At the vet a couple months ago finding out he has Addison's disease - which is luckily able to be managed and he will live a long and healthy life with daily steroids and monthly treatments!
this is one of the kittens from my female himmie's last litter. it was taken like .. three, four months ago? i think this one was a male; he was so adorable and he loved the camera.
^ ansleigh, my female seal point himalayan. i think that's the runt she's nursing – there were only two seal points out of the six kittens she had and then there was one. the runt had a heart murmur and didn't survive
omg, guys, this is my other baby. his name is [king] atticus; he's ansleigh's husband .. i think. idk, there was some upset between the two of them when we had to have him fixed [they were breeding like bunnies; ansleigh got pregnant again within a month of us selling her last litter]. ansleigh said he wasn't a tom anymore and she doesn't associate with not-tom kitties, so ..
anyway, atticus is a blue point himalayan. he has more persian in him, so his fur is thicker than ansleigh's.
this is max, our pomeranian. he was just a baby here; i took this pic when we were coming back from getting him, actually, so that's why his face is all soft angles unfortunately, he's had some rough times lately - we think he's allergic to heat??
"Individually we are weak, like a single twig. But as a bundle, we form a mighty faggot."
seal point himalayan is one of my favourite breeds.
Commission List: Aesi, Kenway, Shimi, Kythra, Trey, Sholen .... 5/5 CLOSED I will not draw them in the order that they are requested... rather in the order that I get inspiration/artist block.
Edit1: Don't just my v-neck. I'd rather have the functionality of being about to take my button-up off during movie time than have the proper tank-top underneat.
Edit1: Don't just my v-neck. I'd rather have the functionality of being about to take my button-up off during movie time than have the proper tank-top underneat.
Have lessons after work, brought violin over. Realized it was a mistake, because colleagues want me to play. The patients outside are probably wondering why there was violin music coming from the x-ray room.. but here's a picture my colleagues snapped:
"Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"
"Faded away like the stars in the morning, Losing their light in the glorious sun, Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling, Only remembered for what we have done."
Was half expecting a 'u mirin bro?' comment tbh.
i laughed so hard ^
a cat who lives on our porch ^ her name is princess.
this is one of the kittens from my female himmie's last litter. it was taken like .. three, four months ago? i think this one was a male; he was so adorable and he loved the camera.
^ ansleigh, my female seal point himalayan. i think that's the runt she's nursing – there were only two seal points out of the six kittens she had and then there was one. the runt had a heart murmur and didn't survive
omg, guys, this is my other baby. his name is [king] atticus; he's ansleigh's husband .. i think. idk, there was some upset between the two of them when we had to have him fixed [they were breeding like bunnies; ansleigh got pregnant again within a month of us selling her last litter]. ansleigh said he wasn't a tom anymore and she doesn't associate with not-tom kitties, so ..
anyway, atticus is a blue point himalayan. he has more persian in him, so his fur is thicker than ansleigh's.
this is max, our pomeranian. he was just a baby here; i took this pic when we were coming back from getting him, actually, so that's why his face is all soft angles
@Aktillum you are a great guy. Now, remove your shirt and snap some selfies. Stick to the theme!
WHY do you have all the pets I want.
I will not draw them in the order that they are requested... rather in the order that I get inspiration/artist block.
One of my best friends, Sayuri, and I, in one of the best Korean restaurants on earth.
- Limb Counter - Fracture Relapsing -
"Honestly, I just love that it counts limbs." - Mizik Corten
- Limb Counter - Fracture Relapsing -
"Honestly, I just love that it counts limbs." - Mizik Corten
Losing their light in the glorious sun,
Thus would we pass from this earth and its toiling,
Only remembered for what we have done."