Quick Questions



  • Typically, when I ask for spars over clan chat, I get no responses. I did get a 'educational' spar with Niks once which was nice (and embarrassingly short), but otherwise it's silent.
  • XerXer Langley
    I had good teachers, but I always made sure to double check everything myself, in mechanics, in conceptual theory and in practice before I actually rely on anything. It helps that they're willing to test things out as well - it's just harder to find test dummies! Iooooocuuuunnnn? No totems involved this time - promise!
    e^(iπ) + 1 = 0
  • edited January 2013
    Xer said:
    I had good teachers, but I always made sure to double check everything myself, in mechanics, in conceptual theory and in practice before I actually rely on anything. It helps that they're willing to test things out as well - it's just harder to find test dummies! Iooooocuuuunnnn? No totems involved this time - promise!
    You know I'm fine with being attacked any time. Go ahead!

    And totems are perfectly fine, too.
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    @aina - You shouldn't have a hard time finding someone to ask questions, you could probably just ask people sitting in the safe room for pointers.  Sparring wise its probably a little tougher to find since we don't have a arena so you'll have to join a rampage/FFA in Cyrene, Eleusis or Delos.
  • Aina said:
    Typically, when I ask for spars over clan chat, I get no responses. I did get a 'educational' spar with Niks once which was nice (and embarrassingly short), but otherwise it's silent.
    I'm always available for spars and sharing what little I know about combat ^_^
  • edited January 2013
    I'd help you if my character wasn't so busy getting blasted on coke kola in the jungle.
  • Achilles said:
    @aina - You shouldn't have a hard time finding someone to ask questions, you could probably just ask people sitting in the safe room for pointers.  Sparring wise its probably a little tougher to find since we don't have a arena so you'll have to join a rampage/FFA in Cyrene, Eleusis or Delos.
    You can't just ask people to go spar in one of those places?
  • In terms of survivability for a magi, is intelligence more important overall than con? I'd heard that both diamond and stoneskin were the main defense for a magi, and that their damage reduction relied heavily upon an intelligence level. So, would it be worthwhile to sacrifice one point of con for int?
  • edited January 2013
    'help weaponry': Proficiency and Weaponry skill also contribute to your effectiveness. Higher Weaponry results in an across-the-board increase (damage, fewer misses, quicker balance recovery).

    *~* learn like 500 extra lessons in weaponry, talk to Sothantos about it... *~*

    Sothantos tells you, "I heard it only increased damage."

    help! It does increase speed right? Please? I only learned a few skillranks, so the difference is not noticeable yet beyond what can be chalked up to normal variance.

     i'm a rebel

  • @Tesha I think it's only damage and accuracy when you already have trans chivalry?

                   Honourable, knight eternal,

                                            Darkly evil, cruel infernal.

                                                                     Necromanctic to the core,

                                                                                             Dance with death forever more.

  • In my experience, Weaponry is a very thrown together skillset. Wouldn't be surprised if the AB file is just wrong on that.

    About 6 months ago I did a lot of experimenting with targetthrow in Weaponry, only to determine that it did absolutely nothing. Target still works in conjunction with throwing, so targetthrow is just an redundant ability. Bugged, it, but the admin told me to ask about it IG, lol.
  • I was told it increases speed, but only by 10% of what it normally would. (because you already have chivalry)
  • Yeah... I was told either 10% damage and accuracy or 10% damage and speed. I suppose this might have been one of those things where paying attention was a good idea.

                   Honourable, knight eternal,

                                            Darkly evil, cruel infernal.

                                                                     Necromanctic to the core,

                                                                                             Dance with death forever more.

  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    edited January 2013
    I think I know the answer, but those increases from weaponry are only for forged weapons, no?

    Edit: To clarify, I've always been told weaponry does not affect a priest's mace, and it's what I've always taught others.
    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • Actually, I think that they work for about every weapon that you can use [Targeting] with.  Don't quote me on that, but it's what I was told.
  • edited January 2013
    I don't remember what all is affected by weaponry. I think it's all weaponry/chivalry attacks, and normal weapon commands (the slash/jab/crush/etc. seen when probing weapons), with the exception of songblessed rapiers (possibly? I remember someone saying it may be bugged). According to the AB file, daegger hunt also uses weaponry for accuracy. I'm not sure about axe throwing for sentinels.
    Actually, I think that they work for about every weapon that you can use [Targeting] with.  Don't quote me on that, but it's what I was told.
    This isn't true for blackjacks (bop is targetable, uses pranks), spiritual maces (smite is targetable, uses spirituality), blademaster swords (drawslash is targetable, uses twoarts).
  • Huh.  The Sena has spoken!  I got bum info before.
  • @Sena is my hero. Even a tiny bit more speed would be great, as well as the extra accuracy. Thank you so much! :)

     i'm a rebel

  • Not that I have anyone to use it on, but how far is Snipe in Subterfuge? 'Bout 1500 lessons?
  • Exactly how much do diminishing returns factor in for sub 15 stats? For example, how big of a deal is it to go from 13-14 and 14-15. I'm trying to find a nice balance of con/str to work with for trait purposes.

