Eleusis vs Mhaldor, the Good and the Bad!



  • edited August 2014

    I've never seen any organization (that I recall) actually surrender in Achaea, except for Cyrene that one time they capitulated the day Ashtan set a street on fire. People bitch about the other side not surrendering, yet I pose it to you, are -you- willing to lose? I don't really expect an answer, and an answer on the forums doesn't matter, but it's something to think about. If the other side came to you and said 'we won,' what would you need to be able to accept it? This conversation'd make way more progress once both sides figure that out.

    ETA: Remember, since you can't force someone to capitulate, really, the default answer in Achaea to that question is 'never,' which is exactly the issue. If that's how you think, no matter how erudite or nice your posts on the forums are, you're part of the problem.

  • Rangor said:

    This time there weren't defenders and we succeeded with guards.

    I understand the desire to go PvE on an empty city considering the significant losses you've been taking in PvP. I think most people in Mhaldor are happy for it to continue considering what they're getting out of it. But I hope you come up with  something better than a guard raid followed by declaring neutral (only Targossas cares about guards).

  • Tirac said:
    Rangor said:

    This time there weren't defenders and we succeeded with guards.

    I understand the desire to go PvE on an empty city considering the significant losses you've been taking in PvP. I think most people in Mhaldor are happy for it to continue considering what they're getting out of it. But I hope you come up with  something better than a guard raid followed by declaring neutral (only Targossas cares about guards).

    So what you're saying is that Mhaldor cares about nothing and thus cannot lose the war? Well that sure sounds like fun for everybody.

    Also, @Anedhel: I surrendered in the Ashtan-Shallam war, and have bitched since then about other people (as witnessed above) being unwilling to accept any manner of defeat.

  • Anedhel said:

    I've never seen any organization (that I recall) actually surrender in Achaea, except for Cyrene that one time they capitulated the day Ashtan set a street on fire.

    We can set streets on fire! Get on this shit @Rangor!!!

  • @Silas is the best.

  • Tirac said:
    Rangor said:

    This time there weren't defenders and we succeeded with guards.

    I understand the desire to go PvE on an empty city considering the significant losses you've been taking in PvP. I think most people in Mhaldor are happy for it to continue considering what they're getting out of it. But I hope you come up with  something better than a guard raid followed by declaring neutral (only Targossas cares about guards).

    When you kill all the trees, will you declare victory?

  • When the game doesn't have "win conditions", there's really not much to play with. We can make our own win conditions such as killing shrines, groves, guards or city rooms. Withdraw from the war and claim "victory", but I guess Silas already did that and you guys still don't see that as a lost war.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway

    It's just weird how trivial it all was, and still is.

    First one to get a level 3 tank wins the war.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Sorry, wouldn't know about that, I've been playing the part of the war that's against humans.

  • Tirac said:
    Sorry, wouldn't know about that, I've been playing the part of the war that's against humans.

    I can always go Sylvan and use my heartseed again. Do we win the war if we grow plants out of every Mhaldorian?

  • Rangor said:
    When the game doesn't have "win conditions", there's really not much to play with. We can make our own win conditions such as killing shrines, groves, guards or city rooms. Withdraw from the war and claim "victory", but I guess Silas already did that and you guys still don't see that as a lost war.

    no, it definitely was considered a loss. Everybody in the city was executed over it (I remember because I was making my push to 80 at the time U.U)

  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway

    To be fair, our core group of combatants were not around for that "final battle" and the week leading up to, I was on holiday, with several Mhaldorian and @Enrai at one of those fabled @Jovolo hosted meets that he never turns up to. I vaguely remember playing rogue legacy and talking to you about it(rogue legacy) when I got back from the meet, a couple of days after the big raid and declaration.

    We didn't want to stop fighting either. The "War" was superficial in that instance and this one. Whatever happens, people -want- to keep fighting. There is no way that we would lose and turn around ago "No more combat guys, sit down and shut up. QQ and go play something else." This is Mhaldor after all. Full of crazy combat addicts.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • The problem with tank mechanics is it's all too easy to use tactics to stall or ruin the chance at a lvl 2/3 tank. Mid raid, with even numbers, someone knows this tank could be the "loss" of the war. Have everyone leave city/qq/go to ship/goto grove/goto other cities and avoid death in city at all costs until sanction ends. GG, you didn't get tank, we didn't lose the war (Either side could do this and simply avoid the conflict outright).

    Since the tanks don't progress past level 1 without player (soldier) death in-city, the defenders against the tank have all of the available means to outright deny a tank at all, let alone a lvl 2/3.

