Quick Questions



  • AerekAerek East Tennessee, USA
    @Sylvance Panpardus got it, more or less. A kelp stack is just a relatively simple, go-to tactic for Knights (Perhaps Serpents too, I don't know) because it consists of several nasty, non-focusable afflictions that all use the same cure. Asthma, clumsiness, and sensitivity are all pretty crippling, and so rotating through them paired with curare means your opponent has to either eat kelp first and spend their time paralyzed and unable to attack, parry, or flee, or eat bloodroot first and spend their time unable to smoke, unable to hit, and/or taking 33% more damage. Kind of a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't scenario.

    It can be used as part of bigger strategies, like soft-locking, (As Panpardus mentions) sticking asthma for Damnation or disloyalty, or hiding other afflictions beneath the sea of "top priority" afflictions from the kelp stack, itself. Even without any higher strategy, though, a kelp stack is effective at slowing down a physical damage class' offense (clumsiness) and making an opponent take more damage from you (from sensitivity) at the same time, so it's good all by itself. Unless you're ridiculously fast, they'll still get a chance to eat kelp every now and then, and that will cure a random one of the kelp afflictions. This means it's not an exact science, as you can't be sure of which afflictions they'll have after eating kelp, but that has the potential to help you as much as hurt you. It can suck if you're trying to setup Damnation and it randomly cures asthma first, but it's great when they just get unlucky and stuck with sensitivity because it keeps randomly curing kelp/clumsiness instead.
    -- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
  • edited January 2013
    Basically, you kelp stack whenever you wish to stick asthma, but they have asthma right on top of their curing priorities. It being on top means that they will eat kelp whenever they are hit by asthma, and since no double-afflicting ability is shorter than a single herb balance (at least not significantly), they will always (assuming no messing up due to illusions and such) have time to at least eat a single herb for every of your attacks, meaning that they will always have time to eat a kelp whenever you afflict them with asthma.

    Thus, the only ways to stick asthma are to either prevent the eating of kelp otherwise (stuck anorexia, preventing them from having kelp in their inventories, illusion-messing with their herb balance), make them think they do not need to eat kelp (using illusions, but this is be difficult against a good system), or trying to increase the chances that their eating of kelp will not actually cure asthma (voidfist, kelp stacking).

    "Stacking" afflictions works because because herb-cured afflictions to not have a set cure order (well, it would work with a set cure order too, but differently). Any time you eat a herb that can cure several of your afflictions, Achaea will cure any one of them randomly. So by making sure they have one or more other kelp-curable afflictions before hitting with asthma, you can increase your chances of asthma still sticking, if they then eat kelp.

    This works because while people tend to prioritize asthma highly, they do not tend to place quite as high a priority on curing the other kelp afflictions, meaning they will generally be cured at a lower priority than things like paralysis and impatience. Thus, by repeatedly hitting them with combinations of paralysis or impatience with other (preferably non-focusable) kelp afflictions, you can build up a stack. Clumsiness is a favoured choice for venom-afflicters, because it can't be focused (distinguishing it from weariness) and has no defence to breach through first (like sensitivity with its deafness-defence). Hypochondria and healthleech work too, but aren't available as readily to most classes.

    Keep in mind that most such stacks aren't several afflictions deep, as this would just invite an opponent to turtle up while curing, but often consist of only a single non-asthma kelp aff, like clumsiness. Something like weariness can be added as well by first trying to get an opponent to focus, throwing them off focus balance before sticking weariness, which is particularly recommendable against people with fitness, who need weariness stuck to make sure your asthma sticks.
  • Whats the time for uprooting/implating totems?

  • Tyrean said:
    Whats the time for uprooting/implating totems?
    15 minutes to implant, 20 minutes to uproot.
  • Sena said:
    Tyrean said:
    Whats the time for uprooting/implating totems?
    15 minutes to implant, 20 minutes to uproot.
    Well thats annoying. I have 7 more totems to do too.

