What Happened To You Today?



  • AereidhnaAereidhna Dallas
    edited October 2015
    Got up in front of people and read poems. Saw @Ilen host her first concert, which was pretty spectacular. Had really good talks with @Navarr and @Sheltan, spent some time with lovely people, sailed some more of the kitten trade, worked out a few things in my head, made a decision I've been sitting on for awhile. Talked to a bunch of novices, Cyrene has been overflowing with them lately. Lots of things make me proud to be Cyrenian but most days it's getting to interact with our novices, they're usually really great. @Verrucht made me laugh and installed new furniture, including a bench couch (can't get benches off the brain) at Shadya, so now I can destroy both of my houses and just move in with her. (Kidding. Or am I?)
  • Ran to Delos and back from Targossas. Normal, no?

    Realized I was in a pair of puppy print boxers and ONLY those.

    was cold.
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Aesi said:
    Ran to Delos and back from Targossas. Normal, no?

    Realized I was in a pair of puppy print boxers and ONLY those.

    was cold.
    I thought there was a nip in the air...

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • Klendathu said:
    Aesi said:
    Ran to Delos and back from Targossas. Normal, no?

    Realized I was in a pair of puppy print boxers and ONLY those.

    was cold.
    I thought there was a nip in the air...
     nip? A NIP? I could cut diamonds!
  • KayeilKayeil Washington State
    Went diving with @Gamden, which was the first time in forever for me. We didn't get anything good or noteworthy, but it was good practice to get used to it again, and learning new things about it I hadn't known or tried before. Did get a ton of scales for inkmilling, so I guess that's a plus!
    What doesn't kill you gives you exp.

  • Aodfionn said:
    Person1 tells you, "Some serious stuff."

    Person2 tells you, "Check out this youtube video of a drunk kid screaming about mac and cheese."

    Start typing reply to lolwut video proposition.

    Person1 tells you, "Some more serious stuff."

    reply ahahahahahahahahaha

    :( Never reply. Always tell.
    RT is safe! Ish. Sort of.
    Current scripts: GoldTracker 1.2, mData 1.1
    Site: https://github.com/trevize-achaea/scripts/releases
    Thread: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/4064/trevizes-scripts
    Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
  • You quickly break the seal on a phial of destructive serum and bring it to your mouth.
    Liquid fire courses through your veins, your muscles screaming in agony as they are driven far 
    beyond mortal limitations.

    You say in an all-consuming, frosty voice, "Popped."

    His humours are all at normal levels.
     [DochSys]: Tempered > SANGUINE
     [DochSys]: Wracked > PARALYSIS 
    Horror overcomes Hosko's face as his body stiffens into paralysis.
    Hosko eats a ginger root. 
    7501h, 5197m, 99%w cekdb- Hosko 10:30:15.310 D|N-

    You have recovered balance on all limbs.
    His humours are all at normal levels.
     [DochSys]: Tempered > SANGUINE
     [DochSys]: Truewracked > CLUMSINESS ASTHMA
    7501h, 5065m, 99%w cekdb- Hosko 10:30:16.938 D|N-

    You may manipulate another's humours once more.
    7501h, 5065m, 99%w cekdb- Hosko 10:30:17.904 D|N-

    You have recovered balance on all limbs.
    7501h, 5065m, 99%w cexkdb- Hosko 10:30:18.161 D|N- 0

    30s later...

    Your body having been pushed too far, you feel the vicious snapping sensation of muscles tearing and 
    organs rupturing before darkness encroaches upon you.
    You have been slain by misadventure.
    Your starburst tattoo flares as the world is momentarily tinted red.

    First taste of Mayalogy. I think I like it.
  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    I bought 18 tuns for a full set of 24 to play with.

    I also feel broke as ever.
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • Don't really remember but I believe I killed a couple people...died a couple of times and then messaged Tecton a bunch (<- facepalm)...

  • made a levelling bet with @jadys last night. Me to dragon before she hits 103.

  • Skye said:
    So, I turned 30 last week. Discovered today that my ancient DS no longer works. Bought a 3DSXL to celebrate midlife crisis. It's got a pikachu casing.
    Im crossing that point of no return soon. :( Is it horrible?
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    Tibitha said:
    Skye said:
    So, I turned 30 last week. Discovered today that my ancient DS no longer works. Bought a 3DSXL to celebrate midlife crisis. It's got a pikachu casing.
    Im crossing that point of no return soon. :( Is it horrible?
    I dunno, I'm still buying games >_> I'm gonna cry if IRE does a good promotion after the 15th

  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Tibitha said:
    Skye said:
    So, I turned 30 last week. Discovered today that my ancient DS no longer works. Bought a 3DSXL to celebrate midlife crisis. It's got a pikachu casing.
    Im crossing that point of no return soon. :( Is it horrible?
    Can't remember, was too long ago :'(

    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • Day late, but left the Virtuosi and finally found my family :) Excited to figure out what comes next. Also got to work with a bunch of people on suggesting updates to the hunting guide for Cyrenians, it was actually a really fun project.
  • Tibitha said:
    Skye said:
    So, I turned 30 last week. Discovered today that my ancient DS no longer works. Bought a 3DSXL to celebrate midlife crisis. It's got a pikachu casing.
    Im crossing that point of no return soon. :( Is it horrible?
    30 didnt even phase me. Now 35..leaving that all encompassing 18-34 age bracket of youth scared the shit out of me for a while. 

  • LyrLyr
    edited October 2015
  • CarmellCarmell Eastern Washington
    Lyr said:

    yes I join you in the Squee.....
  • Carmell said:
    Lyr said:

    yes I join you in the Squee.....
    I dunno, Thirdcalion said no flaming sword..
  • Hunted around a bit, but mostly bummed around.

    Next time I should create a character knowing what I want to do. Bored.
  • Was plotting to stay rogue for a couple of years and then probably join the Outriders, but I got kidnapped and ordered by the Imperiate, so I am an Outrider a bit ahead of schedule. It has been great fun so far, especially thanks to @Lisbethae @Lari @Naz and @Verrucht, hee. Helped @Annwyl with her new ship, worked a bit more on the hunting guide, hung out with @Navarr, hunted with @Skeggi. It's been a busy couple of months.

    @Merriweather - feel free to nudge me in game if you ever want a hunting/drinking buddy. I don't go much on combat (yet?) but I am good at finding/making fun.
  • If it was already implemented we wouldn't be asking those questions! It's like saying that your keys are always in the last place you look because you don't keep looking after you find them.
  • Tecton said:
    Yae said:
    Watched a Tecton Q&A! Is it me or are most of these questions answered with 'in the plans', 'classlead/idea it!', or 'no plans'? :anguished: 

    Here is a super choppy, summarized questions version for those who missed it: http://pastebin.com/uNtvPGeT
    Such is the way of game development! There's a lot of stuff we'd like to do but we don't have firm plans for if/when we'll even start looking at them seriously. If we had unlimited development resources, we'd be able to give a more concise timeline. But with a team as small as ours, we can have something come up that takes up all of our time for a week or more, driving release dates back. Conversely, we may finish up something early or have a break in another project that frees up some resources, meaning we could just smash out a project in a couple of days! 

    As you can imagine, we've got ideas to fill up the next 20+ years of development time on the "that'd be nice to do at some point" list, it's just fitting them in as best we can!
    @Tecton : well, on the bright side, nobody got turned into a walrus or a sloth, despite that one gender-changing snafoo!

    Of course, I probably shouldn't give you ideas, or it'll be 20+ years of development time until I am turned back to Dwarf from a walrus...
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