Quick Questions



  • Is there a general combat, OOC, mechanics clan I can join please?
  • What alcoholic drink is the least alcoholic? In other words, what requires the most sips to get drunk?

    Also, what's the cheapest alcohol per sip, and the cheapest way to get drunk?

    I've been thinking of testing alcohol and tolerance.
  • It's gotta be ale; that weak stuff that @Phaestus drinks.
    Tvistor: If that was a troll, it was masterful.
    I take my hat off to you.
  • Is there (a), and what is (the), March promotion? I'm worried I'm missing out on something...
  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    I heard there were giftbags. Someone bought credits and got some, I bought credits and did not.

    I am really curious to know as well.
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • Sybilla said:
    Is there (a), and what is (the), March promotion? I'm worried I'm missing out on something...
    No March promotion. 
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    I got a giftbag


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Say I'm upto mythical in enchantment and I get the trans skills due to truefavour. If I made a necklace of purity during that period, will I still be able to use it once the favour wears off?
  • If demigod skills work the same way, then yes.
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Ada said:
    Say I'm upto mythical in enchantment and I get the trans skills due to truefavour. If I made a necklace of purity during that period, will I still be able to use it once the favour wears off?
    dont the necklaces have a decay time?  You can definitely use the fullplate you've forged, as long as it bears your mark you can use it.
  • Oh I have a question.
    I've seen certain people submit numerous classleads while I could only do the normal 5. So.. how? Is it level-based?
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • Pretty sure ACC members can submit more than 5.
  • CaladbolgCaladbolg Campbell County TN
    Ada said:
    Say I'm upto mythical in enchantment and I get the trans skills due to truefavour. If I made a necklace of purity during that period, will I still be able to use it once the favour wears off?
    Guessing on this one but. If you stay class Magi your necklace of purity should still work.

    Most things like that seemed to be class based than having the skill such as when we were demigods me and Draqoom bloodsworned.. It worked because we both had trans devotion however there was no effect because we wern't Paladins/Priests.

  • What is the Achaean phrase that is the equivalent for "Pyrrhic victory", if there is one?
  • Assuming you mean "Victory at an incredible cost", I submit "Level three everything with wings, veil, diadem, and a custom pet".

  • Arditi said:
    Assuming you mean "Victory at an incredible cost", I submit "Level three everything with wings, veil, diadem, and a custom pet seven pet eagles".

  • Talonia said:
    What is the Achaean phrase that is the equivalent for "Pyrrhic victory", if there is one?
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • Any victory in Achaea is a Pyrrhic victory, because you'll be ganked for it!
  • Maybe something about Treasure Hunts? I've heard about a citymember who won 'too many treasures' on a treasure hunt, and then spend a couple of hours getting shitty tells and messages from other citymates.
    Tvistor: If that was a troll, it was masterful.
    I take my hat off to you.
  • How far apart generally are the classleads? The Apostate one just got released, so how long will it be, typically, until Bard, Blademaster, Druid, Infernal etcetera, are addressed?

  • Talonia said:
    What is the Achaean phrase that is the equivalent for "Pyrrhic victory", if there is one?
    The Achaean word for pyrrhic is "pyrrhic," much like "spartan," "bedlam," "tuxedo," or "mausoleum."

    Too much of our language is borrowed from real-world names to mince specifics. Unless it's something very glaring, like "Grecian urn," "Brazil nut," or "American cheese," I'd say it's fine. (If you reach for an Achaean equivalent, you'll probably just draw attention to the divide and effect the adverse.)
  • That would probably depend on
    several factors such as the number of classleads for that class, how controversial said classleads are, how much testing they need, etc. It will probably be very fast for some classes, but take a while for others.
  • AerekAerek East Tennessee, USA

    Delphinus said:
    Talonia said:
    What is the Achaean phrase that is the equivalent for "Pyrrhic victory", if there is one?
    The Achaean word for pyrrhic is "pyrrhic," much like "spartan," "bedlam," "tuxedo," or "mausoleum."

    Too much of our language is borrowed from real-world names to mince specifics. Unless it's something very glaring, like "Grecian urn," "Brazil nut," or "American cheese," I'd say it's fine. (If you reach for an Achaean equivalent, you'll probably just draw attention to the divide and effect the adverse.)
    And let's be honest, Neraeos' realm is such a perfect analogy to the classical world, there was probably a triton king named Pyrrus out there somewhere, and he probably won a great victory at the cost of forty tritonic legions.

    I have to assume this because I like to use "a Rubicon" to mean "a point of no return," but can never explain it when someone asks.
    -- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
  • A rub-icon is probably something like a scratch card. It means "point of no return" because once you have rubbed the icon clear, you have either won or lost, but you can't change the outcome anymore or re-sell it.
  • Aerek said:

    Delphinus said:
    Talonia said:
    What is the Achaean phrase that is the equivalent for "Pyrrhic victory", if there is one?
    The Achaean word for pyrrhic is "pyrrhic," much like "spartan," "bedlam," "tuxedo," or "mausoleum."

    Too much of our language is borrowed from real-world names to mince specifics. Unless it's something very glaring, like "Grecian urn," "Brazil nut," or "American cheese," I'd say it's fine. (If you reach for an Achaean equivalent, you'll probably just draw attention to the divide and effect the adverse.)
    And let's be honest, Neraeos' realm is such a perfect analogy to the classical world, there was probably a triton king named Pyrrus out there somewhere, and he probably won a great victory at the cost of forty tritonic legions.

    I have to assume this because I like to use "a Rubicon" to mean "a point of no return," but can never explain it when someone asks.
    Answer with the ever-useful: I've never been able to prove otherwise! You're welcome to, if you can.
    Current scripts: GoldTracker 1.2, mData 1.1
    Site: https://github.com/trevize-achaea/scripts/releases
    Thread: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/4064/trevizes-scripts
    Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
  • Does mastering kata have any other benefit besides having a guaranteed pass for a grading? 
  • Sidonia said:
    Arditi said:
    Assuming you mean "Victory at an incredible cost", I submit "Level three everything with wings, veil, diadem, and a custom pet seven pet eagles".

    It's only five, they won't let me buy a sixth or a seventh. :(
  • Tasuu said:

    Does mastering kata have any other benefit besides having a guaranteed pass for a grading? 

    Nah. When you trans tekura you auto-master everything too.
  • Tasuu said:
    Does mastering kata have any other benefit besides having a guaranteed pass for a grading? 
    Yeah, sadly no. I think that's why I got bored of a monk alt after about 3 days. It fell short of my expectations as an irl martial artist.
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • Xith said:
    Tasuu said:
    Does mastering kata have any other benefit besides having a guaranteed pass for a grading? 
    Yeah, sadly no. I think that's why I got bored of a monk alt after about 3 days. It fell short of my expectations as an irl martial artist.
    I... you...? ...no... not gonna fall for the troll post.  Not gonna fall for the troll post.
    Tvistor: If that was a troll, it was masterful.
    I take my hat off to you.
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