  • So people are bitching that others don't surrender, when they're unwilling to ever surrender? Come on, you're better than that. -_-

  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway

    Achaea mechanically doesn't allow for any  victory conditions to stand. Having faith in the player base of any faction is a folly in my experience. Literally the only way to win, as Ovid kept preaching, is to grief people into not wanting to fight (usually into not playing outright), because as long as people want to fight, they have nothing to lose that isn't entirely superficial and subjective.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • That's your decision, though, to view destroyed rooms, no guards and no shrines as no big deal. There is everything in place for victory conditions to be set, it's just not hardcoded. Instead, it requires the leaders to place value on their resources such that they stand to lose something if they're taken away.

  • edited August 2014

    Targossas had already won the Targ-Mhal war before the final battle. It was readily apparent to everyone. For weeks prior, Mhaldor barely put up a fight and was very obviously discouraged. They didn't want to fight us any longer, and we didn't want to continue fighting an opponent that wasn't fighting back. The only thing the final battle did was make it undeniable. Targ gracefully opted to stop kicking Mhaldor while they were already down for the count.

    You say you didn't have any fighters around for the final battle - That's because they logged off or didn't participate. One of your best fighters at the time in Mhaldor sat in Delos during the raid, sending me insulting tells and challenging me to duel him in Delos arena during the raid. It was obvious that nobody in Mhaldor wanted to fight us anymore, which is why  we ended it. If you guys had felt like defending in full force, I know for a fact that you could've deflected our raid that day. The simple fact is that Mhaldor wanted it to be over, and Mhaldor knew it wasn't going to end in their favour. They gave up after weeks of losing.


  • HerenicusHerenicus The Western Front

    Would be worth accepting a defeat just to RP simmering Weimar Republic-style rage and come back later with a reasonable OOC expectation of reciprocity. Still, I don't know if any one raid or string of raids, however successful, can realistically be roleplayed as more decisive than exterminating some trees. One RL week later, nobody much remembers or cares.  

  • It's also very bland. Step it up, please.

  • HerenicusHerenicus The Western Front

    If we didn't work so feverishly to exhaust ourselves and each other, we could roleplay blowing stuff up like the Bridge over Gruu'n Chasm or damming the Zaphar such that it floods the Eleusian septic systems. Takes time though.    

  • edited August 2014


    Why the violence yo? Why all the carnage and destruction? Why isnt the United Forces of the Garden putting sanctions on Mhaldor for its war crimes? Why is Mhaldor being allowed to harm and kill these innocent people? Why is Ashtan not stopping Mhaldor? It is just supplying them! Peace talks in Hashan will never work! No peace to the murderers!

    Ashtan isnt the land of freedom. It is the true evil!


  • edited August 2014

    A group of us went out to hunt and defile last night and it turned into a big skirmish in the Ithmias for a good hour or two... Cresil walked into a wasps nest (grove) of a big group of Eleusians including Rangor. That was the point I expected them to gather up and effectively and painfully eject us from the forest. No go. Rangor didn't join in. Gotta say that confused me a little considering how gung-ho to lead the troops he is,  or to raid and skirmish. I kept waiting on surprise ambushes, but nothing. And that was the moment Mhaldor won the war in Saeva's mind. The General's spirit has been crushed!! Victory!

    (I have no idea what he was in the middle of or why he didn't fight so don't take my words to heart as I know many of you will feel inclined to do)

  • Cresil said:

    I think it is important to note that the reason Eleusis raids off peak isn't a guerilla warfare tactic, but the complete and utter impossibility that Eleusis will raid without their fearless General. 

    The major difference is Mhaldor has a few leaders (see: @Hasar, @Xer, @Micositu, @Crixos, even @Vicious) that are more than willing (and have) lead parties into Eleusis and even sanctioned raids. Haven't always tanked or guard wiped, but neither has Eleusis without Rangor really.

    I've lead a few raids and participated in a few with Iakimen on Isle or in Mhaldor. The problem being, we are around during Mhaldor's peak hours and our down hours, such as yesterday where Mhaldor had 17 to fight 5-6 people.  Or the day before where Eleusis had 14 to fight 5-6 Mhaldorians. If we were all around at the same time, things would be fun and epic but many people fail to realize that there are people from all over the world who enjoy this game and many of them join cities and places where people are abundant during their hours of playing. It just so happens the European timezone is Eleusis' time and the American one is for Mhaldor. I don't think anyone is abusing anything, just taking the fight to the enemy when they have fighters able and willing.

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