Deluged under a seemingly endless rainfall, the empty streets of urban Cyrene howl with whistling winds, as if the skies themselves were weeping over the loss of so much life.
As the amaranthine Tide recedes from Cyrene's streets, stark silence is left in its wake, almost all of the mundane citizenry never again to emerge from its midst.
Thousands of lost souls recede into repose at long last, their home reclaimed from the menace of the dark.
As the amaranthine Tide recedes from Cyrene's streets, stark silence is left in its wake, almost all of the mundane citizenry never again to emerge from its midst.
Thousands of lost souls recede into repose at long last, their home reclaimed from the menace of the dark.
Edit: Skye beat me but gif still feeling-appropriate.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
@Asmodron mispelling? I think that's a bit of a universal thing for people.
"Alas. Alas for Hamlin. The Mayor sent east, west, north, and south. To offer the Piper by word of mouth. Wherever it was men's lot to find him, silver and gold to his heart's content. If only he'd return the way he went."
@Asmodron Phelia reminds me of one of the teachers/nuns who would walk around with a yardstick to make sure you weren't close enough to touch someone. Which is why this made me laugh so hard.
@Asmodron Phelia reminds me of one of the teachers/nuns who would walk around with a yardstick to make sure you weren't close enough to touch someone. Which is why this made me laugh so hard.
Wait... really? The first time I met Phelia she tried to autograph Jir's forehead. Character development, I guess.
________________________ The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
"Alas. Alas for Hamlin. The Mayor sent east, west, north, and south. To offer the Piper by word of mouth. Wherever it was men's lot to find him, silver and gold to his heart's content. If only he'd return the way he went."
@Asmodron Phelia reminds me of one of the teachers/nuns who would walk around with a yardstick to make sure you weren't close enough to touch someone. Which is why this made me laugh so hard.
Wait... really? The first time I met Phelia she tried to autograph Jir's forehead. Character development, I guess.
So with some citymates curious about water spirits after recent events, it eventually led to talking about Nereian bull rituals, in particular that the bulls have to agree to be sacrificed. That prompted the following:
Purifier Stheno Aristata asks in Mhaldorian in a golden voice, "What do you call a cow that cooperates?"
Purifier Stheno Aristata says in Mhaldorian in a golden voice, "A hamburger."
Stheno throws her head back and laughs sadistically.
Lord Marshal Taryius Lichlord, Jagganeth of His Legion says in a harsh, rasping voice, "An a-cow-mplice."
Purifier Stheno Aristata says in Mhaldorian in a golden voice, "The same applies to mhun."
Kiet attempts to stifle his amusement but cannot help laughing aloud.
"Wow!" you exclaim to Stheno.
Stheno shakes her head at Taryius.
"Wow!" Kiet exclaims to Stheno.
You laughingly say to Taryius in Mhaldorian with a flowing, cultured accent, "I liked yours too, though."
Ambassador Kiet Aristata al-Azhan says to Stheno in Mhaldorian in a clear, confident voice, "You and your Mhun appetite."
Purifier Stheno Aristata says direly in Mhaldorian in a golden voice, "What the Jagganeth said was worse."
Taryius breathes on his fingers with a gentle "ha," buffs them against his chest, and admires them with a smile.
Ilira stifles a quiet snicker.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
You tell Penwize, "Bloody hell. The entirety of the Zaphar, Urubamba and the Pachacacha, and only 150 kelp." You sadly tell Penwize, "Stupid tide." Penwize tells you, "Well, that's not very kelpful."
Pretty sure you could make an entire 1000page thread just out of Penwize's bad/dad jokes.
This is what happens when a Targossian supports Cyrene.
As Ashai explores a large, chewy, chocolate cookie, she first eats a lily decoration. She unwraps a kelp streamer and takes a bite of the cookie, chewing slowly to savour some salted caramel chunks embedded within. (svof): Your max health decreased by 396h/6% to 6877. (svof): Your max mana decreased by 397m/8% to 4893. Ashai peers about herself unscrupulously.
Melodie says with a flowing, cultured accent, "You've got two very well-known Magi here."
Aegoth says, "Indeed. the very best kind of magic."
An adolescent dwarf says, "Are you the ones that Pa swears about?"
An adolescent dwarf says, "Giving him headaches from the deathsights?"
An adolescent dwarf says, "Something about explosions, and suicidal mountin' folks."
Aegoth strikes a dramatic pose, flourishing a daemon-skin cloak of the Black Hand and proclaiming, "Aegoth!"
Taryius strikes a dramatic pose, flourishing a daemon-skin cloak of the Black Hand and proclaiming, "Taryius!"
You say in a harsh, rasping voice, "To spread the Truths of Evil, our extend reaches across the realms!"
Aegoth says, "The Holocaust brothers shall burn the world unto ash! Prepare now!"
An adolescent dwarf perks up.
You say in a harsh, rasping voice, "Witness, but a tithe of our power, little one!"
You fashion a holocaust globe out of pure elemental fire, and set the magical timer on it for 10 seconds.
The holocaust globe ominously stops pulsing for a fraction of a second, and then explodes into a fiery conflagration that consumes all around it.
