Memorable quotes



  • (Mudlet Clan): Ada says, "Airius."
    (Mudlet Clan): Airius says, "Yeah?"
    (Mudlet Clan): Airius says, "One sec my mom is calling."
    (Market): Melodie says, "Looking to purchase about 200 
    credits for around 8k each (not for resale), and all 
    sunless hope pieces except the stone!"
    (Mudlet Clan): Ada says, ".. https://ada-young.appspot.
    com/pastebin/c15d5b62 .."
    (Mudlet Clan): You say, "JIMMY COME TAKE THE DOGS OUT."
    (Mudlet Clan): Ada says, "LOL."
    (Mudlet Clan): Airius says, "Ok."
    (Mudlet Clan): You say, "JIMMY DID YOU DO YOUR HOMEWORK?"
    (Mudlet Clan): Airius says, "Yeah right, I'm an old man."
    (Mudlet Clan): You say, ":3."
    (Mudlet Clan): Nathuel says, "Jimmy that doesnt go in 
    (Mudlet Clan): Nathuel says, "No Jimmy NOOOOO!"
    (Mudlet Clan): You say, "JIMMY COME UP OUT THE BASEMENT 
    You tell Ada, "// omg this clan lmfao."
    (Mudlet Clan): Keneanung laughingly says, "All right. Lets 
    get back to mudlet questions."
    Ada tells you, "// Hehehe."
    (Mudlet Clan): You laughingly say, "Okay okay, sorry Ken."

  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    Keneanung is a lot nicer than I am.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • Lorielan's miracle is basically kai banish, with a crystal theme.
  • I want to pit Ashtan now 
  • I got pitted but the place was bashed out except for one single centipede.  :/
  • Man, you guys are really dedicated to this.
  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    Adeleine said:
    Gattan'bahar arrives from the east.

    Gattan'bahar leaves to the ether.

    Pandora's obliterate!
  • Farrah said:
    Caelan said:
    Jhui said:
    Datrius said:
    If 2 hour raids are considered excessive, raiding has fallen a long way from what it used to be. Just sayin
    It was like 30 min before guards came out due to desperation. They outnumbered us pretty heavily too they just lost a few fights due to trying to beckon us instead of fight us for some reason. We just kept coming back for fun suicide runs after cuz why not
    "You can take the Shallamese out of Shallam but you cant take the Shallam out of the Shallamese"? 

    Preeeeeeetty sure that conversation is long over, Caelan. If you want to duel though, let me know.
    Oh we will.  We will. As soon as I finish up curing system and figure out how Skirmishing works and get my mangled hand all limbered up so I stop mistyping

  • Xaden said:
    Caelan said:
    Jhui said:
    Datrius said:
    If 2 hour raids are considered excessive, raiding has fallen a long way from what it used to be. Just sayin
    It was like 30 min before guards came out due to desperation. They outnumbered us pretty heavily too they just lost a few fights due to trying to beckon us instead of fight us for some reason. We just kept coming back for fun suicide runs after cuz why not
    "You can take the Shallamese out of Shallam but you cant take the Shallam out of the Shallamese"? 
    Fucking working on it, mate.
    Hheheh.. dude.. so many of us tried..for so long...  just come to Eleusis. Or really..anywhere

  • A huge, ferocious manticore leaps at you, claws blazing.
    [H:2306 M:3382 E:17650 W:14275 R:3][GIckdbex][manticore44327]96% -506h -
    You slash into a huge, ferocious manticore with a gleaming, rune-etched scimitar.
    You swing a gleaming, rune-etched scimitar at a huge, ferocious manticore with all your might.
    [H:2306 M:3382 E:17636 W:14275 R:8][GIckdbe][manticore44327]92%  -
    His claws clicking against the stone floor, a huge, ferocious manticore enters from the north.
    [H:2306 M:3382 E:17636 W:14275 R:8][GIckdbe][manticore44327]92%  -
    A huge, ferocious manticore leaps at you, claws blazing.
    [H:1736 M:3382 E:17636 W:14275 R:8][GIckdbe][manticore44327]92% -570h -
    You may drink another health or mana elixir.
    [H:1736 M:3382 E:17636 W:14275 R:8][GIckdbe][manticore44327]92%  -
    [Curing]: SIP HEALTH
    You take a drink from a crystal vial.
    The elixir heals and soothes you.
    [H:2488 M:3382 E:17636 W:14275 R:8][GIckdbe][manticore44327]92% +752h -
    His claws clicking against the stone floor, a huge, ferocious manticore enters from the north.
    [H:2488 M:3382 E:17636 W:14275 R:8][GIckdbe][manticore44327]92%  -
    A huge, ferocious manticore leaps at you, claws blazing.
    [H:2013 M:3382 E:17636 W:14275 R:8][GIckdbe][manticore44327]92% -475h -
    A huge, ferocious manticore flaps his wings and buffets you with a gust of wind.
    A huge, ferocious manticore flaps his wings and buffets you with a gust of wind.
    You have been slain by a huge, ferocious manticore.

