Memorable quotes



  • 10800 more to go...
  • Makarios said:

    Big shout out to @Jhui for this one. Very deserved!

    Old Jhui Ta'sa (male Xoran).
    He was the first Achaean to slay over fifteen thousand foes.

    Me and my one lucky impale on @Farrah will be over here in the kiddie pool with our arm floaties on...

  • Makarios said:

    Big shout out to @Jhui for this one. Very deserved!

    Old Jhui Ta'sa (male Xoran).
    He was the first Achaean to slay over fifteen thousand foes.

    Let's be honest, though, that line should read: 'He was the first Achaean to slay fifteen thousand people (some allies, mostly foes).'

    That's super awesome, though. :D
  • We were close on kills until he joined Ashtan... then I blacked out and he's got 15k kills somehow. 

  • Makarios said:
    Everyone's an enemy once there's an honoursline on the cards, let's be fair!
    This is the validation I needed. Thank you :D
  • Cave camping during CTF really boosted that number... I KID!
  • Puxi said:
    Cave camping during CTF really boosted that number... I KID!
    If he'd showed we wouldn't be cave camping lol
  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    At great distance, Ixteolotl Teotl @Klendathu, The Esoteric Architect yells,
    "Spirit ... Clementius ..."
  • KlendathuKlendathu Eye of the Storm
    Krypton said:
    At great distance, Ixteolotl Teotl @Klendathu, The Esoteric Architect yells,
    "Spirit ... Clementius ..."


    Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "It's near the end of the egghunt and I still haven't figured out how to pronounce Clean-dat-hoo."
  • Your turn, @Jhui. hit dat bus for papagoth
  • @Jhui did hit that bus.

    It was yo mama.

  • Nemesian Airius, Sectator of Antagony says, "Will you please drop like 4 holocosts."

    as he is dying to a Farrah gank. I loled
  • Aegoth said:
    Nemesian Airius, Sectator of Antagony says, "Will you please drop like 4 holocosts."

    as he is dying to a Farrah gank. I loled

    Lord Marshal Aegoth Aristata, the Holocaust King's words quietly thrum through the air as he says, "I do not interfere in fights that aren't mine. Honour and all that."

  • Watching Hillary "debate" Trump...

  • The only irony you found in that statement was with the word quiet?

    (Sry @Aegoth, I said it).
  • Farrah said:
    The only irony you found in that statement was with the word quiet?

    (Sry @Aegoth, I said it).
    It's ok bb. The irony was entirely on purpose
  • Now these are memorable:

    You see Judicator Farrah Roualt yell, "Help! Help!"
    You see Judicator Farrah Roualt yell, "Help! Help!"
    You see Judicator Farrah Roualt yell, "Help! Help!"
    You see Judicator Farrah Roualt yell, "Help! Help!"
  • People using guards to defend their city is always hilarious. Or something
  • Reisen said:
    People using guards to defend their city is always hilarious. Or something
    agreed. We pay/earn all these sweet skills to use against players.  Always more fun to use them
  • Don't give the administration the idea of monetizing CALL FOR HELP. We're gonna start getting them from the wheel.

  • Extends your CALL FOR HELP range by 1 additional room.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • Jhui said:
    Reisen said:
    People using guards to defend their city is always hilarious. Or something
    agreed. We pay/earn all these sweet skills to use against players.  Always more fun to use them
    Why not do both? Then you get double the firepower!
  • Old Jhui Ta'sa blasts from the heights of perfection, "Help! Help!"

    Old Jhui Ta'sa blasts from the heights of perfection, "Mis."

    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • edited September 2016
    Jhui said:
    Now these are memorable:

    You see Judicator Farrah Roualt yell, "Help! Help!"
    You see Judicator Farrah Roualt yell, "Help! Help!"
    You see Judicator Farrah Roualt yell, "Help! Help!"
    You see Judicator Farrah Roualt yell, "Help! Help!"

    You raided us for over two hours, immediately after we had finished a raid on Hashan, ganked non-infamous defenders outside the city for no reason, and kept going for more when it was clear we wanted you to go away, You'd think you could take a hint.

    But I suppose repeatedly returning to the same location that is within guard range when you know we want to be done and are using guards is quite hilarious.

