What Happened To You Today?



  • Sena said:
    Just returned to my house after being away for probably 6+ hours, and found a young rat still sitting there, not wanting to leave. I think I have a new pet?
    Kick him out, but if that lil bitch has the sword of Martin the Warrior steal it first.

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    What if he's a really good chef?

  • edited November 2016
    Cooper said:
    Not sure if Sena means IRL or in her Achaea house.
    I've actually never seen a rat in person IRL, that I can remember.
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    I've never bothered with talismans of any kind since they first came out. I recently decided I wanted to start collecting the ones I could, starting with the first ones, the Azatlan set. While I've got a long ways to go yet, it's inspired me to keep hunting and keep grinding, which is good practice and preparation for one day reaching dragon.

    Also, I've completed my first talisman so far:

    an Azatlani sacrificial knife

    You join the two obsidian halves of the knife and wrap the leather around its 
    tang, forming a crude handle.

    The blade of this knife has been chipped from a shard of obsidian, leaving its 
    edge razor-sharp and uneven, able to produce a rough and painful cut. The handle 
    is made of leather dyed bright green and wrapped around the opposite end of the 
    blade, preventing the wielder from cutting his or her own palm.
    It weighs 5 ounce(s).
    It bears the distinctive mark of Kresslack.
    You may use the following commands with this weapon:
    slash jab slice
    It will reset to you.

  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Kresslack said:
    I've never bothered with talismans of any kind since they first came out. I recently decided I wanted to start collecting the ones I could, starting with the first ones, the Azatlan set. While I've got a long ways to go yet, it's inspired me to keep hunting and keep grinding, which is good practice and preparation for one day reaching dragon.

    Also, I've completed my first talisman so far:

    an Azatlani sacrificial knife

    You join the two obsidian halves of the knife and wrap the leather around its 
    tang, forming a crude handle.

    The blade of this knife has been chipped from a shard of obsidian, leaving its 
    edge razor-sharp and uneven, able to produce a rough and painful cut. The handle 
    is made of leather dyed bright green and wrapped around the opposite end of the 
    blade, preventing the wielder from cutting his or her own palm.
    It weighs 5 ounce(s).
    It bears the distinctive mark of Kresslack.
    You may use the following commands with this weapon:
    slash jab slice
    It will reset to you.
    Take satisfaction in completing your first Azatlani sacrificial knife, it will be the first of MAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNYYYYY

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • Finally had Greys's first multiclass as the new toy just looks too interesting to pass up. Also, ran a small event for the coalition with decent attendance where he presented a song in process.
  • I am in awe of those newborns. Especially the last one. Rename human to dumbass now because I'm confident that for the first at least 5 years of my life I would've toddled right up to any/each of those snakes like HAI NEW FWEND and so would anyone else.
  • edited November 2016
    Coamenel said:
    I've finally found a vid that depicts what "being an avatar" feels like for me when @Proficy / @Seragorn / @Dunn / @Jinsun are around :')

    linking to URL because I suck :(

    I've never found myself rooting so much for a lizard. The suspense. That small clip was better than half the videos I've seen in the past year. Last lizard straight up Lizard Houdini. 
  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    That last snake needs lifevision
  • This about sums it up:
  • I was weak :( 

    04:46:12.835 +-Skills for Anedhel----------------------------------------------------------+

    04:46:12.835 | Class Skills |

    04:46:12.835 | Aeonics 100% ######################### Transcendent |

    04:46:12.835 | Shadowmancy 100% ######################### Transcendent |

    04:46:12.835 | Terminus 100% ######################### Transcendent |

  • me too.

