Quick Questions



  • How do you make money again? :|
  • ratting, fishing, questing, hunting, pickpocketing

  • Gaaaaaambling.
  • SherazadSherazad Planef Urth
    edited March 2013
    Vaehl said:
    Gaaaaaambling is how I lose money. D:
    Bleh, work ate my gaming life.
    내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1

  • Anaidiana said:
    ratting, fishing, questing, hunting, pickpocketing

  • Have 1000-ish credits, what do?

    I have: eagle wings, buckawns amulet, level 2 sip ring, level 2 bracelet, level 2 girdle, level 1 gauntlets, level 1 regeneration ring, level 2 bow, SoA, 4 artie pipes and collar.

    9 customisations for all your arties, then whatever.
  • Have 1000-ish credits, what do?

    I have: eagle wings, buckawns amulet, level 2 sip ring, level 2 bracelet, level 2 girdle, level 1 gauntlets, level 1 regeneration ring, level 2 bow, SoA, 4 artie pipes and collar.

    Hiroma tells you, "I just got to listen to someone complain about your deadly axekick being the bane of their existence."
    Archdragon Mizik Corten, Herald of Ruin says, "Man, that was a big axk."
    Hellrazor Cain de Soulis, Sartan's Hammer says, "Your [sic] a beast."
  • Eld said:
    Anaidiana said:
    ratting, fishing, questing, hunting, pickpocketing

  • Synbios said:
    Eld said:
    Anaidiana said:
    ratting, fishing, questing, hunting, pickpocketing

    Yeah, I wasn't really sure about pickpocketing, so I decided to let someone with more serpent experience shoot it down. There's at least one area worth an occasional denizen pickpocketing run, though.
  • Pickpocket is a decent way of getting gold. It's not as profitable as good questing or high level bashing, but it's fast, easy, and safe.
  • Sena said:
    Pickpocket is a decent way of getting gold. It's not as profitable as good questing or high level bashing, but it's fast, easy, and safe.
    Well, safe as long as you don't try to pickpocket the wrong things, especially at low levels/subterfuge skill.
  • Eld said:
    Well, safe as long as you don't try to pickpocket the wrong things, especially at low levels/subterfuge skill.
    There's nothing preventing you from simply leaving the room on a failed pickpocket, so even attempting to pickpocket the Delosian guards at level 40 is almost entirely safe (though there is still a chance of getting some lag at just the wrong moment, or a very slight chance of the denizen attacking even before your triggered movement goes through).
  • Sena said:
    Eld said:
    Well, safe as long as you don't try to pickpocket the wrong things, especially at low levels/subterfuge skill.
    There's nothing preventing you from simply leaving the room on a failed pickpocket, so even attempting to pickpocket the Delosian guards at level 40 is almost entirely safe (though there is still a chance of getting some lag at just the wrong moment, or a very slight chance of the denizen attacking even before your triggered movement goes through).
    Hm, it always seemed to me like a decent chance of immediate attack on failure, but maybe I'm just selectively remembering the bad times. Never occurred to me to bother trying to trigger movement on failure, though.
  • I've attempted to pickpocket the Delos guards dozens of times (and failed every time), and have only been attacked once.
  • What does "DELIVER (Chivalry) VEILDELIVER (Dragoncraft) correctly respect the theft changes." mean exactly? Were they forceable before and now aren't?
  • Eld said:
    What does "DELIVER (Chivalry) VEILDELIVER (Dragoncraft) correctly respect the theft changes." mean exactly? Were they forceable before and now aren't?

    I like to imagine that you can use falcons pickpocket from denizens, hehe.

    You let out a nigh-inaudible whistle towards a white-plumed falcon.
    A white-plumed falcon obeys your command.

    Hopping innocuously towards a burly Theran guard, a white-plumed falcon surveys his inventory for any shiny treasure.

    A white-plumed falcon hops closer towards a burly Theran guard, keeping out of sight.

    With a flash of its beak, a white-plumed falcon's beak snaps at the pocket of a burly Theran guard, freeing a pouch of several gold sovereigns from him.
    A white-plumed falcon silently takes flight, depositing 1352 gold sovereigns into your waiting hands..

