I'm pretty sure diminishing returns is applied to every stat the same way. 12 --> 13 is a 'full' increase, but 13 --> 14 is diminished slightly and so on and so forth.
I'm fairly sure Dex does as well, at least in regards to dodging. I know con doesn't though - Sothantos with every single truefavor and his 20k HP said nope to that.
Diminishing returns only apply to strength and intelligence (more specifically, only for damage modifiers from str/int). 12 is the base, so at 12 str/int, your damage is unmodified. Every point above 12 increases the damage by a certain amount, with each point adding less damage than the last. Every point below 12 reduces damage by a certain amount, with each point subtracting less damage than the last.
Using a common str/int modifier (some attacks are different): So 13 strength (+1 from the base) increases damage by ~6.5%. 14 strength (+2) will increase damage by ~12.2%, 15 strength (+3) will increase damage by ~17.6%, etc. Similarly, 11 strength reduces damage by ~6.5%, 10 strength by ~12.2%, 9 strength by ~17.6%.
The reason the first point of strength (so 13 or 11) is considered "undiminished" is because it's the same as the old str/int formula, before diminishing returns were implemented. Back then, 13 str would give ~6.5% damage, 14 would give ~13%, etc., each point adding the same amount of damage as the current ±1.
Edit: If dexterity has diminishing returns, then it was an unannounced change, and a pretty big one to be done silently. It wouldn't be the first time a huge change was made without any notice though.
Con definitely doesn't. Common knowledge as stated by people who know as much about such things as anyone says that it's just strength and intelligence, but I'm not sure if that's been confirmed by admin or not; I would imagine that the effect of dexterity on dodging would be quite difficult to test to the requisite accuracy.
The trait Master Contemplator increases willpower regen during meditation. Does anyone know if it improves willpower regeneration during split mind as well?
@Nellaundra I think the same question was asked about three pages back, with the answer being, "Nope." Whether that's truly confirmed or not, I don't know, however.
Both likely work, so it depends on taste. Personally I would go for full-circle.
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
When describing a full circle cloak, would it be full circle or full-circle? Tailored item.
I think that technically full-circle is grammatically correct, because full modifies circle rather than cloak. A full circle cloak could be read as "a full, circle cloak," which would mean the cloak is full rather than the circle.
Are there differences... in the colours... between blue and silver dragons?
colours descriptions. Is is there a different description for each dragon colour, or are they all 'he is a black/red/blue/yellow/purple dragon, and is big with a tail' etc.
Is fury worth using while hunting to go from 16/17/18 strength to 18/19/20 respectively? I thiiink Cooper said each point of strength came out to 6% damage at 14 strength and then something about diminishing returns and ugh math. It doubles endurance drain which I do not mind unless it makes a very small difference. My rapiers are 62-166-231 and 54-158-239. I also have 108-150-192 and 112-138 -200 longswords, I am level 82 and the rapiers seem better, but I just thought I would say that in case that changed anything. Also, I have a pair of 70/150ish/223s. So I am guessing it is typically best to hunt for as long as I can with the really fast rapiers and not use fury? I am just wondering because I typically save fury for fights that never come (it is the dress) so I was not sure if I should use it or not. Thank you! (That was probably really hard to read... sorry =x)
And also, does anyone have any mathy stuff on augmenting like success rates? Shunsui mentioned having two really good full plates augmented in an alternating pattern until one blew up, so I was wondering about doing that with the extra 231 speeds I have but I was not sure if it would be worth it or not (I still do not know who helped me with weapons thank you I would ask you what you thought if I knew who you were but I have no idea =x)
And now for a completely unrelated question (editted so I do not have to make a third post in a row) is dawn at any specific time of the hour (like gmt x:30) or what would be the best way to predict that? It would be really cool to be able to line sermons up with dawn, but I am admittedly really terrible at stuff like that and would need a script if it is not something like x:30. If anyone happens to know, I would really appreciate it. Thank you all
Is fury worth using while hunting to go from 16/17/18 strength to 18/19/20 respectively? I thiiink Cooper said each point of strength came out to 6% damage at 14 strength and then something about diminishing returns and ugh math. It doubles endurance drain which I do not mind unless it makes a very small difference. My rapiers are 62-166-231 and 54-158-239. I also have 108-150-192 and 112-138 -200 longswords, I am level 82 and the rapiers seem better, but I just thought I would say that in case that changed anything. Also, I have a pair of 70/150ish/223s. So I am guessing it is typically best to hunt for as long as I can with the really fast rapiers and not use fury? I am just wondering because I typically save fury for fights that never come (it is the dress) so I was not sure if I should use it or not. Thank you! (That was probably really hard to read... sorry =x)
Use the fast ones for pve. Fury isn't really worth it at that point, no. I still use it sometimes if I'm bored. The increase in damage from 19 to 20 is like .9% or something else rude.
