Memorable quotes



  • Texel puts on a pair of durable wool hiking socks.
    4220h, 3240m, 20000e, 15198w exkdb-(-10m, 0.3%)
    Texel pets a brightly coloured hermit crab ingratiatingly.
    A brightly coloured hermit crab clacks his claws repeatedly toward Texel,
    shivering slightly from the touch.
    4220h, 3240m, 20000e, 15198w exkdb-
    Texel picks up a brightly coloured hermit crab.
    4220h, 3230m, 20000e, 15200w exkdb-(-10m, 0.3%)
    Texel gives a brightly coloured hermit crab to you.
    4220h, 3210m, 20000e, 15198w exkdb-(-10m, 0.3%)
    Texel says with a broad highland accent, "Meet houdini."
    4220h, 3210m, 20000e, 15198w exkdb-
    Kaden's eyes gleam with generosity.
    4220h, 3210m, 20000e, 15198w exkdb-gasp
    You give a horrified gasp.
    4220h, 3200m, 20000e, 15198w exkdb-(-10m, 0.3%)
    Kaden gives a brightly coloured hermit crab to you.
    4220h, 3190m, 20000e, 15198w exkdb-(sip mana)(-10m, 0.3%)
    You take a drink from an oaken vial.
    Your mind feels stronger and more alert.
    Kaden rubs his hands together greedily.
    4220h, 3260m, 20000e, 15198w exkdb-
    Sylis snickers softly to himself.
    4220h, 3260m, 20000e, 15198w exkdb-
    +Sip bal
    4220h, 3250m, 20000e, 15198w exkdb-(-10m, 0.3%)
    Kaden says in a quiet voice, "Now you have crabs."
    4220h, 3250m, 20000e, 15198w exkdb-
    Kaden nods his head slowly, looking very wise.
    4220h, 3250m, 20000e, 15198w exkdb-
    The radiant sun shines all about you.
    4220h, 3250m, 20000e, 15198w exkdb-say now I get crabs from everyone
    You say, "Now I get crabs from everyone."
    4220h, 3250m, 20000e, 15200w exkdb-
    Texel nods his head emphatically.
    4220h, 3240m, 20000e, 15198w exkdb-(-10m, 0.3%)
    Texel says with a broad highland accent, "Crabs from two different men."
    4220h, 3230m, 20000e, 15198w exkdb-(-10m, 0.3%)
    Kaden says in a quiet voice, "Only works if it's plural."
    4220h, 3230m, 20000e, 15198w exkdb-
    Sylis has left the area.
    4220h, 3230m, 20000e, 15198w exkdb-
    Texel says with a broad highland accent, "Balkin won't be happy."
    4220h, 3220m, 20000e, 15198w exkdb-(-10m, 0.3%)
    Kaden says in a quiet voice, "So perfect opportunity."

    Cruel people.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    or when you are


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Santar said:

    Well, my letters started coming in for this Logosmas.

    You read what is written on an elegant white letter:
    Dear Santa,

    I want a pink pony and a pair of ruby slippers!



    You read what is written on an elegant white letter:
    Dear Santa,

    I want a pair of Ivory dice, Logosian Gauntlets, and a ring of
    endurance. I've gotta catch Harry!



    You read what is written on an elegant white letter:
    Dear Santa,

    I just want a broomstick, because I'm awesome on it.



    You read what is written on an elegant white letter:
    Dear Santa,

    I know its near Logosmas, and I just want to make sure you know where I
    live. Mommy and Daddy broke up and I live with daddy now. Daddy says
    mommy isn't right and she keeps smoking something but he won't tell me
    what. He says she acts strange when she smokes it. Please find me this
    year, I just want my mommy and daddy back together.


    Suzzie Pumpernickle

    Soooo, are you getting @Cooper his broomstick or what?

  • Dear goodness. Mel's story has been awesome. If only all those nasty judgmental people could see her. :(
    [2:41:24 AM] Kenway: I bet you smell like evergreen trees and you could wrestle boreal mammals but they'd rather just cuddle you
  • It's pretty silly laughing at something you said yourself, but still... I had a bit of a giggle:

    Schrondinger scratches hi ching thoughtfully.

    You say in a smokey voice, "Hi, Ching!"

    Schrondinger says with a burly, brogue accent, "Gods damn it."
    "To thine own self be true."
  • I had to do it. Damn you @Hasar!

    (Party): Kross says, "Don't enter the portal."

    (Party): Jinsun says, "Likely hasar's portal."

    (Party): Jacintha says, "Hasar."

    (Party): Jacintha says, "Yeah, he loves to do that."

    (Party): You say, "Yolo it."

    wear wings
    say duanathar
    remove wings
    You are now wearing a pair of eagle's wings.

    You say in a silky, smooth tenor voice, "Duanathar."
    You quickly utter "Duanathar" and your wings flare with power before swiftly carrying you up to on
    the clouds.
    On the clouds (indoors).
    A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground. An obsidian eye
    sigil is here. A bright red Logosmas stocking with the name "Lala" stitched on it hangs improbably
    in the air here. A bright red Logosmas stocking with the name "Zuko" stitched on it hangs improbably
    in the air here. A bright red Logosmas stocking with the name "Santar" stitched on it hangs
    improbably in the air here. A bright red Logosmas stocking hangs improbably in the air here. There
    are 2 pikes with the head of Jhui on it here. A pike with the decapitated head of Atalkez has been
    erected. A pike with the decapitated head of Nemutaur has been erected. The hulking form of an
    armoured grizzly bear looms ominously nearby. A small crystal pyramid rests nearby. The defeated
    corpse of a rare lightning eagle lies here, fragile wings of mist and smoke slowly dissolving. An
    icewall is here, blocking passage to the down. A fiery efreeti spins madly here. A sonic portal,
    edges vibrating madly, is here. Kohai Tiger Lorath Azon-Sar'vet, Ashuran Tornoch Second is here.
    Sempai Scrim Azon is here. Warlock Jonesey is here. He wields an elemental staff in his left hand
    and a Shield of Absorption in his right. Sempai Kross Da'Navi is here. Rip Cobra is here. He wields
    an ancient bow in both hands. Sensei Jacintha Devi-Rian, Scourge of Tir Murann is here. Bellator
    Jinsun is here.
    You see exits leading north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down,

    You remove a pair of eagle's wings.

    (Party): Kross says, "Go for it killer."

    (Party): Klendathu says, "Sorry folks, got to go."

    Lorath takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.

    Roughly oblong in shape, but changing constantly under heavy vibration, this portal leads to regions

    (Party): Kross says, "Bye Klen."

    The Anthem shifts, protecting from cold damage.

    (Party): Jacintha says, "See you Klen."

    (Party): You say, "Yolo."

