I want to say 1%. Also it is capped at 10 lessons per serenade.
Isn't it 10 per student per serenade? I think I've gotten more than 10, because they came from more than one person learning a lot of lessons. I could be mistaken.
I don't think this is true, or if it is it's not nearly as large an effect. Just ran through Ageiro twice to test it, got half as much xp the second time as the first, but slightly more gold.
I usually lose .3% on true deaths, .1% on burst. Denizen deaths always count as true death.
Yeah, that's about what I'm used to. I generally figure a bit less than .3%, since it's sometimes .3, sometimes .2, depending on how close I am to the next .1%. Which is why the .4% was startling.
It used to be based on 1.25% of your total experience, with a cap. It was then halved for starburst, and increased by two thirds for heartstop. Things may be different now, though.
Maybe they added the xp modifications for longer alive-times to players too, now! The longer someone hasn't been killed, the more xp he's worth and the more xp he'll lose upon dying.
Last time I tested it (after the most recent announced changes to experience loss, though there may have been unannounced changes), the loss was 1.3% on death, capped at 1,750,000 (with the old experience numbers at least, still not sure how exactly they've changed). Then the mana loss tick every 20 seconds as a soul drained another 0.13% if you're out of mana (not sure what it is with the Death's Boon trait).
Should I ask what people have gotten from this promotion here, or make a thread? I am curious if I should buy a few hundred credits now (like if I can get eagle's wings!) or wait for the next sale or something. Lucky types of promotions are rather intimidating - gambling is fun with text-gold, but I am more careful with real money.
Should I ask what people have gotten from this promotion here, or make a thread? I am curious if I should buy a few hundred credits now (like if I can get eagle's wings!) or wait for the next sale or something. Lucky types of promotions are rather intimidating - gambling is fun with text-gold, but I am more careful with real money.
If you're looking to poll people about something like that, probably best to make a separate thread.
I buy credits pretty much every month but depending if there's extras, I sometimes buy on my alts instead.
Vials from a giftbag promo usually last until the next one. It's convenient.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
Is there any way, other than killing the monk, to stop Deliverance between it being initiated and actually being active (in that 3 second window)?
Hiroma tells you, "I just got to listen to someone complain about your deadly axekick being the bane of their existence." Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk." Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
Any kind of force commands - Devotion, telepathy, etc - can work. I generally try to make them sit.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
@Tesha: I got about 90k gold, a load of vials, a load of sigils, and a single pocketbelt with some inks and cloth in it from 11 giftbags, so massively underwhelming. My luck tends to be significantly worse than other people's though.
That noob Agravain bought 200 credits. He pulled like 50k and then wings but then traded them in and bought a bunch of artie valerian pipes because I called him ugly.
Players have almost no way of finding out how afflictions are called internally. Expert diagnoser with trial and error is perhaps the only way, and even then we can't say for sure if those names are the "real" internal names, or just used for expert diagnoser.
Players have almost no way of finding out how afflictions are called internally. Expert diagnoser with trial and error is perhaps the only way, and even then we can't say for sure if those names are the "real" internal names, or just used for expert diagnoser.
I was mostly asking so I could know what to refer to it as for expert diagnoser. Nothing I tried worked.
I was also curious about the expert diagnoser names for the various peace/pacifism afflictions. I'm guessing hypnosis pacifism and anything else that diagnoses as "feeling unnaturally tranquil." are "peace", while the ones that diagnose as "pacified." are "pacified", but I'm not sure (and I couldn't check hypnosis pacifism because expert diagnoser is an aggressive action).
(Expert diagnoser also not only works by use of the "real" name. Several afflictions can be checked in several forms. E.g. both "relapsing" and "scytherus" work, both "blind" and "blindness" work, both "sleeping" and "asleep", and so on. Since "selarnia" doesn't work, I thus even slightly suspect selarnia might not be discoverable with expert diagnoser at all.)
Players have almost no way of finding out how afflictions are called internally. Expert diagnoser with trial and error is perhaps the only way, and even then we can't say for sure if those names are the "real" internal names, or just used for expert diagnoser.
I was mostly asking so I could know what to refer to it as for expert diagnoser. Nothing I tried worked.
I was also curious about the expert diagnoser names for the various peace/pacifism afflictions. I'm guessing hypnosis pacifism and anything else that diagnoses as "feeling unnaturally tranquil." are "peace", while the ones that diagnose as "pacified." are "pacified", but I'm not sure (and I couldn't check hypnosis pacifism because expert diagnoser is an aggressive action).
I think you have the diagnose lines backwards, there: "pacified" is peace, and "feeling unnaturally tranquil" is pacifism. Are both of those removed by aggressive actions? If so, then it doesn't matter which is which, as you won't be able to diagnose either. You can separate them into two categories based on whether they're focusable or not, but I can't think of a way to figure out which one corresponds to which name internally. Seems reasonable to guess that the one given by devo/curses peace is peace, and the one given by hypnosis pacifism and telepathy pacify is pacifism, as most people seem to name them.
Another completely non-related subject to diagnosing!
When forestals use metamorphosis and absorb their 'spirit' of the said animal. Do they gain parts of the animal? Like, when a Dwarf takes on an eagle morph (or whatever can fly) does he grow wings and flies? I'm just confused if they are simply gaining the powers and look completely the same..
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
→My Mudlet Scripts
Vials from a giftbag promo usually last until the next one. It's convenient.
Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk."
Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
mind command wark
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Such a waste.
→My Mudlet Scripts
I was also curious about the expert diagnoser names for the various peace/pacifism afflictions. I'm guessing hypnosis pacifism and anything else that diagnoses as "feeling unnaturally tranquil." are "peace", while the ones that diagnose as "pacified." are "pacified", but I'm not sure (and I couldn't check hypnosis pacifism because expert diagnoser is an aggressive action).
→My Mudlet Scripts
When forestals use metamorphosis and absorb their 'spirit' of the said animal. Do they gain parts of the animal?
Like, when a Dwarf takes on an eagle morph (or whatever can fly) does he grow wings and flies?
I'm just confused if they are simply gaining the powers and look completely the same..