Achaean Raves



  • Trey said:
    Aesgar said:
    Defected from Mhaldor and the Insidium yesterday (after quite a bit of contemplation). 

    Definitely looking forward to see what else is out there for Aesgar at the moment. But Mhaldor is well worth the experience if you haven't tried it yet, definitely some great values I am going to carry forward with Aesgar.

    The reason I am here to rave is @Ysela, @Mariya, @Watchman, @Zimona, @Aegoth, @Taraus, and all the others who truly make Mhaldor pretty awesome. A bittersweet departure for sure.

    See you guys when you hit totem! <3 
    I don't even get a namedrop? You little hooker.

    (Have fun wherever you end up brah)
    @Trey, you and @Saeva deserve better than a simple tagging! I figured our love transcended such mortal celebrations  ;)
  • edited June 2016

    3:33 - 3:45 sums up my departure pretty well.

    Except Snoop says "I ain't mad at that" and you guys say "You fkin retard"     =)
  • Really enjoying learning how to navigate via the wilderness. Very cool concept for a MUD. It's like the Deep Web of Achaea.
  • 2h is so dirty :D
  • Antonius said:
    It is. Wish they didn't lean so hard on line of sight because it's boring as shit, but can't blame them for it.
    I think that Hashan would be more likely to not do line of sight if we had a better way of clearing rites. But for the short time I was there it was a fun little fight so thank you.
  • Antonius said:
    It is. Wish they didn't lean so hard on line of sight because it's boring as shit, but can't blame them for it.
    I think Hashan could be so much better if they went melee with the sheer afflictions they have, but sniping puts people in a trap where they become far too reliant on it. I'd guess a tenth of my kills are from my bow, if not less, I hate LoS and using it.

    Kiet Alrena Proficy and I went up against 6 or so of them and we lost then turned it around and won then it turned into literally 10ish minutes of pure los as we just stood there. Roughly 70+ or so meteors and countless hugalaz sketches were blown on Proficy's lyre. I pointed out to a certain mister that they could just melee us again but seem scared to, and he got prissy at me and called me a whiner so I stepped back and then talked to Lala about it and that went better. And we backed off and good times were had.

    Small skirmishes are extremely fun, so props to Hashan for some fun melee. Not always being swarmed by 15+ people against us 3 (sometimes 4) makes things extremely enjoyable. Hope for more skirmishes and good fights from Hashan.
  • For a lot of people melee = lag and/or just not being able to follow what's going on. Not everyone is a dedicated combatant, that doesn't mean they don't want to defend.

  • I somehow find it unlikely the entire city lags in melee.
  • Good thing I didn't say that?

  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    edited June 2016
    oh nvm, this is raves

    Rave: I got 30 globes and made close to, if not, double my money back.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • Kythra said:

    I pointed out to a certain mister that they could just melee us again but seem scared to, and he got prissy at me and called me a whiner
    That's not even what happened.

    Kythra tells you, "Man you guys really hate melee, huh?"
    You tell Kythra, "Cool."
    Kythra tells you, "Someone's prissy. I hope my mom in law chose a good man!"
    You tell Kythra, "Nah. Just don't feel like listening to whining."

    After all that happened, an opening line like that is definitely whining.
  • A non answer to a direct question comes off as prissy tbf.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • edited June 2016
    When you hole up in an indoor, single exit room with a door, drop gravehands and are known for retardation, sometimes with a Runie it's not really a difficult decision to at least start with LOS (Ret dependant of course). No way am I leading a group into that. Not only that, but Ret in the room outside and beckon on alertness has been done too many times for us to walk straight into that too. Piety is the same with Targ's raid last night and their bugged double crucible. People tell us we need to man up in raids yet the moment we do we are doing it the wrong way. While I appreciate people will only get better handling new situations there is also the fact that sometimes people just get fed up with the same shit and want to get you out. Also. @Kythra dropped 40k in raid and returned it ( Much to peoples disgust with one person quitting the army over it). I drop 40k and Targ keeps it. Swings and roundabouts, everyone approaches situations differently. EDIT - Should read "and I returned it". Bloody phone not allowing me to edit fully.

    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
  • Sobriquet said:
    When you hole up in an indoor, single exit room with a door, drop gravehands and are known for retardation, sometimes with a Runie it's not really a difficult decision to at least start with LOS (Ret dependant of course). No way am I leading a group into that. Not only that, but Ret in the room outside and beckon on alertness has been done too many times for us to walk straight into that too. Piety is the same with Targ's raid last night and their bugged double crucible. People tell us we need to man up in raids yet the moment we do we are doing it the wrong way. While I appreciate people will only get better handling new situations there is also the fact that sometimes people just get fed up with the same shit and want to get you out. Also. @Kythra dropped 40k in raid and returned it ( Much to peoples disgust with one person quitting the army over it). I drop 40k and Targ keeps it. Swings and roundabouts, everyone approaches situations differently. EDIT - Should read "and I returned it". Bloody phone not allowing me to edit fully.
    I completely agree with that, no point in running into a deathtrap. However, the fight Kythra was talking about was a border skirmish, where we had neither a runewarden, nor a magi. When Hashan rushed, we suffered casualties more than when they didn't and were just using LoS. In that particular case, melee would have been more appealing for both sides. I do understand LoS feels safer and people are afraid to "lose" a fight. I'm sure if we give it some time, some more chances to fight, Hashani leaders and soldiers get some more experience under their belt, gain confidence and learn when they can rush. All in all, good fight Hashan!

