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  • Mroxyl said:
    @Antonius It was mostly a random thought when things were being discussed, but the idea of the Swiss pikemen is what came to mind. Mountain folks known for their skills with the polearms, some of whom eventually became the Swiss Guard for the popes.  I doubt it would be accepted, but it did seem a fun idea to toss out.

    For a purely IC progression, perhaps Phaestus' Order brings it to the city guards who then bring that focus to the Runewardens of the city.
    How about a Sentinel class that uses a lake wyrm instead of everything else! I’d be down for that!
  • Tasus said:
    Mroxyl said:
    @Antonius It was mostly a random thought when things were being discussed, but the idea of the Swiss pikemen is what came to mind. Mountain folks known for their skills with the polearms, some of whom eventually became the Swiss Guard for the popes.  I doubt it would be accepted, but it did seem a fun idea to toss out.

    For a purely IC progression, perhaps Phaestus' Order brings it to the city guards who then bring that focus to the Runewardens of the city.
    How about a Sentinel class that uses a lake wyrm instead of everything else! I’d be down for that!

    I summon forth the ancient spirit of DELETUS and call upon him to exact the litany to end all litanies - but a simple word with so much behind it.  DELETUS, GIVE US THE 'No.'

  • Tasus said:
    Mroxyl said:
    @Antonius It was mostly a random thought when things were being discussed, but the idea of the Swiss pikemen is what came to mind. Mountain folks known for their skills with the polearms, some of whom eventually became the Swiss Guard for the popes.  I doubt it would be accepted, but it did seem a fun idea to toss out.

    For a purely IC progression, perhaps Phaestus' Order brings it to the city guards who then bring that focus to the Runewardens of the city.
    How about a Sentinel class that uses a lake wyrm instead of everything else! I’d be down for that!
    Doesnt imperian have a concept like that?
  • Asmodron said:
    Tasus said:
    Mroxyl said:
    @Antonius It was mostly a random thought when things were being discussed, but the idea of the Swiss pikemen is what came to mind. Mountain folks known for their skills with the polearms, some of whom eventually became the Swiss Guard for the popes.  I doubt it would be accepted, but it did seem a fun idea to toss out.

    For a purely IC progression, perhaps Phaestus' Order brings it to the city guards who then bring that focus to the Runewardens of the city.
    How about a Sentinel class that uses a lake wyrm instead of everything else! I’d be down for that!
    Doesnt imperian have a concept like that?
    It does. It's ridiculous, and at a guess, served as some of the design inspiration behind DW initially.

    Dunn tells you, "I hate you."
    (Party): You say, "Bad plan coming right up."
  • Tasus said:
    Mroxyl said:
    @Antonius It was mostly a random thought when things were being discussed, but the idea of the Swiss pikemen is what came to mind. Mountain folks known for their skills with the polearms, some of whom eventually became the Swiss Guard for the popes.  I doubt it would be accepted, but it did seem a fun idea to toss out.

    For a purely IC progression, perhaps Phaestus' Order brings it to the city guards who then bring that focus to the Runewardens of the city.
    How about a Sentinel class that uses a lake wyrm instead of everything else! I’d be down for that!
    That would be so cool. Water flavored (forestal- not, uh, forestal. Waterbound?) classes would be so cool. Obviously that’s unrealistic but I would multiclass into that!!! 😂

  • edited June 2019
    Arin! said:
    Tasus said:
    Mroxyl said:
    It was mostly a random thought when things were being discussed, but the idea of the Swiss pikemen is what came to mind. Mountain folks known for their skills with the polearms, some of whom eventually became the Swiss Guard for the popes.  I doubt it would be accepted, but it did seem a fun idea to toss out.

    For a purely IC progression, perhaps Phaestus' Order brings it to the city guards who then bring that focus to the Runewardens of the city.
    How about a Sentinel class that uses a lake wyrm instead of everything else! I’d be down for that!
    That would be so cool. Water flavored (forestal- not, uh, forestal. Waterbound?) classes would be so cool. Obviously that’s unrealistic but I would multiclass into that!!! 😂
    Water Lord? Doesn't even require multiclassing.
  • edited June 2019
    Antonius said:
    Arin! said:
    Tasus said:
    Mroxyl said:
    It was mostly a random thought when things were being discussed, but the idea of the Swiss pikemen is what came to mind. Mountain folks known for their skills with the polearms, some of whom eventually became the Swiss Guard for the popes.  I doubt it would be accepted, but it did seem a fun idea to toss out.

