(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
Are different types of bait more effective in different fishing environments?
If by "types of bait" you mean small, medium, and large, then yes. Lake fish are generally easier to catch than river fish, so you can likely handle larger bait on lakes. It depends on your skill level as well.
If you mean different types of bait of the same size (for example, a difference between mudsucker and octopus), I've never heard of any difference, as far as I know they're identical.
If I send bulky Ahri top, and I have a fiddlesticks Mid, and a Tristana bot, with a Sona support and a Phoenix stance Udyr, is that too much AP?
I've seen Ayoxele use illusions before, so I'm assuming that they're for pretending to afflict to cause someone go off of a chosen balance, but does illusions work on every class? (I know it doesn't work on Blade Master, but is that the only exception?)
it is something cute you add to the end of your sentence~
--doesn't work on that freaking annoying song.
About your question: the illusions aren't always nullified. The abilities clarity (Blademasters) and lifevision (Apostates, Infernals, Mask of Lifevision artefact) have a chance of making your illusion have '** Illusion **' above it, which is coded into most systems to ignore the illusion. The chances of catching the illusions can be decreased if the illusionist owns some artifact - I think the Talisman of Obfuscation (should be something of Obfuscation). The Talisman isn't very common at all, though.
Aside from the illusion catching chance, the previously mentioned abilities can make you see hidden people, and see shrouded people and their actions.
And yeah, I do use illusions to get ahead of some balances or make their system assume some things or make them change priorities or make them change their offensive strategy, but I also sometimes just illusion fun stuff like someone who could illusion IRL would likely do in a fight (chains holding someone back, etc), but I do that really rarely.
Udyr juggling with Phoenix stance wouldn't really be raising his AP so he'd remain a physical damagey tank. Fiddlesticks' passive + someone having an abyssal scepter + a WoTA from someone could help cut your losses from that heavy of an AP team but yeah, it's a bit magicy.
If I send bulky Ahri top, and I have a fiddlesticks Mid, and a Tristana bot, with a Sona support and a Phoenix stance Udyr, is that too much AP?
I've seen Ayoxele use illusions before, so I'm assuming that they're for pretending to afflict to cause someone go off of a chosen balance, but does illusions work on every class? (I know it doesn't work on Blade Master, but is that the only exception?)
Blademasters and necromancers (Apostate and Infernal) have abilities that give them a chance to notice that an illusion is an illusion. There's also an artefact, the mask of lifevision, that gives the same ability. Other than that, illusions work the same against everyone, in terms of in game abilities. In many cases, there are ways to deduce that something is an illusion (e.g., an illusion of you eating an herb and it curing something when you didn't send a command to eat that herb), and some curing systems (most noteably svo) will have checks built in to avoid getting fooled as much as possible.
it is something cute you add to the end of your sentence~
--doesn't work on that freaking annoying song.
About your question: the illusions aren't 100% nullified. The abilities clarity (Blademasters) and lifevision (Apostates, Infernals, Mask of Lifevision artefact) have a chance of making your illusion have '** Illusion **' above it, which is coded into most systems to ignore the illusion. The chances of catching the illusions can be decreased if the illusionist owns some artifact - I think the Talisman of Obfuscation (should be something of Obfuscation). The Talisman isn't very common at all, though.
Aside from the illusion catching chance, the previously mentioned abilities can make you see hidden people, and see shrouded people and their actions.
Pretty sure clarity at least (and I assume lifevision) doesn't affect seeing shrouded people. You can see them with thirdeye, and see some of their actions with hypersight.
Clarity/lifevision/astralvision do let you see some, but not all actions that are normally hidden by shroud/cloak. Thirdeye doesn't show anything that lifevision doesn't.
Shrouded adventurers in room descriptions: Visible with either thirdeye or lifevision. Shrouded movement: Not visible to thirdeye, visible with lifevision or hypersight. Not sure on other actions.
Clarity/lifevision/astralvision do let you see some, but not all actions that are normally hidden by shroud/cloak. Thirdeye doesn't show anything that lifevision doesn't.
Shrouded adventurers in room descriptions: Visible with either thirdeye or lifevision. Shrouded movement: Not visible to thirdeye, visible with lifevision or hypersight. Not sure on other actions.
I stand corrected. In that case, does anyone know if there are actions that are visible with hypersight, but not lifevision/clarity? They both show movement and wielding items, neither shows dropping or picking up items, neither is needed to see cures, couldn't think of anything else to check.
Are different types of bait more effective in different fishing environments?
If by "types of bait" you mean small, medium, and large, then yes. Lake fish are generally easier to catch than river fish, so you can likely handle larger bait on lakes. It depends on your skill level as well.
If you mean different types of bait of the same size (for example, a difference between mudsucker and octopus), I've never heard of any difference, as far as I know they're identical.
Yeah, I meant the differences in bait like octopus and mudsucker. The lake bit is interesting, though. Do the fish in lakes tend to be smaller than river fish as well?
Robust or receptive body for pvp? As I understand it robust is better for non-threatening damage like dsls, and receptive body would give me 5%(? what is the bonus, exactly?) more of my life on axekicks, bbts, enfeebles, etc. That means receptive body is better for burst damage, right?
