Memorable quotes



  • NimNim
    edited December 2013
    Rangor said:
    I need an english speaking person [...] to write [...] a public post
    Disagreed with this. Have you read those things? I don't think there's been a post yet that hasn't had some error, whether grammatical, typographical, or otherwise!
  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo
    Nim said:
    Rangor said:
    I need an english speaking person to volunteer to write [...] public post
    Disagreed with this. Have you read those things? I don't think there's been a post yet that hasn't had some error, whether grammatical, typographical, or otherwise!
    I am usually too busy laughing to notice.

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  • edited December 2013
    ( @iakimen , I have to check with the big chief first.)
  • OceanaOceana North Sea
    Northeastern fringe of the forest.
    This edge of the northern Ithmia is sparsely populated with ancient, formidable trees inhabiting the 
    shadowed interior. A collection of lanky chestnuts and slender beeches show promise of future 
    dominance as they stretch their branches wide, casting shaded gloom across much of the forest floor. 
    The woodland is a picturesque tapestry of bark nestled amongst a verdant haze of leafy brush. Dead 
    brown leaves form a carpet over the sweet-smelling grass, the russet colour providing a scenic 
    contrast to the many shades of green. A purple coneflower grows here, its large stalk straining 
    towards the sky. A lobelia wildflower is growing here. A low-slung myrrh bush is here. A low-lying 
    wild ginger plant is growing here. A green-flowered ginseng plant has been planted here. A red elm 
    tree grows here, its branches gently swaying in the breeze. A burdock plant is growing here. A 
    nearby branch is laden with hard-shelled nuts. A freshly made mound of soil fills a hole. A large 
    beehive hangs down from the trees above. A small wooden sign sticks out of a mound of soil.
    You see exits leading northeast, east, south, and southwest.

    Hey, a sign! That is new. Let's see what it says.

    You read what is written on a small wooden sign:
    I'm really sorry!
  • TharvisTharvis The Land of Beer and Chocolate!
    @Cirana tells you, "Unless that's too close to Targossas yellow, in which case you can always make Targossas pink. *duck*".
    Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!"
    Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
    Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."

  • Iakimen said:
    This attack looks/reads kinda cool.

    In a flash of light, Tsui'zhir, Whisper Ascendant and his spider mount disappear before your eyes. A 
    faint breeze whispers across your ears, followed by the warmth of blood pooling from a long gash 
    across the side of your head as the Ascendant materialises before you.
    Hunting my Tsol'dasi? :O Why you little...

    @Rangor, make us allied to Istarion. Pleeease
    Must.. acquire.. dragon talismans.. bring it, treehugger! I'll remember to vault/parry legs/shield on enfeeble this time around. 

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  • Judicator Sothantos de l'Evanoir, Lord of the Crossing says, "I sipped 1754 on 
    that sip we tested."

    You say, "Sit."

    Judicator Sothantos de l'Evanoir, Lord of the Crossing says, "When you 
    bit/roared me."

    Sothantos sits down.

    Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    Rebounding Stripped!-
    Twisting to grasp Sothantos in your powerful jaws, you sink your teeth deep into 
    his flesh before tossing his helpless body into the air and catching him once 
    more in your teeth.

    Sothantos takes a drink from an oaken vial.

    Judicator Sothantos de l'Evanoir, Lord of the Crossing says, "1604."

    You glance over Sothantos and see that his health is at 2696/5775.

    Sothantos takes a drink from an oaken vial.

    Judicator Sothantos de l'Evanoir, Lord of the Crossing says, "1538."

    Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    Rebounding Stripped!-
    Twisting to grasp Sothantos in your powerful jaws, you sink your teeth deep into 
    his flesh before tossing his helpless body into the air and catching him once 
    more in your teeth.
    You have slain Sothantos.
    A starburst tattoo flares and bathes Sothantos in red light.

    You say, ".."

    You say, "What."

    You say, "You sipped between bites."

    Judicator Sothantos de l'Evanoir, Lord of the Crossing says, "I was in Arash."

    You say, "Twice."

    You say, "I saw you sip twice after the first bite."

    Judicator Sothantos de l'Evanoir, Lord of the Crossing says, "They're not 
    kidding when they say Arash hurts."

    You say, "Wow, how much damage did my bite do."

    Judicator Sothantos de l'Evanoir, Lord of the Crossing says, "71%."

    Well, that's 3 accidental citizen kills(6 if you count the ones I killed on purpose) for me. 


  • edited December 2013
    Meanwhile in some strange alternate universe Cyrene actually defends against a raid:

    - 2013/12/18 16:45:33 - Aquilora dies gasping for breath, asphyxiated by the power of Minion 
    Reprobate Caoimhaen, Disciple of Ryzack's kai.
    - 2013/12/18 16:45:47 - Kohilo falls to Cleric Aegoth Yuridja-Keyte, Disciple of Pain, his body 
    seared to a crisp by electric energy.
    - 2013/12/18 16:45:58 - Starla falls to Cleric Aegoth Yuridja-Keyte, Disciple of Pain, her body 
    seared to a crisp by electric energy.
    - 2013/12/18 16:46:05 - Starla dies, her defences no match for the relentless might of Lord Marshal 
    Hasar Lichlord.
    - 2013/12/18 16:47:29 - Faustine dies, her defences no match for the relentless might of Lord 
    Marshal Hasar Lichlord.
    - 2013/12/18 16:49:19 - An exuberant cheer rises up from the Runic Knights of Cyrene as the invader 
    Vastus is cleanly dispatched.
    - 2013/12/18 16:49:24 - An exuberant cheer rises up from the Runic Knights of Cyrene as the invader 
    Hasar is cleanly dispatched.
    - 2013/12/18 16:49:25 - An exuberant cheer rises up from the Runic Knights of Cyrene as the invader 
    Aegoth is cleanly dispatched.
    - 2013/12/18 17:05:49 - Faur has fallen victim to the extraordinary powers of Father Nocroth dis 
    - 2013/12/18 17:08:47 - Aegoth dies, features contorted from the poison delivered by Bronislav 
    - 2013/12/18 17:09:21 - Caoimhaen dies, features contorted from the poison delivered by Bronislav 
    - 2013/12/18 17:09:30 - Vastus has bled out, slain by the might of Weaver Kaden Vas'amaen-Ashaela, 
    Aureate Avatar of Art.
    - 2013/12/18 17:09:43 - Omi falls to Arcane Hunter, Silvarien Da'Navi, his body seared to a crisp by 
    electric energy.
  • TharvisTharvis The Land of Beer and Chocolate!
    Szareine said:
    Sumguy has been slain by the might of a forest basilisk.

