Admins reduced splinter drop to 3-7 (Thanks a lot) Everyone starts to think it's because Mhaldor was holding (I think 15-18) splinters.
I was there for that. Specifically, the number of splinters appearing at the time appeared to share a correlation to how many people were holding them already, including Gattan'bahar (who people later caught creating splinters, solely for the purpose of subverting). When Cooper relinquished Gattan'bahar's 20-30k (that's what it was as far as I knew, not 50k+), the next couple of drops saw a big jump, so I mentioned said suspicion on the clan.
People may have chosen to pick that idea up and run a marathon with it, but when I said it originally, for my part, I attempted to be very clear that it was speculation only. Hell, Proficy asked me about it directly, and I said outright that it was only a suspicion and a theory, nothing more.
If people were that willing to jump on my words (personally I suspect that others already had the same or similar thoughts), then maybe I should have tried to be clearer that it wasn't considered to be a fact by me. Then again, certain people do enjoy trolling the Coalition clan just to see false information repeated ad nauseam (see: lightwalls, icewalls).
- (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place." - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely." - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")." - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish." - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
Antidas did once on accident and I did once, both like day 2 of the thing. That's 2000 essence, unless you have proof others did, let's not point fingers without information to prove your point!
So what you are saying is that you took splinters out of turn?
I also believe it was more than once and way more than one splinter. But like I said don't have the evidence against you.
I am just trying to patch together the full story. Which i think I got from Farrah, Melodie and other's viewpoints. This was just my viewpoint. I have no evidence to prove any of it.
I said I made a mistake when I showed up for the first time during the event. Same with Antidas.
As far as I'm aware, those were the only shards taken out of turn.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
There is so much misinformation here I don't even know where to begin.
Mhaldor should never have been in the coalition, let alone start it. The person who did that was working without the permission of the Tyrannus or any other leadership in Mhaldor.
After that, we just kind of rolled with it, fully realizing there was going to be a point where we left. We just didn't know when that would be.
The "tests" we did were designed for two things - to see if certain theories were true, to get us extra splinters, and to push the coalition's limits.
Everything we did (minus Proficy, because I don't know what the fuck his deal was with this whole thing, and minus Aegoth who followed Proficy at the end) was to either 1) Get us more splinters and cause dissent within the coalition, or 2) Ease us out of the coalition.
The denizen that talked to us did not say "leave the coalition", it just asked us if Sartan was the #1 priority of the coalition.
Technically I (and Mhaldor) were "kicked out", but that was 100% by intention. At that point Targossas and Eleusis had both said that Sartan would no longer be getting a turn at splinters. It wasn't voted on and wasn't being supported by the coalition, but that was pretty easy to use as a tool to leave. I informed the coalition that Mhaldor would be taking one splinter per fall, and that we would still be taking our turn. If the coalition accepted that - more splinters, gg. If they didn't, we got out of the coalition like we wanted.
The amount of lying that has gone on about how things happened is just incredible, and the people doing it should really be ashamed of themselves.
Also, before anyone says that Aurora's advance was based on splinter stealing, that's false. During the first 24-48 hours before the coalition was created, we had been extra aggressive and had stockpiled quite a few. After this, it was Deucalion's willing sacrifice of his own splinters who pushed the extra mile.
There had been Atalkez, Farrah and Antidas' errors when it was not sure whether we were still in or out of the coalition.
There is so much misinformation here I don't even know where to begin.
Mhaldor should never have been in the coalition, let alone start it. The person who did that was working without the permission of the Tyrannus or any other leadership in Mhaldor.
After that, we just kind of rolled with it, fully realizing there was going to be a point where we left. We just didn't know when that would be.
The "tests" we did were designed for two things - to see if certain theories were true, to get us extra splinters, and to push the coalition's limits.
Everything we did (minus Proficy, because I don't know what the fuck his deal was with this whole thing, and minus Aegoth who followed Proficy at the end) was to either 1) Get us more splinters and cause dissent within the coalition, or 2) Ease us out of the coalition.
The denizen that talked to us did not say "leave the coalition", it just asked us if Sartan was the #1 priority of the coalition.
Technically I (and Mhaldor) were "kicked out", but that was 100% by intention. At that point Targossas and Eleusis had both said that Sartan would no longer be getting a turn at splinters. It wasn't voted on and wasn't being supported by the coalition, but that was pretty easy to use as a tool to leave. I informed the coalition that Mhaldor would be taking one splinter per fall, and that we would still be taking our turn. If the coalition accepted that - more splinters, gg. If they didn't, we got out of the coalition like we wanted.
