Damn y'all wanting me to get processed too, but I'm probably excluded from the gene pool
This is like the Achaean version:
@Tvistor said that Jiraishin being added to the strain would produce a "timeline where all their supersoldiers now refuse to stop lurking in alleyways and have a crippling kawhe addiction."
________________________ The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
Acquisition of sub-standard specimen data, designation Synthus, submitted for assessment by Balan'ukia.
... Specimen data accepted for processing, incorporating superior communication abilities into the Meld.
And then the Tsol'teth never shut up and drove everyone across Sapience insane by overusing five-sovereign words in each and every sentence.
42) Mindshell told You: Your foot comes down on a caltrop, a spike of pain driving into the soul of your foot. - You realise that your heroic actions can no longer continue unnoticed, and you take it upon yourself to rectify the situation.
43) Mindshell told You: Apparently my foot has a soul.
44) Mindshell told You: Learnt something new today.
45) You told Mindshell: \\Does it sing james brown to you every night?
46) Mindshell told You: \\Might be what puts me to sleep.
Skye B. Anchors, Tempest of Neraeos shouts, "Listen here you... you... designer half-breed! That is my lease and my name above the door! Shove that in your pudding and shove the pudding up your obsolete baby maker!"
Eryl tells you, "Uh. I ain't sure just what I missed here, but uh, is there gonna be a post 'er somethin' explainin' WHY THE HELL WE JUST ALLIED WITH THEM ASSBUCKETIN' FISHSUCKERS?"
(Party): Tesha says, “Geez, who put retardation here.” (Party): Tesha says, “Oh right it’s mine.” (Party): Gattan’bahar says, “We assess this with certainty.”
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
You see Minister Zhedan Naharis, the Shadow Centurion yell, "Help! Help!" A strong voice calls out, "Hashan security! Open this door now!" as the door to the west receives a sharp pounding. A strong voice calls out, "Hashan security! Open this door now!" as the door to the west receives a sharp pounding. A strong voice calls out, "Hashan security! Open this door now!" as the door to the west receives a sharp pounding. You see Minister Zhedan Naharis, the Shadow Centurion yell, "Help! Help!" A strong voice calls out, "Hashan security! Open this door now!" as the door to the west receives a sharp pounding. A strong voice calls out, "Hashan security! Open this door now!" as the door to the west receives a sharp pounding. A strong voice calls out, "Hashan security! Open this door now!" as the door to the west receives a sharp pounding.
The Divine voice of Twilight echoes in your head, "See that it is. I espy a tithe of potential in your mortal soul, Astarod Blackstone. Let us hope that it flourishes and does not falter as so many do."
Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
Gattan'bahar says, "Anathema god sends designation Jiraishin visions?"
You say with a harsh Western accent, "He did. He was displeased with my
You say with a harsh Western accent, "I survived, and learned things about His
You say with a harsh Western accent, "As my primary purpose is information,
this is useful."
Gattan'bahar says, "Such things are not worth the price. This is proven."
Gattan'bahar creases her brow in a frown.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "I had no choice in the visions.
Extracting useful information was the best outcome."
Gattan'bahar nods.
Farrah says, "A major source of the problem was an item we stole something from
Him. It has since been destroyed."
Farrah frowns at you.
Gattan'bahar says, "This is efficient. Immediate termination would be optimal."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "Visions were ended prematurely by two
rituals of my God, as well, undertaken by His followers."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "Mezghar, Farrah, Halos."
Mezghar says in a rumbling, basso voice, "Yes."
Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "We do not understand why you do
not submit for immediate termination on receipt of visions."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "I did. Mezghar and Farrah can attest."
Yen nods her head at you.
Gattan'bahar purses her lips, deep in thought.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "This was chosen as the better option. My
usefulness was retained, His influence destroyed."
Yen says to you, "In the Lord's Flame, yes?"
You nod your head emphatically.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "The Lord of Righteousness has much power
against His old enemy."
Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "Visions cause instability.
Instability endangers the race. It is logical to immediately self-terminate to
minimise risk to the race."
Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "Endangering the race does not
contribute to the furtherance of the lines."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "I would agree. I do not think Farrah and
Mezghar would. So I will let them make the arguments."
Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "Thus, termination."
Mezghar says in a rumbling, basso voice, "Our methods were efficient, as was
required. There is no argument to be made."