    His name in general is really funny, but yesterday he walked into the room right in the middle of a serious conversation and I just lost it.
    I asked Juliet if somebody told him to change his name yet, she said yes
    I think the guides need to get their banish/forcenamechange powers back!
    Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!"
    Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
    Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."

  • Kaden said:
    Meanwhile in some strange alternate universe Cyrene actually defends against a raid:

    - 2013/12/18 16:45:33 - Aquilora dies gasping for breath, asphyxiated by the power of Minion 
    Reprobate Caoimhaen, Disciple of Ryzack's kai.
    - 2013/12/18 16:45:47 - Kohilo falls to Cleric Aegoth Yuridja-Keyte, Disciple of Pain, his body 
    seared to a crisp by electric energy.
    - 2013/12/18 16:45:58 - Starla falls to Cleric Aegoth Yuridja-Keyte, Disciple of Pain, her body 
    seared to a crisp by electric energy.
    - 2013/12/18 16:46:05 - Starla dies, her defences no match for the relentless might of Lord Marshal 
    Hasar Lichlord.
    - 2013/12/18 16:47:29 - Faustine dies, her defences no match for the relentless might of Lord 
    Marshal Hasar Lichlord.
    - 2013/12/18 16:49:19 - An exuberant cheer rises up from the Runic Knights of Cyrene as the invader 
    Vastus is cleanly dispatched.
    - 2013/12/18 16:49:24 - An exuberant cheer rises up from the Runic Knights of Cyrene as the invader 
    Hasar is cleanly dispatched.
    - 2013/12/18 16:49:25 - An exuberant cheer rises up from the Runic Knights of Cyrene as the invader 
    Aegoth is cleanly dispatched.
    - 2013/12/18 17:05:49 - Faur has fallen victim to the extraordinary powers of Father Nocroth dis 
    - 2013/12/18 17:08:47 - Aegoth dies, features contorted from the poison delivered by Bronislav 
    - 2013/12/18 17:09:21 - Caoimhaen dies, features contorted from the poison delivered by Bronislav 
    - 2013/12/18 17:09:30 - Vastus has bled out, slain by the might of Weaver Kaden Vas'amaen-Ashaela, 
    Aureate Avatar of Art.
    - 2013/12/18 17:09:43 - Omi falls to Arcane Hunter, Silvarien Da'Navi, his body seared to a crisp by 
    electric energy.
    All raids led by Hasar ends up in guards.
  • Just make sure that person has deliverance up!
  • Tharvis said:
    Grand Master Jacen, Disciple of Mind and Spirit says, "Oh, I'm wearing... um, my Aldar Talisman. It 
    covers my other talisman."

    that was in reply to @Eld being worried because Jacen was removing his robes alot
    When did Alot start his own brand and how expensive are his robes?
  • Jarrod said:
    To be fair to Cyrene, they defend against raids pretty regularly.

    Sure, they generally have a ton of people, but most of them aren't interested in combat (though many of them still enjoy occasional conflict based on forum posts), and at least when we raid we generally plan for that. Sure, we'll probably kill a decent number of them while they figure out who they're following, who they're targeting, etc, but when that group of 20 rolls into your room and all bashes one person, that person generally dies quick!
    This is true. What I meant by that post was defended successfully. Was still running around with the combat high when I posted that. Plus, I was leading and my crazy plan actually worked for a change.
  • Ruth said:
    Sartan, the Malevolent says, "Deal with this, Chosen."

    The rowdy notes of a drinking song, faint at first, then rising to the undisputed intensity of a
    Dwarf On A Mission, herald the arrival of Ironbeard the Magnanimous who casts his beam of a smile
    about himself as he arrives.
    With a deep, slightly off-center bow that nearly sends him to his knees, Ironbeard the Magnanimous
    produces a giftbag, announcing, "A gift that's unexpected is the best kind: here's one!"

    ..awkwardface. Wrong timing, Ironbeard!
    The true gift was the oppression and suffering caused by Lord Sartan's displeasure. :P
  • CarmellCarmell Eastern Washington
    This has to be one of the most interesting weddings/receptions I've been to.  First the person officiating is late then the oddest vows I've ever heard and spoken,  the groom get's drunk and then leaves the rest of the party go to make snowmen and play on toboggans and then Sothantos/Silas dog well we won't discuss that.
  • TharvisTharvis The Land of Beer and Chocolate!
    @ruth how'd sartan react, did he facepalm?  :P
    or did he pull a "I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that"
    Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!"
    Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
    Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."

  • CarmellCarmell Eastern Washington
    Antidas said:
    Sothantos said:
    Daeir slides swiftly across the snow on a toboggan.
    "Wheeeeee!" @Daeir squeals happily.
    Daeir slides swiftly out to the down on a toboggan.
    Disowning you for that  [-(

    aww it was a wedding celebration don't blame him.
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    That fucking pig.... Why @Taraus?
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