The Bal'met event



  • Any more mini-events coming, or is it just the big bad event?
  • I should be noting all these rants and then robbing these people when I know they don't have anti-theft.
  • Ah, I forgot about the IRE app. I really wish they had that for the iPhone.
    (Party): Mizik says, "This can't possibly go wrong."
  • edited December 2012
    4AM on Sunday the 16th for me too, same as @Kaden... Time to chop up some antihistamines and slip it into my baby's milk for dinner.

  • I hope @Jhaeli is taking notes.
  • Tvistor said:
    I should be noting all these rants and then robbing these people when I know they don't have anti-theft.
    Selfishness doesn't work on phones?
  • RIP old theft.

    (but people are slow at typing it in on phones)
  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    PocketMUD isn't a half bad app for MUDing from iphones. I use that when I absolutely -have- to log in for some reason when I am not near a computer.
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • SherazadSherazad Planef Urth
    I have BlowTorch for Android. But I don't really login there unless I don't have a PC or my netbook to login to. 
    Bleh, work ate my gaming life.
    내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1

  • @Daeir: Tomorrow.

    Sarapis said:
    No no, it's this coming Saturday, the 15th. 

  • It looks like I'll be able to make it, at least for 3-4 hours.
  • Looks like the Mhaldorians are raiding all they can before they get their ass served to them on Saturday
  • Just checking , i have to be on at 6:30am later tonight/tomorrow?
  • depending on your time zone. It is THIS SATURDAY
  • Countdown timer
    If you click the 'Times Worldwide' link on that page you can see what the time translates to in all other timezones, then it's just finding your own.

  • TharvisTharvis The Land of Beer and Chocolate!
    wonder if Bal'met in Nishnatoba is related to those eight non-wasteland rooms in the centre of the battleground which seem to be conveniently placed in a circle pattern
    Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!"
    Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
    Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."

  • Eld said:
    Bellator said:
    Does anyone know what date/time this will be for aussies?
    If the first google hit I found is to be trusted, looks like 6am in Queensland, 7am in NSW, 6:30 in South Australia.
    It's going to suck big time I have to wake up at 6am :(
    "Faded away like the stars in the morning,
     Losing their light in the glorious sun,
     Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
     Only remembered for what we have done."

  • Wysteria said:
    Eld said:
    Bellator said:
    Does anyone know what date/time this will be for aussies?
    If the first google hit I found is to be trusted, looks like 6am in Queensland, 7am in NSW, 6:30 in South Australia.
    It's going to suck big time I have to wake up at 6am :(
    Tvistor: If that was a troll, it was masterful.
    I take my hat off to you.
  • Yeah its gonna suck alot waking up at 6:30am on sunday , thanks @Veldrin , that link helped heaps
  • Im new to achaea, so that was pretty epic to see on probably my day 3. I hope to see lots of things like that from now on
  • Wysteria said:
    Eld said:
    Bellator said:
    Does anyone know what date/time this will be for aussies?
    If the first google hit I found is to be trusted, looks like 6am in Queensland, 7am in NSW, 6:30 in South Australia.
    It's going to suck big time I have to wake up at 6am :(
    Does it make you feel better that the event is 4am for me?
  • So it's going to be 2-3 AM for me? I live in P.A., I wish I new how to set my computer to GMT...
  • Bellator said:
    Just checking , i have to be on at 6:30am later tonight/tomorrow?
    out  of curiosity where is it you live?
  • Adelaide South Australia , so the event is 6:30am sunday morning for me

  • Bellator said:
    Adelaide South Australia , so the event is 6:30am sunday morning for me
    I live near Turkey, so  around 9:00 pm ^.^. For once it works for me woooot
  • Bellator said:
    Adelaide South Australia , so the event is 6:30am sunday morning for me
    yeah you guys are 30mins ahead of us here in Brissie during DST (I will never understand how that works since we're East side and NSW/VIC are one hour ahead). So you get to sleep in a tad.
    "Faded away like the stars in the morning,
     Losing their light in the glorious sun,
     Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
     Only remembered for what we have done."

  • This starts at 3:00.

    I get off work at 3:30.

    Guess who is running straight to a Starbucks after the parade ends?

  • What? There's a South Australian other than me here? Oh la la!
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