I went on to lose the next two. One more loss and promo series go bye-bye !_! I was kind of hoping the two games following this one would go about the same... I haven't been this fed as adc in a while . I had a quadra-kill that wasn't a quadra kill, shame. Teamfight broke out on bot, our team baited them into it and I got a triple kill off it. After a bit, Sona comes back into lane and I go after her. I got the kill for the ace, but.... it wasn't fast enough for a quadra. Apparently, my support was a support main, which was pretty nice.
Game 2 went all wrong in champ select. I knew I should've left queue after the first dodge, I usually do to get a new group of people. But, I never. We didn't really disagree in champ select, it's just, three of us wanted adc, the other two wanted jungle. I went support, cause, the people who wanted adc were higher picks, so... yeah. I took Zyra, in hindsight, I probably should've tried to make Nami or Janna work, but... oh well. We did alright in lane, my team's adc kept up, we didn't feed them. But their jungler dominated us. Riven popping out of nowhere and then all the lanes just died. Jungle won that game for the enemy.
Game 3, everything went wrong in lane. Corki(me) and Leona versus Draven and Thresh. Zoned. Hard. I tried, Leona did some stupid diving and then blamed me for not following. We were freaking behind, how the hell was I going to dive? I didn't want to feed Draven >.> Top and mid decided it was time to start harassing bot lane at 15 minutes when all I had was phage and sheen. I mean, zoned as hard as I was, that was the best I could swing. I still thought we could win it. We won a few team fights between 20 and 28 minutes, but we couldn't win overall, they split push us and we just couldn't plink them down. !_! Only good thing about that game was Draven in post-game saying "Corki was pretty good" when my team's mid was going, "Report corki and leona". Oh well. Hopefully my next two games will be stomps in my favour. I wanna get silver, durnnit. I've no delusions on getting gold, especially not before the season ends. Silver, probably, gold, ha, no. (maybe in season 4, who knows. I don't think I'm gold material, though)
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
then later went on to do this allthough i have lost nearly every pvp game i have played lately... i have won my lane almost every time but i dont know, i got told orianna is very skill based and im still learning how to play her "properly"
Playing Orianna properly, consists of putting your E on the tankiest of your team, then having them run straight into the middle of their team and hitting your R button. Then alternating between shielding your ADC with E, and QW-comboing enemy team to help the ADC pentakill.
GG you're now an expert at Orianna.
Kog'maw = activate W and right click whatever's closest to you. (Suggest dropping Nashor's for PD, or IE)
Also, I'd recommend saving as much as your IP as humanly possible, until you reach 30 so you can buy sets of runes outright, instead of having to trudge through max-level games with no runes to get them. As opposed to buying champs with your IP.
Actually, you can buy them at level 20 outright. Level 20 is when tier 3 becomes available. I bought two generalized pages worth of tier 3 runes at level 20. An AD page, and an AP page.
Then I got runepages. And now I have empty runepages. Yay! (less empty than filled, mind you, but I still have empty pages)
When Canada rules the world, things will be... nii~ice.
9 armour yellows (useless to get anything different)
9 flat mr blues 9 mr per level blues 9 cdr blues
3 ap quints 3 move speed quints 3 ad quints 3 lifesteal quints 3 flat hp quints (niche runes, but still beneficial to have)
Is essentially the list you want. Runepages are fairly simple to work out from there. (About 10 different overall BASIC ones, if you feel like maxing out potential) (If you can't work them out, just say so)
-> Queue up for ranked. -> Notice I get put in the same game as a friend who happens to be on the other team. -> Tell team to ban Renekton (his main) for a free win. -> Team says Renekton is shit and falls off late game. -> Locks in Renekton and kills our jungler at blue to get double buffs at level 2. -> Double kills jungler + top lane at level 4 -> proceeds to single handedly win the game.
Tl;dr Renekton does not fall of late game if the person playing him actually knows how to play/build him. Ban him if you know its someone on the other team's main.
I want to watch that replay and copy/ripoff that awesome top lane start.
It's simple to do with champs like Renekton, Garen, Zed, basically champs who can clear quickly at lv 1 for quick level 2. 21/9/0 masteries with red pot start.
