The Bal'met event



  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    going to start calling the Refugees of Shallam the Fugees for added street cred.
  • edited December 2012
    A Naga assassin hisses in pleasure as it sends an ormyrr priest to oblivion.

    An ormyrr guard has cruelly decapitated a knight of the Maldaathi.

    Splintered into mere memory, an ominous lich has succumbed to the devastating power of an ormyrr priest.

    With a scream of disdain, an ormyrr guard has ripped apart a Tanjinn monk.

    Hissing with glee, a muscular ormyrr has ripped apart a Naga assassin.

    So it begins
  • SherazadSherazad Planef Urth
    It's on!
    Bleh, work ate my gaming life.
    내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1

  • Two filthy dwarven prisoners have been buried alive in the Halls of Blackrock, victim to the shaking
    earth brought on by the Dala'myrr.

    SON OF A *****

  • A brawling crowd of ormyrr and Mhaldorian guards has been slain in a powerful blast of deadly flames.

    Amid the sanguine fog above Mhaldor appears the angered image of Sartan, the Malevolent.

    Thousands of daemons howl and shriek as Sartan, the Malevolent roars above the cacophony, "Bal'met! Your lackeys encroach upon My domain. Call off your minions before I crush them."

    I love it
  • The next time you eat lycopod salad, think twice lest you find ormyrrs in it
  • A muscular ormyrr screams as he is trampled to death by a pack of stampeding Mhaldorians.

    I laughed

  • Called it(the inevitable betrayal). 

    Kinda feel bad for Mhaldor though - dealing with ormyrr AND a war with Ashtan. -cackle-

  • for the people that have Icons I'm soo sorry that place has become more dangerous
  • RIP Keresis
  • I suppose it's only fitting that the music I was listening to that was "God's Gonna Cut You Down"?
  • Can we rebuild yet? :/
  • edited December 2012
    For a log of the event:
  • - 2012/12/13 03:00:20 - A Naga assassin hisses in pleasure as it sends an ormyrr priest to oblivion.
    - 2012/12/13 03:00:37 - Idelisa has been slain in The Collosea en Duir by Sentinel Raven Anatral 
    Winterhart, Oneawha.
    - 2012/12/13 03:02:02 - Frozen with horror, Terog has been desiccated by an ominous lich.
    - 2012/12/13 03:02:10 - An ormyrr guard has cruelly decapitated a knight of the Maldaathi.
    - 2012/12/13 03:02:25 - Splintered into mere memory, an ominous lich has succumbed to the 
    devastating power of an ormyrr priest.
    - 2012/12/13 03:02:59 - Bathing his blade in blood, an orc soldier has brutally disemboweled 
    - 2012/12/13 03:03:29 - With a scream of disdain, an ormyrr guard has ripped apart a Tanjinn monk.
    - 2012/12/13 03:03:33 - Anatral has been slain in The Collosea en Duir by Mistress of Ceremonies 
    Idelisa Winterheart, Scary Fulcra.
    - 2012/12/13 03:03:38 - Hissing with glee, a muscular ormyrr has ripped apart a Naga assassin.
    - 2012/12/13 03:04:02 - A brawling crowd of ormyrr and Mhaldorian guards has been slain in a 
    powerful blast of deadly flames.
    - 2012/12/13 03:05:27 - Chimar has been slain by misadventure.
    - 2012/12/13 03:05:39 - Sykes has been slain by the might of a vicious, three-headed cerberus.
    - 2012/12/13 03:06:04 - Raising his voice in frenetic praise, an ormyrr priest has brought Antidas 
    to a gory death.
    - 2012/12/13 03:06:07 - Plunging his claws deep into Quei's viscera, a muscular ormyrr rips the life 
    out of his victim.
    - 2012/12/13 03:06:10 - Plunging his claws deep into Zephyros's viscera, a muscular ormyrr rips the 
    life out of his victim.
    - 2012/12/13 03:06:11 - Plunging his claws deep into Trey's viscera, a muscular ormyrr rips the life 
    out of his victim.
    - 2012/12/13 03:06:26 - Plunging his claws deep into Halios's viscera, a muscular ormyrr rips the 
    life out of his victim.
    - 2012/12/13 03:06:54 - Shrill shrieks slice through your mind as a dozen bloodworms are crushed by 
    falling rocks beneath the island off the Northern Vashnars.
    - 2012/12/13 03:07:08 - Two filthy dwarven prisoners have been buried alive in the Halls of 
    Blackrock, victim to the shaking earth brought on by the Dala'myrr.
    - 2012/12/13 03:07:21 - Alecto, a Priestess of Vengeance perishes in agony, pinned to the ground by 
    a jagged boulder.
    - 2012/12/13 03:09:26 - Plunging his claws deep into Antidas's viscera, a muscular ormyrr rips the 
    life out of his victim.
    - 2012/12/13 03:09:30 - Plunging his claws deep into Rajan's viscera, a muscular ormyrr rips the 
    life out of his victim.
    - 2012/12/13 03:09:33 - Plunging his claws deep into Dontarion's viscera, a muscular ormyrr rips the 
    life out of his victim.
    - 2012/12/13 03:09:38 - Plunging his claws deep into Daeir's viscera, a muscular ormyrr rips the 
    life out of his victim.
    - 2012/12/13 03:09:40 - Plunging his claws deep into Nizaris's viscera, a muscular ormyrr rips the 
    life out of his victim.
    - 2012/12/13 03:09:46 - Plunging his claws deep into Alynna's viscera, a muscular ormyrr rips the 
    life out of his victim.
    - 2012/12/13 03:09:49 - Plunging his claws deep into Nakari's viscera, a muscular ormyrr rips the 
    life out of his victim.
    - 2012/12/13 03:09:55 - Plunging his claws deep into Halios's viscera, a muscular ormyrr rips the 
    life out of his victim.
    - 2012/12/13 03:09:57 - Plunging his claws deep into Quei's viscera, a muscular ormyrr rips the life 
    out of his victim.
    - 2012/12/13 03:12:21 - Two Dala'myrr have been cleanly dispatched beneath the western isle, 
    skewered by the blade of Keresis, Goddess of Vengeance.
    - 2012/12/13 03:12:29 - Alynna has bled to death.
    - 2012/12/13 03:12:29 - Sanaki has been slain by the might of Mhaldorus, a colossal daemon.
    - 2012/12/13 03:12:30 - Plunging his claws deep into Sherazad's viscera, a muscular ormyrr rips the 
    life out of his victim.
    - 2012/12/13 03:12:32 - Plunging his claws deep into Quei's viscera, a muscular ormyrr rips the life 
    out of his victim.
    - 2012/12/13 03:12:33 - Sanaki has been slain by the might of a knight of the Maldaathi.
    - 2012/12/13 03:12:35 - Plunging his claws deep into Trey's viscera, a muscular ormyrr rips the life 
    out of his victim.
    - 2012/12/13 03:12:39 - Plunging his claws deep into Ruth's viscera, a muscular ormyrr rips the life 
    out of his victim.
    - 2012/12/13 03:12:39 - Plunging his claws deep into Jiraishin's viscera, a muscular ormyrr rips the 
    life out of his victim.
    - 2012/12/13 03:12:42 - Plunging his claws deep into Ruth's viscera, a muscular ormyrr rips the life 
    out of his victim.
    - 2012/12/13 03:17:53 - An ormyrr guard has been cruelly slain by a stealthy Naga assassin.
    - 2012/12/13 03:18:29 - A carnivorous lycopod has plunged the finely shredded remains of a muscular 
    ormyrr into its acidic secretions.
    - 2012/12/13 03:21:31 - An ormyrr priest has met a grisly end, slain by a hideous abomination.
    - 2012/12/13 03:22:27 - Frozen with horror, a muscular ormyrr has been desiccated by an ominous lich.
    - 2012/12/13 03:23:10 - Pulsing with pure evil, the Leviathan screams in rage as it devours three 
    fleeing ormyrr.
    - 2012/12/13 03:24:44 - A muscular ormyrr screams as he is trampled to death by a pack of stampeding 
    - 2012/12/13 03:28:16 - Payne has been slain by the might of Sir Tirac Vastel, Champion of the Blade.
    - 2012/12/13 03:34:22 - Screams echo from Nishnatoba as the Goddess Keresis is consumed by the raw 
    power of Bal'met.
    - 2012/12/13 03:36:00 - A scream of utter anguish pierces your ears as Megaera, the High Priestess 
    of Keresis, takes her life with a dagger.
    - 2012/12/13 03:40:20 - Radditz has been slain by the might of a female atavian villager.
    - 2012/12/13 03:43:11 - Dunn has been slain by the might of a colossal Dala'myrr. <- Nish visit
    - 2012/12/13 03:43:13 - Dunn has been slain by the might of a colossal Dala'myrr.
    - 2012/12/13 03:43:14 - Tanris has been slain by the might of a colossal Dala'myrr.
    - 2012/12/13 03:43:16 - Tanris has been slain by the might of a colossal Dala'myrr.
    - 2012/12/13 03:43:24 - Tagg has been slain by the might of a colossal Dala'myrr.

