The Bal'met event



  • I always used =/= for 'is not equal to'.

    Shows how much I code, huh. (That is, I don't.)
  • OceanaOceana North Sea
    edited December 2012
    I meant degrees, not percent. Tired minds and keyboards do not mix.

    Edit: Sena got it right, as usual.
  • And spaceships.

  • echoing @beatrice with this one...everything in limbo is.....frustrating. 

  • edited December 2012
    I've had Aovul lament over the loss of the Brothel... He had been saving up for a very fun night with all four.
  • edited December 2012
    RIP *tearsofpolaris


    League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
    Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
    Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
    Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
  • edited December 2012
    Sarapis said:
    You guys may want to consider being on in about 2-3 hours to catch some event-y stuff. 
    [there needs to be] a 'love' button. Maybe. 

    edited to not have @trey make it sound dirtier than it already does.

  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Yay more refugees
  • RuthRuth Singapore
    "Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"


  • Sarapis said:
    You guys may want to consider being on in about 2-3 hours to catch some event-y stuff. 
    Something like this is what's nice to get so we can sleep in peace on the days where nothing is going on! Thanks!

  • Yen said:
    I think IRE will time it to coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar.
    Thats my payday? Well f-, why did I even get this job. I won't even get to enjoy my first paycheck
  • Sarapis said:
    You guys may want to consider being on in about 2-3 hours to catch some event-y stuff. 
    Have a mentioned I love you? Because I really do. <3  <3.

    Leak: Hashan gets caught in a backlash of Evil vs Darkness energies, corrupting it and making all its citizenry turn undead!

    I wish >.>
  • I hate you, I have work :( I get to read to about it on my phone in breaks. That's if someone will post it here so I don't have to wait till I get home. I guess least this time I won't be sitting in the staff room with my jaw dropping because my house and city got nuked and thinking..well..foozle.
    Phaestus, the Smith says, "I think My raid backfired. Now I'm the one getting raided."

    (Leaders): Lathis says, "Just make sure Sabiru doesn't get charged with anything <3."
    (Leaders): Sabiru says, "<3."

  • Ill record it for you Beatrice!
  • Just leave the family heirlooms to me...and yeah, we can pretty much do The Tragedy of King Lear type deal in the Shu'in Family!
  • Thank you IC son! <3
    Phaestus, the Smith says, "I think My raid backfired. Now I'm the one getting raided."

    (Leaders): Lathis says, "Just make sure Sabiru doesn't get charged with anything <3."
    (Leaders): Sabiru says, "<3."

  • I regret bloodlining one of my RL friends instead of you, @Beatrice, to this day. He's dormant now. :(
  • Anaidiana said:
    Sarapis said:
    You guys may want to consider being on in about 2-3 hours to catch some event-y stuff. 
    [there needs to be] a 'love' button. Maybe. 

    edited to not have @trey make it sound dirtier than it already does.
    I'll show -you- a... crap. They're onto me :(

  • Lyr said:
    I regret bloodlining one of my RL friends instead of you, @Beatrice, to this day. He's dormant now. :(
    Lyr is still Beatrice's son far as she's concerned.  :x Just know if you bring girls home, you're getting the text grilling. ;)
    Phaestus, the Smith says, "I think My raid backfired. Now I'm the one getting raided."

    (Leaders): Lathis says, "Just make sure Sabiru doesn't get charged with anything <3."
    (Leaders): Sabiru says, "<3."

  • Yes Lyr and I should be brothers
  • Yen said:
    I think IRE will time it to coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar.
    Haha that would be pretty great. Maybe they are thinking the worlds going to end so lets pretty much kill all the cities and gods and destroy the whole continent, until they wake up on the 22nd and realize what they have done
  • Dont think can make it...eyes getting heavy....body growing limp....

    My mattress is calling me! D:
  • Why are we waiting, why are we waiting... Haha
  • over for me....cant make it. Go on without me!

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