    For a purely IC progression, perhaps Phaestus' Order brings it to the city guards who then bring that focus to the Runewardens of the city.
    How about a Sentinel class that uses a lake wyrm instead of everything else! I’d be down for that!
    That would be so cool. Water flavored (forestal- not, uh, forestal. Waterbound?) classes would be so cool. Obviously that’s unrealistic but I would multiclass into that!!! 😂
    Water Lord? Doesn't even require multiclassing.
    I mean, I’ve started on the path to it. The flavor is rather different though! I do think that it is too close to what a water flavored forestal could be- no class would be implemented that was just a hairs breadth off of two pre-existing ones. The idea just sounded cool 

  • @Arin! Just a heads up that to get Water Lord you're going to need to focus a lot harder than the other elemental lords. It isn't something you can do once a week, your progress slowly resets over time.

  • edited June 2019
    Asmodron said:
    Doesnt imperian have a concept like that?
    The concept isn't actually quite as similar as it sounds. Imperian outrider rides on an icewyrm, while we're talking about lake wyrms. They -sound- similar, but have pretty darn different aesthetics. Ice wyrms are draconic creatures with scales and wings and ice breath.

    Lake Wyrms are centipede lamprey monsters, and are adorably horrifying:
    Faintly resembling a giant centipede, this monstrous lake wyrm spans over sixteen feet from snout to
    tapered tail and is covered entirely with a layer of interlocking, inch-thick cerulean scales. Armed
    with a circular array of sharp teeth and two scythe-like foreclaws, the creature promises an
    excruciating experience if set upon. In the location above the snout where eyes are normally
    situated is only smooth scaling; the wyrm is blind and instead, relies on its keen olfactory senses
    to hunt down prey. Countless sets of wiry legs extend from the armoured sides of the creature's
    endlessly oscillating body, supporting its weight as it scuttles across the vicinity with predacious

    In the spirit of our leech filled bloodsucking lake, I continue to interpret "circular array of sharp teeth" as meaning:

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    I'd totally be down for a Wyrm Rider variation to Runewarden, but not as a clone of Sentinel. I'd probably give up Chivalry for something like a cool and functional Wyrm Rider skillset though.

  • Keorin said:
    Asmodron said:
    Doesnt imperian have a concept like that?
    The concept isn't actually quite as similar as it sounds. Imperian outrider rides on an icewyrm, while we're talking about lake wyrms. They -sound- similar, but ice wyrms are draconic creatures with scales and wings and ice breath.

    Lake Wyrms are centipede lamprey monsters, and are just a little horrifying (if completely awesome):
    Faintly resembling a giant centipede, this monstrous lake wyrm spans over sixteen feet from snout to
    tapered tail and is covered entirely with a layer of interlocking, inch-thick cerulean scales. Armed
    with a circular array of sharp teeth and two scythe-like foreclaws, the creature promises an
    excruciating experience if set upon. In the location above the snout where eyes are normally
    situated is only smooth scaling; the wyrm is blind and instead, relies on its keen olfactory senses
    to hunt down prey. Countless sets of wiry legs extend from the armoured sides of the creature's
    endlessly oscillating body, supporting its weight as it scuttles across the vicinity with predacious

    In the spirit of our leech filled horror lake, I continue to interpret "circular array of sharp teeth" as meaning:

    I guess I was more thinking of the drakes and stuff in the Southern Vashnars, but even after reading their description when they came out of the lake, it never clicked that they were... giant... lake... leeches...

    I swear, if we start hearing "murmurs of cult-like chanting" coming from the lake and the rest of the citizenry starts walking into the waters, I'm movin' to... I don't know, somewhere else that ain't Achaeanthulhu horror time place.
  • It'd give Cyrene an identity and reason to engage with the rest of the world if they become lake wyrm cultists.
  • edited June 2019
    There's also an identity for Cyrene in salting the Muurn, pouring it full of oil, and lighting it on fire.

