Pretty much anyone with good initiation or some form of ranged threat would be great to pair him with-- Blitzcrank would be good; I could see Darius/Leona, Darius/Lux, or especially Darius/Thresh being a brutal lane, too. Darius/Lee Sin would be hilarious, in that Lee Sin at level 2/3 would be able to use Cripple to just shut down an enemy ADC's last-hitting. Going out on a limb for really unconventional picks... I'd imagine the level 2 all-in from a Darius/Urgot double ignite (or exhaust/ignite) lane would guarantee at least first blood, if not a double kill, unless the jungler hauls ass down to bottom and just straight up doesn't leave (and in that case, you could possibly make it 3 kills down bot).
If you get fed get hour glass + deathcap for max AP and kill kill kill.
Otherwise I also enjoy a more defensive build on akali with gun blade and defensive items. Turns her into a bruiser that can harrass and bully their back line.
But seriously, gunblade is the standard go-to first item for Akali (and I remember reading someone, possibly Xypherous, commenting on how she's basically balanced around that item). Zhonya's + Deathcap is great for insane burst + survivability if you're ahead, but if you're behind/not getting extremely fed, Void Staff is the next major core item you'll probably need.
You want to play really safe as Akali until level six and just try to farm the best you can. Akali's got pretty rough levels 1-5, but her power spikes dramatically at 6. In lane, you can use Q to farm, but I think it's better to save it for opportunistic harass where possible; your Q + autoattack (or Q + AA + Q + E) combo is really hard to trade against and can be used to zone opponents (especially melee or champs that don't have pass-through skills like Ahri's Q) pretty well. You might even pick up kills if they're reckless and don't respect Akali's burst.
Other than that, Akali's really good at picking off out-of-position carries, which will probably be your job in the mid-to-late game. Generally speaking, she's a really fun champion and there's all kinds of potential to make obscenely brilliant plays with her.
Yeah if you're fighting against an Akali, and you let her proc her Q mark, it's going to deal a lot of extra damage in trades.
So as Mathonwy said, whenever you can proc your Q (AAs, or W, or R if you're going in), it'll help your trading a lot in lane.
There are some good spots you can place your shroud (E) between two bushes - if you're fighting one person, they won't know which bush you choose, if you move correctly.
Try not to let the game go too late, as your shroud helps you survive a lot, though you hopefully have Zhonyas near the end-game.
And you can escape by ulting to enemy minions, unless that was changed.
If you place your shroud -just- inside of the walls connecting lane to wraiths, or jungle walls to wolves, the shroud will reveal them and you can use R to jump to those aswell. So yeah.
I mean, getting 47 kills against bots is easy if you're experienced against people... but dieing 12 times to get it isn't very common for experienced pvp'ers.
Mostly because you know enough to not dive in 1v3... or 1v2.
Also, Ruunan's on Ashe?(I know you're not Ashe, but still >P) I mean... sure, it works.... but you only see that in ARAM. I don't think it's very effective(on Ashe) on SR, though. You did gud though. Keep it up, and you'll eventually meet the rest of us on the rift In fact, you should be out there beating up other noobs. Yes.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
Runaan's is a terrible item, full stop. It offers zero of the utility that a PD offers, and its waveclear isn't even that good compared to a Shiv. I mean its only one goodish use would be on like Caitlyn so her Headshot procced more often, except if you're close enough range on Caitlyn to be hitting three champions at once you're either already dead or extremely fed, in which case you could probably build any troll item in addition to your core and win... because you still have your core.
Don't let the kills misguide you... I suck at Shaco...
And yes, the only way I know how to play Shaco is AP. I don't even enjoy him. But, I don't like wasting re-rolls in ARAM unless it's a completely total all in melee champion. ... Okay, Shaco kinda is... I mean the likes of Tryndamere, or Yi... yes, you heard it here folks. I suck at Yi. Even in ARAM. Melee champs make me tunnel vision and over agro. Don't know why, but they always have, probably always will.
