Fullplate, being Forging, is anyone's guess. Some of the knights I know managed a 116/83 on the third try. It took me 100 tries and 1,207,000 gold worth of material (I've kept a record of all of them) to get a 97/101. You could try to calculate probability with Sena's forging calculator thing, but it's really anyone's guess.
Avoidance would give you a flat damage reduction against all physical damage classes and the dex boost, which is notable. Fullplate would give you better damage reduction against certain classes, (Namely knights, blademasters, and priests. Tekura doesn't care about your armour, and I forget how sentinels/druids fit in.) and I always value RP over game mechanics.
-- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
Avoidance would give you a flat damage reduction against all physical damage classes and the dex boost, which is notable. Fullplate would give you better damage reduction against certain classes, (Namely knights, blademasters, and priests. Tekura doesn't care about your armour, and I forget how sentinels/druids fit in.) and I always value RP over game mechanics.
Depends on circumstances, for blademasters. Infusions change the damage type, so a blademaster who infuses on every slash will be basically ignoring both armour and the damage reduction from avoidance.
@Aerek, if you could message me the list of collected stats on forums that would rule. I've got a collection of fullplate stats at the moment, and more data is better!
Avoidance would give you a flat damage reduction against all physical damage classes and the dex boost, which is notable. Fullplate would give you better damage reduction against certain classes, (Namely knights, blademasters, and priests. Tekura doesn't care about your armour, and I forget how sentinels/druids fit in.) and I always value RP over game mechanics.
Depends on circumstances, for blademasters. Infusions change the damage type, so a blademaster who infuses on every slash will be basically ignoring both armour and the damage reduction from avoidance.
Adds damage, doesn't change the damage type. Exception is supposed to be INFUSE VOID (which should cause slashes to ignore armor), but its broken and being looked at, according to the bug report I submitted about it (yes, still).
Huh. When I tested it months ago with some knight (can't remember who,) armor had an effect on the damage which implied to me that the damage base was physical. Maybe something changed since then?
Huh. When I tested it months ago with some knight (can't remember who,) armor had an effect on the damage which implied to me that the damage base was physical. Maybe something changed since then?
Void infusion turns it magical. I didn't think the rest did.
All infuses changed the damage the first time I tested them, which was shortly after blademaster was released.
It's possible that they're still reduced by armour despite not actually being cutting damage, though. I'm not sure I ever tested infusions against armour, just resistances.
Last time I tested (probably a month or so ago), at least void and fire infused slashes were unaffected by armour. I didn't bother checking the other two.
I just realized suddenly that I don't see the leaders forum anymore.
Has that disappeared, or are my permissions just screwy?
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Yep, I can still see it. Go ahead and message tecton... I emaild forums@achaea.com twice over a week and never got permissions. Msg'd tecton and he was very quick to fix it
I sent in an email. If when I get home in a few hours there's nothing, I'll message Tecton then.
Thanks a bunch!
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Tattoos gives one extra slot at skilled (around 170-ish lessons) and a second extra slot at expert (around 420-ish lessons). Learning to expert will also let you ink up to boar, which is useful.
I thought they did. Veils only stop specific room location. Abilities that don't give you their exact location, like Mindnet and Angel Watch, still work.
Edit: If Antidas is right, that makes Angel Watch even more awesome, because I used it to track down Kupo and Daloc when they were veiled and running amok in Cyrene.
-- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
Veiled people elude mindnet and angel watch unless you (the BM/Monk/Priest) have a veil. I think if serpent/bm evade across the area border it also doesn't show up, not without a fullsense check).
Avoidance would give you a flat damage reduction against all physical damage classes and the dex boost, which is notable. Fullplate would give you better damage reduction against certain classes, (Namely knights, blademasters, and priests. Tekura doesn't care about your armour, and I forget how sentinels/druids fit in.) and I always value RP over game mechanics.
Adds damage, doesn't change the damage type. Exception is supposed to be INFUSE VOID (which should cause slashes to ignore armor), but its broken and being looked at, according to the bug report I submitted about it (yes, still).
It's possible that they're still reduced by armour despite not actually being cutting damage, though. I'm not sure I ever tested infusions against armour, just resistances.
I just realized suddenly that I don't see the leaders forum anymore.
Has that disappeared, or are my permissions just screwy?
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
I sent in an email. If when I get home in a few hours there's nothing, I'll message Tecton then.
Thanks a bunch!
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Don't know for sure since I haven't hit 1mil yet, but it's more than 500k, anyway.
Edit: If Antidas is right, that makes Angel Watch even more awesome, because I used it to track down Kupo and Daloc when they were veiled and running amok in Cyrene.