  • Farrah said:
    Jhui said:
    Now these are memorable:

    You see Judicator Farrah Roualt yell, "Help! Help!"
    You see Judicator Farrah Roualt yell, "Help! Help!"
    You see Judicator Farrah Roualt yell, "Help! Help!"
    You see Judicator Farrah Roualt yell, "Help! Help!"

    You raided us for over two hours, immediately after we had finished a raid on Hashan, ganked non-infamous defenders outside the city for no reason, and kept going for more when it was clear we wanted you to go away, You'd think you could take a hint.

    But I suppose repeatedly returning to the same location that is within guard range when you know we want to be done and are using guards is quite hilarious.

    I was amused...

    - 2016/09/30 02:59:33 - Illaren has bled out, slain by the might of Dunn Lichlord, Herald of the 
    Outer Cold.
    - 2016/09/30 03:00:08 - Old Jhui Ta'sa has broken Viho's spine with a backbreaker, slaying him.
    - 2016/09/30 03:00:14 - Viho dies, features contorted from the poison delivered by Ravager Elite 
    - 2016/09/30 03:04:44 - Airius has been slain in The Theatrum Mortalis by Nemesian Imperator 
    Seragorn Rousseau.
    - 2016/09/30 03:05:38 - Airius has been slain in The Theatrum Mortalis by Nemesian Imperator 
    Seragorn Rousseau.
    - 2016/09/30 03:06:25 - Airius has been slain in The Theatrum Mortalis by Nemesian Imperator 
    Seragorn Rousseau.
    - 2016/09/30 03:07:17 - Alistor has bled to death.
    - 2016/09/30 03:07:59 - Slicing Jinsun in two with his massive battleaxe, Shale Ironrock has 
    triumphed over his foe.
    - 2016/09/30 03:13:33 - Tianondria has been slain by the might of a flesh-eating slug.
    - 2016/09/30 03:14:17 - Viho dies gasping for breath, asphyxiated by the power of Old Jhui Ta'sa's 
    - 2016/09/30 03:14:20 - Airius meets a bloody end, bludgeoned into an unrecognisable mess by a 
    Brighthold watchman.
    - 2016/09/30 03:14:26 - Judicator Farrah Roualt has battered Seragorn to death.
    - 2016/09/30 03:14:31 - Seragorn meets a bloody end, bludgeoned into an unrecognisable mess by a 
    Brighthold watchman.
    - 2016/09/30 03:14:36 - Seragorn meets a bloody end, bludgeoned into an unrecognisable mess by a 
    Brighthold watchman.
    - 2016/09/30 03:14:55 - Dunn has died in the magical blast of a mushroom sigil.
    - 2016/09/30 03:14:57 - Dunn meets a bloody end, bludgeoned into an unrecognisable mess by a 
    Brighthold watchman.
    - 2016/09/30 03:18:45 - Airius meets a bloody end, bludgeoned into an unrecognisable mess by a 
    Brighthold watchman.
    - 2016/09/30 03:21:12 - Nehmrah suddenly perishes, brought to a swift death by a Riverwall bow-
    - 2016/09/30 03:21:25 - Jhui meets a bloody end, bludgeoned into an unrecognisable mess by a 
    Brighthold watchman.
    - 2016/09/30 03:21:31 - Jhui meets a bloody end, bludgeoned into an unrecognisable mess by a 
    Brighthold watchman.
    - 2016/09/30 03:21:51 - Austere meets a bloody end, bludgeoned into an unrecognisable mess by a 
    Brighthold watchman.
    - 2016/09/30 03:22:12 - Seragorn meets a bloody end, bludgeoned into an unrecognisable mess by a 
    Brighthold watchman.
    - 2016/09/30 03:22:19 - Seragorn has bled out, slain by the might of Oathsworn Viho.
    - 2016/09/30 03:22:33 - Durzaan dies, his defences no match for the relentless might of Judicator 
    Farrah Roualt.
    - 2016/09/30 03:22:37 - Judicator Farrah Roualt has battered Durzaan to death.
    - 2016/09/30 03:24:27 - Whipping her victim beyond submission, Clynalia, the Tiger has cut short the 
    life of Jinsun.
    - 2016/09/30 03:24:44 - Torinn has bled out, slain by the might of Ambassador Elipise Chiragh, the 
    Ivory Eminence in The Gauntlet.