    I had literally no chance. ;_;
  • I wish I'd saved the log of walking 'down', getting hit by 8 manticores simultaneously and instantly bursting, then walking up. I had to do a double take to realize I'd actually died.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • Asmodron said:
    So apparently we werent suppose to get into Gattan'bahar's room on Meropis afterall:

    - 2016/10/04 04:42:55 - Ginovianna says, "Interesting."
    - 2016/10/04 04:43:09 - Ginovianna says, "The room south of her, leads to the Garden.."


    Well just goes to show how the playerbase will find a way... It's like trump v taxes... We.. Will..find a way

  • We just had a connection left from testing some stuff, nothing to see here!

    You were meant to see her room in particular, though.

  • Caelan said:
    Xaden said:
    Caelan said:
    Jhui said:
    Datrius said:
    If 2 hour raids are considered excessive, raiding has fallen a long way from what it used to be. Just sayin
    It was like 30 min before guards came out due to desperation. They outnumbered us pretty heavily too they just lost a few fights due to trying to beckon us instead of fight us for some reason. We just kept coming back for fun suicide runs after cuz why not
    "You can take the Shallamese out of Shallam but you cant take the Shallam out of the Shallamese"? 
    Fucking working on it, mate.
    Hheheh.. dude.. so many of us tried..for so long...  just come to Eleusis. Or really..anywhere
    Because Eleusis is better...?

    Targossas is making pretty great strides lately. I am excited to see what happens when our scrub crew all becomes dragons.
  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    They become scrub dragons like me.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • Got a couple really good eggs in the DB at the minute, some exciting times ahead me thinks
         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • edited October 2016
    Farrah said:
    Caelan said:
    Xaden said:
    Caelan said:
    Jhui said:
    Datrius said:
    If 2 hour raids are considered excessive, raiding has fallen a long way from what it used to be. Just sayin
    It was like 30 min before guards came out due to desperation. They outnumbered us pretty heavily too they just lost a few fights due to trying to beckon us instead of fight us for some reason. We just kept coming back for fun suicide runs after cuz why not
    "You can take the Shallamese out of Shallam but you cant take the Shallam out of the Shallamese"? 
    Fucking working on it, mate.
    Hheheh.. dude.. so many of us tried..for so long...  just come to Eleusis. Or really..anywhere
    Because Eleusis is better...?

    Targossas is making pretty great strides lately. I am excited to see what happens when our scrub crew all becomes dragons.
    generally i find that forestals rely on superior numbers, environmental and class advantages that cannot be found anywhere else, and artefact power to cover their individual weaknesses. but i mean if you like trees and just wanna chill and occassionally murder people easily, by all means go for eleusis.
    spread positivity
  • You mean like every other city with an experienced player are?
  • Vender said:
    Farrah said:
    Caelan said:
    Xaden said:
    Caelan said:
    Jhui said:
    Datrius said:
    If 2 hour raids are considered excessive, raiding has fallen a long way from what it used to be. Just sayin
    It was like 30 min before guards came out due to desperation. They outnumbered us pretty heavily too they just lost a few fights due to trying to beckon us instead of fight us for some reason. We just kept coming back for fun suicide runs after cuz why not
    "You can take the Shallamese out of Shallam but you cant take the Shallam out of the Shallamese"? 
    Fucking working on it, mate.
    Hheheh.. dude.. so many of us tried..for so long...  just come to Eleusis. Or really..anywhere
    Because Eleusis is better...?

