen ring

    4: sip ring, regen ring, bracelet upgrade, artefact tattoo (running out of tree mid fight is the worst)

    5: ??

    That being said, a few people I've fought ran because I "almost" damaged them out. So perhaps more damage WOULD help.

    But people like mizik tore me up like a frog in a blender with ~4420hp at level 80 runed

  • Well, health damage is one of the main advancers of 2h momentum imo. Adding further damage just makes it so people stop applying to cure your fractures sooner, which is good. Strength also adds to that damage, but less than a level 3 sword would. 

  • I prefer defense over offense, especially for people just starting to get a grip on pk. You could get the level 3 sword and level 3 gauntlets and button mash to victory...or you can upgrade your defense and learn to skill your way to victory and get the offense stuff later and smash even faster.

    Don't upgrade the bracelet unless you plan on getting more levels. The benefit compounds with levels and con.

  • Con/sip/bracelets as a runy are awesome, though. Throw in a level 2 health regen ring and you're sitting on capped regen with runes

  • Dunn said:
    Throw in a level 2 health regen ring and you're sitting on capped regen with runes
    As a runey you only need level one. It caps at level 2 including the runes.
         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • Xaden said:
    Dunn said:
    Throw in a level 2 health regen ring and you're sitting on capped regen with runes
    As a runey you only need level one. It caps at level 2 including the runes.
    I did not know that

    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
  • Defensive it is for now!

  • edited July 2016
    Sobriquet said:
    Xaden said:
    Dunn said:
    Throw in a level 2 health regen ring and you're sitting on capped regen with runes
    As a runey you only need level one. It caps at level 2 including the runes.
    I did not know that
    Wait, I just re-read help artefactsdefensive and I am completely wrong. 

    I was definitely told that was the case by someone. But the help scroll says level 3 is the regen cap. My bad. Ignore me at all times!

    ETA : Which is really annoying cos now I have -another- artefact I need to upgrade.
         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • Xaden said:
    Dunn said:
    Throw in a level 2 health regen ring and you're sitting on capped regen with runes
    As a runey you only need level one. It caps at level 2 including the runes.
    Nope. It goes 2/5/8% regen.

  • @Kalithea: In case it helps, 19 strength disembowel with torso damage on the target and Lagua should be somewhere in the region of 96% of their maximum health (before resist alls). Lagua seems to just be a flat 10% increase to disembowel damage if they have a damaged torso. If they don't have a resist all you're not even getting the full benefit of a point of strength on disembowel upgrading from 19 to 20, and most people are going to be considerably lower on health at the point of disembowel against two-handed than they might be against other specialisations.

    Most resist alls (anything that isn't a high/truefavour) are 10% (is Algiz for non-Runewardens still 8% or did it get nerfed further?), so they basically (though not exactly) just offset the increase you get from Lagua. Should put you in the region of 87% with 19 strength, give or take 1%.
  • Antonius said:
    @Kalithea: In case it helps, 19 strength disembowel with torso damage on the target and Lagua should be somewhere in the region of 96% of their maximum health (before resist alls). Lagua seems to just be a flat 10% increase to disembowel damage if they have a damaged torso. If they don't have a resist all you're not even getting the full benefit of a point of strength on disembowel upgrading from 19 to 20, and most people are going to be considerably lower on health at the point of disembowel against two-handed than they might be against other specialisations.

    Most resist alls (anything that isn't a high/truefavour) are 10% (is Algiz for non-Runewardens still 8% or did it get nerfed further?), so they basically (though not exactly) just offset the increase you get from Lagua. Should put you in the region of 87% with 19 strength, give or take 1%.
    Yeah that makes sense. My view on that is with that much damage, if I'm not killing them at that point, the problem isn't the strength.

  • I thought pvp reduction on algiz was removed for non runies.

    Most of the time with 2h you don't even need torso. That's for when you're fighting a smarter opponent. The strength is more to get them prepped/fractured for dsb faster. 

  • 2h has the health pressure that makes torso not necessary for sure. In the future, though, if you were to purchase an Insignia (weapon spec swapping)... strength means a hell of a lot for DWC and SNB. Insignia is one of my favorite Arties ever, but that's off the point. 

  • edited July 2016
    You'll definitely want 20 strength if you're fighting in DWC/SnB!

    ETA: The sensitivity from 2h makes torso pretty unnecessary, but against anyone with good damage mitigation (against combo/DSL), you'll need a better DSB to finish 'em!
  • Even at 19 it's rare that people survive, in my experience. They either explode when DSBd or when the stray thurisaz connects or they hit engage after DSB or run into sowulus. #justrunythings

  • edited July 2016
    Would it be wise to only use my mount when I need it? Like add vault to fly? I feel like hopping off sketching and hopping on loses me a ton of time while someone beats on me and I'm like

    "pls no I'm just colouring I'll stay in the lines I swear"

  • edited July 2016
    Doesn't matter. Quick mount in chivalry makes vault balanceless. I have vault mount# in every DSL alias and sketching. 

  • edited July 2016
    Balance less yeah, but with SVO when I doadd va off sketch va on it seems like a year passes.

    Though that could just be me getting used to sketch times.

  • Vaulting's so good. No reason not to be mounted all the time!
  • edited July 2016
    Ah. I use server side queueing for almost everything so it doesn't add any time. Not sure how SVO does it as I've never looked at it. 

    You could just make that DISMOUNT instead of the alias toggle. Then remount in your offense. Dismount is no balance as well. 

  • Dunn said:
    Ah. I use server side queueing for almost everything so it doesn't add any time. Not sure how SVO does it as I've never looked at it. 
    I try but it seems sometimes if I queue add too much even if the queue isn't full some stuff just won't resolve. Like that process

  • I recommend CLEARQUEUE ALL before adding what you want. I also tend to use in game aliases with the in game command separators. 

    For instance:

    set alias attack1 stand;vault horsey;wield pointy pointy;wipe pointy#1;wipe pointy#2;dsl &tar ven ven;engage &tar


    That causes all of the commands to fire within a single prompt. You need to CONFIG the separator, but you can set it to whatever. 

  • Thanks! Will work on it!

  • For those knights who add engage, vault, etc to their attack aliases, do you have some sort of toggle to remove it when in retardation? Or is generally having those commands before the actual attack good enough so that the attack will be the command that gets through the retardation delay?
  • I have a retardation mode check to add that sort of stuff, yes. It rarely gets used because I'm more likely to GTFO of retardation than attack. 

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