Is there a very very easy way to post information on bugs? I have tried BUG and BUGAPPEND but it is quite tedious to write everything in one single line (even with word wrap on in notepad). And when I paste it on command line, the entire box just fattens up.
If you customise the description of the artefact, then the new custom description is to the left, and under "originally" you see what the artefact was named before customisation.
If you particularly please or anger a God, He or She may choose to grant you favour, or curse you with disfavour, both of which last a limited time.
There are four levels of favours and disfavours. Each level provides certain advantages (or disadvantages) that combine cumulatively with all other current favours and disfavours, with exceptions as noted below.
The command GODFEELINGS will show any current favours or disfavours.
The four levels of favour (or disfavour), from least to most powerful, are: (DIS)FAVOUR, STRONG(DIS)FAVOUR, HIGH(DIS)FAVOUR, TRUE(DIS)FAVOUR
(DIS)FAVOUR - Adds (or subtracts) a point of constitution. - Adds something to your appearance.
STRONG(DIS)FAVOUR - Alters your skills, with the amount in each skill dependent on the God doing the favouring or disfavouring. - Gives an xp bonus or takes away some xp when it ends.
HIGH(DIS)FAVOUR - You will no longer feel or get more hungry, or tired. If you are already hungry or tired, you will remain so until you do something to improve that. Or doubles the rate you get hungry or tired. - Adds a damage reducing shield, cutting damage (of all kinds, from all sources) done to you by about 15%, or makes you take about 15% more damage. (NOT CUMULATIVE WITH ANY OTHER FAVOURS)
TRUE(DIS)FAVOUR - Adds (or deducts) one point to (or from) all stats.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
Does anyone know if bound mayan crowns are spent first when buying something from the SoW? And is there anyway of being able to choose whether to spend bound/non-bound crowns at all?
Does anyone know if bound mayan crowns are spent first when buying something from the SoW? And is there anyway of being able to choose whether to spend bound/non-bound crowns at all?
Why? Adding a way to bind crowns and requiring them to be bound before spending just adds a pointless extra step. The only reason bound crowns exist at all is so crowns can be given away in promotions.
Just strikes me as odd that they'd do the work to make them almost identical to regular credits, but not actually make the two systems function identically. All of the arguments one way or the other seem to apply to them both equally.
I was always told emerald crystal. I don't know if I have any logs that include the description, though.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
'Unable to withstand the crushing pressure Sycaerunax brought to bear, the Citadel of Light explodes in a storm of emerald glass shards that blankets Shallam.'
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
Does anyone know what the pattern is that makes a ship decide when to move N and when to move NW when traveling NNW?
If you're just moving steadily NNW, it just alternates N, NW, N, NW. When turning from N to NNW or NW to NNW, I think that which it does first is determined by which direction you're turning from. I want to say it's the farthest direction from the one you turned from first, so if you turn from N to NNW you'll go NW and then alternate, and if you turn from NW to NNW you'll go N and then alternate; not sure about that part, though.
I think that which it does first is determined by which direction you're turning from. I want to say it's the farthest direction from the one you turned from first, so if you turn from N to NNW you'll go NW and then alternate, and if you turn from NW to NNW you'll go N and then alternate; not sure about that part, though.
Thanks, but I just tested this last part and didn't find it to be true. I moved N, then turned NNW. Then separately moved W, then turned NNW. And I started going NW both times. Let me know if I'm missing something.
I think that which it does first is determined by which direction you're turning from. I want to say it's the farthest direction from the one you turned from first, so if you turn from N to NNW you'll go NW and then alternate, and if you turn from NW to NNW you'll go N and then alternate; not sure about that part, though.
Thanks, but I just tested this last part and didn't find it to be true. I moved N, then turned NNW. Then separately moved W, then turned NNW. And I started going NW both times. Let me know if I'm missing something.
Like I said, wasn't sure about that part. Hopefully someone else will chime in, I'm pretty sure I've seen forum posts on the topic that sounded like the person knew what they were talking about.
→My Mudlet Scripts
If you particularly please or anger a God, He or She may choose to grant you
favour, or curse you with disfavour, both of which last a limited time.
There are four levels of favours and disfavours. Each level provides certain
advantages (or disadvantages) that combine cumulatively with all other current
favours and disfavours, with exceptions as noted below.
The command GODFEELINGS will show any current favours or disfavours.
The four levels of favour (or disfavour), from least to most powerful, are:
- Adds (or subtracts) a point of constitution.
- Adds something to your appearance.
- Alters your skills, with the amount in each skill dependent on the God
doing the favouring or disfavouring.
- Gives an xp bonus or takes away some xp when it ends.
- You will no longer feel or get more hungry, or tired. If you are
already hungry or tired, you will remain so until you do something
to improve that. Or doubles the rate you get hungry or tired.
- Adds a damage reducing shield, cutting damage (of all kinds, from all
sources) done to you by about 15%, or makes you take about 15% more
- Adds (or deducts) one point to (or from) all stats.
Do the things in the pack decay slower or is it just the pack that does?
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Thanks a bunch!
Either way, I didn't want to accidently spend what I can sell.
I figured it was
Over shirt
Anything else or did I catch it all?
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
If you're just moving steadily NNW, it just alternates N, NW, N, NW. When turning from N to NNW or NW to NNW, I think that which it does first is determined by which direction you're turning from. I want to say it's the farthest direction from the one you turned from first, so if you turn from N to NNW you'll go NW and then alternate, and if you turn from NW to NNW you'll go N and then alternate; not sure about that part, though.
Like I said, wasn't sure about that part. Hopefully someone else will chime in, I'm pretty sure I've seen forum posts on the topic that sounded like the person knew what they were talking about.
Here's the thread I was remembering (incorrectly, as it happens).
@Jonathin's reply has an explanation, but I can't say I entirely understand what he's describing.