Do gems of negation not cure drunkenness anymore? They did last time I tried, but I gave one to a friend today and he was still drunk after I forced him to touch it.
And now for a completely unrelated question (editted so I do not have to make a third post in a row) is dawn at any specific time of the hour (like gmt x:30) or what would be the best way to predict that? It would be really cool to be able to line sermons up with dawn, but I am admittedly really terrible at stuff like that and would need a script if it is not something like x:30. If anyone happens to know, I would really appreciate it. Thank you all
The length of an Achaean day varies, so it doesn't match up with a certain OOC time. It generally doesn't vary that quickly though, so if it's not too far into the future, it's somewhat predictable. For example, say dawn on the current Achaean day is 7:13 PM. You can expect it will be the same (around x:13) for at least several hours, possibly the next few RL days.
Also useful to know that dawn is 12 minutes into the Achaean day, and lasts for 1 minute. So if midnight (the "It is now the xth of y" message) is at 5:00, dawn will be from 5:12 to 5:13.
This. I am assuming those numbers are what vadi's limb counter is based on. I' trying to translate the script into mudlet, but I'm not sure I have the skills.
Apparently when the base tekura damage reaches a % of their health, the limb breaks.
Can anyone explain more on this? I'm not entirely sure I have it right.
I'd greatly appreciate it if someone has a mudlet script for this, or at least some more accurate numbers for 'limb health' for opponents with higher max health.
Edit:I'm sorry that turned out as a jumble of confused questions.
Since Monks don't have to worry about alternate damage like knights or whatever (unless you get artie'd up) then it's kinda simple. I'd nab one person as a baseline when they have around 4000 health. Do a series of SWK/HFP x2 to break their legs and mark the number of combos needed down. That's your base. Unless the person has just unholy amounts of health (around 5.5k+) then that number will never have -that- much variation. Well, unless you're actually accurate enough to not need the SWK for hitting them.
(yes, I'm aware this doesn't answer your question, but Monks have -much- less need for limbcounters than other classes. Don't make things more complicated than they have to be)
<a href='http://client.achaea.com?eid=ach809620794'><imgsrc='http://www.achaea.com/banner/chryenth.jpg' /></a>
→My Mudlet Scripts
Using a common str/int modifier (some attacks are different):
So 13 strength (+1 from the base) increases damage by ~6.5%. 14 strength (+2) will increase damage by ~12.2%, 15 strength (+3) will increase damage by ~17.6%, etc.
Similarly, 11 strength reduces damage by ~6.5%, 10 strength by ~12.2%, 9 strength by ~17.6%.
The reason the first point of strength (so 13 or 11) is considered "undiminished" is because it's the same as the old str/int formula, before diminishing returns were implemented. Back then, 13 str would give ~6.5% damage, 14 would give ~13%, etc., each point adding the same amount of damage as the current ±1.
Edit: If dexterity has diminishing returns, then it was an unannounced change, and a pretty big one to be done silently. It wouldn't be the first time a huge change was made without any notice though.
<a href='http://client.achaea.com?eid=ach809620794'><imgsrc='http://www.achaea.com/banner/chryenth.jpg' /></a>
<a href='http://client.achaea.com?eid=ach809620794'><imgsrc='http://www.achaea.com/banner/chryenth.jpg' /></a>
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
colours descriptions. Is is there a different description for each dragon colour, or are they all 'he is a black/red/blue/yellow/purple dragon, and is big with a tail' etc.
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
<a href='http://client.achaea.com?eid=ach809620794'><imgsrc='http://www.achaea.com/banner/chryenth.jpg' /></a>
Also useful to know that dawn is 12 minutes into the Achaean day, and lasts for 1 minute. So if midnight (the "It is now the xth of y" message) is at 5:00, dawn will be from 5:12 to 5:13.
(yes, I'm aware this doesn't answer your question, but Monks have -much- less need for limbcounters than other classes. Don't make things more complicated than they have to be)