Robust or receptive body for pvp? As I understand it robust is better for non-threatening damage like dsls, and receptive body would give me 5%(? what is the bonus, exactly?) more of my life on axekicks, bbts, enfeebles, etc. That means receptive body is better for burst damage, right?
Receptive body is a 5% boost to your health sip (half of a level 1 sip ring). Robust will increase your max health by three times your level. Since your sip depends on your max health, robust will also boost your health sip by about the same amount as receptive body (~4.5-5.5%, depending on level and con). But it will also increase the damage you take from many adventurer attacks.
As for the burst damage question, I think it depends on what kind of burst damage you're talking about. For things like bbt and choke, which are purely a percentage of your max health, receptive body should be better, since you'll sip for a larger percentage of your max health. Not sure how it would balance out for which is better overall.
@Eld, I think you mean Robust will increase the damage you take from many adventurer attacks. Denizen attacks (as far as I know) do not typically scale with health or have a percentage-based component. Else, bashing things we used to in levels 40-50 might still be dangerous at later levels, which obviously isn't true.
There's no +4, that point of extra constitution is just worth 3 health per level before percentage modifiers. I'm also pretty sure that denizen damage is, on the whole, totally unrelated to maximum health.
@Eld, I think you mean Robust will increase the damage you take from many adventurer attacks. Denizen attacks (as far as I know) do not typically scale with health or have a percentage-based component. Else, bashing things we used to in levels 40-50 might still be dangerous at later levels, which obviously isn't true.
Yes, that is exactly what I meant. Edited.
Ugh, and @Antonius is right, that +4 shouldn't have been there either, also fixed. Shouldn't try to do numbers before finishing the morning coffee.
For things like bbt and choke, which are purely a percentage of your max health, receptive body should be better
Choke, yes, but I'm pretty sure bbt has a non-relative portion as well. There are extremely few abilities that are entirely max-health based.
For abilities that are entirely max-health based, having more health actually hurts you, since the sip formula has a constant part as well, so it doesn't completely scale with health. But the rarity of such abilities generally still makes having more health give you benefits.
Well, enfeeble is obviously entirely health based, but in that case it's not max health but current health (so it's actually beneficial to try to get enfeebled at not-so-high health and sipping immediately after).
Not quite sure about mind crush - I think the mana part of it is, but the health part maybe not. Total max-mana dependence seems to be much more common than total max-health dependence.
@Eld, I think you mean Robust will increase the damage you take from many adventurer attacks. Denizen attacks (as far as I know) do not typically scale with health or have a percentage-based component. Else, bashing things we used to in levels 40-50 might still be dangerous at later levels, which obviously isn't true.
It varies, just not by as large an amount. When I go hunting somewhere and have 10k health, I take 2000 damage per hit, when I have 7k health, I take 1700 damage (numbers originally located in my rectum).
The amount of the damage that is maxhp based is much smaller, but it does seem to be there still.
@Eld, I think you mean Robust will increase the damage you take from many adventurer attacks. Denizen attacks (as far as I know) do not typically scale with health or have a percentage-based component. Else, bashing things we used to in levels 40-50 might still be dangerous at later levels, which obviously isn't true.
It varies, just not by as large an amount. When I go hunting somewhere and have 10k health, I take 2000 damage per hit, when I have 7k health, I take 1700 damage (numbers originally located in my rectum).
The amount of the damage that is maxhp based is much smaller, but it does seem to be there still.
Couldn't that have to do with your armour? Fullplate better than dragonarmour.
If you mean different types of bait of the same size (for example, a difference between mudsucker and octopus), I've never heard of any difference, as far as I know they're identical.
Whats the difference?
About your question: the illusions aren't always nullified. The abilities clarity (Blademasters) and lifevision (Apostates, Infernals, Mask of Lifevision artefact) have a chance of making your illusion have '** Illusion **' above it, which is coded into most systems to ignore the illusion. The chances of catching the illusions can be decreased if the illusionist owns some artifact - I think the Talisman of Obfuscation (should be something of Obfuscation). The Talisman isn't very common at all, though.
Aside from the illusion catching chance, the previously mentioned abilities can make you see hidden people, and see shrouded people and their actions.
And yeah, I do use illusions to get ahead of some balances or make their system assume some things or make them change priorities or make them change their offensive strategy, but I also sometimes just illusion fun stuff like someone who could illusion IRL would likely do in a fight (chains holding someone back, etc), but I do that really rarely.
Udyr juggling with Phoenix stance wouldn't really be raising his AP so he'd remain a physical damagey tank. Fiddlesticks' passive + someone having an abyssal scepter + a WoTA from someone could help cut your losses from that heavy of an AP team but yeah, it's a bit magicy.
Shrouded adventurers in room descriptions: Visible with either thirdeye or lifevision.
Shrouded movement: Not visible to thirdeye, visible with lifevision or hypersight.
Not sure on other actions.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
As for the burst damage question, I think it depends on what kind of burst damage you're talking about. For things like bbt and choke, which are purely a percentage of your max health, receptive body should be better, since you'll sip for a larger percentage of your max health. Not sure how it would balance out for which is better overall.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Ugh, and @Antonius is right, that +4 shouldn't have been there either, also fixed. Shouldn't try to do numbers before finishing the morning coffee.
Anyway, the rest should be fine.
→My Mudlet Scripts
→My Mudlet Scripts