Memorable quotes



  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
  • with the name master shrine coordination, the jokes write themselves imo
    spread positivity
  • A sibilation of puissance whispers to all the land as the sky over the Lupine Hunting Grounds blazes
    with an incandescent radiance.

  • (The Midnight Crew): Draqoom says, "I feel like this would be more fun if I weren't dead for 90% of

    (The Midnight Crew): You say, "Lol."

    (The Midnight Crew): Draqoom says, "Ugrach just said to me 'Jesus fuck Draqoom, you again?'"

  • (The Midnight Crew): You say, "Lol, all this conflict and squabbling when it is only the underrealm trying to invade us. Hate to see us when an entire army appears from one of the other continents to invade."

     (The Midnight Crew): Tahquil says, "STFU Asmodron."

     (The Midnight Crew): You say, "T.T."

    (The Midnight Crew): Sarathai says, "I'm totally ready for a new bashing area called the Underdark-I-mean-Underrealm."

     (The Midnight Crew): Tahquil says, "You have no revelence, ever."

     (The Midnight Crew): Khaibit says, "Gosh, people are cranky today."

     (The Midnight Crew): Sarathai says, "Lot of people are getting pissy, though, yes."

     (The Midnight Crew): Sarathai says, "On the one hand, the not-much-cooperation thing is kind of in character, we are all technically enemy factions."

     (The Midnight Crew): Sarathai says, "On the other hand, it does seem more OOC resentment and shittiness than IC sometimes."

     (The Midnight Crew): You say, "It's the ancient old anger that arises when PKers go and enjoy the event by smacking around while in a blood haze and others seeing the bigger picture of the RP of the event and upset with how things are going."

     (The Midnight Crew): Tahquil says, "Asmodron, STFU you are never relevent."

     (The Midnight Crew): Khaibit says, "Right, I'm off to work, where the lunatics are heavily medicated! Please don't murderise each other too much, love ya all."

     (The Midnight Crew): You jokingly say, "Dont you mean revelent?"

     (The Midnight Crew): Sarathai says, "I would really rather just get this rebuilding thing done as fast as possible so we can all start playing with the powers for real."

     (The Midnight Crew): Skye says, "^."

     (The Midnight Crew): Skye says, "But nobody wants to do that because reasons."

     (The Midnight Crew): Skye says, "And harambe."

     (The Midnight Crew): You say, "Poor harambe."

     (The Midnight Crew): Tahquil says, "No. Is that even a word?"

     (The Midnight Crew): Taraus harambishly says, "No."

     (The Midnight Crew): Skye says, "Lol."

     (The Midnight Crew): You say, "You tell me: (The Midnight Crew): Tahquil says, "You have no

    revelence, ever.""

     (The Midnight Crew): Sarathai says, "No revelence? No revels? How boring."

     (The Midnight Crew): Tahquil says, "Asmodron You are so irrelevent You have to make up words to try and be relevent.. But they are made up so you are even more irrelevent."

    Image result for nothing to say meme

    This event seems to be bringing out the worse in several ways >>

  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    To be fair, you're being pretty petty to bring it here to forums, too.
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • Yes, I a human and make spelling mistakes. At least I don't worship a rock and get 90% of my lore wrong.
  • NaCl levels are rising fast.

    PS for future, since you seemed to think it was genuinely spelt that way: relevant and all its various tied words, have an a in it.

  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    That salt is extremely important. Stop telling them to stop salting. I need it for my next recipe:

  • What is a tied word?
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    (Master Shrine Coordination): You say, "Try shouting heroically. Something like, by the Power of the Garden combined..."

    (oocclan): Taraus harambishly says, "THE TIME HAS COME, MORTALS. GET THEM DICKS OUT."

  • Boom!! We did it fam
  • What a cluster-fuck
  • Ay girl. Ay. Ay Tart. Ay. u wan go to bog with me?

  • What do those Avatar skills do? Dying of curiousity :no_mouth:

    [ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]

    [ Runewarden Sparring Videos | Link ]
  • edited October 2016
    What do those Avatar skills do? Dying of curiousity :no_mouth:
    Depends on the Divine. Ones I've seen or heard about:

    - Neraeos' sends you to a tidal wave room.
    - Babel's is Pit.
    - Artemis' is a LOS attack, electric.
    - Gaia's is apparently Reflexes? Yae said it was something like that.
    - Ourania's drops a meteor on your head.
    - Vastar's is a thunderstorm or something.
    - Sartan's summons demons to attack somebody for you.
    - Deucalion's is a fire-based super-Deliverance.
    - Aurora's is a sword thing. Souped-up arc?
    - Prospero's makes all denizens in the room attack the target.

    Not sure about Twilight, Valnurana, Aegis ("indomitability" sounds like it's a protection sorta thing though), Lorielan, Pandora, Phaestus, or Scarlatti.
    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • Pandora's gives Prone, Blackout (like, 30-45 second), entanglement, and some other nasty afflictions to everyone in the room.

    It's basically the "FUCK THIS SHIT IM OUT" card.
  • scarlatti is triplejab
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    Aurora strips blind and transfixes.

  • Jhui said:
    Datrius said:
    If 2 hour raids are considered excessive, raiding has fallen a long way from what it used to be. Just sayin
    It was like 30 min before guards came out due to desperation. They outnumbered us pretty heavily too they just lost a few fights due to trying to beckon us instead of fight us for some reason. We just kept coming back for fun suicide runs after cuz why not
    "You can take the Shallamese out of Shallam but you cant take the Shallam out of the Shallamese"? 

  • Caelan said:
    Jhui said:
    Datrius said:
    If 2 hour raids are considered excessive, raiding has fallen a long way from what it used to be. Just sayin
    It was like 30 min before guards came out due to desperation. They outnumbered us pretty heavily too they just lost a few fights due to trying to beckon us instead of fight us for some reason. We just kept coming back for fun suicide runs after cuz why not
    "You can take the Shallamese out of Shallam but you cant take the Shallam out of the Shallamese"? 

    Preeeeeeetty sure that conversation is long over, Caelan. If you want to duel though, let me know.
  • Pandora-Aurora Behead, anyone ?
  • Caelan said:
    Jhui said:
    Datrius said:
    If 2 hour raids are considered excessive, raiding has fallen a long way from what it used to be. Just sayin
    It was like 30 min before guards came out due to desperation. They outnumbered us pretty heavily too they just lost a few fights due to trying to beckon us instead of fight us for some reason. We just kept coming back for fun suicide runs after cuz why not
    "You can take the Shallamese out of Shallam but you cant take the Shallam out of the Shallamese"? 
    Fucking working on it, mate.
         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • I missed last page's argument but I like to think it went something like this.

  • Looks about right.

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