    You step through a sonic portal.
    A guardhouse (indoors).
    A rune resembling a horse has been sketched into the ground here (raido: return location). A
    shimmering orb lies here, illuminating the surrounding area with a slight glow. There are 2 stubborn
    mules here. A war horse stands here, stamping impatiently. A runic totem is planted solidly in the
    ground. There are 5 infernal wraiths here. A fierce tiger prowls restlessly nearby. Someone has
    dropped a plain black-walnut vial. A powerful black stallion stands here, ethereal green flames
    rising from his body. There are 3 hearts of a mortal, still dripping blood here. A dead rat has been
    left here. Wings flaring, a pegasus tosses his regal head impatiently. Antlers of jet black crown
    the head of a proud ivory peryton. A small forest of sharpened crystals protrudes from the ground. A
    headless corpse, devoid of identity, lies here. Droch Medi is here. He wields a puppet roughly
    resembling Aleksandra in his right hand. Minion Reprobate Caoimhaen, Disciple of Ryzack is here.
    Lord Marshal Hasar Lichlord is riding on a stubborn mule. He wields a sinister staff with a strange
    orb in his left hand and a blackened cavalry shield with ivory accents in his right.
    You see a single exit leading east.
    Your blindness is cured by a wunjo rune on a totem.
    Your attention is grabbed and held by a fascinating butterfly-like rune.
    Your attention is grabbed and held by a fascinating butterfly-like rune.
    Your attention is grabbed and held by a fascinating butterfly-like rune.

    You have been slain by an infernal wraith.
    Your starburst tattoo flares as the world is momentarily tinted red.
    A headless corpse falls out of your inventory.
    A headless corpse falls out of your inventory. (2.426s)

    (svo): We hit starburst!
    (svo): Auto-switching to empty defences mode.
    (apply density to body|touch cloak)
    (svo): Ready for combat! (empty defences mode, took no time)

    You have been slain by an infernal wraith.

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    (c).-.(c) (c).-.(c) (c).-.(c) (c).-.(c)
    / x_x \ / x_x \ / x_x \ / x_x \
    __\( Y )/__ __\( Y )/__ __\( Y )/__ __\( Y )/__
    || D || || E || || A || || D ||
    _.' `-' '._ _.' `-' '._ _.' `-' '._ _.' `-' '._
    `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-'

    (Party): Jinsun says, "Idiot."

    Lord Marshal Hasar Lichlord says, "Hi."

    You tell Lord Marshal Hasar Lichlord, "Haha."

    Medi closes his eyes and holds a puppet of Aleksandra up to his forehead.

    Medi takes a long drag off his oaken pipe.

    Hasar begins chopping away at the neck of the corpse of Atalkez with an obsidian dagger.

    Your mana drains away as you concentrate on maintaining a link with the living.

    Medi closes his eyes and bows his head.

    (Party): Klendathu says, "FFS! Such sweet sorrow!"

    You tell Lord Marshal Hasar Lichlord, "Yolo."

    (Party): Scrim says, "Ummm, why would you do that?"

    Hasar finishes decapitating the corpse of Atalkez, leaving only a pool of blood where the head had

    (Party): Jacintha says, "Atalkez is crazy."

    Fun stuff :D

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Atalkez said:

    I had to do it. Damn you @Hasar!

    (Party): Kross says, "Don't enter the portal."

    (Party): Jinsun says, "Likely hasar's portal."

    (Party): Jacintha says, "Hasar."

    (Party): Jacintha says, "Yeah, he loves to do that."

    (Party): You say, "Yolo it."

    wear wings
    say duanathar
    remove wings
    You are now wearing a pair of eagle's wings.

    You say in a silky, smooth tenor voice, "Duanathar."
    You quickly utter "Duanathar" and your wings flare with power before swiftly carrying you up to on
    the clouds.
    On the clouds (indoors).
    A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground. An obsidian eye
    sigil is here. A bright red Logosmas stocking with the name "Lala" stitched on it hangs improbably
    in the air here. A bright red Logosmas stocking with the name "Zuko" stitched on it hangs improbably
    in the air here. A bright red Logosmas stocking with the name "Santar" stitched on it hangs
    improbably in the air here. A bright red Logosmas stocking hangs improbably in the air here. There
    are 2 pikes with the head of Jhui on it here. A pike with the decapitated head of Atalkez has been
    erected. A pike with the decapitated head of Nemutaur has been erected. The hulking form of an
    armoured grizzly bear looms ominously nearby. A small crystal pyramid rests nearby. The defeated
    corpse of a rare lightning eagle lies here, fragile wings of mist and smoke slowly dissolving. An
    icewall is here, blocking passage to the down. A fiery efreeti spins madly here. A sonic portal,
    edges vibrating madly, is here. Kohai Tiger Lorath Azon-Sar'vet, Ashuran Tornoch Second is here.
    Sempai Scrim Azon is here. Warlock Jonesey is here. He wields an elemental staff in his left hand
    and a Shield of Absorption in his right. Sempai Kross Da'Navi is here. Rip Cobra is here. He wields
    an ancient bow in both hands. Sensei Jacintha Devi-Rian, Scourge of Tir Murann is here. Bellator
    Jinsun is here.
    You see exits leading north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down,

    You remove a pair of eagle's wings.

    (Party): Kross says, "Go for it killer."

    (Party): Klendathu says, "Sorry folks, got to go."

    Lorath takes some salve from a vial and rubs it on his body.

    Roughly oblong in shape, but changing constantly under heavy vibration, this portal leads to regions

    (Party): Kross says, "Bye Klen."

    The Anthem shifts, protecting from cold damage.

    (Party): Jacintha says, "See you Klen."

    (Party): You say, "Yolo."

    You step through a sonic portal.
    A guardhouse (indoors).
    A rune resembling a horse has been sketched into the ground here (raido: return location). A
    shimmering orb lies here, illuminating the surrounding area with a slight glow. There are 2 stubborn
    mules here. A war horse stands here, stamping impatiently. A runic totem is planted solidly in the
    ground. There are 5 infernal wraiths here. A fierce tiger prowls restlessly nearby. Someone has
    dropped a plain black-walnut vial. A powerful black stallion stands here, ethereal green flames
    rising from his body. There are 3 hearts of a mortal, still dripping blood here. A dead rat has been
    left here. Wings flaring, a pegasus tosses his regal head impatiently. Antlers of jet black crown
    the head of a proud ivory peryton. A small forest of sharpened crystals protrudes from the ground. A
    headless corpse, devoid of identity, lies here. Droch Medi is here. He wields a puppet roughly
    resembling Aleksandra in his right hand. Minion Reprobate Caoimhaen, Disciple of Ryzack is here.
    Lord Marshal Hasar Lichlord is riding on a stubborn mule. He wields a sinister staff with a strange
    orb in his left hand and a blackened cavalry shield with ivory accents in his right.
    You see a single exit leading east.
    Your blindness is cured by a wunjo rune on a totem.
    Your attention is grabbed and held by a fascinating butterfly-like rune.
    Your attention is grabbed and held by a fascinating butterfly-like rune.
    Your attention is grabbed and held by a fascinating butterfly-like rune.

    You have been slain by an infernal wraith.
    Your starburst tattoo flares as the world is momentarily tinted red.
    A headless corpse falls out of your inventory.
    A headless corpse falls out of your inventory. (2.426s)

    (svo): We hit starburst!
    (svo): Auto-switching to empty defences mode.
    (apply density to body|touch cloak)
    (svo): Ready for combat! (empty defences mode, took no time)

    You have been slain by an infernal wraith.

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    (c).-.(c) (c).-.(c) (c).-.(c) (c).-.(c)
    / x_x \ / x_x \ / x_x \ / x_x \
    __\( Y )/__ __\( Y )/__ __\( Y )/__ __\( Y )/__
    || D || || E || || A || || D ||
    _.' `-' '._ _.' `-' '._ _.' `-' '._ _.' `-' '._
    `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-' `-'

    (Party): Jinsun says, "Idiot."

    Lord Marshal Hasar Lichlord says, "Hi."