Anyway, our team was probably doomed from the start, considering I wasn't going AD Shaco, we were all AP. And they had tankiness. But I sure did stick on and blow up Ahri any chance I could Stealth in, sneak behind Ahri, admire her butt.... drop a box, fire DFG, E, R, and then I either took her out and died for it, or got a double kill off of someone else who was nearby and low. It's funny to watch half her health just disappear because my clone blew up. I actually -did- manage to get a triple off a suicide clone. I don't know how they didn't realize it was bait... I mean, I had less than 10% of my health... and there were three of them grouped right up and around 10% themself. The clone got a double kill. The third was me Qing in and finishing the survivor with an E.
... Yes, I still suck at Shaco >.>
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
[spoiler]S2 worlds wasn't like... qualitatively better, but because TPA upset Azubu there was way more excitement. The NA crowds during S2 were cheering literally anyone Azubu Frost were going up against (remember the U-S-A chants for Moscow 5?), and because of the stupidly long delays people were more invested in the games they were able to see.
But mostly the upset, which of course didn't happen at the Staples Center. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]My favourite matches of the tournament were Royal vs OMG in the quarter finals which IMO were the closest and most exciting of the tournament, probably some of the Fnatic games, and of course the TSM games in the qualifying round robin purely because TSeeeemmmmM.
I'm not disputing that the two teams in the finals deserved to be there, and congratulations to the winners and all that. But the whole tournament was just not as well set-up as it could have been. They ran a global-stage wildcard qualifier immediately before the quarters that meant eliminated teams like Vulcun and Gaminggear saw more than twice as many games played, against far more opponents, than regional qualifiers who advanced directly to the quarter finals but didn't progress to the semis. That was dumb. I wanted to see far, far more of Cloud 9, but they weren't given the chance.[/spoiler]
Was one of those weird ARAMs where there's actually the same champion on both teams. This is only the second time I've seen it happen, personally. Enemy Kennen and I kinda taunted each other back and forth... He'd hit me with a shuriken, then a few seconds later I'd hit him. Then we'd lightning rush in and slicing maelstrom. Often right inside each others as we both zhonya at roughly the same time. More often than not, their entire team was caught in mine while my team wasn't very often caught in theirs.
Partially because when he used his maelstrom, I countered with mine... so I'd drop a warning on enemy kennen when my ult was nearly off cooldown. My eventual taunt was, "/all this is the way we time your ult, time your ult, time your ult." ... Soon followed by me losing the ult war, with the ensuing taunt, "/all ha! Stunned before you could zhonya." ... my response, which(I believe) was true: "/all Nope. Bursted !_!" cause Akali jumped on me before I could get my zhonya's off.
My team almost threw it toward the end, because Mundo was so tanky and they kept hitting him. ... And I went through like two team fights without using my ult, because there was no good instance to use it. It was either use it on Mundo(who I was trying to ignore), or a nearly dead Akali. After that, we got the team fight I wanted and two zhonya'd kennens sat next to each other in a mega super maelstrom of death. Two teams entered, only one team left.
No, it wasn't a penta. I think I only got a double. On cleanup.
Edit: Oh, in case it wasn't obvious... first time kennen.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
Welcome to "Whose Bomb is it Anyway?". The show where everything is made up and the points don't matter.
We had no idea who's bomb was whose. It came down to which team had the better Zilean and Morgana! ... Well, not really. We kinda did bad until we had a few good team fights. Best fight was a last-second desperate "We're fucked" at our nexus. It was down to a 2v5 around our turrets. Mordekaiser and Zilean vs the world. All the while I was spamming rewind, dropping bombs as they came up and avoiding damage while Mordekaiser tanked/did the rest of the damage. Morde was just about to die, when... my ult came off cooldown(which is why I was spamming rewind). And then came the turn around. Bomb down, five people die instantly. Triple kill for Morde, doublekill for me. 2v5, we win the game. Okay, there was one more teamfight following that, but we won that one handidly. Because our Morgana got a beautiful ult-zhonya.