The amount of lying that has gone on about how things happened is just incredible, and the people doing it should really be ashamed of themselves.
I shared my point of view. I don't agree with your Mhaldor should never have been in the coalition, let alone start it. Especially, if it benefits Evil. The denizen was my interpretation of what they wanted (Mhaldor out of the coalition) and since this happened to multiple different cities one can guess the meaning of the denizens words.
Admins reduced splinter drop to 3-7 (Thanks a lot) Everyone starts to think it's because Mhaldor was holding (I think 15-18) splinters.
I was there for that. Specifically, the number of splinters appearing at the time appeared to share a correlation to how many people were holding them already, including Gattan'bahar (who people later caught creating splinters, solely for the purpose of subverting). When Cooper relinquished Gattan'bahar's 20-30k (that's what it was as far as I knew, not 50k+), the next couple of drops saw a big jump, so I mentioned said suspicion on the clan.
People may have chosen to pick that idea up and run a marathon with it, but when I said it originally, for my part, I attempted to be very clear that it was speculation only. Hell, Proficy asked me about it directly, and I said outright that it was only a suspicion and a theory, nothing more.
If people were that willing to jump on my words (personally I suspect that others already had the same or similar thoughts), then maybe I should have tried to be clearer that it wasn't considered to be a fact by me. Then again, certain people do enjoy trolling the Coalition clan just to see false information repeated ad nauseam (see: lightwalls, icewalls).
That theory started long before Cooper killed Gatten. It started with someone who was slumbering (Zulah) turning in his splinter and the drop went from 6 to 7 and people we like OH YEAH it increased by one. Mhaldor relinquish now!!!!
Targ's own perspective is a lot more multifaceted than some people think too. There have been a number of key players with different views. Note that I'm not disparaging anyone who opposed me in Targ or outside Targ, just telling the story from my own perspective. It's all been fun to watch play out for me.
I didn't want to be part of the Coalition from the start. I said to the city as MoW that we were standing alone. And that was how I thought it'd stay.
But then Micaelis posted publically, asking for factions to work together, without consulting anyone else in Targossas. Deuc appointed me as his representative, and Micaelis was Aurora's.
Micaelis had to basically beg me to even attend the initial meeting. I did, and I got talked into joining because every other order was at the time.
Then, Mhaldor started doing "experiments" that involved Sartan getting extra splinters. I actually was present at the time it was proposed, contrary to what Leviticus said, but Proficy refused to allow me to even hear the proposal, let alone vote on it. After I was told the proposal had passed, I was finally told what it was and expressed vehement opposition. This type of treatment by a sworn enemy and rival obviously created a lot of tension and incompatibility within the Coalition.
Deucalion's order opposed the notion of Sartan receiving extra splinters the entire time, things escalated when it was our own turn and splinters were taken for Sartan. At that point, I issued the ultimatum of "Give us our splinter back or we are leaving." The Coalition backed Mhaldor and said no. So, Antidas and I declared our two orders were withdrawing, quit the clan, and started actively taking splinters from the Coalition.
When the Coalition realized we were serious, they apparently decided to change their minds and called for a meeting in an attempt to bring us back in. At this point, the Targossian Council stepped in and overruled Antidas's and my decision to withdraw, and we were forced back into the Coalition. The "experiment" was in turn modified to say splinters could only be taken if the order whose turn it was consented.
I was belligerent at this point because I/Farrah was still vehemently opposed to Sartan receiving more splinters than the other gods. At this point, the Bloodsworn had said that Micaelis and I, not the Council, were in charge of this affair but we could only act if we agreed. So I pressured Micaelis to leave the Coalition, but he didn't want to, resulting in proposals that would make the Coalition more favorable to us, brought by Micaelis, but really only to appease me. The Coalition agreed to the proposals, so we stayed, because that was my compromise.
Mhaldor leaving wasn't directly Targossas's doing at all. But it did take away a lot of the internal strife since my/Farrah's gripe was with them.
@Cooper Pretty much everything that's been said is consistent with what you said, but from slightly different perspectives. You have got to stop calling everyone liars for no reason. I'm pretty sure everyone is just telling it like they see it, with some people not necessarily having full information.
I've said the entire time on multiple different channels that I don't fully support this coalition. I've been fairly vocal about it. I've also been told to shut up a lot.