    You tell Lord Marshal Hasar Lichlord, "Haha."

    Medi closes his eyes and holds a puppet of Aleksandra up to his forehead.

    Medi takes a long drag off his oaken pipe.

    Hasar begins chopping away at the neck of the corpse of Atalkez with an obsidian dagger.

    Your mana drains away as you concentrate on maintaining a link with the living.

    Medi closes his eyes and bows his head.

    (Party): Klendathu says, "FFS! Such sweet sorrow!"

    You tell Lord Marshal Hasar Lichlord, "Yolo."

    (Party): Scrim says, "Ummm, why would you do that?"

    Hasar finishes decapitating the corpse of Atalkez, leaving only a pool of blood where the head had

    (Party): Jacintha says, "Atalkez is crazy."

    Fun stuff :D

    After the 56th time, I generally would have gotten bored with it...which by even reading I have :p
  • I walked through a @Hasar portal once and it took me somewhere in southern central Sapience. I was so disappointed. There weren't even threatening denizens around.
  • Trey said:

    Affixed to the stone walls with iron loops is a length of rope. Painted in faded
    colours, a small rag doll has been forgotten here.
    You see exits leading north, east, and west.
    A child's rag doll looks at you and bursts into tears.

    I want it.
  • Forgot I had a script to show me what/who I've killed and came across the alias while looking at mudlet folders. I'd imagine this is over the course of... a long time. I'm not sure when I started recording it but:

    You have slain:
    [ 17] Trag, the taryen wise man [ 9] Brok, the Blackfire shaman
    [ 40] blood leech [ 1] rabid wolf
    [ 3] hulking striped moirah [ 16] drunk orc
    [ 9] elite guardsman [ 30] Unsidhe Banshee
    [ 1] Commander Kalesh [ 8] berserk prisoner
    [ 2] Toogar, the ursu shaman [ 13] Glixx, the mutant
    [ 8] Zen'fi Haar'chen [ 5] sneaky bandit
    [ 3] Knight Commander Lord Ethran Rani
    [ 1] the Great Mhunna [ 5] raging dervish
    [ 64] Quisalis sentry [ 1] azure koparfish
    [ 17] vomiting miner [ 14] mhun guard
    [ 3] Dr. Kortoxian [ 57] alert dwarven guard
    [ 1332] vampire [ 4] baby rat
    [ 15] Malorea, Handmaiden of Belladona
    [ 388] Vertani guard [ 6] drunken pirate
    [ 74] hunchbacked feyr [ 26] drunken Vertani
    [ 9] moon bear [ 97] feral gangrel
    [ 61] armoured nahar [ 50] green slime
    [ 8] grasslands hare [ 199] steel-encased Death Knight
    [ 14] adolescent miner [ 1] Bertha the troll
    [ 1] Burgam, the hunter [ 1] Malsaur, the brigand chief
    [ 1] wild kelpie [ 14] cunning black wolf
    [ 9] bleeding salt water cod [ 15] Iayh, a mage of House Feranki
    [ 1] guardian spider [ 4] injured miner
    [ 4] female orc [ 24] ghostly troll senator
    [ 3] Belladona, Queen of Vampires [ 10] Ghaser, the Vertani cook
    [ 11] murkworm [ 67] pale vampiress
    [ 175] slope-backed hyena [ 5] zombie noble
    [ 12] Vewig, the Magelord of House Tsez
    [ 3] Swordmaster Colbey [ 1] Torturer Abd
    [ 2] Dakk, leader of the Migri [ 52] Vera Shackles
    [ 1208] revolting ghoul [ 3] hideous claw fiend
    [ 267] orc soldier [ 10] hobgoblin warrior
    [ 57] luminescent ghost [ 52] Lindsey Coolsey
    [ 54] massive brown boar [ 1] pregnant panther
    [ 1] Dalvas Sareish [ 4] Scorn, the cavehunter bat
    [ 6] dwarven priest [ 103] Quisalis guard
    [ 4] slender selkie [ 1] screeching maerthis
    [ 127] forest basilisk [ 88] orc guard
    [ 17] disfigured ram [ 6] Mistress Livastra
    [ 68] fairy Lady of Sidhe [ 27] hardy jarbo
    [ 391] shambling zombie [ 2] Kurgo, the Ursu chief
    [ 1] Death Knight Lord Kemnast [ 1] swarm of mosquitoes
    [ 8] Ramainen Tarcalion, Outrider Ascendant
    [ 5] Breana Ironhammer [ 22] ursu man
    [ 1] Cassian, a blue-robed mage [ 9] mhun guard trainee
    [ 16] convulsing miner [ 1] buckawn apprentice
    [ 3] the wrogroth [ 3] the Termite Queen
    [ 11] Thraken, the Bloodstone shaman [ 8] hulking hobgoblin
    [ 1] ghoul smith [ 16] delirious miner
    [ 8] Belladona, the Demon Whore [ 1] wyrm whelp
    [ 1] Alsilan, the condemned [ 1] alert watchman
    [ 2] Commander Malrian Kyra [ 3] High Priest Asdath
    [ 35] multi-headed water hydra [ 7] ice hellion
    [ 3] translucent being [ 1] Lican, a mad occultist
    [ 34] goblin smith [ 15] giant termite
    [ 23] mad cultist [ 8] enormous cave bat
    [ 1] swamp dryad [ 13] Rakrr, the Vertani swordsmaster
    [ 9] swamp dweller [ 46] Qurnok guard
    [ 47] sharp-toothed gremlin [ 5] mountain grizzly
    [ 7] pirate with an eye-patch [ 1] fell werewolf cub
    [ 49] bubonis [ 1] Tzond
    [ 2] Lieutenant Serentesh [ 15] majestic lion
    [ 2] adolescent orc [ 1] apprentice assassin
    [ 2] Captain Korlosh [ 17] crazed kelpie
    [ 45] orc archer [ 3] massive xabat
    [ 4] huge pulsating spider [ 2] elite mhun keeper
    [ 4] goblin sergeant [ 15] fairy mistress
    [ 2] fortress guardsman [ 1] dragonfly
    [ 110] fearsome lion [ 2] Senator Schlastan
    [ 2] rat [ 4] dwarven master builder
    [ 2] vicious thug [ 1] thornback frog
    [ 62] mummified troll guardian [ 3] mounted Asteri knight
    [ 104] wild centaur [ 1] the mhun cook
    [ 2] enormous anaconda [ 6] risen vampire
    [ 4] vicious water moccasin [ 33] elder centaur priestess
    [ 1] choke creeper [ 1] old rat
    [ 3] injured knight [ 1] lost knight errant
    [ 51] giant red scorpion [ 4] hulking stone giant
    [ 6] trained war vulture [ 1] stone gargoyle
    [ 1] thoqqua [ 1] energetic red turtle
    [ 2] serpentine tssalo [ 1184] goblin zombie
    [ 40] dishevelled young squire [ 6] young rat
    [ 11] Glath Ironhammer, Leader of the Bloodstone clan
    [ 4] large pulsating spider [ 5] mhun labourer
    [ 1] scarred grizzly bear [ 13] Ver'osy, the Vertani priestess
    [ 89] fairy Knight of Sidhe [ 2] Commander Farista Errikale
    [ 229] Qui'sas hunter [ 3] mage
    [ 1] Grela, a pregnant ursu [ 99] House Tsez air mage
    [ 27] ponderous ictheli [ 1] death adder
    [ 43] withered crone [ 12] massive jellyfish
    [ 3] large bainligor [ 2] Begath, the Migri mage
    [ 4] pair of grasping hands [ 1] unformed thing of chaos
    [ 22] greyish-green culuma [ 1] mhun architect
    [ 2] vicious swarm of acacidic ants [ 1] screaming head
    [ 7] Master Jotbla [ 3] frightened young squire
    [ 3] giant centipede [ 8] goblin foreman
    [ 6] marsh ooze [ 1] Aneurin, the card shark
    [ 33] goblin miner [ 10] Qurnok warrior
    [ 1] Cezil [ 1] the Wyrm Lord
    [ 277] taryen man [ 4] orc cook
    [ 742] wraith [ 3] Dynas, the gour trainer
    [ 3] orc captain [ 55] transparent, glowing wight
    [ 5] Xulu, an orc witchdoctor [ 1] battered Ashtani lieutenant
    [ 19] savage morsuleus [ 7] fire wyrm
    [ 302] goblin ghoul [ 43] chimera
    [ 1] Leesha, the ursu packmother [ 7] giant puffball
    [ 2] massive gour [ 3] Lavarin Pelendur, the Shah
    [ 45] Quisalis assassin [ 13] Tigrinya, the Librarian
    [ 61] cursed revenant [ 549] ghast
    [ 1] Balorr, Chieftain of the Fomori [ 66] colossal, hulking ghoul
    [ 1] pulsing artery [ 43] Fomori of Unsidhe
    [ 1] bloodleech [ 11] Gloom, the Occultist
    [ 32] centaur colt [ 1] hissing treesnake
    [ 3] Yurasta Tarcalion, the Thaumaturge
    [ 35] large bull shark [ 1] Baarian tiger
    [ 6] ogre cook [ 83] hideous nel'dorath
    [ 88] pale-skinned, humanoid vampire [ 13] Smirnick, the Serpentlord
    [ 1] Ilucara Pelendur, Advisor to the Shah
    [ 43] giant scorpion [ 18] Rohase, Captain of the Guard
    [ 13] manticore [ 45] buckawn swordsman
    [ 34] deadly obsidian scorpion [ 57] manticore hatchling
    [ 12] Rakwor, the Vertani Barkeep [ 106] elder Qui'sas
    [ 7] pirate lass [ 43] enormous gulper eel
    [ 32] Dakrol, the Swiftblade [ 1] Tanris
    [ 2] deadly rattlesnake [ 4] fierce black panther
    [ 1] scruffy brigand [ 2] massive gohlbrorn
    [ 1] Jerak, Captain of the Guard [ 229] long, horned snake
    [ 6] foul-smelling orc [ 5] multicoloured boa constrictor
    [ 8] buckawn youth [ 4] Balam Agab, the ogre archmage
    [ 533] Initiate of the Mark [ 1] Niran, the first mate
    [ 1] the mhun Captain of the Guard [ 28] translucent jellyfish
    [ 11] giant blood leech [ 1] enormous water moccasin
    [ 47] humbug [ 7] howling blood mastiff
    [ 2] elderly mage [ 2231] decaying zombie
    [ 201] fell werewolf [ 1] vicious dulosi majorus
    [ 27] Nevon Talkar [ 13] fearsome cave hunter
    [ 4] scantily dressed prostitute [ 204] clattering skeleton
    [ 3] goblin slave [ 14] Derryk, the eunuch
    [ 1] High Priest Henof [ 1] Gnomon, the confused
    [ 2] Aldroga, the Dendrologist [ 2] Kimitia, a Quisalis apprentice
    [ 76] intensely bright wisp [ 52] Agnes Mooch
    [ 5] orc sergeant [ 1] proud ducal guard
    [ 4] ancient wyrm [ 4] Zsarachnor, the Vampire Lord
    [ 8] surly horse thief [ 9] crazed prison guard
    [ 1] huge, ferocious crocodile [ 16] Gnral, the taryen chieftain
    [ 14] whitetip shark [ 2] Derillin Yu'tar
    [ 1] Nora the troll [ 27] young dwarven miner
    [ 6] heavily armoured warrior sylphid beetle
    [ 3] masked ogre [ 14] Grollum, the Sentinel
    [ 17] fearsome crocodile [ 10] corpulent rilma worm
    [ 64] bloodstained miner [ 6] Varenia, the Venomous
    [ 13] Mistandraxus, the flame drake [ 1] Karinda Talkar
    [ 2] Lord Taug [ 2] Turga, the ursu midwife
    [ 9] bedraggled Ashtani foot soldier [ 3] Vukub Ysin'zhu, the Ogre Baron
    [ 30] dishevelled dwarven miner [ 13] bloodthirsty jackdaw
    [ 6] slick-looking selkie [ 29] Malvoc, the unholy
    [ 5] creaking rust golem [ 33] sturdy knight
    [ 2] Gwyllion, the Swamp Crone [ 133] Xylthus the Outcast
    [ 7] goblin soldier [ 190] Quisalis overseer
    [ 28] blue-spotted stingray [ 3] weathered guard
    [ 1] Devon, a bow-legged pirate [ 2] undead minion
    [ 3] ogre captain [ 5] frost-mottled crab
    [ 147] cursed phantasm [ 11] lake fairy
    [ 1] Sethrin, the ore merchant [ 1] Kavan, the first mate
    [ 56] Maim de Vermiis [ 3] priest
    [ 19] rabid grizzly bear [ 1] soulmaster
    [ 22] Ulgase, the lich crone [ 1] frill-necked shaaf lizard
    [ 3] pillar of living fire [ 2] hammerhead shark
    [ 1329] wight [ 34] ogre bowman
    [ 16] Ohmut, the Vertan craftswoman [ 6] warrior termite
    [ 1] the Buckawn Lord [ 1] Thrud
    [ 1] Master Mascon [ 1] the Zombie Lord
    [ 1] young buckawn witchdoctor [ 1] Greybeard, an aged pirate
    [ 14] Eritrea, Handmaiden of Belladona
    [ 6] the beast in the crypt [ 3] whiptail stingray
    [ 25] hideous, writhing squid [ 3] the queen manticore
    [ 38] Katzynn Fireforge [ 1] massive varkha
    [ 15] Ephesia, Handmaiden of Belladona
    [ 4] mhun bodyguard [ 2] banana spider
    [ 35] Isiva, the Blood Maiden [ 3] Nanny Scoggs
    [ 55] slender snake [ 2] Yuroc, the Black Wing
    [ 1] Saunders, the prison warden [ 30] school of clownfish
    [ 1] mhun scholar [ 4] disgusting goblin
    [ 16] mhun knight [ 1] billon malagma
    [ 38] black sea bass [ 2] pregnant wyrm
    [ 4] Westriv Talkar [ 2] lava wyrm
    [ 1] Kosuira, the child sorceress [ 1] Delmar, a pirate with a peg-leg
    [ 414] mummy [ 12] Migri warrior
    [ 1] Brodie, a bawdy pirate [ 1] slugbeast
    [ 9] Byor, a Vertani youth [ 1] large hound
    [ 14] Minoria, handmaiden of Belladona
    [ 2] red jackal [ 169] small zombie
    [ 1] redfin tuna [ 23] blood-soaked dwarven miner
    [ 1] Rhoswen, a fairy merchant [ 16] menacing henchman
    [ 5] nervous acolyte [ 2] Clynalia, the Tiger
    [ 16] medium pulsating spider [ 1] wall of limbs
    [ 12] Naggamantex, the torturer [ 11] Daqsool, the Qoul of Tir Murann
    [ 4] Khovsgol, the Black [ 7] buckawn royal guard
    [ 86] ogre knight [ 1] enormous hound
    [ 2] Shale Ironrock [ 214] huge, ferocious manticore
    [ 6] dryad zombie [ 44] master assassin
    [ 47] worm [ 182] rotting zombie
    [ 5] fierce brigand [ 4] deadly vampiress
    [ 1] irate mountain goat [ 23] Qui'sas assassin
    [ 67] ogre sentry [ 49] chaos storm
    [ 1] Lachesis, the Spider Queen [ 29] mist-walker
    [ 20] dirt-encrusted miner [ 1] stinging maerthis
    [ 14] Smythe, the dwarven trainer [ 167] decaying lich
    [ 5] Grelda Stonefist [ 1] keen-eyed archer
    [ 1] red-scaled shaaf lizard [ 13] wide-eyed primate
    [ 1] female mage [ 3] ogre huntress
    [ 1] cloaked assassin [ 4] Rurnog, the Herpetologist
    [ 5] minor earth elemental [ 2] mhun miner
    [ 23] proud knight errant [ 6] silver spider
    [ 1] Favian, a towering bartender [ 13] Quel'zar, the Surgeon
    [ 5] Bartok Stonefist, Leader of the Blackfire clan
    [ 5] Penumbran fiend


