The Bal'met event



  • New Hope Shallam.

    Dont walk in 'ere occies, ya hear!
  • edited December 2012
    Sarapis said:
    Garao said:
    Curious how the mysterious illness ties in with it all and if it has some kind of significance, and how they're going to resolve that. Oh so many questions. When will it conclude? I hope before Christmas. 

    The Xoran rebelled after Twilight ("the dusk god" if you recall) made a deal with the Dala'myrr and Ormyrr, promising them a piece of the Sceptre (they had one already, from Elara), in return for a crapload of bodies (ie the Xoran) to power Death's Heart. The Ormyrr turned them over to Twilight, who killed almost all of them. (The few survivors were were the first Xorani on Sapience.) The Dala'myrr didn't get anything, which is...perhaps...why Twilight hasn't shown his face - he knows they will be gunning specifically for him. 

    >The Dala'myrr didn't get anything, which is...perhaps...why Twilight hasn't shown his face - he knows they will be gunning specifically for him. 
    >...why Twilight hasn't shown his face - he knows they will be gunning specifically for him.
    >he knows they will be gunning specifically for him
    >specifically for him
    >Twilight is  Patronstrongly associated with Hashan

    Prediction - the final culmination of the event will be in Hashan. 


    (This post was lovingly made for the 'Hashan doesn't exist' crowd)

  • edited December 2012

    Edit: Though on the other hand, bad bad Twilight, hurting those poor Xorani like that.
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    edited December 2012
    I don't know why, but next to "It was Slith" and "Sartan-dickery", "It's all Twilight's fault" kinda feels like the next fallback. :|

  • JurixeJurixe Where you least expect it
    I'm going to be away for the rest of the week starting Thursday, and will probably miss whatever happens next. :( Somebody please be sure to log.
    If you like my stories, you can find them here:
    Stories by Jurixe and Stories by Jurixe 2 

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  • Skye said:

    I don't know why, but next to "It was Slith" and "Sartan-dickery", "It's all Twilight's fault" kinda feels like the next fallback. :|

    True, but then, it's still better to get a somewhat 'default' explanation which fits with all we know of Twilight than something entirely random just for the sake of unexpectedness (like "Artemis is actually Felisse!" or "Pentharian was evil all along!").
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    If Twilight help me, I will...
  • Mishgul said:
    Synbios said:
    Sarapis said:
    Garao said:
    Curious how the mysterious illness ties in with it all and if it has some kind of significance, and how they're going to resolve that. Oh so many questions. When will it conclude? I hope before Christmas. 

    The Xoran rebelled after Twilight ("the dusk god" if you recall) made a deal with the Dala'myrr and Ormyrr, promising them a piece of the Sceptre (they had one already, from Elara), in return for a crapload of bodies (ie the Xoran) to power Death's Heart. The Ormyrr turned them over to Twilight, who killed almost all of them. (The few survivors were were the first Xorani on Sapience.) The Dala'myrr didn't get anything, which is...perhaps...why Twilight hasn't shown his face - he knows they will be gunning specifically for him. 

    >The Dala'myrr didn't get anything, which is...perhaps...why Twilight hasn't shown his face - he knows they will be gunning specifically for him. 
    >...why Twilight hasn't shown his face - he knows they will be gunning specifically for him.
    >he knows they will be gunning specifically for him
    >specifically for him
    >Twilight is  Patronstrongly associated with Hashan

    Prediction - the final culmination of the event will be in Hashan. 


    (This post was lovingly made for the 'Hashan doesn't exist' crowd)

    You keep posting my preshrub pictures. I find this highly offensive considering my current transmortal state.

    Even as an eldritch abomination, I do know that showing other people your true form will lead to madness and the urge to trim your delicate body into various horticultural sculptures. It would be in the regular mortals' best interests if they see you in a more humanly-safe form. Those eyebrows are fascinatingly relaxing, don't you think?

  • Wait so this event actually ties in with Death's heart? An event that ran before I even started playing? O.o

  • Trippy (also cool)

  • Veldrin said:
    Wait so this event actually ties in with Death's heart? An event that ran before I even started playing? O.o
    You Gotta love it!!

    Something that ancient and is still activate till now.

    If Achaea is amazing at anything it is keeping its history and events organized. (Dem prophecies, so true!! They knew all along they would wipe away half the gods!!)
  • Vayne said:
    If Twilight help me, I will...
    We finally admit we have hit rock bottom.
  • Caymus first predicted that at some point, Proteus would be overthrown as leader of the Gods and another would fill his place.

    Khalas, one of Lorielan's favorites, knew that Lorielan coveted the power that Proteus possessed and felt that Caymus' prophecy predicted a successful coup on her part.

    Ever since Lorielan reverted to being the Jade Empress, I've been thinking she wants to restart the War of Humanity.
  • edited December 2012
    hmm perhaps.

    However Khalas dont need that heifer Lorie -,-.

    He mine D:, girl better step back.
  • Veldrin said:
    Wait so this event actually ties in with Death's heart? An event that ran before I even started playing? O.o
    If you recall from history, it was only directly after Death's Heart that Xoran appeared (and became a playable race).
  • edited December 2012
    Sarapis said:
    Veldrin said:
    Wait so this event actually ties in with Death's heart? An event that ran before I even started playing? O.o
    If you recall from history, it was only directly after Death's Heart that Xoran appeared (and became a playable race).
    Mind. Blown. :O

    P.S: This event is even longer than we thought! Lazies :D
  • @Sarapis You probably have plans, but could you please show this subtly IC so players can reference it without pointing to the forums?
    "Trust in me, Universe, I will deliver / the promise that no-one shall ever / set their mind to games or play / for Serious Order is the way. I will not rest until it is done; / rules will be made for everyone. / They will know Order and its graces - and just like me, all shall be Greyfaces." - The Heroes of Sapience, Act 5, Greyface.
  • Well, we did, in Elara's journal. It's just hard (maybe not realistically possible) to understand. We'll reference this in an events post at some point though.
  • Yeah, we pieced the disease part for the most part but I didn't have any background in the Death's Heart's story to say if the link between that and the mention of Twilight was evident. Most of the people I discussed with this assumed Twilight was playing false god for the Dala'myrr and Ormyrr if I recall correctly. 
  • LiancaLianca Fire and Spice
    @Beya, @Apollodorus did a great run down of the event (including this info) for the Ashtan newspaper. (Cue IC plug) Get to Ashtan, find Lucca and buy the Bugle today!
    The sweltering heat of the forge spills out across the land as the rumbling voice of Phaestus booms, "I want you to know, the Garden reaction to that one is: What?"
    The voice of Melantha, Goddess of the Seasons, echoes amid the rustle of leaves, "That's the censored version."
  • Don't buy the bugle or it's metagaming. I'll issue you.
  • ApollodorusApollodorus Toronto
    edited December 2012
    Yeah. I had worked out that Twilight was involved in the transfer of Xoran to Achaea during Death's Heart per some dark deal, but I had nothing beyond that, and no real idea where the disease came from. Makes sense though.
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Sarapis said:
    Veldrin said:
    Wait so this event actually ties in with Death's heart? An event that ran before I even started playing? O.o
    If you recall from history, it was only directly after Death's Heart that Xoran appeared (and became a playable race).
    I remember that part.  Didn't tie this back to Death's heart though :(
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