    - 2016/09/30 03:29:13 - Farrah has fallen victim to the extraordinary powers of Old Jhui Ta'sa.
    - 2016/09/30 03:29:15 - Bann meets a bloody end, bludgeoned into an unrecognisable mess by a 
    Brighthold watchman.
    - 2016/09/30 03:29:20 - Bann meets a bloody end, bludgeoned into an unrecognisable mess by a 
    Brighthold watchman.
    - 2016/09/30 03:29:26 - Dunn meets a bloody end, bludgeoned into an unrecognisable mess by a 
    Brighthold watchman.
    - 2016/09/30 03:29:30 - Dunn meets a bloody end, bludgeoned into an unrecognisable mess by a 
    Brighthold watchman.
    - 2016/09/30 03:29:31 - Dalran meets a bloody end, bludgeoned into an unrecognisable mess by a 
    Brighthold watchman.
    - 2016/09/30 03:29:32 - Aegoth is slain by Melodie Le'Murzen, Unholy Phantom's psychic assault.
    - 2016/09/30 03:30:29 - Seragorn has been slain by one concealed by a deathmask.
    - 2016/09/30 03:30:45 - In defence of Dean Torinn Chiragh, the Ivory Cleric, a guardian angel has 
    torn Seragorn's soul from his body.
    - 2016/09/30 03:30:48 - Airius meets a bloody end, bludgeoned into an unrecognisable mess by a 
    Brighthold watchman.
    - 2016/09/30 03:30:50 - Airius meets a bloody end, bludgeoned into an unrecognisable mess by a 
    Brighthold watchman.
    - 2016/09/30 03:30:55 - Seragorn meets a bloody end, bludgeoned into an unrecognisable mess by a 
    Brighthold watchman.
    - 2016/09/30 03:32:24 - Ekostia has been slain by the might of a transparent spectre.
    - 2016/09/30 03:33:58 - Farrah is slain by Dunn Lichlord, Herald of the Outer Cold's psychic assault.
    - 2016/09/30 03:34:04 - Austere is slain by Dunn Lichlord, Herald of the Outer Cold's psychic 
    - 2016/09/30 03:34:10 - Dalran meets a bloody end, bludgeoned into an unrecognisable mess by a 
    Brighthold watchman.
    - 2016/09/30 03:34:12 - Austere has been slain by one concealed by a deathmask.
    - 2016/09/30 03:34:17 - Iskindar is slain by Dunn Lichlord, Herald of the Outer Cold's psychic 
    - 2016/09/30 03:36:29 - Old Jhui Ta'sa has battered Antidas to death.
    - 2016/09/30 03:36:33 - Leonas's back has broken under convulsions caused by Mhyra, Initiate of the 
    Ithmia's voyria venom.
    - 2016/09/30 03:36:51 - Vessil has been sliced into bloody ribbons by Zsarachnor, the Vampire Lord.
    - 2016/09/30 03:36:53 - Vessil has been sliced into bloody ribbons by Zsarachnor, the Vampire Lord.
    - 2016/09/30 03:39:09 - Jossov has been slain by the might of a Ulangian death slug.
    - 2016/09/30 03:42:28 - Ambassador Elipise Chiragh, the Ivory Eminence has battered Torinn to death 
    in The Gauntlet.
    - 2016/09/30 03:44:21 - Old Jhui Ta'sa has battered Atalkez to death.
    - 2016/09/30 03:44:30 - Antidas has been eliminated.
    - 2016/09/30 03:45:56 - With a splattering of gore, Watchman's body has been crushed in the mighty 
    jaws of Lord Marshal Aegoth Aristata, the Holocaust King, his head consumed as a victorious snack.
    - 2016/09/30 03:47:43 - Minister Atalkez Al'Jafri, Exemplar of Truth has battered Airius to death.
    - 2016/09/30 03:50:27 - Zenui has been sliced into bloody ribbons by Zsarachnor, the Vampire Lord.
    - 2016/09/30 03:58:00 - Alistor has bled out, slain by the might of Ambassador Elipise Chiragh, the 
    Ivory Eminence in Ainghaeal's Nest.
    - 2016/09/30 04:02:30 - Bann has bled out, slain by the might of Minister Atalkez Al'Jafri, Exemplar 
    of Truth.
    - 2016/09/30 04:04:17 - Elipise has been slain in Ainghaeal's Nest by Provocateur of Revelry, 
    Nathuel Malicieux, the Prankster.
    - 2016/09/30 04:06:16 - Airius falls to the arrows of Antidas Wintermourne, Luminous Shade.

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