Riot has been having issues with their store for the better part of today and yesterday
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Because they haven't realized that turrets > dragon. I mean, honestly, I still don't understand when the best time to get dragon is. Yes, I can recognize it, but I always feel that turrets > dragon. Get turrets, back out, get dragon, base, buy. But when dragon is the only available objective to contest... I don't understand -when- to contest it.
Same with Baron... but I prefer to say, "screw baron, we don't need that crap"... unless we've cornered them into an impossible decision and have wards. I've actually seen that situation once and called baron. We couldn't push any other objectives because our Talon blew his load waaaaaaaay too early and we had no good initiate after that. It worked.
If you don't know what an impossible decision is...
I started playing a couple of weeks ago. Only level 15, and I've found playing with level 30's in normal games is a good way to die painfully, but if anyone wants to add me and play some ARAM or something, my summoner name is Khari Darkheart. :P
Finally bought Miss Fat Hands! I know that she's mainly played as a jungler, but is she also viable as a top laner? As my runes are mainly geared for Riven(ad/flat armor/scaling mr setup), is there any major change in them for Vi?
@Jespar: Me and @Thiev play Oceanic, but he's gone until Sunday. So does my sister (@Layna), I'm pretty sure @Tvistor is levelling an account there, too.
@Daklore: If you're TSM, best time to do dragon is 6minutes, they always seem to get it exactly on that time. Or, if you're jungling Nasus, get a pink ward and do it as soon as you hit level 6. Other times, it all depends on how the game is going. If you see their jungler top and their mid base while you're in the bottom half of the map, that'd be a perfect time to dragon. Or if you just managed to make their bot lane b, and your mid laner actually shoves lane and comes to dragon when you ping for it.
tl;dr best time to do Dragon depends on your team. As for Baron, if it's late game, do it when you force them to base or have multiple inhibs down. If they're a shite team, pink ward baron at 16min and do it then.
As you know - or not, but I'll assume you already do - I have sworn to keep a purely-female roster. Now, the bruisers that I already have are Riven and Vi. Are there any other recommended melee female champs who benefit from the usual AD/flat armor/scalingMR rune page? The only other melee I can think of is Sejuani.
AD, Armour, Scaling MR, Lifesteal Quints (or more AD), start doran's blade. 21/9/0 and poke them bruisers down. Whenever they come at you, you backflip and make them cry.
As you know - or not, but I'll assume you already do - I have sworn to keep a purely-female roster. Now, the bruisers that I already have are Riven and Vi. Are there any other recommended melee female champs who benefit from the usual AD/flat armor/scalingMR rune page? The only other melee I can think of is Sejuani.
Fiora, Irelia, Shyvana. Poppy is... not recommended.
Akali is hybrid/AP, Diana is AP, Elise is AP, Eve can be AD but it doesn't really work, Kat can be AD but it doesn't work, Kayle can go AD but is ranged more than melee, any offensive build whether AD or AP on Leona is terrible, and Nidalee can go AD but is ranged more than melee.
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Ranked play info and FAQ for the preseason
Same with Baron... but I prefer to say, "screw baron, we don't need that crap"... unless we've cornered them into an impossible decision and have wards. I've actually seen that situation once and called baron. We couldn't push any other objectives because our Talon blew his load waaaaaaaay too early and we had no good initiate after that. It worked.
If you don't know what an impossible decision is...
I actually had just watched that before I entered the game I was just talking about.
Edit: Why the hell do my youtube videos not auto-embed? I don't know what I'm doing wrong... I just post the link ... right?
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
@Daklore: If you're TSM, best time to do dragon is 6minutes, they always seem to get it exactly on that time. Or, if you're jungling Nasus, get a pink ward and do it as soon as you hit level 6. Other times, it all depends on how the game is going. If you see their jungler top and their mid base while you're in the bottom half of the map, that'd be a perfect time to dragon. Or if you just managed to make their bot lane b, and your mid laner actually shoves lane and comes to dragon when you ping for it.
tl;dr best time to do Dragon depends on your team. As for Baron, if it's late game, do it when you force them to base or have multiple inhibs down. If they're a shite team, pink ward baron at 16min and do it then.
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
Nasus will benefit from that. (Nasus backwards = Susan, therefore he's female)
When Canada rules the world,
things will be... nii~ice.
Akali is hybrid/AP, Diana is AP, Elise is AP, Eve can be AD but it doesn't really work, Kat can be AD but it doesn't work, Kayle can go AD but is ranged more than melee, any offensive build whether AD or AP on Leona is terrible, and Nidalee can go AD but is ranged more than melee.