So, came across this sign on the way to my buddies house. I'm not sure what the other letter is supposed to be, but I see no reason they should fix it, even if it is slightly misleading:
Also, this is my newphew, Lucas. He's 5, and he's playing Black Ops 2. I sit and watch sometimes as he embarrasses people much older than him, and listening to them rage. If only they knew who was showing them up...
Cut my hair (it's .75" now, was about double that because I've been being lazy and not dealing with it) and felt like taking a silly-face picture. So... here!
So just came back from a trip to Hobart, Tasmania to unwind and unplug from the world. Absolutely loved it. The clean air, the seafood (aheh), the people who probably didn't know how to react to seeing an Asian who didn't run any of their restaurants…and the mountains. I seem to have a knack for hiking in 15C fog wearing a blazer and jeans. Was awesome and the place gave me so much inspiration for my art and also to really think on what I want to do with my life. It's amazing how three non-stop years without barely a day's break can sully the mind of any form of advancement.
Too many pics to choose from, but some here, sadly not as pro as @Aitox or @Sarapis (what lenses are you using??)
[spoiler] Constitution Dock. For those wondering, you can't smell the ocean. There was literally no algae or anything. Freaked me out since I'm from a place with a lot of mangroves that smell like death on a holiday.
Art installation at MONA (Museum of Old and New Art). That's water.
Table tennis: Asian level.
For @Kresslack: The Drunken Admiral restaurant has good seafood, and kitsch nautical decor…this was above my head.
The incomprehensible urge to run through the entire forest of Mount Field National Park like a typical Sylvan was painful.
Russel Falls.
Isle of Erymanthus Peak of Mt Wellington. Essentially this is what standing on a mountain 1270m up is like. I was climbing all over these rocks but when the fog cleared there was a sign saying please don't climb the rocks O_o
View from the apartment I was staying in.
How much I ground down my shoe in one week. It used to have a tread and a sole!
And my souvenirs. I'm usually not one for buying stuff, but some things I can't help myself: Two glass mushrooms and a bottle opener ^_^ [/spoiler]
"Faded away like the stars in the morning, Losing their light in the glorious sun, Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling, Only remembered for what we have done."
Too many pics to choose from, but some here, sadly not as pro as @Aitox or @Sarapis (what lenses are you using??)
That was with a cheap $100 50mm lens, on a canon 7D. HDR, meaning, in this case, three images of the same scene at different exposures that are then munged together to increase the dynamic range of the pic. Long exposures on a tripod too (the lowest exposure was 16 seconds long I believe).
Eat like a caveman, train like a beast. Champions are not born, they are made.
And bit muh lip.
Can't see it very well. Excuse for a selfie, and made it black and white for dramatic effect.
EDIT: Grammar not so good.
Too many pics to choose from, but some here, sadly not as pro as @Aitox or @Sarapis (what lenses are you using??)
Constitution Dock. For those wondering, you can't smell the ocean. There was literally no algae or anything. Freaked me out since I'm from a place with a lot of mangroves that smell like death on a holiday.
Art installation at MONA (Museum of Old and New Art). That's water.
Table tennis: Asian level.
For @Kresslack: The Drunken Admiral restaurant has good seafood, and kitsch nautical decor…this was above my head.
The incomprehensible urge to run through the entire forest of Mount Field National Park like a typical Sylvan was painful.
Russel Falls.
Isle of Erymanthus Peak of Mt Wellington. Essentially this is what standing on a mountain 1270m up is like. I was climbing all over these rocks but when the fog cleared there was a sign saying please don't climb the rocks O_o
View from the apartment I was staying in.
How much I ground down my shoe in one week. It used to have a tread and a sole!
And my souvenirs. I'm usually not one for buying stuff, but some things I can't help myself:
Two glass mushrooms and a bottle opener ^_^
Losing their light in the glorious sun,
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done."
"Slowly disappear. Never really here."
Party right, party hard,
Sing and dance, perfect bard.
Prefarar loop, accentato whore,Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.
"Slowly disappear. Never really here."
Eat like a caveman, train like a beast. Champions are not born, they are made.
Eating the Guinness Irish Soda Bread for breakfast. Can't believe she's 4 o.O