  • Is there a ferry leading to Prin, either on the mainland or any islands? I'm trying to see if there's a way to get there without having to sail (or pay someone to sail me instead.)
  • EldEld
    edited March 2013
    Alcinae said:
    Is there a ferry leading to Prin, either on the mainland or any islands? I'm trying to see if there's a way to get there without having to sail (or pay someone to sail me instead.)
    Nope. The only islands accessible by ferries (not counting the shipwrecks on the way to Meropis) are Ulangi, Mysia, Shala-Khulia, Polyargos, Minos, and Eirenwaar. If you can find a friend with a ship docked on Meropis, it's a pretty short trip from Orilla to Prin.
  • AlcinaeAlcinae AFK
    edited March 2013

    Ah, thanks! :) 

    but I have no friends.....

  • Do letters continue to decay while the Post Office holds them?  For example, if I send a letter to someone who may not get it for a while, can the letter end up expiring or whatever before they get it?
  • Aaric said:
    Do letters continue to decay while the Post Office holds them?  For example, if I send a letter to someone who may not get it for a while, can the letter end up expiring or whatever before they get it?
    If it can't be delivered after some time (around 5 months, I think?) it will be returned to you.
  • Eld said:
    Aaric said:
    Do letters continue to decay while the Post Office holds them?  For example, if I send a letter to someone who may not get it for a while, can the letter end up expiring or whatever before they get it?
    If it can't be delivered after some time (around 5 months, I think?) it will be returned to you.
    Makes sense. Thanks.
  • Can a chair be placed both under a tapestry AND near a table at once? Or is it only one or the other?
  • NizarisNizaris The Holy City of Mhaldor
    Aaric said:
    Eld said:
    Aaric said:
    Do letters continue to decay while the Post Office holds them?  For example, if I send a letter to someone who may not get it for a while, can the letter end up expiring or whatever before they get it?
    If it can't be delivered after some time (around 5 months, I think?) it will be returned to you.
    Makes sense. Thanks.
    @Eld: Ten months is the wait time for return. Also, to answer @Aaric's question directly: I've had letters return to me with the full ten months decay time on them before when they were returned as undeliverable. I have not tested this with a letter that didn't have the full ten months of decay time, but I imagine that it would be returned with the same decay time as it left with.
  • Nizaris said:
    Aaric said:
    Eld said:
    Aaric said:
    Do letters continue to decay while the Post Office holds them?  For example, if I send a letter to someone who may not get it for a while, can the letter end up expiring or whatever before they get it?
    If it can't be delivered after some time (around 5 months, I think?) it will be returned to you.
    Makes sense. Thanks.
    @Eld: Ten months is the wait time for return. Also, to answer @Aaric's question directly: I've had letters return to me with the full ten months decay time on them before when they were returned as undeliverable. I have not tested this with a letter that didn't have the full ten months of decay time, but I imagine that it would be returned with the same decay time as it left with.
    Ah, good to know. I've only had it happen once and didn't pay close attention to the decay time.
  • I've heard before that icon power decays faster the more it's drawn on, i.e. it will drop faster when a large number of house members are logged in than when a fewer are. Anyone know if that's true?
  • Nizaris said:
    @Eld: Ten months is the wait time for return. Also, to answer @Aaric's question directly: I've had letters return to me with the full ten months decay time on them before when they were returned as undeliverable. I have not tested this with a letter that didn't have the full ten months of decay time, but I imagine that it would be returned with the same decay time as it left with.
    Interesting, OK.  What about the items inside, out of curiosity?
  • Eld said:
    I've heard before that icon power decays faster the more it's drawn on, i.e. it will drop faster when a large number of house members are logged in than when a fewer are. Anyone know if that's true?
    I've watched the Sylvan icon religiously for a few days and seen no evidence based on this. 20 people/2 people it still decayed about .5% per hour. 
  • Does anyone have a comparison of Horkval armor? Something like 20/20, 30/30? 
  • Tekk said:
    Does anyone have a comparison of Horkval armor? Something like 20/20, 30/30? 
    10% damage resistance. How that compares to actual armour depends on the attack, since different attacks have different armour-reducible portions, while damage resistance applies to the full damage.
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