There is so much misinformation here I don't even know where to begin.
Mhaldor should never have been in the coalition, let alone start it. The person who did that was working without the permission of the Tyrannus or any other leadership in Mhaldor.
After that, we just kind of rolled with it, fully realizing there was going to be a point where we left. We just didn't know when that would be.
The "tests" we did were designed for two things - to see if certain theories were true, to get us extra splinters, and to push the coalition's limits.
Everything we did (minus Proficy, because I don't know what the fuck his deal was with this whole thing, and minus Aegoth who followed Proficy at the end) was to either 1) Get us more splinters and cause dissent within the coalition, or 2) Ease us out of the coalition.
The denizen that talked to us did not say "leave the coalition", it just asked us if Sartan was the #1 priority of the coalition.
Technically I (and Mhaldor) were "kicked out", but that was 100% by intention. At that point Targossas and Eleusis had both said that Sartan would no longer be getting a turn at splinters. It wasn't voted on and wasn't being supported by the coalition, but that was pretty easy to use as a tool to leave. I informed the coalition that Mhaldor would be taking one splinter per fall, and that we would still be taking our turn. If the coalition accepted that - more splinters, gg. If they didn't, we got out of the coalition like we wanted.
The amount of lying that has gone on about how things happened is just incredible, and the people doing it should really be ashamed of themselves.
@Cooper Where are the lies here? The Tyrannus of Mhaldor (and representative of Sartan) and one of his lackies started stealing from the Coalition a discussion had been started regarding black listing Sartan, but nothing official had been done yet. The joys of politicking. I'd say 99.99% that y'all were gonna get the shaft though, but since you guys went by that from design, the rest of Mhaldor should take it up with you guys, we just gave you what you wanted from the sounds of it.
I've said the entire time on multiple different channels that I don't fully support this coalition. I've been fairly vocal about it. I've also been told to shut up a lot.
I just want to add that Jarrod got kicked out while he couldn't login. He didn't "quit", for whoever said that. Hurricane and all that. Thwarted by Nature.
On an unrelated note (as in one that is talking about the event and not griping), anyone else surprised that the Tsol'teth are going "OMG Greater dragons!". I mean Greater Dragons were mythical legendary beasts to even them no? They were thinking it would be easy w/o the empire. Then bam! Flight of dragons (or a murder, not sure the term for a group of dragons).
tl;dr: Targ right, Mhaldor wrong. Mhaldor right, Targ wrong. It's your fault. No, it's yours. Everyone hates Nihilists.
There isn't really any "right" or "wrong." I think accepting that is the biggest problem for people with this event!
I thought the way Proficy played it was great. He was essentially acting like he was the boss man the whole time, acting derogatory towards Farrah, etc. Trying to run the Coalition for Mhaldor's benefit and in a very Mhaldorian way.
Obviously, Targossas's MoW isn't going to stand for that, though, so there was conflict and tension that you would expect when the Tyrannus and the Judicator are put in the same room. It made it all seem so much more real and political. A very tenuous alliance.
No criticisms from me OOC about Mhaldor's IC actions.
I just want to add that Jarrod got kicked out while he couldn't login. He didn't "quit", for whoever said that. Hurricane and all that. Thwarted by Nature.
On an unrelated note (as in one that is talking about the event and not griping), anyone else surprised that the Tsol'teth are going "OMG Greater dragons!". I mean Greater Dragons were mythical legendary beasts to even them no? They were thinking it would be easy w/o the empire. Then bam! Flight of dragons (or a murder, not sure the term for a group of dragons).
I call it "the dragon host" myself.
But yes, at least in the sense that (AFAIK) Greater Dragons weren't a thing at all back during Seleucar beyond some story of the War of Humanity, so it'd be interesting to see more reaction along those lines from Tsol'teth who are uncertain (or at least not perpetually smug about themselves). On the other hand, perhaps the Tsol'teth have been watching, and maybe they waited so long and created such powerful creatures entirely because of the dragon host that would confront them.
Or maybe not, who knows.
- (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place." - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely." - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")." - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish." - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
On an unrelated note (as in one that is talking about the event and not griping), anyone else surprised that the Tsol'teth are going "OMG Greater dragons!". I mean Greater Dragons were mythical legendary beasts to even them no? They were thinking it would be easy w/o the empire. Then bam! Flight of dragons (or a murder, not sure the term for a group of dragons).
