The Bal'met event



  • Trilliana said:
    @Veldrin we've seen Oneiros -around- but I don't think He's taken part in the event.
    He's probably sitting in the park playing a sitar and passing around the "special" pipe as he says "Make peace not war maaaan".
  • --- Shallow plains --------------- -1:7:0 ---
    It is raining heavily, pregnant drops of water pouring down onto you. A goldenseal wildflower is here. A yellow lady's slipper plant prospers here. Razor-sharp leaves of sugarcane cluster here.  Heavy ears of grain nod among the surrounding grasses.
    You see exits leading east, southwest, and northwest.

    The world chaotically unravels as you move, the fabric of reality splitting into polychromatic ribbons that leave you stranded elsewhere.
    Inside the World Tree.

  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    Bah, I was afraid of this. I will be attended a funeral on Saturday.
  • Why why why why why. Why does the event have to end on Shabbos. I'd wake up at 5 am, I'd  stay up -until- 5 am, I'd skip anything I possibly could, but I absolutely cannot break the religious prohibition not to use electronics on Shabbos so I can be online for this. And then @Sarapis has to make these posts about how incredibly epic it's going to be and I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT ATTEND. T.T
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • I'm sure whoever died doesn't care anymore if you attend her/his funeral.
  • @Jiraishin: Set up your computer before Shabbos, set your timeout to 4000, and let it run until the event's conclusion.  Show up when the event starts.  Don't touch the keyboard or anything, just watch.  You can't turn it off because that would presumably violate the prohibition against touching electronics.  Ta-da!

  • Excellent, I can make it. I'll possibly be double dipping as the d&d session we do might happen, but they can deal.
  • I had plans but I cut them short of the event. Yuuuuussss


  • A low rumble gives only a moment of warning before the ground shakes violently.
    Cracks appear in the ground, the vibrations causing them to rapidly open and
    close. In the larger, yawing cracks, rather than dirt below you can see the
    horrifying sight of the ether between the Planes.
    Your nostrils are teased by the smell of fresh-baked bread.

    ooooooh I smell some Baking!
  • It's a very good time and day for me, even if it lasts four or five hours.

    Those of you who can be and will be up at 4 am have my most profound admiration. 
  • edited December 2012
    I was afraid it was going to be at 4 am for me again...Last night I just couldnt take it anymore and  fell asleep (4 am is 2 hours  after serenade for me). Thankfully this time it will be at 6pm for me :D.
  • I am confused, Asmodron. :)
  • HalosHalos The Reaches
    Thaumas said:
    Tahquil said:
    I will remember to get enough IG alcohol so Mathonwy and I can sit somewhere and wait out the end of the world... again.
    I assume that last time you expected something like this, just without the crying?

    Nice, I just watched this yesterday in film class

    A frenzied cleric screams, "Like more than one halo!"
  • Vayne said:
    Bah, I was afraid of this. I will be attended a funeral on Saturday.
    More than likely, so will all of us
  • @Talonia the prohibition extends to things like watching TV, so unfortunately that is not an option.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • Does anyone know what date/time this will be for aussies?
  • Well, I guess I'll be getting up to go shopping for Christmas cooking supplies early.
  • My freaking boss switched the schedule today on JUST saturday, making me work 2 to 10 when the event starts at 3. Rage!
  • Bellator said:
    Does anyone know what date/time this will be for aussies?
    If the first google hit I found is to be trusted, looks like 6am in Queensland, 7am in NSW, 6:30 in South Australia.
  • laksdhgahgah

    of course I may end up heading up to another state this weekend

  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    why did my friend choose to move this weekend? Hopefully I'll be here.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • For those that will probably be missing the event due to work or other arrangements, there is another option if you have a cell phone. For iPhone users, download the Pocket MUD app, and you'll be able to connect to Achaea. I know there are similar apps for Droid and Galaxy users. You won't have your system obviously, unless you're familiar with and have a private server, but you'll at least be able to watch the event live. Simply move your character to a safe area, such as a temple or non-prism/mono room, and you're all set. If you can manual well enough using the phone keypad (or have a nifty external keyboard), you might even be able to participate in whatever it is that @Sarapis was referring to.

    You should be able to sneak in a lunch/personal/bathroom break and see some of it, unless you're lucky enough to work at a place that allows you to use your phone at any time. Hope that helps!

    (Party): Mizik says, "This can't possibly go wrong."
  • Corbeaux said:

    For those that will probably be missing the event due to work or other arrangements, there is another option if you have a cell phone. For iPhone users, download the Pocket MUD app, and you'll be able to connect to Achaea. I know there are similar apps for Droid and Galaxy users. You won't have your system obviously, unless you're familiar with and have a private server, but you'll at least be able to watch the event live. Simply move your character to a safe area, such as a temple or non-prism/mono room, and you're all set. If you can manual well enough using the phone keypad (or have a nifty external keyboard), you might even be able to participate in whatever it is that @Sarapis was referring to.

    You should be able to sneak in a lunch/personal/bathroom break and see some of it, unless you're lucky enough to work at a place that allows you to use your phone at any time. Hope that helps!

    LOL for your signature XD.

  • wow can make this just can't last past 5 5:15 due to wedding stuff. Mind if Sarapis could say how long this thing might be
  • Eld said:
    Bellator said:
    Does anyone know what date/time this will be for aussies?
    If the first google hit I found is to be trusted, looks like 6am in Queensland, 7am in NSW, 6:30 in South Australia.
    Yeah that seems correct, its 4am for me in Perth
  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    Hrm. I guessed it would have been around 5-6am for me. Le sigh.
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • For Android users, I found Blowtorch to be a very good little app for the basics.
  • Blowtorch hates my tablet, but the IRE app works fine, so that's what I normally pop on when my computer decides to eat itself. 

  • I use the IRE app, but it's not very good for much more than watching world emotes with silenceon. On my phone at least, it can't handle lines scrolling even moderately fast. If I'm following someone and they're moving at around 1 room per second, it will often freeze up until they stop moving for a bit. Too many people chatting on a channel is also a problem.
  • On tablets, at least, try Still way too spammy but when I use it it works pretty well for chatting, if not for actually doing anything active in a mud.
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