Shub says in a hoarse, chirping voice, "To borrow a phrase,, I suppose Jiraishin
here had to be one of our burdened few."
Gattan'bahar says, "Such a thing is always chosen."
Gattan'bahar creases her brow in a frown.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "In a sense, I chose long ago."
Yen ponders the situation.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "I survived two types of taint, Mhaldor
and Babel's, to walk away from it."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "So I know how to survive it, and report
on it."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "This is my choice, how to be useful."
Gattan'bahar purses her lips, deep in thought.
Farrah says, "We were there to restrain him, fortunately."
Farrah stares implacably at you.
You nod your head emphatically.
Gattan'bahar nods.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "Without others to observe, restrain, and
use me, I would be of no use."
You frown and say with a harsh Western accent, "Or little."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "Not no use, but not enough to justify my
continued life."
Mezghar says in a rumbling, basso voice, "It is our duty to know what is
necessary. Termination was not yet necessary."
Gattan'bahar says, "Minor instability can be tolerated in sufficiently valued
Gattan'bahar nods.
Mezghar nods at Gattan'bahar.
Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "Predictability of episodes is
You nod your head at Trusad'an.
Gattan'bahar says, "Countermeasures must be prepared for worst case scenario."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "Farrah is fully capable of killing me, with or without my consent."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "I have confidence in this."
Gattan'bahar ponders Farrah with a contemplative expression.
Gattan'bahar nods.
________________________ The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
Oh, and for anyone who read Adrik's quote on the Black Wave thread and wondered how we ended up listening to a translated tsol'teth joke, this log happened just after the one I posted above and before the one Adrik posted.
You say to Saelily with a harsh Western accent, "Do you have
anything to add, incidentally?"
You say to Saelily with a harsh Western accent, "I apologise for
my rudeness in not greeting you."
Saelily says in a chipper voice, "... I thin' all us 'surface'
folk have little mind for strategy or collective focus..."
Farrah stares implacably at you.
Saelily beams broadly.
Adrik stares implacably at Saelily.
You say to Farrah with a harsh Western accent, "What?"
You say to Saelily with a harsh Western accent, "That is a tad
Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "We have noted this
proclivity from many."
Saelily nods slowly with a lingering smile.
Saelily says in a chipper voice, "Unfair to all, but not
You tell Farrah, "Am I being eerily polite again?"
You say with a harsh Western accent, "Ah, but this city is not
Saelily thoughtfully taps her lips with a finger.
Farrah tells you, "Yes."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "We strive to be
Saelily says in a chipper voice, "Seems not... Yer shifts may well
open more eyes... far more than Hashan, surely..."
Gattan'bahar says, "Designation Jiraishin does not conform to
previously observed behavioural patterns."
Gattan'bahar creases her brow in a frown.
You have emoted: Jiraishin cocks his head to one side questioningly.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "How not?"
Gattan'bahar says, "Does not conform."
Gattan'bahar ponders the situation.
Atalkez says in a silky, smooth tenor voice, "You are being
Farrah nods her head affirmatively.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "I am acting as the situation
Gattan'bahar ponders the situation.
Mezghar says quietly in a rumbling, basso voice, "This is one of
his episodes."
Atalkez eyes you warily for a moment, looking for signs of concern.
You stare implacably at Mezghar.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "It is not. It is perfectly
Gattan'bahar says, "Predictable episode?"
Adrik nods his head at Gattan'bahar.
Gattan'bahar nods.
Mezghar says in a rumbling, basso voice, "Predictable, yes."
You have emoted: Jiraishin shakes his head.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "This is their attempt at
Adrik says with a Jaruvian accent, "He will deny it."
Gattan'bahar says, "Negative."
Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "Humour is known to us."
My friends are jerks
________________________ The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
Meanwhile in Athelas's head: These Tsol'teth are little more than children with too much power!
We're ALL little more than children with too much power. Jiraishin and Mezghar have killed each other in the name of a practical joke then used force abilities to make the other apologize, Atalkez pioneered the family tradition of praying silently at public prayers in a way that coincidentally looks just like Monk Deliverance, and Adrik threatens to kneecap people when he doesn't get his way.
Farrah is the closest thing we have to a resident adult, and she's more like the older sibling who got pressed into babysitting and being responsible till Firedad gets home from work.