Pretty sure it's a Penwize of Dragons in Achaea >_>
On an unrelated note (as in one that is talking about the event and not griping), anyone else surprised that the Tsol'teth are going "OMG Greater dragons!". I mean Greater Dragons were mythical legendary beasts to even them no? They were thinking it would be easy w/o the empire. Then bam! Flight of dragons (or a murder, not sure the term for a group of dragons).
Pretty sure it's a Penwize of Dragons in Achaea >_>
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
@Cooper Pretty much everything that's been said is consistent with what you said, but from slightly different perspectives. You have got to stop calling everyone liars for no reason. I'm pretty sure everyone is just telling it like they see it, with some people not necessarily having full information.
The stuff I was talking about are the things being said in ooc clans and also stuff that was told to the coalition regarding things we were doing ic (and some ooc) that weren't actually happening.
Im hearin alot of talk from all sides sayin they dont like the coalition.. but everyone seems to be all for it when someone screams for help
Just saying could do like i did for mhaldor. When its not your turn stay out of it. When another order had a turn i let them deal with collecting themselves. No gathering for or helping them defend. I just simply didnt oppose them.
But again that would invole people having some sort of backbone..
Also throwing props out to @farrah@joiella@xaden for actually sticking to fair fights was fun... especially watching xaden get rezzed during the fight like 3 times
Aurora's being ahead of everyone else has nothing to do with your
early performance and everything to do with the fact that Aurora got
all of Deuc's splinters from the beginning.
General log for the Divine Order of Deucalion, the Righteous Fire: 2016/10/04 00:27:34 - Farrah relinquished her mantle of divine essence to strengthen our master shrine. 2016/10/04 06:34:35 - Carmell relinquished her mantle of divine essence to strengthen our master shrine. 2016/10/04 06:35:04 - Carmell > 21 splinters relinquished for the Lord. 2016/10/04 22:34:14 - Halos relinquished his mantle of divine essence to strengthen our master shrine. 2016/10/05 14:25:32 - Kellonius relinquished his mantle of divine essence to strengthen our master shrine. 2016/10/06 05:35:06 - Carmell relinquished her mantle of divine essence to strengthen our master shrine. 2016/10/06 05:35:24 - Carmell > 16600 essence relinquished.
Deucalion says, "The shrine of My Bloodsworn is much farther along than
Mine. Focus the energy and essence you would use on Mine to bolster
Hers. At least One of Us needs Their influence reestablished quickly. Or
whatever passes as quickly in this situation."
General log for the Clan of Master Shrine Coordination: [...] 2016/10/06
19:50:23 - Halos > The Righteous Lord sacrifices the progress of His
shrine for His Bloodsworn's for now. Any splinters collected during the
Deucalic cycle will go towards rebuilding the partial Auroran shrine
instead. 2016/10/06 20:00:29 - Torrent > The Order of the Moon will decline both proposals until more information is acquired. 2016/10/06
20:10:16 - Czanthria > on the vote to bring all the shrines up to
the level of Lady Aurora's I vote no. In regards to bringing up Lord
Phaestus' shrine to full, ahead of all others, I abstain. 2016/10/06
20:14:58 - Datrius > Relodging the vote for War as a second proposal
was made. Without further information available to us at this time, I
vote against either proposal until we have more information. 2016/10/06 20:24:29 - Datrius has asked Faedwyn to join the clan of Master Shrine Coordination. 2016/10/06 20:24:31 - Faedwyn has joined the clan of Master Shrine Coordination. 2016/10/06 20:41:56 - Halos > 16000 essence gathered from the Vashnars and relinquished for Valnurana. 2016/10/06 20:46:44 - Halos > next up: Lord Deucalion. That essence should go to Lady Aurora's shrine. 2016/10/06 20:55:05 - Proficy has quit the clan of Master Shrine Coordination. 2016/10/06 20:56:21 - Colgano has asked Rafeekee to join the clan of Master Shrine Coordination. 2016/10/06 20:56:25 - Rafeekee has joined the clan of Master Shrine Coordination.
(Master Shrine Coordination): Zenui says, "Splinters for Twilight and Prospero at west side of Azdun." (Master Shrine Coordination): Zenui says, "Is Proficy still with us? I saw he quit the clan." (Master Shrine Coordination): Nulaye says, "Valnurana sloping corridor." (Master Shrine Coordination): Zenui says, "Also, party invite if there is one." (Master Shrine Coordination): Aegoth says, "Should be."