  • You rip into an old rat with your massive, deadly claws.
    You have scored a CRITICAL hit!
    The final blow proves too much for an old rat, who expires pitifully.
    You have slain an old rat, retrieving the corpse.
    Torn by the fabric of reality, the corpse of an old rat splinters into minute
    fragments that rapidly dissolve in the atmosphere.

  • Lyr said:
    Can we rebuild yet? :/

    Was going to quote this and say, was just about to tell my friend this, then I realized It was you who I was going to tell :P

  • SherazadSherazad Planef Urth
    I have to say, Keresis' death was pretty epic. :)
    Bleh, work ate my gaming life.
    내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1

  • Aeon, Lord of Time's voice reverberates strongly, "Sartan... you fool. That was
    the worst place you could have chosen to banish Bal'met."

    Aeon, Lord of Time's voice reverberates strongly, "Nishnatoba is more closely
    tied to the Fire behind the Flame than even the Prime Material... pray you have
    not doomed us all."

    ohh oh we might be in trouble
  • Who does Sartan pray to, then?
  • A long, low chuckle echoes up and down the fabric of reality, shaking the
    topmost branches of Yggdrasil. A single leaf falls, dislodged from its place,
    and blows away on an unseasonably chill wind.

    more news for fun
  • You guys are just turning Achaea into cosmic horror, arent'cha.
  • ahh the conclusion is approaching....should be epic

  • probably gonna have to wait another week for the conclusion -sigh-, so ready to start rebuilding Shallam or, whatever we are going to do instead of sitting around

  • Zuko said:
    probably gonna have to wait another week for the conclusion -sigh-, so ready to start rebuilding Shallam or, whatever we are going to do instead of sitting around
    but heck gotta admit nice beginning of the conclusion, gotta figure that Bal'met will begin to make his move to the Fire behind the Flame
  • We might be in luck and get it this week end. Optimism is healthy!
  • \
    Tanris said:
    We might be in luck and get it this week end. Optimism is healthy!
    Man no I hope not have a wedding to attend this weekend
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