________________________ The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
Jiraishin says with
a harsh Western accent, "The final member of our family. Atalkez, Issam,
Mezghar, myself." Jiraishin says with
a harsh Western accent, "Now you have met all of us." Trusad'an says in a
smooth, baritone voice, "Four is less than five." Trusad'an says in a
smooth, baritone voice, "We recommend inclusion of an additional for
improved efficiency." Farrah says,
"The fifth is the porcine creature." Jiraishin says with
a harsh Western accent, "The pig is not one of us." Farrah says to
Jiraishin, "Tell that to Mezghar."
Hailqas'an tells you, "After careful consideration, the pig of
shi-Targossas has been deemed superior quality for tailoring material. Send the
designation along, and you may have a portion of the crafted goods."
________________________ The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
42) Mindshell told You: Your foot comes down on a caltrop, a spike of pain driving into the soul of your foot. - You realise that your heroic actions can no longer continue unnoticed, and you take it upon yourself to rectify the situation.
43) Mindshell told You: Apparently my foot has a soul.
44) Mindshell told You: Learnt something new today.
45) You told Mindshell: \\Does it sing james brown to you every night?
46) Mindshell told You: \\Might be what puts me to sleep.
RIP @Skye.
Skye B. Anchors, Tempest of Neraeos shouts, "Listen here you... you... designer half-breed! That is my lease and my name above the door! Shove that in your pudding and shove the pudding up your obsolete baby maker!"
Adrik says with a Jaruvian accent, "Ama-silon?"
Gattan'bahar stares implacably at Nahu'an.
Nahu'an says, "Ama-silon. Human. Female."
I fucking love the Tsol'teth omg
I mean, uhh, when do we get to kill them all?
(Party): Tesha says, “Geez, who put retardation here.”
(Party): Tesha says, “Oh right it’s mine.”
(Party): Gattan’bahar says, “We assess this with certainty.”
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
A strong voice calls out, "Hashan security! Open this door now!" as the door to the west receives a sharp pounding.
A strong voice calls out, "Hashan security! Open this door now!" as the door to the west receives a sharp pounding.
A strong voice calls out, "Hashan security! Open this door now!" as the door to the west receives a sharp pounding.
You see Minister Zhedan Naharis, the Shadow Centurion yell, "Help! Help!"
A strong voice calls out, "Hashan security! Open this door now!" as the door to the west receives a sharp pounding.
A strong voice calls out, "Hashan security! Open this door now!" as the door to the west receives a sharp pounding.
A strong voice calls out, "Hashan security! Open this door now!" as the door to the west receives a sharp pounding.
Aegis, God of War says, "You are dismissed from My demense, Astarod. Go forth and fight well. Bleed fiercely, and climb the purpose you have sought to chase for."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "He did. He was displeased with my defiance."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "I survived, and learned things about His servants."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "As my primary purpose is information, this is useful."
Gattan'bahar says, "Such things are not worth the price. This is proven."
Gattan'bahar creases her brow in a frown.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "I had no choice in the visions. Extracting useful information was the best outcome."
Gattan'bahar nods.
Farrah says, "A major source of the problem was an item we stole something from Him. It has since been destroyed."
Farrah frowns at you.
Gattan'bahar says, "This is efficient. Immediate termination would be optimal."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "Visions were ended prematurely by two rituals of my God, as well, undertaken by His followers."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "Mezghar, Farrah, Halos."
Mezghar says in a rumbling, basso voice, "Yes."
Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "We do not understand why you do not submit for immediate termination on receipt of visions."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "I did. Mezghar and Farrah can attest."
Yen nods her head at you.
Gattan'bahar purses her lips, deep in thought.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "This was chosen as the better option. My usefulness was retained, His influence destroyed."
Yen says to you, "In the Lord's Flame, yes?"
You nod your head emphatically.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "The Lord of Righteousness has much power against His old enemy."
Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "Visions cause instability. Instability endangers the race. It is logical to immediately self-terminate to minimise risk to the race."
Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "Endangering the race does not contribute to the furtherance of the lines."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "I would agree. I do not think Farrah and Mezghar would. So I will let them make the arguments."
Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "Thus, termination."
Mezghar says in a rumbling, basso voice, "Our methods were efficient, as was required. There is no argument to be made."