A titanic roar rises from the Azdun Dungeon as Aegoth lays claim to the mantle of an Avatar of Prospero.
You sense that Proficy is subverting a splinter of Deus nearby!
A titanic roar shakes the very ground beneath your feet as Proficy lays claim to the mantle of an Avatar of Sartan.
(Master Shrine Coordination): Farrah says, "I am not sure I am ok with Proficy gathering when he left this clan." (Master Shrine Coordination): Zenui says, "It's a bit disconcerting, yes." (Master Shrine Coordination): Rafeekee says, "Until he displays his choice to be against this, then we have to let it be." (Master Shrine Coordination): Rafeekee says, "Fighting against Ashtan and Mhaldor will be very difficult." (Master Shrine Coordination): Kayeil says, "I guess someone just pay attention to where he takes the splinter." (Master Shrine Coordination): Farrah says, "He did not speak to anyone?" (Master
Shrine Coordination): Kayeil says, "And then find out, if he's against
us, if all of Mhaldor is going to follow his example."
(Party): Farrah says, "Proficy did indeed go rogue." (Party): You say, "..what?" (Party): Farrah says, "He's at Sartan master shrine." (Party): Rafeekee says, "Enemy Proficy." (Party): Farrah says, "Just relinquished." (Party): Rafeekee says, "He dies." --- (Party): Farrah says, "Aegoth too." (Party): Farrah says, "He just relinquished." (Party): Kayeil says, "Aegoth joined him?" (Party): Farrah says, "Mhaldor is out." (Party): Farrah says, "Aegoth took a splinter and relinquished it." (Party): Kayeil says, "Okay we will have to let Verrucht know." (Party): Colgano says, "Apparently all of mhaldor is."
(Master Shrine Coordination): Halos says, "It appears Proficy and Aegoth have both betrayed the coalition." (Master Shrine Coordination): Rafeekee says, "And Ailea." (Master Shrine Coordination): Kayeil says, "Best to assume all of Mhaldor will follow their Tyrannus and his decision." (Master Shrine Coordination): Ailea says, "I actually did not collect anything." (Master
Shrine Coordination): Farrah says, "It does not matter. The other two
claimed they were still with us then betrayed. Best to assume all
Mhaldorians are against us." (Master Shrine Coordination): Achimrst says, "Seems a proper idea at this point."
Halos posted about it over a week before we left. [...] But the post, at least, was well before our departure
idk who "we" is
Proficy quit the coalition pretty much
immediately after my
log note and was stealing shards from other gods shardfalls hour(s)
later. That was a controversy. The rest of Mhaldorians told us "You
can't hold us responsible for the
actions of [our Tyrannus]. Some of us still support the coalition". So
the coalition decided to trust them stay on their word. I don't know
what happened after that. I imagined Mhaldor leadership/denizens
eventually convinced the rest of Mhaldor that being in the coalition was
bad for
the city or they each independently realized being split on
the issue was untenable. I wasn't following that part closely
so I could be wrong about why it took them so long to fall in line.
and I have a feeling it was going on a while before that.
It wasn't.
ordered us to stop focusing on his because Rory's shrine happened to be way ahead
of his. It wasn't ahead due to Deuc's Order sneakily giving shards to hers from
the beginning, because we weren't. It was on its own (for whatever reason). I think that's an important distinction.
fact prior to this @Carmell was pretty adamant about Deuc getting his
turn. I don't know how many times she said she was logging in at midnight
just so one of us would be around to get into deuc's temple and
relinquish at the beginning. It was pretty funny (she's still secretly upset about it).
A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
... a particular series of events where it was suspected (but not proven, so no need to jump up here) Aurora's shrine had been fed extra splinters since the start of the coalition, since it managed to change its state first despite the fact Mhaldor had just put in 50-60k odd essence after killing Gattan'bahar.
I did make this point before, but it seems to have been missed, so I'll repeat it.
As for the rest of the logs, that was the day Proficy, and then Aegoth, left. The actual blow up with Cooper that actually started the death knell of Mhaldorians in the coalition (aka the decision being final, whereas with Proficy/Aegoth leaving wasn't a final decision, and could have potentially been convinced to come back depending on a slew of circumstances), which was at least a few days (3-4 from memory) later.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
That post simpy and 200% backs up everything completly. Like hell i was gonna sit and help you tag team my generosity... knowing that should make everyone else felt like chumps.