    You keep that freaky cultist drunken-Babel stuff in Ashtan, mkay? We don't need to turn into a random Stellaris empire that worships The Worm.

    Edit: For the record, I'm being silly. Wyrm cultists sound like an interesting direction, but I'm not set on it either. 
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Oh, they're like giant centipedes? I thought they were wyms in the sense of like wingless dragons or something (hadn't actually seen them). I'm suddenly less ok about riding something with that many legs.

  • Keorin said:
    There was actually an event once where the lake caught a nihilist cultist infestation and actually did spawn some legit giant leech monsters.

    Now things are back to normal, so it's only regular leeches, the scrags, and our giant centipede dragon lampreys, all ruled over by a bloodthirsty childlike spirit.
    You know... the usual stuff. 
  • Kresslack said:
    Oh, they're like giant centipedes? I thought they were wyms in the sense of like wingless dragons or something (hadn't actually seen them). I'm suddenly less ok about riding something with that many legs.
    Think of the bonuses you'd get for resisting trips though! D:
  • To me, the description immediately brought to mind one of the creatures from World of Warcraft, Cataclysm expansion:

    Looking at it now, not really a very close match, but was enough to make me think, "Waaaaaaitaminute..."

  • Synthus said:
    Keorin said:
    The Wyrm loves us. It will always love us, and thus it always has. It winds around the cold heart of our Vashnarian valley. It winds around every infinitesimal ribbon of creation. It provokes a shuddering series of cataclysms in the quartz laden stone of our home, but when our star grows cold, that cataclysm will warm us. We understand so much more. We will always be what we were going to be, wound tight in the love of the Wyrm.


    Brb, commissioning a planet cracker from Hycanthus.

    When do I get entropic recursion? I'm low on physics.
  • Armali said:
    It sounds like there's a lot of support from Cyrenians for being wyrm cultists.
    I mean. I know it would never go through.. but I'd wholly be down for Cyrene to be sort of like Caer'witrin. Everything seemingly artsy and formal.. but secretly.. beneath.. 
  • ArchaeonArchaeon Ur mums house lol
    Deja vu
  • That sounds awesome
    Deucalion says, "Torinn is quite nice."
  • Torrent said:
    Asmodron said:
    I feel at last I can say this.

    I've been playing Achaea for roughly 10 years now, and during it always had a special love for Hashan. I always hoped to see it rise and gain more significance and ideals that shaped it to be recognized by the admin.

    One thing I always wanted, hoped for and advocated was Hashan to gain a skill to represent it, and after those 10 long years it is finally here. I cant explain the joy i'm feeling right now.

    As much as people may not enjoy me or my posts, I just want to thank the admin that gave so much of their time for this. I want to thank those players in Hashan that stood together and worked so hard to push Hashan to this state of advancement. It was a long struggle and you are all wonderful people. Finally, I want to thank those adversaries out there, for it is also in thanks to your challenges and determination to fight Hashan that assisted in the story's continuation.

    Thank you all.
    That being said. Details man! Details! How is sublimation?

    So now that I have had time to experiment with it.

    I love the idea of schools of study. It fits in so well with the Hashan concept. Admittedly picking what school you want and how you want it can be conflicting.

    Alignment is awesome with its Astronomy feel. I always wanted Alchemist to have more of a celestial bodies feel and this definitely supplies it. The meteor kill feels intense, but you need to setup a target from running off or countering, and that may not be as easy.

    Substantiation has some nice utility and Radiation is pure madness (its area message is amazing too). The feel of "bring into existence" is such a fun an unique concept that will inspire some fun RP.

    Manipulation isnt as loud as the other two but the idea of bending the forces around you is so damn appealing (at least to me). It has amazing strategic capability and for higher tier I see it better than the other two.

    The skill itself feels like it has lots of wow factor but admittedly some of it feels gimicky (which isnt necessarily a bad thing for a tert). The new concept for our alchemists to pursue for kills seems imo smoother than with formulation but we will see. It definitely feels like it is designed to supplement group combat, rather than duels.
  • The bounty placed on you by Mhaldor has been claimed by a citizen.

    Huh... you know, to be honest, I'm kinda surprised there aren't several more after being co-announcer for the Foozle contest.

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