First, find out who is ranked highly in the forum hierarchy. You can see this by their phase level. Then, start stalking these people and click "like" on their posts before anyone else does. Doing it after others have already liked it makes you look like you're just jumping on a bandwagon, so make sure you're the first one. Also memorize what they're saying and the way they're saying it, so you can later emulate them. Next, do the same with often-disliked people and further dislike any new things they post. This is your foundation.
The next step is adding some content on your own. You can go either the "insightful" route, or the "funny" route, or both. The first requires more work and thought, the second requires a basic talent. If you attempt to go for the funny route and it doesn't work, stop immediately. Once people have marked you down as unfunny, there's no way you can still get out of that, so continued attempts at being funny will only make you the target of ridicule. Instead, drop the funny route and move on to being insightful.
Being insightful is based on 1) posting on the Golden Dais and 2) making brief clever statements in reply to what other people say. Success at 1) can be achieved by lurking in non-Dais threads and trying to filter out things that people want but haven't bothered making a Dais-thread about yet. Make yourself a list of these things and post them as ideas on the Dais. Not all at once though. You need to spread them out. One ideas thread every two weeks or so should be enough. Success at 2) is harder to guarantee, but generally works by first establishing what posts of others have been liked, then summarizing what they said in a brief and poignant fashion, or pointing out the flaws in what people who have received dislikes have said.
With these techniques, you can build yourself a basic reputation, but not enough to quite win the forums yet. Once you have these things down and got yourself a reputation to work with (but not before!), you can move on to the third stage: deliberately going against the flow and setting yourself apart from others. Just liking and disliking the same things as anyone else is a good novice technique, but doesn't get you all the way up to the forums Pantheon. To get there, you now need to start making others think of you as having your own mind, while still secretly going with the common flow. Start making brief dissenting statements about common opinion and question the status quo. Do it carefully. Never go into too much detail, as that offers more opportunities to attack your argument. Instead, keep your tone slightly tongue-in-cheek, so you can always pretend to just have been trolling if someone points out the flaws in your argument.
If you did the first two stages of forum-likedness right, you will by now have some people who usually agree with you. They will also agree with your dissenting views from time to time, which is where your road to forum victory truly begins, because it gives you an aura of rebelliousness and leadership. Keep up a careful game of mild dissenting and imaginative agreeing and occasionally do something unexpected-yet-still-socially-acceptable to keep you memorable and it's only a matter of time until you can phase or doublephase.
Or you can go the pedantic route.
Arguing with a zealot is only slightly easier than tunneling through a mountain with your forehead.
First, find out who is ranked highly in the forum hierarchy. You can see this by their phase level. Then, start stalking these people and click "like" on their posts before anyone else does. Doing it after others have already liked it makes you look like you're just jumping on a bandwagon, so make sure you're the first one. Also memorize what they're saying and the way they're saying it, so you can later emulate them. Next, do the same with often-disliked people and further dislike any new things they post. This is your foundation.
The next step is adding some content on your own. You can go either the "insightful" route, or the "funny" route, or both. The first requires more work and thought, the second requires a basic talent. If you attempt to go for the funny route and it doesn't work, stop immediately. Once people have marked you down as unfunny, there's no way you can still get out of that, so continued attempts at being funny will only make you the target of ridicule. Instead, drop the funny route and move on to being insightful.
Being insightful is based on 1) posting on the Golden Dais and 2) making brief clever statements in reply to what other people say. Success at 1) can be achieved by lurking in non-Dais threads and trying to filter out things that people want but haven't bothered making a Dais-thread about yet. Make yourself a list of these things and post them as ideas on the Dais. Not all at once though. You need to spread them out. One ideas thread every two weeks or so should be enough. Success at 2) is harder to guarantee, but generally works by first establishing what posts of others have been liked, then summarizing what they said in a brief and poignant fashion, or pointing out the flaws in what people who have received dislikes have said.
With these techniques, you can build yourself a basic reputation, but not enough to quite win the forums yet. Once you have these things down and got yourself a reputation to work with (but not before!), you can move on to the third stage: deliberately going against the flow and setting yourself apart from others. Just liking and disliking the same things as anyone else is a good novice technique, but doesn't get you all the way up to the forums Pantheon. To get there, you now need to start making others think of you as having your own mind, while still secretly going with the common flow. Start making brief dissenting statements about common opinion and question the status quo. Do it carefully. Never go into too much detail, as that offers more opportunities to attack your argument. Instead, keep your tone slightly tongue-in-cheek, so you can always pretend to just have been trolling if someone points out the flaws in your argument.
If you did the first two stages of forum-likedness right, you will by now have some people who usually agree with you. They will also agree with your dissenting views from time to time, which is where your road to forum victory truly begins, because it gives you an aura of rebelliousness and leadership. Keep up a careful game of mild dissenting and imaginative agreeing and occasionally do something unexpected-yet-still-socially-acceptable to keep you memorable and it's only a matter of time until you can phase or doublephase.