  • edited January 2013
    Jeez... Sena is amazing. <3

    Does anyone know why my dsl balance varies so much? It has been as low as 1.5 and as high as 2.1 with an average of 245 speed, nimble, trans chivalry and fabled weaponry. Most slashes are around 1.8ish with 245, and 2ish with 235.

     i'm a rebel

  • I have the same issue. I always just assumed it was something latency related.

  • What determines archery damage? Just the bow and the skill (Subterfuge, Chivalry)?
  • edited January 2013
    Balance (and any other timer) does vary, but I usually don't see that much variation. It's usually (about 87% of the time) less than ±0.1 seconds for me, but sometimes (about 12% of the time) up to ±0.2s. It seems that other people see more of a difference though.

    Aside from the natural server-side variation, variations in the lag between you and the server can also contribute. For example, if it takes you 0.5s to receive the attack line and then 0.2s to receive the balance recovery line, then that balance cost will appear to be 0.3s shorter than it actually was.
  • edited January 2013
    Yes I remember normal variation from cursing, but the variation is much higher for dsls sometimes. Sometimes it is steadily 1.7-1.8, with a few dips lower and higher, but sometimes it also spikes to 2.1 or 1.5. It seems a little more steady after the original post which makes me think the server is alive and sentient, worst right now is 1.6 to 1.9 which is still better than 1.5 to 2.1, but still a little more variable.

    4228h, 3370m, 14500e, 15853w excdbk 35- 13:41:13.184 (+803h, 17.9%) 
    You viciously jab an ornate steel rapier into a decaying lich.
    You viciously jab an ornate steel rapier into a decaying lich.
    A decaying lich exclaims, "Curse you, Tesha! My master shall avenge me, just you wait and see!"
    The final blow proves too much for a decaying lich, who expires pitifully.
    You have slain a decaying lich, retrieving the corpse.
    A small pile of sovereigns spills from the corpse.
    dofree get gold
    (svo): Added 'get gold' to the dofree queue.
    4228h, 3370m, 14480e, 15853w ecdbk 35- 13:41:13.430 
    You may apply another salve or balm to yourself.
    4228h, 3370m, 14480e, 15853w ecdbk 35- 13:41:13.752 
    Your mind is able to focus once again.
    4228h, 3370m, 14480e, 15859w ecdbk 35- 13:41:14.543 
    You have recovered balance on all limbs. (1.421s)
    4228h, 3370m, 14480e, 15859w excdbk 35- 13:41:14.852 
    dsl undead
    You pick up some gold sovereigns.
    4228h, 3370m, 14480e, 15859w excdbk 35- 13:41:14.941 
    You viciously jab an ornate steel rapier into a shambling zombie.
    You viciously jab an ornate steel rapier into a shambling zombie.
    4228h, 3370m, 14460e, 15859w ecdbk 35- 13:41:15.181 
    You have recovered balance on all limbs. (1.435s)
    4317h, 3370m, 14480e, 15859w excdbk 35- 13:41:16.616 
    dsl undead
    (+89h, 2.0%) 
    You viciously jab an ornate steel rapier into a shambling zombie.
    You viciously jab an ornate steel rapier into a shambling zombie.
    4317h, 3370m, 14460e, 15859w ecdbk 35- 13:41:16.687 
    A massive outstretched arm comes crashing towards you as a shambling zombie slams it into you, 
    snapping your bones with a crunching sound.
    3794h, 3370m, 14460e, 15859w ecdbk 35- 13:41:16.924 [uwcrip(1)](apply renewal)(-523h, 11.6%) 
    You take out some balm and quickly rub it on your skin.
    The bones in your right arm mend. (0.043s)
    3794h, 3370m, 14460e, 15859w ecdbk 35- 13:41:16.967 
    You may drink another health or mana elixir or tonic.
    3794h, 3370m, 14460e, 15859w ecdbk 35- 13:41:17.582 (sip health)
    You take a drink from a pinewood vial.
    The elixir heals and soothes you.
    4498h, 3370m, 14460e, 15859w ecdbk 35- 13:41:17.646 (+704h, 15.7%) 
    You bleed 20 health.
    4478h, 3370m, 14460e, 15865w ecdbk 35- 13:41:17.964 (-20h, 0.4%) 
    You may apply another salve or balm to yourself.
    4478h, 3370m, 14460e, 15865w ecdbk 35- 13:41:18.203 
    You have recovered balance on all limbs. (1.817s)

     i'm a rebel

  • What determines archery damage? Just the bow and the skill (Subterfuge, Chivalry)?
    As far as I know, it's just bow type and whether or not the arrow is envenomed (the amount of damage is the same, but unenvenomed arrows are cutting and envenomed arrows are poison). Skill doesn't matter, aiming and wind don't matter, snipe is the same damage as shoot.
  • How important are strength and intelligence for bards? I know that int increases accentato damage, but how does that weigh against int's importance against dex/con/str? The same goes for strength. Obviously you'll jab harder, but how important is that compared to int/dex/con?
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