    +-Skills for Morthif----------------------------------------------------------+
    | Class Skills                                                                |
    |   Tarot                       100%  #########################  Transcendent |
    |   Domination                  100%  #########################  Transcendent |
    |   Occultism                   100%  #########################  Transcendent |
  • Trey said:
    Sena said:
    Just returned to my house after being away for probably 6+ hours, and found a young rat still sitting there, not wanting to leave. I think I have a new pet?
    Kick him out, but if that lil bitch has the sword of Martin the Warrior steal it first.
    Those were my favorite series of books growing up... ahhh, the memories!
  • I had an interesting/slightly depressing thing with @cailan today. Offered me talisman pieces, and neither of us really knowing Death's Call pricing sold me a piece for 12 credits. I realize what it is and ask around on the price and get told Cailan definitely got ripped off, so I did the right thing and let em know and sent it back. But damn would that have been a sweet deal to keep, lol.
  • Any of you people had an experience that you find interesting to have but not entirely sure of it? And you want to share that experience but hesitate each time because there is not way to describe it beyond that moment and now you are certain that it's only a figment of your imagination? I had that experience today. You have a sense of humour Achaea.
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    I made Lylith saltier than chicken soup today. Today was a good day.
    Huh. Neat.
  • Finally got TIME PIETY.

  • Calaurn said:
    Any of you people had an experience that you find interesting to have but not entirely sure of it? And you want to share that experience but hesitate each time because there is not way to describe it beyond that moment and now you are certain that it's only a figment of your imagination? I had that experience today. You have a sense of humour Achaea.
  • Had a duel with @Lylith

    Was kinda fun.  Still don't know what the actual fuck I'm doing.  But you know.  Little by little.

    (I survived for a good while.  I forgot kai transition was a thing, and that would have saved my life)
  • edited November 2016
    So it has been  determined  that Aralaya is an aggressive overly protective bird mom.

    So... I also don't know how to spoiler from a phone

    Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM

    teehee b.u.t.t. pirates
  • .... I don't get it ;)
    Deucalion says, "Torinn is quite nice."
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Torinn said:
    .... I don't get it ;)
    You're not alone.

    In any case, was checking the city logs and...

    2016/11/12 13:44:18 - Finest will now be known as Finer.
    2016/11/12 13:48:39 - Finer will now be known as Finely.

    Was wondering if this was a battle with recommended name-change and was holding out for a final change to Finley.

  • edited November 2016
    Completed my first Talisman today - Just wanted to be able to complete a talisman.. so now I have a chick that follows me.

    "You put the claw and beak into the nest, crack the egg over the top of it, and an adorable ozhera chick appears. You feed it the bait, collar it, and it is yours."

    You skilfully whirl a Skullsplitter flail toward Ayod'nai, Whisperer of the All, slamming the balls
    of metal into her.
    You have scored a CRITICAL hit!
    You have slain Ayod'nai, Whisperer of the All, retrieving the corpse.
    Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have advanced to level 94.
    You have reached the illustrious level of 2nd Order of the Hyperphysical.
    *** Congratulations, you've just completed the Greet the Pixie Queen or the Imp Lord task! ***
    *** Congratulations, you've just completed the Greet the Kobold King or the Pygmy Cook task! ***
    *** Congratulations, you've just completed the Greet Constable Beck or Blaan the Troll task! ***
    *** Congratulations, you've just completed the Greet Hunter Ealeo or Guardian Niluint task! ***
    *** Congratulations, you've just completed the Battlerage Basics task! ***
    You feel your experience grow as a result of your accomplishment.

    You writhe in pain as you fall to level 93.
    You sigh in frustration as you fall to the level of 3rd Order of the Hyperphysical.  Should note that this death was due to being an Avatar and at the hands of Mhaldor.  Good stop.

    Did end up getting it back though!

    Good Day - wish I could make it in more often.. for now it's just Saturday mornings.

  • So got a hell of a deal on 5 caches at 25 per. Deal blew my mind. Figured there was a pretty high chance I'd break every/make a small profit, but ended up with over 400 credits worth of redemption stuff.
  • That's kinda like how someone bought 5 globes for me yesterday and I got 3 caches and ended up with a couple new arties out the deal.... 

  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Stop with your temptation. I've never fared well when I've bought globes.

  • Some guy tried to cheese into "Nowhere" as an avatar via his tombstone after suicide diving some mobs.  Still not sure where the fuck I just was, or why there were mhun scouts there.  However, there was a trapdoor, and I think my explorer's ranking went up.  Maybe.

    Still super confused.  Slightly happy, though.
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