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
Pretty much anyone with good initiation or some form of ranged threat would be great to pair him with-- Blitzcrank would be good; I could see Darius/Leona, Darius/Lux, or especially Darius/Thresh being a brutal lane, too. Darius/Lee Sin would be hilarious, in that Lee Sin at level 2/3 would be able to use Cripple to just shut down an enemy ADC's last-hitting. Going out on a limb for really unconventional picks... I'd imagine the level 2 all-in from a Darius/Urgot double ignite (or exhaust/ignite) lane would guarantee at least first blood, if not a double kill, unless the jungler hauls ass down to bottom and just straight up doesn't leave (and in that case, you could possibly make it 3 kills down bot).
advice, strategies and builds??
@mathonwy @rangor @daklore
Honestly, no idea how to Akali.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
But seriously, gunblade is the standard go-to first item for Akali (and I remember reading someone, possibly Xypherous, commenting on how she's basically balanced around that item). Zhonya's + Deathcap is great for insane burst + survivability if you're ahead, but if you're behind/not getting extremely fed, Void Staff is the next major core item you'll probably need.
You want to play really safe as Akali until level six and just try to farm the best you can. Akali's got pretty rough levels 1-5, but her power spikes dramatically at 6. In lane, you can use Q to farm, but I think it's better to save it for opportunistic harass where possible; your Q + autoattack (or Q + AA + Q + E) combo is really hard to trade against and can be used to zone opponents (especially melee or champs that don't have pass-through skills like Ahri's Q) pretty well. You might even pick up kills if they're reckless and don't respect Akali's burst.
Other than that, Akali's really good at picking off out-of-position carries, which will probably be your job in the mid-to-late game. Generally speaking, she's a really fun champion and there's all kinds of potential to make obscenely brilliant plays with her.
first game against intermediate bots..... wow.... my q was doing like 800 + damage at the end had like 500 ap :O was awesome
I mean, getting 47 kills against bots is easy if you're experienced against people... but dieing 12 times to get it isn't very common for experienced pvp'ers.
Mostly because you know enough to not dive in 1v3... or 1v2.
Also, Ruunan's on Ashe?(I know you're not Ashe, but still >P) I mean... sure, it works.... but you only see that in ARAM. I don't think it's very effective(on Ashe) on SR, though. You did gud though. Keep it up, and you'll eventually meet the rest of us on the rift
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
also you should all put together and shout me enough rp to move back to NA servers then :P
(Don't take this as me saying the item is good. It's still fairly trashtier. It's just a whole lotta AOE damage, and funny to use against bad teams.)
Anyway, our team was probably doomed from the start, considering I wasn't going AD Shaco, we were all AP. And they had tankiness. But I sure did stick on and blow up Ahri any chance I could
... Yes, I still suck at Shaco >.>
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Soooo... That was the world championships, then.
(If you want to use spoiler tags, just write
But mostly the upset, which of course didn't happen at the Staples Center.
I'm not disputing that the two teams in the finals deserved to be there, and congratulations to the winners and all that. But the whole tournament was just not as well set-up as it could have been. They ran a global-stage wildcard qualifier immediately before the quarters that meant eliminated teams like Vulcun and Gaminggear saw more than twice as many games played, against far more opponents, than regional qualifiers who advanced directly to the quarter finals but didn't progress to the semis. That was dumb. I wanted to see far, far more of Cloud 9, but they weren't given the chance.[/spoiler]
Partially because when he used his maelstrom, I countered with mine... so I'd drop a warning on enemy kennen when my ult was nearly off cooldown. My eventual taunt was, "/all this is the way we time your ult, time your ult, time your ult." ... Soon followed by me losing the ult war, with the ensuing taunt, "/all ha! Stunned before you could zhonya." ... my response, which(I believe) was true: "/all Nope. Bursted !_!" cause Akali jumped on me before I could get my zhonya's off.
My team almost threw it toward the end, because Mundo was so tanky and they kept hitting him. ... And I went through like two team fights without using my ult, because there was no good instance to use it. It was either use it on Mundo(who I was trying to ignore), or a nearly dead Akali. After that, we got the team fight I wanted and two zhonya'd kennens sat next to each other in a mega super maelstrom of death. Two teams entered, only one team left.
No, it wasn't a penta. I think I only got a double. On cleanup.
Edit: Oh, in case it wasn't obvious... first time kennen.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.