  • edited January 2013
    Kelp stacks are for noobs. Salik taught me that the only combo you ever need is curare/prefarar.

    Also makes serp dstabs hurt like hell.

    Edit: Yay! Forum phase!

  • So, since it's recently come to my attention that the damage reduction for algiz is reduced for non-runists, anyone happen to know what it is for us plebs?
  • How does the endurance regeneration from the ring of endurance compare to an ox tattoo?
  • Ox tattoo regens 6 endurance every 10 seconds, ring of endurance essentially regens 10 endurance every 4 seconds (but I'm not sure how it stacks with sleeping).
  • Reading through old posts  I remembered of an event in July (Announce 3663 IC Y600), "A challenge from the Fellowship of Explorers", you had to find Stian in Meropis and if you did it 21 times you'd get a reward. Did anybody do this or know what the reward was? 
  • I think that was the amber firefly. Let's you send a message up to 80 characters via firefly once per hour.

  • edited January 2013
    There were two find-Stian promotions. One got you a Compass of the Ranger, one the firefly.

    If it was Y600, it was probably the firefly though, yeah. Pretty sure the compass was earlier than that.
  • The first one was the compass, and Stian mostly stayed on Sapience (though there was a chance of him being in Orilla). The second one, with Stian wandering Meropis exclusively, was the firefly.
  • Aww.. I knew I shouldn't have asked. I feel bad for not being able to login for more than 14 days that month! One more thing I'll regret: what does the Compass of the Ranger do?
  • I'm not sure of exactly how it works, because it only has 10 uses and I'll probably never use a single one (maybe for some epic moment like a huge combat tournament, if I ever fight). But you TURN it for some sort of healing/curing.
  • I regret that I've used it four times, and all of them happened to go through -after- someone had hit my starburst so I really have no idea what all it heals :(

  • It really sucks because I'd need at least 10 uses just to test it thoroughly enough to decide when to use it.
  • Full refill of health, mana, endurance and willpower. 10 uses. Not sure about afflictions, or whether there are restrictions on when you can use it.
  • edited January 2013
    Pffh, I've used mine up completely.

    You can turn the compass, which brings your health, mana, willpower, endurance all to maximum and completely refreshes you (removes hunger and tiredness). It doesn't cure any afflictions or bleeding.

    It is stopped by being off equilibrium or off balance (and probably asleep/stun), but goes through web, prone, (I think) paralysis, one broken arm (not sure about two).

    It takes about 3 seconds of balance without nimble.

    You can also just OPEN the compass, which makes it just work like a compass and show you where north is!

    It can be turned ten (?) times. After that, it vanishes completely.
  • Iocun said:
    It can be turned ten (?) times. After that, it vanishes completely.
    Does it? I asked about it, and was told that it would begin to decay normally once it was used up (at which point it could be customised).
  • edited January 2013
    Hrm, I'll have to check on that again. All I know is that I don't have it anymore!

    EDIT: Just checked my logs again. You are right. Once I used up the last charge, merely its enchantment faded and it got a decay time of 10 days.
  • Sena said:
    I'm not sure of exactly how it works, because it only has 10 uses and I'll probably never use a single one (maybe for some epic moment like a huge combat tournament, if I ever fight). But you TURN it for some sort of healing/curing.
    Ah, I know the feeling. The only reason I'd use the lifestones from Ironbeard is in the Championship Twin combat in order to enter the top spots (highly unlikely though, since the total fights I had till now are less than the fingers of my hands..).
  • Iocun said:

    You can also just OPEN the compass, which makes it just work like a compass and show you where north is!

    ...how?  North is the direction of numpad eight, always.  Unless, of course, someone from Aetolia is there with their own compass.
  • What if it's dark and your keyboard is positioned at a weird angle?
  • Then you have to ask yourself, why are you playing Achaea with your keyboard at a weird angle?
  • Indeed. But while I'm asking myself, I could open my compass and find north. I can multitask, you know.
  • I'm on a laptop, so I don't have a numpad and the compass is the only way I can tell which direction is north.
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