Works out to 1:30 AM for me. So it's The Hobbit at noon and this epic finale at night for me, an Epic Fantasy Day!
For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror, which we are still just able to endure, and we are so awed because it serenely disdains to annihilate us.
So it's going to be 2-3 AM for me? I live in P.A., I wish I new how to set my computer to GMT...
It's noon Pacific time, so if PA means Pennsylvania, it'll be 3 PM for you. If P.A. means something else that I've never heard of, then I dunno, but 2 AM would be like, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and part of Siberia, and 3AM would be Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, and environs.
If you click on the second button from the right at the top of the comment box, you can edit the raw html. Just pasting in those iframes doesn't seem to be working, though. The timers show up in the edit box, but not in the post itself
Sarapis is going to valiantly sacrifice himself to save the world. The resulting blast will destroy Bal'met, veils, bards, Bopalopia, and piety and gravehands.
Sarapis is going to valiantly sacrifice himself to save the world. The resulting blast will destroy Bal'met, veils, bards, Bopalopia, and piety and gravehands.
Sarapis is going to valiantly sacrifice himself to save the world. The resulting blast will destroy Bal'met, veils, bards, Bopalopia, and piety and gravehands.
I get the feeling that where this is going for Shallam is unification of the Good ideology under a single God, maybe Lorielan, but more likely a blast from the past - Aurora? Dunamis/Deucalion?
Sarapis is going to valiantly sacrifice himself to save the world. The resulting blast will destroy Bal'met, veils, bards, Bopalopia, and piety and gravehands.
It will be a bittersweet victory.
Ships, too.
Don't forget jesters.
What the hell, he didn't even get rid of pit? Boooo
and we are so awed because it serenely disdains to annihilate us.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
<a href=''><imgsrc='' /></a>
Don't forget jesters.
Aurora who is Aurora?
For a second I said "OMG Aeon is finally an active god yes!"
and then "I shall scarifice Myself!"
"wtf are you doing!??!?!".
Dream dead