Guess it doesnt matter to much now. The power orders already ate up the smaller ones forcing them into submission
Im actually kinda proud of you all. #1 rule of pimpin.. tell them h*es what ever they need to hear to get them to do what you want them to do
And on another note... divine shouldnt be dropping info like that... kinda cheating since everyone has been begging for ways to find out how complete there shrines are... you having an active one saying things like that make me want to throw up a huge BS flag
Saying things that are immediately obvious to everybody based on the fact that Aurora's shrine had visibly advanced past the initial stage and Deucalion's hadn't? Yeah, total BS.
Saying things that are immediately obvious to everybody based on the fact that Aurora's shrine had visibly advanced past the initial stage and Deucalion's hadn't? Yeah, total BS.
Especially since halos logs there backed up your odvious lie as all of that happened before the first shrine advancement... good try tho
People may have chosen to pick that idea up and run a marathon with it, but when I said it originally, for my part, I attempted to be very clear that it was speculation only. Hell, Proficy asked me about it directly, and I said outright that it was only a suspicion and a theory, nothing more.
If people were that willing to jump on my words (personally I suspect that others already had the same or similar thoughts), then maybe I should have tried to be clearer that it wasn't considered to be a fact by me. Then again, certain people do enjoy trolling the Coalition clan just to see false information repeated ad nauseam (see: lightwalls, icewalls).
- With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
- (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
- Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
- Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
As far as I'm aware, those were the only shards taken out of turn.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Mhaldor should never have been in the coalition, let alone start it. The person who did that was working without the permission of the Tyrannus or any other leadership in Mhaldor.
After that, we just kind of rolled with it, fully realizing there was going to be a point where we left. We just didn't know when that would be.
The "tests" we did were designed for two things - to see if certain theories were true, to get us extra splinters, and to push the coalition's limits.
Everything we did (minus Proficy, because I don't know what the fuck his deal was with this whole thing, and minus Aegoth who followed Proficy at the end) was to either 1) Get us more splinters and cause dissent within the coalition, or 2) Ease us out of the coalition.
The denizen that talked to us did not say "leave the coalition", it just asked us if Sartan was the #1 priority of the coalition.
Technically I (and Mhaldor) were "kicked out", but that was 100% by intention. At that point Targossas and Eleusis had both said that Sartan would no longer be getting a turn at splinters. It wasn't voted on and wasn't being supported by the coalition, but that was pretty easy to use as a tool to leave. I informed the coalition that Mhaldor would be taking one splinter per fall, and that we would still be taking our turn. If the coalition accepted that - more splinters, gg. If they didn't, we got out of the coalition like we wanted.
The amount of lying that has gone on about how things happened is just incredible, and the people doing it should really be ashamed of themselves.
There had been Atalkez, Farrah and Antidas' errors when it was not sure whether we were still in or out of the coalition.
I didn't want to be part of the Coalition from the start. I said to the city as MoW that we were standing alone. And that was how I thought it'd stay.
But then Micaelis posted publically, asking for factions to work together, without consulting anyone else in Targossas. Deuc appointed me as his representative, and Micaelis was Aurora's.
Micaelis had to basically beg me to even attend the initial meeting. I did, and I got talked into joining because every other order was at the time.
Then, Mhaldor started doing "experiments" that involved Sartan getting extra splinters. I actually was present at the time it was proposed, contrary to what Leviticus said, but Proficy refused to allow me to even hear the proposal, let alone vote on it. After I was told the proposal had passed, I was finally told what it was and expressed vehement opposition. This type of treatment by a sworn enemy and rival obviously created a lot of tension and incompatibility within the Coalition.
Deucalion's order opposed the notion of Sartan receiving extra splinters the entire time, things escalated when it was our own turn and splinters were taken for Sartan. At that point, I issued the ultimatum of "Give us our splinter back or we are leaving." The Coalition backed Mhaldor and said no. So, Antidas and I declared our two orders were withdrawing, quit the clan, and started actively taking splinters from the Coalition.
When the Coalition realized we were serious, they apparently decided to change their minds and called for a meeting in an attempt to bring us back in. At this point, the Targossian Council stepped in and overruled Antidas's and my decision to withdraw, and we were forced back into the Coalition. The "experiment" was in turn modified to say splinters could only be taken if the order whose turn it was consented.
