Memorable quotes



  • Blah blah blah.

    Move on people. I thought I was about to read 2 new pages of funny quotes, not e-peen fighting.
  • I tried to derail the unnecessary e-honour defense.

    Tried and failed.

    I have failed you for the last time, @Jhui. I offer you my life.

  • Cooper said:

    But you should at least have some sort of RP reason to back it, even if it's as small as 'you're an enemy of my city', and don't abuse the open pk by trying to gank people over and over and over and just bringing more people when you fail.
    This, so much. If you can't do it by yourself, seriously, don't just keep bringing more people in. Either you can, or you can't. If you can't, just give it up! Specially if it's a flimsy ass excuse like infamy, mark, or open pk area.
  • @Cathy

    Having fun and attacking people in the open PK areas is fine, really. Those areas are meant to be dangerous. Your gank with Strata on me was his 4th attempt at backstabbing me in the last 2 days, and the second time he brought another person with him because he knew he couldn't do it alone. When I brought up to Strata that he'd already tried that multiple times on me and it hadn't worked, he couldn't even remember that he had done it before to me, which shows that there's absolutely no thought behind what he's doing other than 'Hey let's try to kill person X to piss them off', which isn't how it should be.

    Like with Jinsun and Santar, there's no talk before or after, no rp behind it, nothing other than going down to the UW with his veil and gem and trying to make whoever he sees die.

  • I make a point to only jump solo unless a team gank is warranted for extenuating circumstances, and even then I usually go for the solo jump.

    I feel like you need less rationale for jumping someone solo than teaming them, and even less rationale for solo jumping someone when they have a group or are in their city. So if I had a minor reason to kill you, I'll probably attack you in some way that doesn't seem too unfair.


  • If you don't want to be attacked, don't bash UW. Either you can, or you can't. Exelithril couldn't. Maybe he should get around more, UW is so 2008.
  • edited December 2013
    Cooper said:
    ~~ stuff ~~
    If it was about causing misery, we'd have just brought a vamp to you. All this stuff is about having fun (for me at the very least), sharing in experiences with @Strata (Cathy's fiance), practicing various arts of serpentry (because I'm very much still learning about them all!) etc. etc. 

    Just because some people do it to make people rage, doesn't mean that is the only reason it happens.

    (edit to add: I misread a bit of your point, so you can ignore this, but it's still relevant, since I'm not just going OMGKILLDISAPPEAROMGNOCONSEQUENCES) 

    As to no contact afterwards - I have contacted almost everyone I fight, and I have definitely not ignored any contact from people.

    Achieved dragon on the 13th of Aeguary, 634 - aged 21 and 1 month and 21 days.

    Elder dragon on the 6th of Chronos 635 - aged 22 and 8 months and 14 days.
  • StrataStrata United States of Derp
    We talked a little on the clouds, @Cooper. Where you asked why, and I tried to explain my viewpoint on things. Then you said when you get back into fighting, I should probably watch my back. Followed by you promptly returning to Targossas (why? Because you thought I would just start attacking you for "threatening" me?)
    The next day (and this is unrelated but somewhat relevant), I went down to the humgii track and small talked with Platonus while he watched the race, followed by me saying "And you're Infamous!" - at which point he shrugged at me, Duanathar'd right the hell back to Targ and QQ'd shortly thereafter. Would it have been more appropriate to just solo-gank him and if he asked why just respond with "LOL INFAMOUS LOL"? Or are more legit reasons such as, is a city enemy, is infamous, killed one of my pets, ignored for the sake of forum drama? :P
    Is there some unspoken code of conduct I missed? Am I supposed to bring some cigars and cupcakes and say "Hey [insert infamous/mark/enemy person], would you like to commence epic battle?" for it to be considered acceptable in a realm where (nowadays) many people have mass travel and/or veils?
  • Was 2v3 yday, yo. Good times!

  • It was a 2 vs 1, Alrena and Elianon were hunting by themselves.

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  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    Since when does backstab not do a lot of damage?
  • edited December 2013
    Vayne said:
    Since when does backstab not do a lot of damage?
    You know, I also only took that from that log. The guy got stabbed, dagger plunged full into the back, and I think the most he did was twitch :/.

    Achaean greens doing their job.
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    He's a rune-Dragon plus based off his max health I'm 99% sure he had a TF (or he's now super artied)
  • @Strata - I don't know where you get the returning to Targossas bit from. I've stepped foot in Targossas I think 5 times in the last two weeks. Once to try to radiance Cathy, once to give Santar some corpses, and a few times to shop. After we talked on clouds I went to Annwyn and then continued my DK/Unsidhe/Sidhe/Kelpie/sleep loop.

    Not gonna discuss more than that on the forums, but I think you realize what you said here isn't the most accurate representation of how things went.

    @Cathy - Most of the vampires would be easier to get away from than double backstab/double snipe. And the ones that aren't you're going to die to before you get them to me anyway. :P

  • Ooooo. Potential for new discussions! Promisse i'll be nice.
  • Oh it is so cute when idiots try to use "You are supposed to be honourable" to take advantage.

    My honour is in how I conduct myself when initiating aggression against you, such a challenging you formally or fighting on fair terms when challenged. If you are a dick who jumps me and taunts me or shows the incredibly special lack of mental worth to cry on the forums because I do not allow you to abuse my honour to get the upper hand, you lose that privilege.

    Honour is only shown to those who are worthy of it. If you expect a Knight to fight honourably, you have to do the same.

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