What Happened To You Today?



  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    The tinkling peal of sovereigns echoes through your ears as you sense that the Lord of Wealth has so generously bestowed His truefavour upon you for 1 Achaean month.

    Huh. Neat.
  • AktillumAktillum Philippines
    Senoske said:
    Edena said:
    After having a crap day because of weird things people did, I suddenly got this to cheer me up:

    Tears flow freely from your eyes as (Prospero, Lord of Wealth) appoints you to a Coin Changer.

     <3  =)
    Me too, me too!
    That forced reaction though.

  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    It's also the same message getting placed at any rank, i.e., tears whether promotion OR demotion.
  • New @Sartan is awesome. 
    Cooper said:
    This is one of the worst forms of special snowflake RP I've ever seen. Thanks for going to another city to do it!
  • Talamond said:
    Today, I became Archivist of Targossas.

    Huge thanks to @Laniara for pushing me to take this on, and to @Halos for patiently explaining the role the other day.
    Are you the one I am supposed to hassle for books now??

  • Aegoth said:
    Finally became a big bad Sartai. Pretty stoked, as this is something I've wanted for a looooong time. Special thanks to everyone in the order who's pushed me hard, and believed in me, and made the recent push for it super fun: @watchman, @taraus, @saeva, @proficy, @ysela, @alynna

    also big shout to mhaldor, because it's an amazing city full of potential. And finally thanks to @Sartan, who can instil a real sense of terror and portent into the role. I was shitting my pants when you told me to recite the oath, and then I looked at it, and started furiously typing it out on my phone. That is true Suffering :(
    Everyone knows that the Sartan role is Achaea's Defense Against the Dark Arts position. Let's hope Voldemort is dead :(

  • i hope yu said no. Ruin christmas
  • Psh, No is so last year. I of course accepted. 
  • @Naoma ok if Naomh isn't around will need one of your sisters to fill in for the Vorondil grilling. I nominate @Kayeil
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    In an attempt to put a candle in someone's stocking, I put my taper of eternity in instead without realising it. When I tried to get it back I was told:

    This is not your stocking! Rather than jeopardise your chance for a visit from Ironbeard, you put it back.

  • I've done this a few times. On a positive note, at least it doesn't affect resetting!
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    That is very true, and fortunate. I probably would have done it even if I hadn't just finished up a 12 hour shift.

  • edited December 2016

    It's hard to be away from the family on the holidays. Many thanks to @Alinixa and @Bann for spending some time on Christmas Eve with me. It definitely brightened my spirits.

    Plus I'm SO excited to have received these two new pals:
    A bone shrike lands momentarily upon your finger, tiny talons gripping painfully.

    A tundra caribou fawn nuzzles his head contentedly against your hand, the bell hanging from his antler jingling merrily.
  • @Truax - No sweat, it was fun :) Glad you're enjoying!!

  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    edited December 2016
    I got probably the shittiest gold stocking ever.

    What am I going to do with a whetstone, 4k gold and a few commodities. I don't need another proficiency and if I did, I would have just bought the whopping 17 credits to get it.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • Sarathai said:
    Today I held a meeting.
    You say, "Anybody else, or can I call this to a close?"

    You say, "Anybody else with other topics, specifically."

    (Order): Aquil says, "Sarathai praying hard."

    Ellodin says in a quiet but clear voice, "Ah, maybe."

    (Order): Aquil says, "Sarathai crying hard."
     @Aquil on commentator duties.
    I knew I should've brought the assortment of teas available in Eleusis up when you did your last call...
  • Sarathai said:
    Today I held a meeting.
    You say, "Anybody else, or can I call this to a close?"

    You say, "Anybody else with other topics, specifically."

    (Order): Aquil says, "Sarathai praying hard."

    Ellodin says in a quiet but clear voice, "Ah, maybe."

    (Order): Aquil says, "Sarathai crying hard."
     @Aquil on commentator duties.
    I got a few praises from people simply for making the meeting bearable with my commentating, it was fun to just laugh my ass off by getting to play Quil as commentator and do play by plays. Hopefully it made most people's headaches a little less troublesome. :D
  • Congratulations! Your team has WON the King of the Hill game!
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Jonathin said:
    I got probably the shittiest gold stocking ever.

    What am I going to do with a whetstone, 4k gold and a few commodities. I don't need another proficiency and if I did, I would have just bought the whopping 17 credits to get it.
    This is why I debated on even getting one and, ultimately, am glad I did not.

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