You swing an elegant silvered scimitar at an elder Qui'sas with all your might. You have scored a CRUSHING CRITICAL hit! You slash into an elder Qui'sas with an elegant silvered scimitar. You have scored a WORLD-SHATTERING CRITICAL hit!!! You have slain an elder Qui'sas, retrieving the corpse. Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have advanced to level 99. You have reached the illustrious level of Greater Dragon. A small pile of sovereigns spills from the corpse. [Rage]: +3.5. Total: 29.8 (svof): Your max health increased by 32h/0% to 6409. (svof): Your max mana increased by 28m/0% to 5810.
A day late but celebrated 3 years (IC) together with @Navarr, had a couple of really great conversations with @Belerofon, got to see a few other lovely people (@Annwyl@Sheltan@Adaele@Ottis@Kei@Ilen), spent some time being lazy at CC smoking hookah and drinking rum. Did @Kepheira 's novice orientation, we have a few new really cool people in the House Got in a bit of a tiff in the Mariner's Guild clan, I feel like I open my mouth too much sometimes and need to learn when to shut up and keep my opinions to myself. Submitted another design for the Cyrene bench design contest (to paraphrase Belerofon's OOC observation, "this is the only place in which people get more excited about how many bench designs you've done and not how much you can bench," LOL). Picked up the kitten trade.
Let's see .. Alcaro finally joined Targossas. She also met her first Divine ever, @Aurora Plus I got to witness some creative genius from @Chapel .. I think that's all? Pretty good day in Achaea, by my standards.
Finally changed my svo to druid, cleaned out all my priest aliases, spent some time cursing at druid skills, finally got it all working, tried some group hunting and then realized my group uses a different targeting command than the one I used. I'll have to fix that.
On a lighter note, I had a flirtation attempt by a forward 18 year old Cyrenian outrider. Figures! He was interesting enough and I entertained his attempt, only to meet it with old lady reminiscing for an hour... Which I hopefully believe bored him to death!
@Halos that's an interesting deathsight. Can you give any context to it, or is it all private and hush-hush at the moment?
- (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place." - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely." - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")." - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish." - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
Bought a tuning fork (finally!), did some sparring (timed out against an alchemist, but at least I didn't lose), hunted some more. Bard isn't so squishy in full harmonics, but still dies to two xorani guardians
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
Hunted up another 70% - 1.3 levels to go, now. Hunted so much that I went into Annwyn feeling pretty brain dead, met up with @Amranu, and stupidly forgot to change my priorities for fighting Magi, and died to pretty quickly.
On the upside, it reset my % to next level to exactly 30%, so I could goto sleep content with a nice round number.
Kinda awesome
I'd like to dedicate this level to all the sports that have been on this weekend in Australia - keeping me sane as I work towards the final push.
Sounds about right.
That was rude.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
You have scored a CRUSHING CRITICAL hit!
You slash into an elder Qui'sas with an elegant silvered scimitar.
You have scored a WORLD-SHATTERING CRITICAL hit!!!
You have slain an elder Qui'sas, retrieving the corpse.
Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have advanced to level 99.
You have reached the illustrious level of Greater Dragon.
A small pile of sovereigns spills from the corpse.
[Rage]: +3.5. Total: 29.8
(svof): Your max health increased by 32h/0% to 6409.
(svof): Your max mana increased by 28m/0% to 5810.
Lianice is the best
Alcaro finally joined Targossas. She also met her first Divine ever, @Aurora
On a lighter note, I had a flirtation attempt by a forward 18 year old Cyrenian outrider. Figures! He was interesting enough and I entertained his attempt, only to meet it with old lady reminiscing for an hour... Which I hopefully believe bored him to death!
<insert I will find you and kill you meme here>
- With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
- (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
- Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
- Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."
All I've had today are six gummy bears and some scotch
On the upside, it reset my % to next level to exactly 30%, so I could goto sleep content with a nice round number.