  • and for the players:

    [ 1] Saeva [ 3] Cahin
    [ 1] Taerral [ 2] Micositu
    [ 1] Borran [ 1] Darknight
    [ 2] Elly [ 1] Greys
    [ 2] Dortheron [ 2] Jenny
    [ 4] Jacen [ 1] Cezil
    [ 1] Nizaris [ 5] Baatti
    [ 1] Shirszae [ 1] Trey
    [ 2] Sothantos [ 1] Arador
    [ 2] Vaehl [ 1] Aboli
    [ 2] Aerek [ 4] Terra
    [ 1] Mindry [ 1] Trasiva
    [ 6] Carbine [ 3] Roroan
    [ 1] Heronimus [ 9] Eld
    [ 3] Lianca [ 1] Ivaldir
    [ 6] Earionduil [ 7] Alim
    [ 7] Zeon [ 1] Indaba
    [ 4] Mizik [ 1] Edris
    [ 2] Carmain [ 1] Garis
    [ 1] Shanyra [ 1] Micaelis
    [ 2] Tesla [ 1] Bambizlo
    [ 2] Jarrel [ 3] Vicious
    [ 1] Senoske [ 2] Musashi
    [ 4] Huyen [ 2] Lilian
    [ 1] Cidusii [ 1] Payne
    [ 1] Crythril [ 1] Achilles
    [ 1] Invictus [ 1] Garatar
    [ 2] Xith [ 1] Quinton
    [ 1] Tyndaryn [ 1] Dodder
    [ 1] Tyur [ 2] Chapel
    [ 2] Extrum [ 1] Mephaos
    [ 5] Zephyros [ 2] Kendrick
    [ 3] Dontarion [ 2] Xer
    [ 3] Valynard [ 1] Thiev
    [ 2] Nim [ 21] Tanris
    [ 2] Lyndee [ 1] Arabeth
    [ 1] Sohl [ 2] Nadria
    [ 1] Pontus [ 4] Kross
    [ 2] Gyrth [ 1] Kazuko
    [ 4] Hirst [ 1] Deladan
    [ 4] Avianca [ 1] Falx
    [ 5] Nemutaur [ 1] Kresslack
    [ 2] Vadimuses [ 1] Servanda
    [ 1] yourself [ 1] Jurixe
    [ 2] Rom [ 2] Wessux
    [ 1] Darroth [ 2] Daslin
    [ 1] Ruth [ 1] Marina
    [ 1] Thaumas [ 5] Mako
    [ 1] Mannoase [ 4] Hasar
    [ 1] Jovolo [ 1] Nicia
    [ 1] Tyrean [ 2] Qwindor
    [ 2] Katzchen [ 4] Vayne
    [ 5] Texel [ 1] Daitya
    [ 2] Azuhi [ 2] Nat
    [ 1] Narcos [ 1] Alcinae
    [ 2] Jarrod [ 4] Andraste
    [ 1] Dragonknight [ 1] Caladbolg
    [ 4] Strata [ 1] Cef
    [ 1] Laras [ 1] Karai
    [ 7] Jhui [ 1] Zandre
    [ 6] Dunn [ 1] Malifuus
    [ 2] Yiwen [ 3] Proficy
    [ 1] Pazael [ 6] Tzond
    [ 1] Saibel [ 1] Amaru
    [ 3] Aepas [ 1] Mycen
    [ 1] Tirac [ 3] Akia
    [ 2] Hawek [ 11] Hhaos
    [ 1] Lycaon

  • edited December 2013
    :O When did you kill Saeva and I? Does it include arena kills?
  • Here is my list from about level 85 onwards (I think) 1/3