    That said, I'm raving for Mhaldor picking fights even when there's only 3-6 of us against, at times, three times our number and still trying. It's great fun to just try, die and get up and try again. So, @Kiet @Kythra @Proficy and the rest of Mhaldor, thanks for making Achaea a lot of fun again! Been having a blast!
  • edited June 2016
    Atalkez said:
    A non answer to a direct question comes off as prissy tbf.
    To each their own; whole convo could've gone better from the start. Don't open up with snark, if you're expecting a positive response in turn.

    Regarding the fight, though. Me and Lala were the only ones really there, that have any group experience. Can't expect to lead a group of ragtag fighters, and have things go smoothly right away. Apostate/Sham/Serp is bad enough, being able to just do: deadeyes important aff/important aff + curse haemophilia/invoke bloodlet -> inflame kill anyone straight off the bat, who isn't me/Lala (due to hp), which you guys did do, maybe not that EXACT sequence, but sometimes happened that quickly still - is not a strategy that often garners a rewarding interaction from the other side.

    Add in Proficy to the equation, and half the group decides they can't be bothered anymore. Thus canticle/gigue + LoS becomes the more preferred thing they wanna do, until you guys leave. Not sure why numbers argument always comes up in situations like these (when it's not like 15v4, that is), when you guys have the aforementioned strategies to take out 3-4 people in sub 15-seconds. I got hardlocked in <8s a few times, but somersaulting+calling harms saved me every time. Problem with that is, I have to wait for Hallelujah to heal one of the lock affs, and not manaleech/weariness/clumsiness/haemophilia/nausea/etc, which often means 2-3 more are dead by the time I cana ctually get back to the fight.
  • Ryzeth said:
    Atalkez said:
    A non answer to a direct question comes off as prissy tbf.
    To each their own; whole convo could've gone better from the start. Don't open up with snark, if you're expecting a positive response in turn.

    Regarding the fight, though. Me and Lala were the only ones really there, that have any group experience. Can't expect to lead a group of ragtag fighters, and have things go smoothly right away. Apostate/Sham/Serp is bad enough, being able to just do: deadeyes important aff/important aff + curse haemophilia/invoke bloodlet -> inflame kill anyone straight off the bat, who isn't me/Lala (due to hp), which you guys did do, maybe not that EXACT sequence, but sometimes happened that quickly still - is not a strategy that often garners a rewarding interaction from the other side.

    Add in Proficy to the equation, and half the group decides they can't be bothered anymore. Thus canticle/gigue + LoS becomes the more preferred thing they wanna do, until you guys leave. Not sure why numbers argument always comes up in situations like these (when it's not like 15v4, that is), when you guys have the aforementioned strategies to take out 3-4 people in sub 15-seconds. I got hardlocked in <8s a few times, but somersaulting+calling harms saved me every time. Problem with that is, I have to wait for Hallelujah to heal one of the lock affs, and not manaleech/weariness/clumsiness/haemophilia/nausea/etc, which often means 2-3 more are dead by the time I cana ctually get back to the fight.
    you sure love your excuses, don't you? Instead of justifying yourself, perhaps you should be figuring out how to beat their strategies. kiet/alrena/kythra/proficy are extremely beatable.
  • Aegoth said:
    you sure love your excuses, don't you? Instead of justifying yourself, perhaps you should be figuring out how to beat their strategies. kiet/alrena/kythra/proficy are extremely beatable.
    And you sure love to not read posts, before responding to them. Considering none of my post, anywhere, was making an excuse. Never said they were unbeatable, nor implied it. Said it was hard, with a group who hasn't really done any group fighting. Then said that the group didn't want to bother, when they added Proficy. If a leader decides to do something that no one in the group wants to do, then things aren't gonna turn out pretty.

    Hope that helps your reading comprehension.
  • edited June 2016
    if you don't think your post was one gigantic attempt to vindicate yourself, then i don't think you ought to be the one talking about reading comprehension. No skin off my back if you want to try and drag down Hashan though, after they've been trying hard to drag themselves out of the pit
  • Aegoth said:
    if you don't think your post was one gigantic attempt to vindicate yourself, then i don't think you ought to be the one talking about reading comprehension. No skin off my back if you want to try and drag down Hashan though, after they've been trying hard to drag themselves out of the pit
    Wut. I'm pretty sure I know the meaning of my own posts, lol. Not sure how anything in my post was dragging Hashan down though, considering the Hashani who've seen my post (that actually come near forums), agreed with it. Literally me and Lala were the only ones who wanted to rush them, the others didn't because they said they didn't feel like they were ready to. You really should make an attempt to read posts, before you make asinine responses to them.

    But whatever floats your boat, man. In the end you're welcome to derive whatever you want from my posts, if it makes you feel better. Think those holocausts are getting to your head a bit.
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Tahquil said:
    I really like Achaea. Achaea is great.  :#
    Just a small, but very vocal, percentage are complete twonks.

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • Just kill Alrena first, easy win - she's squishy and not very good defensively. Unless you have a blademaster then you kill the serps.

    [ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]

    [ Runewarden Sparring Videos | Link ]
  • Just kill Alrena first, easy win - she's squishy and not very good defensively. Unless you have a blademaster then you kill the serps.
    Wow, rude! 

    Seriously though, don't take Aegoth seriously. Hashan did fine in that fight, and I sure don't expect them to adapt to a strategy mid-combat with only two experienced combatants around. If the group didn't want to rush, then that's fine, they gave us a good fight before that. I had fun, I hope Hashan had fun too, that's all that needs to be said! 
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