Push wave hard so the river is pushed out of enemy vision, then act as if you've gone back -> run to their blue if you're red, or their red if you're blue and kill. Especially easier if you coordinate it with your jungler, but that takes a bit more effort in solo queue, and not all junglers will start at the buff that their ADC is closest to, so it can be a gamble still.
kha'zix left for AGES, teemo ran off by himself alot, fizz was just terrible insisted on going mid and tried to push me off it so i just went top, then he came top telling me to go mid so i went mid and then he kept feeding so hard, everyone was negative fighting each other
it was the worst/best game i have had, we nearly lost like 4 times but i was fed akali with 800 ap so i just carved the few enemies left up, then we sneak take out all their inhibitors yet no one pushes? only me and teemo and we get their nexus to half health, enemy team comes in and kill then goes on to win the game thats why i built the two warmogs, was gonna try and tank them all XD
From what I read in a Blue(tm) post- the quantity and the occurrence of beta keys being sent will be raised, and they plan to give keys to the closed beta to everyone that's signed up. You'll get one!
Twisted Treeline is pretty fun if you play as Evelynn. Dropped by and said hi to so many enemies who decided walking through the jungle for the altars was for fun.
Happy harrowing!
"Mummy, I'm hungry, but there's no one to eat! :C"
So, I just got it to install on Linux. How do I ... <insert x>?
Start a 5v5 game.
Pick a champion that looks fun and interesting.
Run around not knowing what you're doing.
Get raged at by strangers for playing the game wrong.
Internalise resultant anger/confusion/angst.
Play Coop vs AI games (against computer-controlled opponents) or ARAM games (All Random All Mid; everyone is given a random champion to play; somewhat competitive but mostly chaotic fun) until you forget the horrors of normal 5v5s.
Some fun, cheap, easy champions for learning the different roles are Garen (melee fighter), Ashe (ranged "marksman"), and Annie (mage). Other roles include support and jungler, but don't worry about that for now.
So, I just got it to install on Linux. How do I ... <insert x>?
>Buy Riven >Lock in Riven / Dodge game if someone picks Riven >Hit every button on your keyboard while right clicking on things >Kill shit >Carry game >Repeat until satisfied
Jungling Vi. I clear my buffs and head top lane, where our Renekton seems to be struggling against Tryndamere. There is a huge creep wave at Renekton's tower, so I tell him to farm it, because obviously you don't want to try for an uncertain kill if your laner is going to forfeit a large amount of farm. I dither around a bit and come into lane, miss my Vault Breaker on Tryndamere, the enemy Jarvan IV shows up, I klutz things horribly, and die, giving Tryndamere red buff.
He makes fun of me in all chat.
It was his first, and last, mistake.
I buy my +5 boots, strap on my tryhard gloves, run over to the enemy red buff as it spawns, steal it, and kill Jarvan as he tries to take it. I gank. I gank them all. I am a roaring rampage of revenge. All will pay for this slight the Barbarian King has perpetrated upon me.
I end the game 8-1-4. The enemy team surrenders. Tryndamere is ranting about how terrible Jarvan was, how poorly he performed. I smile.
Game 2 went all wrong in champ select. I knew I should've left queue after the first dodge, I usually do to get a new group of people. But, I never. We didn't really disagree in champ select, it's just, three of us wanted adc, the other two wanted jungle. I went support, cause, the people who wanted adc were higher picks, so... yeah. I took Zyra, in hindsight, I probably should've tried to make Nami or Janna work, but... oh well. We did alright in lane, my team's adc kept up, we didn't feed them. But their jungler dominated us. Riven popping out of nowhere and then all the lanes just died. Jungle won that game for the enemy.
Game 3, everything went wrong in lane. Corki(me) and Leona versus Draven and Thresh. Zoned. Hard. I tried, Leona did some stupid diving and then blamed me for not following. We were freaking behind, how the hell was I going to dive? I didn't want to feed Draven >.> Top and mid decided it was time to start harassing bot lane at 15 minutes when all I had was phage and sheen. I mean, zoned as hard as I was, that was the best I could swing. I still thought we could win it. We won a few team fights between 20 and 28 minutes, but we couldn't win overall, they split push us and we just couldn't plink them down. !_! Only good thing about that game was Draven in post-game saying "Corki was pretty good" when my team's mid was going, "Report corki and leona". Oh well. Hopefully my next two games will be stomps in my favour. I wanna get silver, durnnit. I've no delusions on getting gold, especially not before the season ends. Silver, probably, gold, ha, no. (maybe in season 4, who knows. I don't think I'm gold material, though)
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Just sayin' tho.
first orianna game ever.... I LOVE HER!
then later went on to do this
allthough i have lost nearly every pvp game i have played lately... i have won my lane almost every time but i dont know, i got told orianna is very skill based and im still learning how to play her "properly"
GG you're now an expert at Orianna.