Pondering between whether to pick Aim to Kill or Lucky as a trait. The issue is I'm a little confused as to what they do. Lucky says it gives you a higher chance of critical hits...but does it just give you a higher chance of getting a basic critical hit, or does it increase the chance of getting any critical hit? Because "aim to kill" states it increases damage from "all" critical hits, but I'm really confused as to whether that means you have a higher chance of getting a better-than-normal critical hit (e.g. crushing critical, obliterating critical, etc.) or if it just means that all your critical hits deal some kind of extra damage, like (to throw out completely random numbers) a regular critical hit deals 2.5x damage instead of 2x, a crushing critical deals 4.5x damage instead of 4x, stuff like that. Anyone happen to know in more detail what the traits do?
Pondering between whether to pick Aim to Kill or Lucky as a trait. The issue is I'm a little confused as to what they do. Lucky says it gives you a higher chance of critical hits...but does it just give you a higher chance of getting a basic critical hit, or does it increase the chance of getting any critical hit? Because "aim to kill" states it increases damage from "all" critical hits, but I'm really confused as to whether that means you have a higher chance of getting a better-than-normal critical hit (e.g. crushing critical, obliterating critical, etc.) or if it just means that all your critical hits deal some kind of extra damage, like (to throw out completely random numbers) a regular critical hit deals 2.5x damage instead of 2x, a crushing critical deals 4.5x damage instead of 4x, stuff like that. Anyone happen to know in more detail what the traits do?
I do not know answers as well as some, although I think the general consensus is that we don't know what Aim to Kill does. Lucky is the better choice, it will increase your critical chance as well as the potency, by about 1%. My guess for AtK is that it will add a larger multiplier to criticals. Your critical hit might do 3x damage instead of 2x, for example.
Pondering between whether to pick Aim to Kill or Lucky as a trait. The issue is I'm a little confused as to what they do. Lucky says it gives you a higher chance of critical hits...but does it just give you a higher chance of getting a basic critical hit, or does it increase the chance of getting any critical hit? Because "aim to kill" states it increases damage from "all" critical hits, but I'm really confused as to whether that means you have a higher chance of getting a better-than-normal critical hit (e.g. crushing critical, obliterating critical, etc.) or if it just means that all your critical hits deal some kind of extra damage, like (to throw out completely random numbers) a regular critical hit deals 2.5x damage instead of 2x, a crushing critical deals 4.5x damage instead of 4x, stuff like that. Anyone happen to know in more detail what the traits do?
The way critical hits works is you have some base percentage chance to get a critical hit. So x% of your hits are criticals of some sort. Of those criticals, x% will be crushing or better. Of the ones that are crushing or better, x% will be obliterating or better. And so on. So if your base rate is 20%, 80% will be non-critical, 16% will be critical, 3.2% crushing, .64% obliterating, .128% annihilating, and .0256% world-shattering. Lucky increases that base rate by, iirc, 1%. As @Rispok said, Aim to Kill is hard to test, so we don't really know exactly how it works. You'll find various people who are pretty convinced about which is better, but as far as I know it's pretty much all guesswork.
And its been confirmed that neither are as effective as being human or having a lvl 1 pendant right?
The human bonus and the pendant bonus are both modifiers to the base crit rate. Lvl 1 pendant is 2%, so more of a bonus than Lucky or human. IIRC, human is .5% and Lucky is 1%, but I may have those backward; my 5 second forum search was insufficient to find the numbers. Since we don't really know how Aim to Kill works, I don't think we can really compare it to the human racial bonus or Lucky in terms of increase in damage per second, but I think it's safe to say that it's probably less than the pendant.
It's the other way around, human is 1% and Lucky is 0.5%.
I'm fairly certain that Aim to Kill is a simple damage bonus on all criticals, but I have no idea how much it increases damage. The only thing I've confirmed is that a normal critical (normally 2x damage) is still less than 3x, and a crushing critical (normally 4x damage) is still less than 5x. So it's less than a +1 multiplier and less than a 25% damage boost.
Do you have to wield a hammer of forging for it to benefit you?
Hammer of Forging: 400 credits - A hammer that cuts forging time in half and makes the results of your forging substantially more likely to be at the extremes, high or low. The average of all forging results is the same as without a Hammer. The hammer does not have to be wielded to be effective.
Expertly formed from carefully carved wood and thick leather, this runic totem protrudes almost five
feet from the ground, although it is not particularly thick in diameter. Largely unadorned, its
smooth surface is interrupted only by the delicate silver inlay that defines spaces for six runes.
A rune like an open eye is sketched in slot 1. (wunjo: cure blind)
A rune like an open eye is sketched in slot 2. (wunjo: cure blind)
A rune shaped like a butterfly is sketched in slot 3. (nairat: transfix)
A rune like a closed eye is sketched in slot 4. (fehu: strip insomnia)
A rune like a closed eye is sketched in slot 5. (fehu: sleep)
A rune like a closed eye is sketched in slot 6. (fehu: strip kola)
It is tuned against enemies of the City of Ashtan.
It weighs about 30 pounds.
It bears the distinctive mark of Kyrra.
You may use this item to parry with.