Shub says in a hoarse, chirping voice, "To borrow a phrase,, I suppose Jiraishin here had to be one of our burdened few."
Gattan'bahar says, "Such a thing is always chosen."
Gattan'bahar creases her brow in a frown. You say with a harsh Western accent, "In a sense, I chose long ago."
Yen ponders the situation.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "I survived two types of taint, Mhaldor and Babel's, to walk away from it."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "So I know how to survive it, and report on it."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "This is my choice, how to be useful."
Gattan'bahar purses her lips, deep in thought.
Farrah says, "We were there to restrain him, fortunately."
Farrah stares implacably at you.
You nod your head emphatically.
Gattan'bahar nods.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "Without others to observe, restrain, and use me, I would be of no use."
You frown and say with a harsh Western accent, "Or little."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "Not no use, but not enough to justify my continued life."
Mezghar says in a rumbling, basso voice, "It is our duty to know what is necessary. Termination was not yet necessary."
Gattan'bahar says, "Minor instability can be tolerated in sufficiently valued assets."
Gattan'bahar nods.
Mezghar nods at Gattan'bahar.
Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "Predictability of episodes is necessary."
You nod your head at Trusad'an.
Gattan'bahar says, "Countermeasures must be prepared for worst case scenario."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "Farrah is fully capable of killing me, with or without my consent."
Gattan'bahar ponders Farrah with a contemplative expression.
Gattan'bahar nods.
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
You say to Saelily with a harsh Western accent, "I apologise for my rudeness in
not greeting you."
Saelily says in a chipper voice, "... I thin' all us 'surface' folk have little
mind for strategy or collective focus..."
Farrah stares implacably at you.
Saelily beams broadly.
Adrik stares implacably at Saelily.
You say to Farrah with a harsh Western accent, "What?"
You say to Saelily with a harsh Western accent, "That is a tad unfair."
Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "We have noted this proclivity from
Saelily nods slowly with a lingering smile.
Saelily says in a chipper voice, "Unfair to all, but not mos'..."
You tell Farrah, "Am I being eerily polite again?"
You say with a harsh Western accent, "Ah, but this city is not most."
Saelily thoughtfully taps her lips with a finger.
Farrah tells you, "Yes."
You say with a harsh Western accent, "We strive to be better."
Saelily says in a chipper voice, "Seems not... Yer shifts may well open more
eyes... far more than Hashan, surely..."
Gattan'bahar says, "Designation Jiraishin does not conform to previously
observed behavioural patterns."
Gattan'bahar creases her brow in a frown.
You have emoted: Jiraishin cocks his head to one side questioningly.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "How not?"
Gattan'bahar says, "Does not conform."
Gattan'bahar ponders the situation.
Atalkez says in a silky, smooth tenor voice, "You are being nice."
Farrah nods her head affirmatively.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "I am acting as the situation requires."
Gattan'bahar ponders the situation.
Mezghar says quietly in a rumbling, basso voice, "This is one of his episodes."
Atalkez eyes you warily for a moment, looking for signs of concern.
You stare implacably at Mezghar.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "It is not. It is perfectly rational."
Gattan'bahar says, "Predictable episode?"
Adrik nods his head at Gattan'bahar.
Gattan'bahar nods.
Mezghar says in a rumbling, basso voice, "Predictable, yes."
You have emoted: Jiraishin shakes his head.
You say with a harsh Western accent, "This is their attempt at humour."
Adrik says with a Jaruvian accent, "He will deny it."
Gattan'bahar says, "Negative."
Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "Humour is known to us."
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
Meanwhile in Athelas's head: These Tsol'teth are little more than children with too much power!
Farrah is the closest thing we have to a resident adult, and she's more like the older sibling who got pressed into babysitting and being responsible till Firedad gets home from work.
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
Atalkez, Issam, Mezghar, myself."
Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, "Now you have met all of us."
Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "Four is less than five."
Trusad'an says in a smooth, baritone voice, "We recommend inclusion of an additional for improved efficiency."
Farrah says, "The fifth is the porcine creature."
Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, "The pig is not one of us."
Farrah says to Jiraishin, "Tell that to Mezghar."
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
has been deemed superior quality for tailoring material. Send the designation
along, and you may have a portion of the crafted goods."
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
@Rhivona pls
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.