    Denizens: 45887
    [ 14] Brok, the Blackfire shaman [ 2] proud Chaghut stallion
    [ 2] Daerlain, an elderly noblewoman [ 7] Unsidhe Banshee
    [ 21] Commander Kalesh [ 345] juvenile Sileg
    [ 15] Santhrar, a young prince [ 1] burly troll guard
    [ 21] Zen'fi Haar'chen [ 19] the Great Mhunna
    [ 87] bloodthirsty jackdaw [ 258] Quisalis sentry
    [ 2] winged worker sylphid beetle [ 1] drowsy fisherman
    [ 3] studious Tsol'dasi man [ 8] barnacle encrusted oyster
    [ 52] azure koparfish [ 4] deadly rattlesnake
    [ 45] Jaaran, Tsol'aa guard [ 167] mhun guard
    [ 3] Pichi [ 88] Dregun, Keeper of the Nursery
    [ 10] vampire [ 28] baby rat
    [ 6] blue-plated sand crab [ 3] Battle Captain Miingruan
    [ 33] drunken Vertani [ 46] Patriarch Deniar
    [ 275] rope lichen [ 533] adult Sileg
    [ 1] Taralis, the Dyissan Queen [ 196] mhun bodyguard
    [ 17] Iayh, a mage of House Feranki [ 11] water leech
    [ 10] peacock bass [ 47] Saphia
    [ 2] village woman [ 18] Ghaser, the Vertani cook
    [ 17] stealthy hunter [ 30] bighorn sheep
    [ 8] slope-backed hyena [ 37] Kallion, the adolescent
    [ 26] Sir Temelin, Knight Commander of Moghedu
    [ 6] Swordmaster Colbey [ 1] two-headed fish
    [ 2] Elhellond, the Preceptor [ 48] Stlerin, the guard
    [ 3] centaur colt [ 40] Commander Farista Errikale
    [ 27] stern monk [ 477] orc guard
    [ 1] burly villager [ 28] Mistress Livastra
    [ 1] apathetic gnoll sentinel [ 1] Lythlyss, the Nelbennir warder
    [ 2] hardy jarbo [ 1] Bayar, a wizened herdsman
    [ 62] Cathay [ 213] young monk
    [ 96] swarm of mosquitoes [ 38] Anaari, the lyricist
    [ 30] warthog [ 2] weretigress
    [ 2] russel's viper [ 46] Patriarch Grethan
    [ 2] tin lizard [ 27] wyrm whelp
    [ 56] Alsilan, the condemned [ 249] alert watchman
    [ 3] blue heron [ 42] Kassan, the healer
    [ 27] mist wraith [ 77] multi-headed water hydra
    [ 24] Jadorno, a cloaked nobleman [ 58] Lican, a mad occultist
    [ 27] Alduril, the head ranger [ 2] Yenien
    [ 46] Selaana, the Tsol'aa adventuress
    [ 12] Dyissan warrior [ 8] enormous cave bat
    [ 3] hulking geryas [ 20] Kimitia, a Quisalis apprentice
    [ 3] large bainligor [ 2] fell werewolf cub
    [ 3] crazed kelpie [ 128] House Tsez air mage
    [ 2] mhun scout [ 28] spearhead shark
    [ 8] fairy mistress [ 343] fortress guardsman
    [ 169] tentacled polyp [ 1] Rhuhu
    [ 198] mhun miner [ 37] giant anglerfish
    [ 3] Tremayn, the forager of the Tsol'aa
    [ 25] Westriv Talkar [ 2] elder centaur priestess
    [ 56] putrid green crab [ 224] Dralhuan woman
    [ 74] serpentine tssalo [ 3] Chaghut warrior
    [ 1] the Vultubus [ 21] Khurthia, Sword Ascendant
    [ 6] Nelbennir elder [ 25] young rat
    [ 12] Orillan man [ 3] hammerhead shark
    [ 187] Qui'sas hunter [ 1] Damek, Feranki Magelord
    [ 4] Ayod'nai, Whisperer of the All [ 6] mhun architect
    [ 61] Arksaw [ 4] austere Tsol'dasi woman
    [ 1] marsh ooze [ 35] Qurnok warrior
    [ 316] off-duty prison guard [ 96] wraith
    [ 23] Dynas, the gour trainer [ 1] Lailya
    [ 28] huge, writhing serpent [ 45] energetic young boy
    [ 2] vicious wolverine [ 58] school of clownfish
    [ 41] Tu'eras, the Tsol'aa King [ 146] giant puffball
    [ 2] mhun conjuror [ 229] Quisalis assassin
    [ 4] hunter of the Dralhu [ 1] large fire eel
    [ 1] Cleric Lorlek [ 1] Chefer, the apprentice herdsman
    [ 1] Noyan Tokhta [ 11] ogre cook
    [ 1] one-eyed freshwater alligator [ 12] giant scorpion
    [ 13] Rakwor, the Vertani Barkeep [ 8] red jackal
    [ 3] disfigured ogre [ 1] Cleric Amidror
    [ 32] undead minion [ 1] Kren
    [ 11] long, horned snake [ 18] Balam Agab, the ogre archmage
    [ 517] Initiate of the Mark [ 2] snowshoe hare
    [ 62] Gerda [ 42] elderly apothecary
    [ 1] Kimitia, a Quisalis Assassin [ 16] fell werewolf
    [ 109] vicious dulosi majorus [ 12] Xylthus the Outcast
    [ 48] Celaabi, the Tsol'aa Queen Mother
    [ 19] orc sergeant [ 518] proud ducal guard
    [ 9] large black scorpion [ 1] the ghost of a drowned sailor
    [ 66] stocky dwarf foreman [ 3] spotted pernicon
    [ 44] Overseer Breoln [ 1] Thaipan, master serpent
    [ 19] Vukub Ysin'zhu, the Ogre Baron [ 42] dishevelled dwarven miner
    [ 21] Vargalast Megurun, Revered Counsellor
    [ 6] Moghedu blacksmith [ 4] horned viper
    [ 107] aggressive dulosi minorus [ 72] Emmith, a sullen blacksmith
    [ 24] Hethern Silwenil, Revered Counsellor
    [ 22] scimitar-wielding Vertani soldier
    [ 30] ancient tsol'aa [ 90] Girda, Ritualist of the Sileg
    [ 1] playful Chaghut girl [ 13] ogre captain
    [ 8] goblin soldier [ 61] hideous, writhing squid
    [ 1] magnificent elk [ 1] buckawn swordsman
    [ 1] ragged orc child [ 132] anglerfish
    [ 845] dishevelled young squire [ 74] elder Qui'sas
    [ 1] pale, four-fin ray [ 549] proud knight errant
    [ 2] blackfin shark [ 162] yellow scorpion
    [ 1] Sanass, the Chosen [ 7] fierce black panther
    [ 2] scruffy brigand [ 1] young heron
    [ 1] school of red-bellied piranha [ 2] mountain drake
    [ 280] creaking rust golem [ 64] Golderon
    [ 396] howling blood mastiff [ 1] fell shewolf
    [ 92] Firad, the Sileg Chieftain [ 4] Yaima
    [ 58] Commander Malrian Kyra [ 62] translucent jellyfish
    [ 23] the mhun Captain of the Guard [ 42] Caletar the Collector
    [ 2] Huenu [ 62] water buffalo
    [ 2] lost knight errant [ 46] Eraon, the armourer
    [ 2] millstone fish [ 6] Bennett, a forlorn paladin
    [ 14] Nevon Talkar [ 338] giant quartz beetle
    [ 269] bioluminescent ooze [ 2] Josen Relso, a Dralhuan tracker
    [ 1] Jahalen, Master of Sparrow's Rest
    [ 1] Vre, the hermit [ 244] decaying zombie
    [ 4] the beast in the crypt [ 20] crimson angler
    [ 1] Cleric Gaurav [ 88] enormous anaconda
    [ 4] Mhunk, an inattentive mhun miner
    [ 10] pregnant wyrm [ 24] vomiting miner
    [ 86] mhun warrior [ 4] Tsol'dasi villager
    [ 3] orc woman [ 508] crazed prison guard
    [ 34] school of vicious piranha [ 30] Duke Semiro
    [ 7] whitetip shark [ 16] Isiva, the Blood Maiden
    [ 38] mud urchin [ 26] Qiland
    [ 12] heavily armoured warrior sylphid beetle
    [ 1] monstrous gamling spider [ 13] Rohase, Captain of the Guard
    [ 71] Bertha the troll [ 104] cheerfully shrieking little boy
    [ 1] Qatun Conchatka [ 21] huge, ferocious crocodile
    [ 2] orc bodyguard [ 1] Atagar, the Canter
    [ 1] Hernan [ 1] Gothmog, the orc witch doctor
    [ 314] knight of the King's Guard [ 812] sturdy knight
    [ 317] bedraggled Ashtani foot soldier [ 2] hooded Tsol'dasi villager
    [ 3] Maal'ryn Asgarai, Outrider Ascendant
    [ 43] mhun demolitionist [ 16] High Priest Asdath
    [ 1] Malvoc, the unholy [ 63] blue-spotted stingray
    [ 17] Ohmut, the Vertan craftswoman [ 1] Vema
    [ 109] Quisalis guard [ 2] scrub fox
    [ 3] weathered guard [ 323] massive jade spider
    [ 18] slender white fish [ 11] Breana Ironhammer
    [ 9] long-legged monkey frog [ 4] massive gohlbrorn
    [ 225] Dralhuan man [ 94] shaggy buffalo
    [ 1346] orc soldier [ 27] delirious miner
    [ 17] priest [ 72] rabid grizzly bear
    [ 3] mountain grizzly [ 14] Ulgase, the lich crone
    [ 65] master mhun miner [ 111] disfigured ram
    [ 2] giant sandworm [ 476] lost spirit
    [ 205] ogre bowman [ 2] Nehuen
    [ 4] Roglash, a troll shaman [ 8] scraggly dingo
    [ 6] forest basilisk [ 63] shady-looking man
    [ 1] the monstrosity Khulhedra [ 2] whiptail stingray
    [ 63] large bull shark [ 337] aged Sileg
    [ 8] Tsui'zhir, Whisper Ascendant [ 70] disgruntled salt miner
    [ 1494] knight of the Siroccian Order [ 43] transparent cahno
    [ 5] Katzynn Fireforge [ 7] fairy Knight of Sidhe
    [ 74] cursed phantasm [ 10] gargantuan orbweaver
    [ 230] sword spider outrider [ 38] mhun guard trainee
    [ 802] plated fernbeast [ 3] slender snake
    [ 80] reedy green buom [ 1] old villager
    [ 25] Master Jotbla [ 55] Saunders, the prison warden
    [ 112] Quisalis overseer [ 44] dirty blond-haired trainee
    [ 107] Qui'sas assassin [ 5] foul-smelling orc
    [ 29] Sir Mertyn, Knight of Moghedu [ 496] mhun knight
    [ 44] brown-haired trainee [ 544] ogre knight
    [ 1] Toregene, the seamstress [ 2] young Chaghut mother
    [ 28] Davkas [ 170] hearty yak
    [ 1] Vaschel, the High Cleric [ 3] Byor, a Vertani youth
    [ 22] Avathar'an, the King of Istarion
    [ 5] cloaked assassin [ 6] adult devotee
    [ 5] Dakrol, the Swiftblade [ 21] rat
    [ 21] swift alurabim [ 57] thornback frog
    [ 59] screaming head [ 34] nervous acolyte
    [ 4] female ape [ 1] peppermint stripefish
    [ 114] wall of limbs [ 14] old rat
    [ 11] Orillan woman [ 1] dignified Chaghut mare
    [ 1] ivory bloomshell turtle [ 22] plague rat
    [ 5] man-eating shark [ 193] humble monk
    [ 218] goblin zombie [ 1] Drusalor, a solemn old forestal
    [ 3] ravenous vulture [ 94] massive gour
    [ 20] Xulu, an orc witchdoctor [ 16] orc captain
    [ 74] battered Ashtani lieutenant [ 4] irate mountain goat
    [ 44] Winre, the bird keeper [ 67] enormous gulper eel
    [ 9] mottled green aratha [ 1] mounted Chaghut scout
    [ 1] Gorblatt, the orc chieftain [ 1] goblin miner
    [ 35] fire wyrm [ 11] clouded leopard
    [ 65] decaying lich [ 21] Fomori of Unsidhe
    [ 3024] keen-eyed archer [ 21] ancient wyrm
    [ 5] wide-eyed primate [ 62] black sea bass
    [ 1] mhun worker [ 112] mhun labourer
    [ 6] Rurnog, the Herpetologist [ 20] stealthy huntress
    [ 9] Shale Ironrock [ 5] grey-haired Tsol'dasi
    [ 277] pulsing artery [ 230] whisper spider outrider
    [ 8] Aldroga, the Dendrologist [ 3] Qurnok woman
    [ 6] the mhun cook
    Achieved dragon on the 13th of Aeguary, 634 - aged 21 and 1 month and 21 days.