This totem is the property of The City of Ashtan.
Didn't know where to ask this. But essentially this is a 2nd defendable room? It's two rooms out and hits all Ashtani enemies. I issued myself about it and got a reply back saying take ic resolution to fix it. This seems more like a broken mechanic then it is a ic conflict. You can essentially tune every totem outside your city to enemies of your city.
Didn't know where to ask this. But essentially this is a 2nd defendable room? It's two rooms out and hits all Ashtani enemies. I issued myself about it and got a reply back saying take ic resolution to fix it. This seems more like a broken mechanic then it is a ic conflict. You can essentially tune every totem outside your city to enemies of your city.
Ask Laorir to issue the totemer and don't try IC resolution. Very good results. Will result in threats of punishment for the totemer.
Two south of the gates has been defendable for as long as I can remember. Probably because it's direct LoS of the city for several rooms. A city totem was uprooted, it got replaced. That room has always had a city totem.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
"Defendable" has been, since it was put into the rules, one room outside of a city. "Approaching Ashtan' has never, ever been defendable. Whether it has always had a totem there is irrelevant - it is not defendable and never has been.
It's even more hilarious that the leader of Ashtan has totems implanted in all of C. Wilderness enemied to him, which is basically enemied to Ashtan.
Did I say hilarious? I meant pathetic and ridiculous, sorry.
And if said Overseer joined Mhaldor, Hashan or Cyrene (sorry!) those totems would still hit anyone in his enemy list.
Maybe people ought to seek to resolve their personal enemy status.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
It's a good thing they didn't introduce those new relaxed pk rules because heaven forbid something unpleasant happens to your character when they're two rooms outside a city they're enemied to.
Oh wait.
By the way, does anyone else remember when *shallam did the same thing in Southern Wilderness/Pash except with fewer totems and before the new relaxed pk rules? I do.
(Thanks for the reassurance that no harm will come to my character when he's two rooms outside of Teargossas.)
Expertly formed from carefully carved wood and thick leather, this runic totem protrudes almost five
feet from the ground, although it is not particularly thick in diameter. Largely unadorned, its
smooth surface is interrupted only by the delicate silver inlay that defines spaces for six runes.
A rune like an open eye is sketched in slot 1. (wunjo: cure blind)
A rune like an open eye is sketched in slot 2. (wunjo: cure blind)
A rune shaped like a butterfly is sketched in slot 3. (nairat: transfix)
A rune like a closed eye is sketched in slot 4. (fehu: strip insomnia)
A rune like a closed eye is sketched in slot 5. (fehu: sleep)
A rune like a closed eye is sketched in slot 6. (fehu: strip kola)
It is tuned against enemies of the City of Ashtan.
It weighs about 30 pounds.
It bears the distinctive mark of Kyrra.
You may use this item to parry with.
This totem is the property of The City of Ashtan.
Didn't know where to ask this. But essentially this is a 2nd defendable room? It's two rooms out and hits all Ashtani enemies. I issued myself about it and got a reply back saying take ic resolution to fix it. This seems more like a broken mechanic then it is a ic conflict. You can essentially tune every totem outside your city to enemies of your city.
Says the guy from the org with no city that STILL has totems on New Hope
Here's a question. Why has nobody contacted me ICly to discuss my totems if it's such an issue?
You guys are happy to jump me, are happy to deliver all sorts of lovely threats against my life, but not a single person has actually approached me in any fashion to resolve anything. No messages, no letters, no tells, interaction whatsoever. Just a whole bunch of whining.
Another question: Does Aurora's temple encompass all of New Hope? Because that would totally explain all those totems tuned to the Order still being up despite having all that new land to occupy.
These are legit questions!
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
So if your base rate is 20%, 80% will be non-critical, 16% will be critical, 3.2% crushing, .64% obliterating, .128% annihilating, and .0256% world-shattering.
Lucky increases that base rate by, iirc, 1%.
As @Rispok said, Aim to Kill is hard to test, so we don't really know exactly how it works. You'll find various people who are pretty convinced about which is better, but as far as I know it's pretty much all guesswork.
I'm fairly certain that Aim to Kill is a simple damage bonus on all criticals, but I have no idea how much it increases damage. The only thing I've confirmed is that a normal critical (normally 2x damage) is still less than 3x, and a crushing critical (normally 4x damage) is still less than 5x. So it's less than a +1 multiplier and less than a 25% damage boost.
- A hammer that cuts forging time in half and makes the results of your
forging substantially more likely to be at the extremes, high or low.
The average of all forging results is the same as without a Hammer.
The hammer does not have to be wielded to be effective.
Maybe people ought to seek to resolve their personal enemy status.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
You guys are happy to jump me, are happy to deliver all sorts of lovely threats against my life, but not a single person has actually approached me in any fashion to resolve anything. No messages, no letters, no tells, interaction whatsoever. Just a whole bunch of whining.
Another question: Does Aurora's temple encompass all of New Hope? Because that would totally explain all those totems tuned to the Order still being up despite having all that new land to occupy.
These are legit questions!