League of Legends



  • Well... it was about what I expected...


    Finally finished placements, just couldn't close out 2 could-have-won games in the four I played today. Won one, lost three >.> First loss, lanes just got out of control and I couldn't carry. Second loss, team just gave up because they didn't want to wait for scaling. Third loss... we were largely AD and... well, they built armour. GG

    Oh well. Not sure playing more ranked is worth to try and get silver before the season ends or not. I kinda doubt I'll carry myself out of bronze that easily D:
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • Season just got extended for two more weeks, by the way. Ends 11/11.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    i suck at league and i'm ins ilver 2, you will be fine @Daklore


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Misty said:
    Season just got extended for two more weeks, by the way. Ends 11/11.
    Your avatar is an accurate representation, to how I'd imagine a lot of people feel about that statement.

  • I play casually, but I don't have peeps to play with because everyone wants to be a leet LoLer.

  • I do too, Borran. Kids tend to cut into gaming time, so I mainly do bots with a friend of mine.

  • Hm going to try this out. Late to the party but it looks fun. NA server? Okay.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    i play with anyone and everyone. I am bad at winning


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • I just had my first, "I am diamond smurf" game. We ended up going double adc, because, I was higher pick and I called adc before he did. Higher pick > call when there's a dispute. He spent half the game berating me for "being bad, and having no cs" when it was a shared CS lane.

    I don't deny that he did good, but going by his lolking... if he was a diamond smurf, he'd have placed silver or gold in placements and not had the record he already has. Diamond in bronze playing Vayne should probably win the game 80% of the time, right? 4-14... I mean, Vayne can out-carry the freaking team when you're pitting diamond against bronze... right?

    Still, the rest of my team was supportive, because they didn't buy his "I'm diamond" malarky. I still did alright for being a CS starved Jinx. Ezreal even swore at me when I secured a kill he could've had. Hey, I was in the fight too, and I wasn't playing support >.> Rest of the team carried. Ezreal did well enough that their carrying made it a stomp. Possible elo booster? Maybe.

    Still... Bronze I and 89LP... I may be sitting at 1 win away from promo series. Which means I'm likely going to lose my next ranked game. GG
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • In my experience, 90% of the time someone calls "I'm plat smurf, give me mid", as last-pick, they end up doing badly. I assume the actual smurfs just keep quiet about it and play well.
  • That's what I assume too, Blujixapug. Especially in Bronze. If they're diamond, they should be able to carry with any role. Maybe not support... but at bronze, it shouldn't really matter to them what role they get.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • image

    So that's who I play most often.
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • Sometimes ranked can be fun.

  • No Mejai to taunt enemies with? What kind of Lux are you @Rangor.

    Disappoint. :/

  • Warning for headphone users- and others- it can get kinda loud, but still hilarious (also, some pics used are prolly NSFW...

  • LiancaLianca Fire and Spice
    @Trilliana I love the Cho OMNOMNOMNOMNOM!!
    The sweltering heat of the forge spills out across the land as the rumbling voice of Phaestus booms, "I want you to know, the Garden reaction to that one is: What?"
    The voice of Melantha, Goddess of the Seasons, echoes amid the rustle of leaves, "That's the censored version."
  • Just got my first ever pentakill!! I hopped into a short ARAM with @Valden, got Amumu (who I've played... once ever? Maybe twice?), and proceeded to get a penta. Best study break ever!
  • Pentakills in ARAMs don't count :3 >P Congrats! I got my first penta in ARAM with ... Kog'Maw. Quadra kill teamfight, picked off a running Sona with living artillery(his ult, for those who don't remember ability names) for the penta. She was trying to be the scumbag D: I mean, usually in an ARAM, if someone gets a quadra kill and there's more than that person left on the other team, most people will usually run in and give the quadrakill a chance at a penta, simply because they're going to die when the enemy pushes anyway.

    But still, grats! I'm still waiting for my first penta in SR. Quadra, for that matter... Nearly had a quadra once... one of my teammates stole it. No chance of the penta, cause I was dead.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    i'm going to make a ranked team for fnits and giggles. I am mishgul on LoL. Don't be afraid of trying or being bad, will play with anyone. Losing is no big deal to me.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Corki is my freelo ticket, it seems.


    Granted, jungle carried the game really. 3 wins away from silver X_X Now I can begin the panics. At least I can handle a Caitlyn/Annie lane ... but that's probably mostly because of my raka support. I just let the lane push to where Annie couldn't really jump from a brush and stun one of us. Probably could've made a kill or two in lane, but we never. Not until jungle actually got their only good gank on us. Good being they came in from an unwarded angle.

    They were going to leave because Cait and Annie were backing ... so I postured a little forward and baited them back in for the fight like a good little gank recepient. ... Okay, I just fired a missile at them and they seemed to say, "okay, that's it!" Promo series so scary sounding, though D:
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • Addicted to Riven's wall-jumping moves. Battle Bunny indeed!

  • edited October 2013
    ughhh trying to decide between xerath, vladimir (havent played him yet) riven (not played) and orianna! aaaa

    pros and cons?
  • image
    we just rushed mid to see what would happen :P 14 minute game apparently!

    now THIS was a fun game! basically first time jungling, was alot of fun
    another great fun game as kog'maw first time with no deaths i think!
  • @Jespar Riven and Ori are both really fun once you learn their mechanics. Ori can be hard, but a good Ult with lotsa AP = damage galore and such. Riven's all about timing IMO. I started playing Osu! to help with keeping a rhythm (also find flosd on twitch when he's streaming- he mains Riven and occasionally gives tips about how to play Riven)

  • Jespar said:
    ughhh trying to decide between xerath, vladimir (havent played him yet) riven (not played) and orianna! aaaa

    pros and cons?
    Riven is OP as fuck.

    The others aren't half as OP.

    PS. BestRivenNA - actually lives up to his name. Watch him if you wanna learn Riven. (Also plays Lee / Renekton occasionally. People like to ban out his Riven)

  • Orianna's a great team champion and can be brilliant with the correct team setups.

    Vladimiar has high lane sustain and can be easier to get into.

    If you become really good at Riven he can carry the game after destroying his opponents top lane.

    And remember that every champion will fail miserably if you don't have the correct runes+masteries.
  • Just remember: Bunny Power.

  • Orianna probably among the safest mid lane choices, and really strong in current meta as a result.

    She can outfarm, outharass, and her shield is pretty awesome as your ap scales up, or if you max it second against an assassin.

    Her passive is really good for farming/harassing.She's also phenomenal in teamfights, due to her ult. The only cons to her would be that landing her ult is difficult at times. Practising in a custom game or working with a teammate with a targetted leap (Jax, J4, Amumu, etc) help a lot. (If you E [shield] Jax as he leapstrikes in, you can ult right away off that as the ball is sent to him to shield him, as he stuns too, as an example.)

    Tl;dr Orianna very strong.

  • Rangor said:

  • A woman couldn't wield Riven's sword.
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