An adolescent dwarf exclaims, "Ah!"
An adolescent dwarf frantically pats the flames out on him.
Aegoth says, "Kneel before Lord Sartan, or all shall be set aflame!"
You say with a flowing, cultured accent, "Oh, I live here. So I know most of the shops and the city."
An adolescent dwarf says, "Oh."
Proficy easily vaults onto the back of Ruffian, an Infernal dingo.
An adolescent dwarf looks over at the large animal.
An adolescent dwarf says, "Where'd you get that?"
You look over at Ruffian, an Infernal dingo and ponder him for a moment.
Proficy says, "Me?"
You say with a flowing, cultured accent, "Good question. Where DID you get Ruffian, Warden?"
You nod your head emphatically.
Proficy says, "On my trips in Tapoa."
Proficy says, "He began to follow me, feasting on the remains I left behind."
Proficy says, "I grew fond of him."
Ruffian, an Infernal dingo blushes furiously.
Proficy says, "And, the rest is..... well."
Proficy says, "What we have today."
An adolescent dwarf says, "That on the other side of the mountin'?"
Proficy drops a soft dingo doll.
Ruffian, an Infernal dingo's ears perk up and his head sharply turns in Proficy's direction as he frantically races towards his toy. A few irritating squeaks resonate from the doll as it is gnawed viciously within the deadly clutches of his jaws.
Regaining his composure, Ruffian, an Infernal dingo obediently returns a soft dingo doll to Proficy, dripping with an unnecessary amount of saliva.
Proficy says to an adolescent dwarf, "A bit further than that, but yes."
I promise there's at least a bit more than just Taryius and Aegoth being weirdos.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
As the amaranthine Tide recedes from Cyrene's streets, stark silence is left in its wake, almost all of the mundane citizenry never again to emerge from its midst.
Thousands of lost souls recede into repose at long last, their home reclaimed from the menace of the dark.
Edit: Skye beat me but gif still feeling-appropriate.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
(Party): Phelia says, "Give me one sex."
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
(Party): Phelia says, "Sec."
(Party): Phelia says, "For the love of."
(Party): You say, "Use a leaf, Phelia."
(Party): Phelia says, "SHUSH."
(Party): Perl says, "Bwahahahaha."
(I just wanted to say I cried IRL when Hailqas'an died.
Character development, I guess.
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
You sadly tell Penwize, "Stupid tide."
Penwize tells you, "Well, that's not very kelpful."
Pretty sure you could make an entire 1000page thread just out of Penwize's bad/dad jokes.
decent?" he asks. "Seems fragile."
You train your expert eye on Plagho and let fly an arrow with breathtaking
Your arrow strikes true!
You have slain Plagho.
(Targossas): You say, "Disregard."
(Targossas): You say, "Was just a quick lesson."
Today's lesson is entitled 'Fear the Lupine.'
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
As Ashai explores a large, chewy, chocolate cookie, she first eats a lily decoration. She unwraps a
kelp streamer and takes a bite of the cookie, chewing slowly to savour some salted caramel chunks
embedded within.
(svof): Your max health decreased by 396h/6% to 6877.
(svof): Your max mana decreased by 397m/8% to 4893.
Ashai peers about herself unscrupulously.
An adolescent dwarf says, "You do magic?"
Melodie says with a flowing, cultured accent, "You've got two very well-known Magi here."
Aegoth says, "Indeed. the very best kind of magic."
An adolescent dwarf says, "Are you the ones that Pa swears about?"
An adolescent dwarf says, "Giving him headaches from the deathsights?"
An adolescent dwarf says, "Something about explosions, and suicidal mountin' folks."
Aegoth strikes a dramatic pose, flourishing a daemon-skin cloak of the Black Hand and proclaiming, "Aegoth!"
Taryius strikes a dramatic pose, flourishing a daemon-skin cloak of the Black Hand and proclaiming, "Taryius!"
You say in a harsh, rasping voice, "To spread the Truths of Evil, our extend reaches across the realms!"
Aegoth says, "The Holocaust brothers shall burn the world unto ash! Prepare now!"
An adolescent dwarf perks up.
You say in a harsh, rasping voice, "Witness, but a tithe of our power, little one!"
You fashion a holocaust globe out of pure elemental fire, and set the magical timer on it for 10 seconds.
The holocaust globe ominously stops pulsing for a fraction of a second, and then explodes into a fiery conflagration that consumes all around it.
An adolescent dwarf exclaims, "Ah!"
An adolescent dwarf frantically pats the flames out on him.
Aegoth says, "Kneel before Lord Sartan, or all shall be set aflame!"
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
But he asked about our magic, and we had to oblige, with style and passion!
The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."
(Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
Ashai says in a soft, lilting voice, "Would you like a shovel?"
Israyhl says to Anze in a gravelly basso voice, "I think he may be a follower of the Sea with how he can summon these storms on a whim."
You take a hefty shovel from a canvas backpack.
You wave a hefty shovel about energetically.
You say in a quiet, unassuming voice, "I'm good."
Guldo is fast