Memorable quotes



  • I told Tesha but she didn't care. Which is fine, but somebody knew.
  • edited December 2013
    To be specific, you said 

    Kafziel tells you, "Trying to fight Eleusians and Ashtani. Get in line."

    I figured you meant you were dueling the two Eleusians on skies (since you were alone when we went after you), saw Hasar on skies a few min after that tell, went after him, and then got hit by your harmonics in Hasar's retardation with sniping. But semantics! We had fun, hope you did too.

    @Caladbolg I wanted it to be a romantic priest/blademaster killstealing spree, but you had like 40 people with you already. :( Someday...

    (also yeah, didn't see any deathsights v Eleusis but I might have just overlooked them)

     i'm a rebel

  • CaladbolgCaladbolg Campbell County TN
    Tesha said:
    To be specific, you said 

    Kafziel tells you, "Trying to fight Eleusians and Ashtani. Get in line."

    I figured you meant you were dueling the two Eleusians on skies (since you were alone when we went after you), saw Hasar on skies a few min after that tell, went after him, and then got hit by your harmonics in Hasar's retardation with sniping. But semantics! We had fun, hope you did too.

    @Caladbolg I wanted it to be a romantic priest/blademaster killstealing spree, but you had like 40 people with you already. :( Someday...

    (also yeah, didn't see any deathsights v Eleusis but I might have just overlooked them)
    Van Helsing gank squad  >:)

  • More like Van Smellsing, amirite?

    (PS quit stealing our action. :( )
  • Tesha said:
    At least you didn't do this!

    5124h, 4007m, 26136e, 21900w excdbkr 53- 03:23:38.944 (block n)mj n
    Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    You move over to block the north exit.
    5124h, 4007m, 26126e, 21900w excdbk 53- 03:23:39.026 (smoke 418764)
    You pull back the reins on your mount and jump off to the north.
    The gates of Mhaldor.
    A noxious, red-hued fog overwhelms the area with a thick, palpable vapour. Some graffiti 
    has been scrawled here. It reads, "Know ye that there is no truth greater than Evil." 
    There are 5 knights of the Maldaathi here. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. 
    A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. An enormous slab 
    of volcanic obsidian towers over this area, the regulations of Mhaldor etched upon its 
    face. An occupied iron gibbet, suspended from a wooden gallows, creaks ominously in the 
    breeze. A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground. An 
    enormous slab of volcanic obsidian towers over this area, the laws of Mhaldor etched upon 
    its face. An obsidian eye sigil is here. The broken fragments of a basalt altar litter the 
    ground around the massive form of a bloodsteel stalagmite. Standing still as a statue, a 
    blood steed has fixed its fiery red eyes on some movement in the distance. Peering at the 
    world with wide eyes is a tiny sugar glider. A nebulous water weird is here. Restlessly 
    eyeing the surroundings is a golden desert drake.  A huge statue of the Scimitar of Yen-
    Sorte stands here, thrusting skywards.
    You see exits leading east, south, west, and up.
    You made me almost spit my soup on the screen
  • edited December 2013
    Nameless One, Aquinus (male Rajamala).
    He is 20 years old, having been born on the 7th of Mayan, 621 years after the fall of the Seleucarian Empire.

    Santar Darkwind (male Human).
    He is 299 years old, having been born on the 14th of Daedalan, 343 years after the fall of the Seleucarian Empire.

    Just goes to show, old-timers in Achaea can still give a good whooping.
  • @Dunn: I'd be mad if you weren't so cute.

    May I pet your beard? 
    [2:41:24 AM] Kenway: I bet you smell like evergreen trees and you could wrestle boreal mammals but they'd rather just cuddle you
  • Santar said:
    You have slain Aquinus.

    You tell the soul of Aquinus, "A warning for those who trespass in Targossas."

    Aquinus tells you, "I have no fear in death, boy."

    Aquinus tells you, "Your time will soon come."

    I swear each generation of Naga is mouthier than the last.

    Killed him a second time today and he didn't talk trash this time. Guess he fears death a little, after all.


  • A soulless swarm?

  •  i'm a rebel

  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    edited December 2013
    That's all we had? I thought it was more.

    Eta: Tesha, I can't click on any of the search results because of google. D:
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • edited December 2013
    Tesha said:
    Does that make me a nydus canal?


  • It's actually a game. You can click the lil things.

     i'm a rebel

  • CaladbolgCaladbolg Campbell County TN
    Problem with that list.. I wasn't on it.. Damn having a job

  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Sothantos said:
    Haha I added this for you after you died to guards for the 10th time.

    plus I needed the essence
  • Sumguy                                  (Widening road beneath the mountai)

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