    Targossas is making pretty great strides lately. I am excited to see what happens when our scrub crew all becomes dragons.
    generally i find that forestals rely on superior numbers, environmental and class advantages that cannot be found anywhere else, and artefact power to cover their individual weaknesses. but i mean if you like trees and just wanna chill and occassionally murder people easily, by all means go for eleusis.
    That applies to every single city I've fought with or against the past three years, and that's all six of them. Some cities are fortunate enough to have (had) an A-team with guys like Jhui, Rangor, Xer. But when they weren't around, they all did the above, or just plain refuse to fight. Eleusis is really no worse than other cities in that regard. 
  • Alrena said:
    Vender said:
    Farrah said:
    Caelan said:
    Xaden said:
    Caelan said:
    Jhui said:
    Datrius said:
    If 2 hour raids are considered excessive, raiding has fallen a long way from what it used to be. Just sayin
    It was like 30 min before guards came out due to desperation. They outnumbered us pretty heavily too they just lost a few fights due to trying to beckon us instead of fight us for some reason. We just kept coming back for fun suicide runs after cuz why not
    "You can take the Shallamese out of Shallam but you cant take the Shallam out of the Shallamese"? 
    Fucking working on it, mate.
    Hheheh.. dude.. so many of us tried..for so long...  just come to Eleusis. Or really..anywhere
    Because Eleusis is better...?

    Targossas is making pretty great strides lately. I am excited to see what happens when our scrub crew all becomes dragons.
    generally i find that forestals rely on superior numbers, environmental and class advantages that cannot be found anywhere else, and artefact power to cover their individual weaknesses. but i mean if you like trees and just wanna chill and occassionally murder people easily, by all means go for eleusis.
    That applies to every single city I've fought with or against the past three years, and that's all six of them. Some cities are fortunate enough to have (had) an A-team with guys like Jhui, Rangor, Xer. But when they weren't around, they all did the above, or just plain refuse to fight. Eleusis is really no worse than other cities in that regard. 
    I'm on the D team. I still have no idea why people rally behind me. Worst combatant ever. 

  • Cooper said:
    Thank god I have a massive pile of artefacts to cover up being bad at fighting now, and a massive e-peen to cover up my lack of intelligence. 
    Don't let our secret out

  • Cooper said:
    Thank god I have a massive pile of artefacts to cover up being bad at fighting now, and a massive e-peen to cover up my lack of intelligence. 
    Yea, IRE sure changed once i got disposable income
  • Ahura Patroklos, Puia Kaitiesa shouts, "Aiiiiiiiriuuuuuuuuus. Come out and Plaaay-eeeeeeeeeey."

    lol as if patroklos runs with any crew other than the Orphans.

    hashan is the Lizzies.

    can you dig it?
    spread positivity
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Ahmet Ter'sez took an axe
    And gave Airius forty whacks.
    When he'd saw what the twat had done,
    He gave him arrows, forty-one.
    Huh. Neat.
  • Uazia says in an alluring, yet innocent voice, "Oh! I'm a occultist myself."
    You say in a honeyed voice, "You're... kinda in the wrong city for that."

    Viho's eyes bug out as he boggles in amazement.

    Uazia wraps her wings around her like a cape, the small hands holding like a clasp.

    Uazia says in an alluring, yet innocent voice, "Why?"

    You say in a honeyed voice, "Because Occultism is Chaos gifted, you're in the city of Creation. We don't exactly take kindly to corruption, and those who perpetuate it."

    She is a winged atavian. Her wings lack feathers, more resembling those of a bat. Her black hair and 
    red eyes pierce your soul. Her rather lively curves and supple breast make her seem more akin to a 
    siren, but her wings prove she is atavian. Her dark tan skin ripples with life. Her mouth houses two 
    fangs, making her seem like a vampire.

    She is wearing:
       a demure, yet provocative deep violet mini dress.
       a canvas backpack.

    You say in a honeyed voice, "Because you're an occultist, and I don't trust you."

    Uazia says in an alluring, yet innocent voice, "Just cause I'm an occultist doesn't mean I'm evil."

    You say in a honeyed voice, "Kinda does, yes."

    Uazia says in an alluring, yet innocent voice, "I happen to be very well liked in Cyrene and no it 
    Uazia says in an alluring, yet innocent voice, "Just naugty."
    Uazia coughs softly.
    Uazia says in an alluring, yet innocent voice, "Naughty."

    (I'm probably wrong, but I thought vampire-bat wasn't a playable race.....)
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