    Elder dragon on the 6th of Chronos 635 - aged 22 and 8 months and 14 days.
  • 2/3

    [ 1] Oyon Nekhiig [ 34] spinorthos
    [ 46] Ta'hena, the Tsol'aa sage [ 38] masked ogre
    [ 41] disgusting goblin [ 1055] prison miner
    [ 2] slender fox [ 114] Halohan, a humble cleric
    [ 1] magnificent hornbill [ 25] Kosuira, the child sorceress
    [ 198] Migri warrior [ 2] small red crab
    [ 2] redfin tuna [ 8] Clynalia, the Tiger
    [ 4] eight-legged aspis [ 32] Duchess Alorina
    [ 163] filthy rat [ 43] Thaa'lis, the elder druid
    [ 44] Keleyn, Tsol'aa guard [ 46] Matriarch Trisa
    [ 137] bearded cook [ 3] master mhun demolitionist
    [ 6] black rat [ 37] dirt-encrusted miner
    [ 4] dream horror [ 33] Begath, the Migri mage
    [ 1] sturdy yak [ 692] Ulsyndar guard
    [ 28] giant water strider [ 103] cheerfully playing little boy
    [ 34] mummy [ 434] Tsol'aa ranger
    [ 1] Patri, a village elder [ 20] giant mud beetle
    [ 21] Sariontari, Queen of Istarion [ 100] drunk orc
    [ 1] Eriduc, a stout druid [ 506] berserk prisoner
    [ 1] Tsol'dasi boy [ 46] domesticated water buffalo
    [ 4] Lilen [ 36] Tsuane, the fletcher
    [ 59] Anwell, commander of the prison guard
    [ 5] sneaky bandit [ 2] small grey-brown rattlesnake
    [ 1] Kloreme, Witch of the Southern Swamps
    [ 4] Suyai [ 1] mineral leech
    [ 69] alert dwarven guard [ 525] Vertani guard
    [ 34] blood-soaked dwarven miner [ 20] Shantuir, Watch Ascendant
    [ 23] adolescent miner [ 39] crocodile
    [ 90] Mokgrin, the fernbeast herder [ 1] Malsaur, the brigand chief
    [ 18] bleeding salt water cod [ 13] injured miner
    [ 5] joyful Tsol'dasi villager [ 1] great white stag
    [ 9] priestess of Life [ 27] Yuroc, the Black Wing
    [ 64] Anttan, the mess cook [ 1] Triapa
    [ 17] Vewig, the Magelord of House Tsez
    [ 32] Dakk, leader of the Migri [ 140] revolting ghoul
    [ 19] Dalendra Asgarai, Revered Counsellor
    [ 26] alligator [ 2] hobgoblin warrior
    [ 1] mhun archer [ 40] Tsellias the Tsol'aa alchemist
    [ 43] Ta'lissu, the tattoo artist [ 2] massive brown boar
    [ 23] lost soul [ 47] Zeuris, the Tsol'aa baker
    [ 120] the fortress steward [ 33] Ciglo, the historian
    [ 553] sinister glubber [ 3] fairy Lady of Sidhe
    [ 1] Glynyss, the Nelbennir Stock-keeper
    [ 3] young worshipper [ 260] rockhide basilisk
    [ 213] shambling zombie [ 61] ghast
    [ 9] huge, ferocious manticore [ 4] rotund prison guard
    [ 9] grey-scaled roopimaya [ 2] mhun smelter
    [ 26] convulsing miner [ 5] Nelbennir alchemist
    [ 1] colossal, hulking ghoul [ 15] Thraken, the Bloodstone shaman
    [ 42] hulking hobgoblin [ 19] orc cook
    [ 2] squat scrag [ 159] ice hellion
    [ 12] Daqsool, the Qoul of Tir Murann [ 36] Marna
    [ 23] Sindrastar Nerrinth, the High Counsellor
    [ 61] Hathold [ 39] Tsalinas, the weaver
    [ 26] swamp dryad [ 16] Rakrr, the Vertani swordsmaster
    [ 3] Samial, a sleek Rajamala [ 11] Grelda Stonefist
    [ 170] Qurnok guard [ 2] grizzly bear
    [ 94] the Captain of the Guard [ 5] massive jellyfish
    [ 31] bunyip [ 6] Lieutenant Serentesh
    [ 16] Cervantha, the Caretaker [ 11] Nelbennir dart-thrower
    [ 106] rugged buffalo [ 2] bat-eared fox
    [ 7] Captain Korlosh [ 231] orc archer
    [ 421] elite mhun keeper [ 6] goblin sergeant
    [ 8] fierce brigand [ 6] fearsome lion
    [ 1] Ulra, the speaker of Luman Village
    [ 1] extravagantly dressed Tsol'dasi woman
    [ 97] minor earth elemental [ 248] watch spider outrider
    [ 11] Grandmaster Kevadrin [ 110] energetic red turtle
    [ 6] wild centaur [ 15] muscular mountain lion
    [ 36] vicious water moccasin [ 26] mud crab
    [ 55] injured knight [ 17] giant red scorpion
    [ 51] trained war vulture [ 6] Nelbennir scout
    [ 4] Glath Ironhammer, Leader of the Bloodstone clan
    [ 157] wight [ 171] crystal georith
    [ 176] cheerfully shrieking little girl
    [ 17] Ver'osy, the Vertani priestess [ 92] Dralhuan guard
    [ 1] adolescent mhun [ 3] the Wyrm Lord
    [ 6] Ulvna, the witch of Qurnok [ 46] frightened young squire
    [ 70] brilliantly coloured sea anemone
    [ 6] Bartok Stonefist, Leader of the Blackfire clan
    [ 2] ethereal spirit wolf [ 41] young dwarven miner
    [ 177] master assassin [ 165] savage morsuleus
    [ 1] coelacanth [ 11] House Feranki mage
    [ 464] ogre sentry [ 33] dwarven priest
    [ 12] silver spider [ 1] Aiski Kokachin
    [ 59] Knight Commander Lord Ethran Rani
    [ 132] diligent monk [ 23] Varenia, the Venomous
    [ 2] mounted archer [ 66] multicoloured boa constrictor
    [ 3] large treesnake [ 4776] stout footsoldier
    [ 2] Chancellor Ashem [ 210] malevolent echo
    [ 1] pirate lass [ 1] Hul'fro, a towering ogre
    [ 518] ghost bat [ 1] goblin foreman
    [ 82] bloodstained miner [ 79] giant leech
    [ 3] manticore hatchling [ 45] goblin ghoul
    [ 1] hideaway nautilus [ 56] vicious swarm of acacidic ants
    [ 212] pair of grasping hands [ 1] mysterious cloaked figure
    [ 1] Thrakma, the butcher [ 1] herd of hippocampi
    Achieved dragon on the 13th of Aeguary, 634 - aged 21 and 1 month and 21 days.