I was belligerent at this point because I/Farrah was still vehemently opposed to Sartan receiving more splinters than the other gods. At this point, the Bloodsworn had said that Micaelis and I, not the Council, were in charge of this affair but we could only act if we agreed. So I pressured Micaelis to leave the Coalition, but he didn't want to, resulting in proposals that would make the Coalition more favorable to us, brought by Micaelis, but really only to appease me. The Coalition agreed to the proposals, so we stayed, because that was my compromise.
Mhaldor leaving wasn't directly Targossas's doing at all. But it did take away a lot of the internal strife since my/Farrah's gripe was with them.
There isn't really any "right" or "wrong." I think accepting that is the biggest problem for people with this event!
I thought the way Proficy played it was great. He was essentially acting like he was the boss man the whole time, acting derogatory towards Farrah, etc. Trying to run the Coalition for Mhaldor's benefit and in a very Mhaldorian way.
Obviously, Targossas's MoW isn't going to stand for that, though, so there was conflict and tension that you would expect when the Tyrannus and the Judicator are put in the same room. It made it all seem so much more real and political. A very tenuous alliance.
No criticisms from me OOC about Mhaldor's IC actions.
But yes, at least in the sense that (AFAIK) Greater Dragons weren't a thing at all back during Seleucar beyond some story of the War of Humanity, so it'd be interesting to see more reaction along those lines from Tsol'teth who are uncertain (or at least not perpetually smug about themselves). On the other hand, perhaps the Tsol'teth have been watching, and maybe they waited so long and created such powerful creatures entirely because of the dragon host that would confront them.
Or maybe not, who knows.
- With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
- (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
- Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
- Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
Just saying could do like i did for mhaldor. When its not your turn stay out of it.
When another order had a turn i let them deal with collecting themselves. No gathering for or helping them defend. I just simply didnt oppose them.
But again that would invole people having some sort of backbone..
Also throwing props out to @farrah @joiella @xaden for actually sticking to fair fights was fun... especially watching xaden get rezzed during the fight like 3 times
2016/10/04 00:27:34 - Farrah relinquished her mantle of divine essence to strengthen our master shrine.
2016/10/04 06:34:35 - Carmell relinquished her mantle of divine essence to strengthen our master shrine.
2016/10/04 06:35:04 - Carmell > 21 splinters relinquished for the Lord.
2016/10/04 22:34:14 - Halos relinquished his mantle of divine essence to strengthen our master shrine.
2016/10/05 14:25:32 - Kellonius relinquished his mantle of divine essence to strengthen our master shrine.
2016/10/06 05:35:06 - Carmell relinquished her mantle of divine essence to strengthen our master shrine.
2016/10/06 05:35:24 - Carmell > 16600 essence relinquished.
(Order): Deucalion says, "The shrine of My Bloodsworn is much farther along than Mine. Focus the energy and essence you would use on Mine to bolster Hers. At least One of Us needs Their influence reestablished quickly. Or whatever passes as quickly in this situation."
2016/10/06 19:50:23 - Halos > The Righteous Lord sacrifices the progress of His shrine for His Bloodsworn's for now. Any splinters collected during the Deucalic cycle will go towards rebuilding the partial Auroran shrine instead.
2016/10/06 20:00:29 - Torrent > The Order of the Moon will decline both proposals until more information is acquired.
2016/10/06 20:10:16 - Czanthria > on the vote to bring all the shrines up to the level of Lady Aurora's I vote no. In regards to bringing up Lord Phaestus' shrine to full, ahead of all others, I abstain.
2016/10/06 20:14:58 - Datrius > Relodging the vote for War as a second proposal was made. Without further information available to us at this time, I vote against either proposal until we have more information.
2016/10/06 20:24:29 - Datrius has asked Faedwyn to join the clan of Master Shrine Coordination.
2016/10/06 20:24:31 - Faedwyn has joined the clan of Master Shrine Coordination.
2016/10/06 20:41:56 - Halos > 16000 essence gathered from the Vashnars and relinquished for Valnurana.
2016/10/06 20:46:44 - Halos > next up: Lord Deucalion. That essence should go to Lady Aurora's shrine.
2016/10/06 20:55:05 - Proficy has quit the clan of Master Shrine Coordination.
2016/10/06 20:56:21 - Colgano has asked Rafeekee to join the clan of Master Shrine Coordination.
2016/10/06 20:56:25 - Rafeekee has joined the clan of Master Shrine Coordination.