Kog'maw = activate W and right click whatever's closest to you. (Suggest dropping Nashor's for PD, or IE)
Also, I'd recommend saving as much as your IP as humanly possible, until you reach 30 so you can buy sets of runes outright, instead of having to trudge through max-level games with no runes to get them. As opposed to buying champs with your IP.
Then I got runepages. And now I have empty runepages. Yay! (less empty than filled, mind you, but I still have empty pages)
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
9 mpen + arpen reds
9 aspd reds
9 armour yellows (useless to get anything different)
9 flat mr blues
9 mr per level blues
9 cdr blues
3 ap quints
3 move speed quints
3 ad quints
3 lifesteal quints
3 flat hp quints (niche runes, but still beneficial to have)
Is essentially the list you want.
Runepages are fairly simple to work out from there. (About 10 different overall BASIC ones, if you feel like maxing out potential)
(If you can't work them out, just say so)
What are these games? -.-
(Vayne dc'd for about the first 15 minutes of that)
-> Notice I get put in the same game as a friend who happens to be on the other team.
-> Tell team to ban Renekton (his main) for a free win.
-> Team says Renekton is shit and falls off late game.
-> Locks in Renekton and kills our jungler at blue to get double buffs at level 2.
-> Double kills jungler + top lane at level 4 -> proceeds to single handedly win the game.
Tl;dr Renekton does not fall of late game if the person playing him actually knows how to play/build him. Ban him if you know its someone on the other team's main.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Push wave hard so the river is pushed out of enemy vision, then act as if you've gone back -> run to their blue if you're red, or their red if you're blue and kill. Especially easier if you coordinate it with your jungler, but that takes a bit more effort in solo queue, and not all junglers will start at the buff that their ADC is closest to, so it can be a gamble still.
dear god that was long and painful
kha'zix left for AGES, teemo ran off by himself alot, fizz was just terrible insisted on going mid and tried to push me off it so i just went top, then he came top telling me to go mid so i went mid and then he kept feeding so hard, everyone was negative fighting each other
it was the worst/best game i have had, we nearly lost like 4 times but i was fed akali with 800 ap so i just carved the few enemies left up, then we sneak take out all their inhibitors yet no one pushes? only me and teemo and we get their nexus to half health, enemy team comes in and kill then goes on to win the game thats why i built the two warmogs, was gonna try and tank them all XD
all in all it was a terrible/amazing game
@Jespar hurry up and get 30.
Happy harrowing!
For anyone who doesn't know how to check LoL site...
Pick a champion that looks fun and interesting.
Run around not knowing what you're doing.
Get raged at by strangers for playing the game wrong.
Internalise resultant anger/confusion/angst.
Play Coop vs AI games (against computer-controlled opponents) or ARAM games (All Random All Mid; everyone is given a random champion to play; somewhat competitive but mostly chaotic fun) until you forget the horrors of normal 5v5s.
Some fun, cheap, easy champions for learning the different roles are Garen (melee fighter), Ashe (ranged "marksman"), and Annie (mage). Other roles include support and jungler, but don't worry about that for now.
>Lock in Riven / Dodge game if someone picks Riven
>Hit every button on your keyboard while right clicking on things
>Kill shit
>Carry game
>Repeat until satisfied
He makes fun of me in all chat.
It was his first, and last, mistake.
I buy my +5 boots, strap on my tryhard gloves, run over to the enemy red buff as it spawns, steal it, and kill Jarvan as he tries to take it. I gank. I gank them all. I am a roaring rampage of revenge. All will pay for this slight the Barbarian King has perpetrated upon me.
I end the game 8-1-4. The enemy team surrenders. Tryndamere is ranting about how terrible Jarvan was, how poorly he performed. I smile.