The Bal'met event



  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Event has been great, much love to people who got off the couch and actually are participating in the event directly rather than sitting around complaining that the event is forcing them to do stuff outside there usual routine (and what's the fun with that to begin with?).  Non-coms can still be useful whether its giving runes/blessings/holding static pilgs/enchanting stuff/making salves/tonics/empressing/reflecting/hunting for embers you just have to pro-active and creative about what you can do to contribute.

  • Out of curiosity who is closest to attaining level 99 now? I just want to see what happens.
  • Vasool said:
    Out of curiosity who is closest to attaining level 99 now? I just want to see what happens.
    @Kayeil hit 99 like two days after Ashaxei died.
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    I know Artanis made it a few days after Ashaxei died, nothing happened.
  • @Vayne if you're referring to my post, I was saying that I was depriving my self of opportunities to raid, not opportunities to RP.
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    That I can agree with, hundreds dying in Mhaldor is awesome for them(Ignoring the significant guard damages they must be taking). They must have gotten so much experience from it all. Hopefully, that will even out now that the tables are starting to turn a little.
  • @Jacen, the two are not exclusive.
  • @Rajan I never said they were. In fact, I implied ( or attempted to imply) that for characters such as @Penwize, this is where RPing "kill everything" shines.
  • There've been at least 5 or 6 people who've hit 99 since Ashaxei died, I think. @Kayeil, @Traelor, @Tahquil, @Artanis...don't feel like logging in to remind myself who else.
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    lukis and amram.  not 100% on the latter
  • RuthRuth Singapore
    My textp has been moving up and down like crazy with all the raids, defilements, ganks. I'm not complaining because they're perfectly justified and i think carmain has infected me with his crazy, suicidal spirit. On that same note, I'm glad that after all the action is done, I'm still able to sit around outside or hunt a little without immediately being PK'd. It gives me a chance to catch a breather and deal with RP developments involving several people outside of Mhaldor.
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • Vayne said:

    That I can agree with, hundreds dying in Mhaldor is awesome for them(Ignoring the significant guard damages they must be taking). They must have gotten so much experience from it all. Hopefully, that will even out now that the tables are starting to turn a little.

    Good lord guard damage. We've still gold enough, but we are spending a fortune on these things. Fun times are -expensive- times.

  • VayneVayne Rhode Island

    Trey said:
    That I can agree with, hundreds dying in Mhaldor is awesome for them(Ignoring the significant guard damages they must be taking). They must have gotten so much experience from it all. Hopefully, that will even out now that the tables are starting to turn a little.
    Good lord guard damage. We've still gold enough, but we are spending a fortune on these things. Fun times are -expensive- times.
    It is a little disconcerting that the repeated slaying of everyone in Mhaldor has less of a negative impact on morale than(or none it seems) than the destruction of "property." I guess it is good that guards can be considered citizens from an IC character perspective, but it is annoying how what are considered more "griefy" tactics are actually more effective in hurting an enemy. Meanwhile, the adventurer citizens rack up crazy amounts of essence and textp.

    Regardless, it has been fun!
  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.

    Tanris said:
    Eh, fair enough. I'll point out that Bal'met is the divine enemy (obviously out of mortal capabilities to fight against given the event), but the Mhaldorians are a mortal enemy I assume factored partially in to give the players something they can fight against. I don't think anyone has tried to go bash Bal'met yet, which would be vastly different to going and attacking a mortal following (this is actually exactly what happens between orders, a lot of the time. Can't fight the god directly, go beat on their followers).
    qddqd - go bash on equal grounds.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    i am like 18% down right now


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    That's cause you keep making suicide runs. :p

  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Im down too if it wasnt for room destruction xp. Dying twice instantly to ormyrr hurts.
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    Personally I"m curious as to what's going to become of Mhaldorians and dragonhood after this. Even if some brand spanking new dragon shows up like Ashaxei v2 or hatched from some secret egg spawned by Ashaxei x Han-Tolneth love (I dunno, stranger things have happened), it's just going to be awkward for Mhaldor.

    "Oh hey, you know, I helped the guy who killed your mom and all that. I can haz dragon nao?"

  • Skye said:
    Personally I"m curious as to what's going to become of Mhaldorians and dragonhood after this. Even if some brand spanking new dragon shows up like Ashaxei v2 or hatched from some secret egg spawned by Ashaxei x Han-Tolneth love (I dunno, stranger things have happened), it's just going to be awkward for Mhaldor.

    "Oh hey, you know, I helped the guy who killed your mom and all that. I can haz dragon nao?"
    Can always bypass the ceremony and ISSUE ME I'd like to be a blue dragon pls!!1
  • Nakari said:
    my one complaint is that Mhaldor's gods seem to be playing the role of cartoon villains. I mean, how many times has the 'I have gained control of this inconceivably powerful force/monster/item that is technically sentient but totally obedient to my will and will use it to take over the world' plan actually gone well?
    Twice, although it didn‘t go well! Feeding the Dark/Death Heart and getting my grubby hands on Lady Pandora’s Box both count as inconceivably powerful items.   I wonder if Bal’met has a powerful item?
  • Skye said:
    ....hatched from some secret egg spawned by Ashaxei x Han-Tolneth love (I dunno, stranger things have happened)....
    I can hear the sound of a thousand fan boys reaching for their pens to begin this OTP.
  •  I'm just waiting for Bal'met to pull off his mask and reveal himself to be Slith. Would fit well with another event where Mhaldor teams up with the not Evil antagonist for no other reason than "because".

    Mass pruning of the Garden is interesting though. If long over due.
  • Mishgul said:
    that sounds like some sort of explosive diarrhea
    This is how I will picture Vengeance from now on.

  • In the past half-hour, Terra and I 2v2'd two Naga, then fought three Mhaldorians and a Shallamese at once, then raided Shallam, then ganked Mhaldorians, then I ganked a Shallamese. I'm quite enjoying the effects of this event, thus far.
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