(Master Shrine Coordination): Zenui says, "Splinters for Twilight and Prospero at west side of Azdun."
(Master Shrine Coordination): Zenui says, "Is Proficy still with us? I saw he quit the clan."
(Master Shrine Coordination): Nulaye says, "Valnurana sloping corridor."
(Master Shrine Coordination): Zenui says, "Also, party invite if there is one."
(Master Shrine Coordination): Aegoth says, "Should be."
A titanic roar rises from the Azdun Dungeon as Aegoth lays claim to the mantle of an Avatar of Prospero.
You sense that Proficy is subverting a splinter of Deus nearby!
A titanic roar shakes the very ground beneath your feet as Proficy lays claim to the mantle of an Avatar of Sartan.
(Master Shrine Coordination): Farrah says, "I am not sure I am ok with Proficy gathering when he left this clan."
(Master Shrine Coordination): Zenui says, "It's a bit disconcerting, yes."
(Master Shrine Coordination): Rafeekee says, "Until he displays his choice to be against this, then we have to let it be."
(Master Shrine Coordination): Rafeekee says, "Fighting against Ashtan and Mhaldor will be very difficult."
(Master Shrine Coordination): Kayeil says, "I guess someone just pay attention to where he takes the splinter."
(Master Shrine Coordination): Farrah says, "He did not speak to anyone?"
(Master Shrine Coordination): Kayeil says, "And then find out, if he's against us, if all of Mhaldor is going to follow his example."
(Party): Farrah says, "Proficy did indeed go rogue."
(Party): You say, "..what?"
(Party): Farrah says, "He's at Sartan master shrine."
(Party): Rafeekee says, "Enemy Proficy."
(Party): Farrah says, "Just relinquished."
(Party): Rafeekee says, "He dies."
(Party): Farrah says, "Aegoth too."
(Party): Farrah says, "He just relinquished."
(Party): Kayeil says, "Aegoth joined him?"
(Party): Farrah says, "Mhaldor is out."
(Party): Farrah says, "Aegoth took a splinter and relinquished it."
(Party): Kayeil says, "Okay we will have to let Verrucht know."
(Party): Colgano says, "Apparently all of mhaldor is."
(Master Shrine Coordination): Halos says, "It appears Proficy and Aegoth have both betrayed the coalition."
(Master Shrine Coordination): Rafeekee says, "And Ailea."
(Master Shrine Coordination): Kayeil says, "Best to assume all of Mhaldor will follow their Tyrannus and his decision."
(Master Shrine Coordination): Ailea says, "I actually did not collect anything."
(Master Shrine Coordination): Farrah says, "It does not matter. The other two claimed they were still with us then betrayed. Best to assume all Mhaldorians are against us."
(Master Shrine Coordination): Achimrst says, "Seems a proper idea at this point."
idk who "we" is
Proficy quit the coalition pretty much immediately after my log note and was stealing shards from other gods shardfalls hour(s) later. That was a controversy. The rest of Mhaldorians told us "You can't hold us responsible for the actions of [our Tyrannus]. Some of us still support the coalition". So the coalition decided to trust them stay on their word. I don't know what happened after that. I imagined Mhaldor leadership/denizens eventually convinced the rest of Mhaldor that being in the coalition was bad for the city or they each independently realized being split on the issue was untenable. I wasn't following that part closely so I could be wrong about why it took them so long to fall in line.
Deuc ordered us to stop focusing on his because Rory's shrine happened to be way ahead of his. It wasn't ahead due to Deuc's Order sneakily giving shards to hers from the beginning, because we weren't. It was on its own (for whatever reason). I think that's an important distinction.
In fact prior to this @Carmell was pretty adamant about Deuc getting his turn. I don't know how many times she said she was logging in at midnight just so one of us would be around to get into deuc's temple and relinquish at the beginning. It was pretty funny (she's still secretly upset about it).
As for the rest of the logs, that was the day Proficy, and then Aegoth, left. The actual blow up with Cooper that actually started the death knell of Mhaldorians in the coalition (aka the decision being final, whereas with Proficy/Aegoth leaving wasn't a final decision, and could have potentially been convinced to come back depending on a slew of circumstances), which was at least a few days (3-4 from memory) later.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Guess it doesnt matter to much now. The power orders already ate up the smaller ones forcing them into submission
Im actually kinda proud of you all. #1 rule of pimpin.. tell them h*es what ever they need to hear to get them to do what you want them to do
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