    Elder dragon on the 6th of Chronos 635 - aged 22 and 8 months and 14 days.
  • 3/3

    By: 128
    [ 3] Hasar [ 5] Antidas
    [ 3] Achilles [ 1] Ellodin
    [ 1] sturdy knight [ 1] Marv
    [ 1] Jinsun [ 1] Alrena
    [ 2] Natliya [ 2] Xer
    [ 1] Prydwyn [ 1] Ulgase, the lich crone
    [ 2] Kaydence [ 1] Tesha
    [ 1] Sothantos [ 1] Quisalis assassin
    [ 1] Draekar [ 1] Marna
    [ 3] Caladbolg [ 2] Kross
    [ 1] Seragorn [ 1] ghost bat
    [ 1] Hirst [ 1] Goggo
    [ 1] Nemutaur [ 2] Terav
    [ 1] Havyn [ 2] Mako
    [ 1] Kaden [ 1] Yuroc, the Black Wing
    [ 1] Dakrol, the Swiftblade [ 1] Rom
    [ 1] Lennea [ 1] Austere
    [ 1] Marina [ 4] Iocun
    [ 12] exsanguination [ 2] Platonus
    [ 1] whisper spider [ 2] Mazirak
    [ 2] Narcos [ 1] Mithridates
    [ 3] Aelios [ 1] Grandmaster Kevadrin
    [ 1] orc soldier [ 1] Carmell
    [ 1] Micaelis [ 1] battered Ashtani lieutenant
    [ 1] dishevelled young squire [ 1] Seftin
    [ 1] decaying zombie [ 1] Silas
    [ 3] Strata [ 1] Aleksandra
    [ 1] dirt-encrusted miner [ 2] Exelethril
    [ 2] Jhui [ 1] injured knight
    [ 2] Josoul [ 1] Dunn
    [ 2] proud ducal guard [ 2] infernal wraith
    [ 1] Iakimen [ 1] Brighthold watchman
    [ 2] Vertani guard [ 2] Aisling
    [ 1] Mistress Livastra [ 2] sinister glubber
    [ 2] Knight Commander Lord Ethran Rani
    [ 1] master assassin [ 1] Halos
    [ 8] Santar [ 1] stout footsoldier
    [ 2] Jarrus

    You have slain:
    Players: 139
    [ 1] Clara [ 5] Achilles
    [ 3] Aleksandra [ 1] Siduri
    [ 1] Micositu [ 1] Aelfgar
    [ 1] Logistics [ 5] Mosr
    [ 6] Alrena [ 3] Natliya
    [ 1] Prydwyn [ 3] Caturo
    [ 1] Sunny [ 3] Kaydence
    [ 2] Tesha [ 8] Sothantos
    [ 2] Lorath [ 1] Eril
    [ 1] Draekar [ 2] Caladbolg
    [ 1] Tyreign [ 2] Aelios
    [ 1] Adison [ 3] Terra
    [ 3] Hassan [ 2] Strata
    [ 1] Terav [ 3] Mako
    [ 1] Kaden [ 1] Balkin
    [ 1] Ahmet [ 3] Dhaia
    [ 1] Lennea [ 3] Dalran
    [ 1] Turoi [ 1] Zuko
    [ 1] Anura [ 1] Iocun
    [ 1] Kafziel [ 1] Arkailus
    [ 2] Platonus [ 5] Mazirak
    [ 1] Narcos [ 2] Kuy
    [ 1] Nimala [ 3] Jarrus
    [ 4] Carmell [ 2] Micaelis
    [ 2] Davio [ 1] Mithridates
    [ 1] Gamoneterik [ 1] Gyrth
    [ 1] Antonius [ 1] Corr
    [ 1] Josoul [ 1] Cyla
    [ 1] Isia [ 1] Yiwen
    [ 1] Ilarin [ 2] Dortheron
    [ 2] Jonesey [ 1] Klendathu
    [ 1] Lois [ 1] Vicious
    [ 2] Garis [ 1] Ningoh
    [ 1] Fendrel [ 1] Marwhan
    [ 2] Atalkez [ 1] Sneijder
    [ 1] Daslin [ 4] Kross
    [ 2] Rip [ 1] Kardal
    [ 1] Lycaon
    Achieved dragon on the 13th of Aeguary, 634 - aged 21 and 1 month and 21 days.

    Elder dragon on the 6th of Chronos 635 - aged 22 and 8 months and 14 days.
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